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This paper explores the consequences of these discourses for the ways that international students are identified and positioned within school communities. My argument is developed in four sections. The first describes my ongoing exploration into the impact of international student programmes in Australia. The second exemplifies my argument: exploring the day‐to‐day experiences of vice principals in two Victorian government state secondary schools as they market their schools, and examining the systemic and ontological discourses played out within those conversations. The third interrogates discourses of identity and difference, neo‐liberalism and naïve cosmopolitanism which I find shape teacher conversations about international student programmes. In the final section, I argue that the impact of the discourse formations implicit in teacher talk about international student programmes has been the objectification of international students and their ambivalent inclusion within the school community.  相似文献   

Universities in Germany show an increasing need for specific information on professional demands encountered and addressed by graduates training to become teachers. To provide information on demands and abilities in teaching graduates, a specialised teacher module was developed in the framework of the German Cooperation Project for Graduate Tracer Studies (KOAB, INCHER Kassel). The scale operationalises a model of teacher action based on guidelines published by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education (KMK 2004; 2000). To test validity of the 40-item-strong scale, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA, AMOS) was conducted. Analyses are based on a sample of 937 teachers in training who graduated from the universities of Cologne and Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, between 1 October 2007 and 30 September 2008. Overall, the results of the first analyses emphasise the scale’s potential to provide insight into the demands for which students should be prepared by their teaching studies.  相似文献   

本文分析了高等教育对劳动力市场压力的一种消极反应——分数膨胀现象,回顾了现有研究对这一现象的认识,并利用某大学1992年-2003年的学生成绩数据研究了该大学在此期间不同年级学生平均成绩变化情况和不同学期课程平均成绩变化情况。得出了以下结论:该大学在此期间整体上没有明显的分数膨胀现象;任选课、公选课和通选课在此期间表现出了较为明显的分数膨胀现象。分析了产生分数膨胀的课程和院系的特点,为采取措施控制分数膨胀的发生提供了依据。  相似文献   

创新视野下的大学生科技价值观教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
科技创新对大学生科技价值观提出了新的要求,有必要以价值观念、价值目标、价值标准和价值取向教育为内容,从强化教育对象的主体性、强化教育理念转变、强化实践教育环节、强化科技价值氛围营造等几个方面,加强大学生的科技价值观教育,以适应创新型国家建设的需要。  相似文献   

This paper will examine how Japanese education policy was articulated discursively from 1996 to 2010 in the semi-annual speeches of prime ministers to the Diet. It will identify three distinct discourses within these policy statements: a progressive discourse emphasizing the rights of individuals; a neo-liberal discourse of social independence and multi-tracked schooling; and a moral conservative discourse of patriotism and social conformism. In the 1990s, progressive and neo-liberal discourses held sway. Discursively, they were centred on key phrases such as kosei jūshi (“respect for individuality”) and sōzōsei (creativity), which were employed in a strategically ambiguous way to satisfy both progressive and neo-liberal demands. In the 2000s, however, right-wing politicians began to push a moral conservative agenda, which emphasized not the rights of individuals but their subservience to the wider needs of society and state. With neo-liberalism backed by powerful business interests, policymakers had to find a way to reconcile these two conflicting viewpoints discursively. They did this by binding the concept of individuality to traditional notions of Japanese identity and national citizenship, creating a hybrid discourse that attempted to blur the fundamental difference in ideologies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a study on the experiences of four Korean heritage language teachers in the United States, specifically the challenges they face and the resources they draw upon for their teaching. We situate our work within the conceptual framework of teacher lore (Ayers & Schubert, 1994) that accentuates the importance of putting teachers at the center of teacher knowledge. Our findings point to the importance of positioning heritage language teachers as bearers of funds of knowledge (Mercado & Moll, 1997) and to the importance of listening to their voice.  相似文献   

As one of the most important sites in and through which state agendas are articulated and disseminated, schools and teachers play critical roles in the implementation of state-driven policies and initiatives targeted at children and young people. This is especially pertinent in the current educational landscape where schools and teachers are vested with the responsibility to address a myriad of public health issues (e.g. smoking, alcohol education, etc.). The work of Basil Bernstein on pedagogic discourse is apposite to understanding how discourses external to the educational field (i.e. health promotion) become re-contextualised to serve educational purposes. Using Queensland's Eat Well Be Active (EWBA) policies as a backdrop, this paper draws on Bernstein's model of transmission context, and examines the discourses embedded within the policies. Through its focus on the classification and framing of the discourses within the EWBA policies, this paper aims to: (1) reveal the potential and expediency of Bernstein's model of transmission context in policy analysis; and (2) unmask the hegemony embedded within the policies.  相似文献   

幼儿园乡土教育的价值及内容选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿园乡土教育是一种利用家乡本土文化、自然、社会中一切适宜的资源,深入幼儿生活,采用多种教学方式对本地幼儿进行的身心浸润式教育,其价值在于传承乡土知识和生存智慧,促进幼儿社会化,培养其爱国情怀、文化包容能力以及民族感情与信念。乡土教育内容的选择要坚持适宜性、生活性和启蒙性的原则,内容包括乡土文学、娱乐、艺术、自然等。  相似文献   

默会知识理论是上世纪60、70年代产生于西方的一种知识论。本文基于波兰尼默会知识论的框架,从默会知识的优先性、语言输入—输出的默会性以及默会知识的基本结构三个方面,揭示默会知识论对儿童语言发展与教育的指导意义。  相似文献   

家庭在"劳动教育整体"中的重要性得到普遍承认,但是在劳动教育实际进行过程中,家庭方面往往会陷入被遗忘而导致缺失的境地.苏霍姆林斯基是苏联时期著名的教育实践家和教育理论家,在其劳动教育思想中,有不少家庭成分包含其中.我们看待苏霍姆林斯基的教育思想,不能局限于学校和教师的视角,而应该拓宽可供使用的教育渠道,整合为大多数孩子...  相似文献   

理欲观是儒家对天理和人欲关系的看法,将理欲作为相互联系而又相对立的范畴加以讨论的始于宋代.朱熹认为天理人欲不两立,“天理存则人欲亡,人欲胜则天理灭.“戴震对所谓后儒持批判态度,否认理欲对立,而认为“理者存乎欲者也.“从朱熹到戴震理欲观的演变,是由明中晚期商品经济的发展,资本主义萌芽的出现,徽商也随之兴盛.正是由于历史条件的变化,作为徽州思想文化代表人物的朱熹和戴震,在理欲观上的演进,体现出徽州文化与时俱进的一个侧面.  相似文献   

Based on the theoretical model of pedagogic discourse proposed by Basil Bernstein, this paper proposes two notions, elaborated ideological orientation and restrictive ideological orientation, to understand the new relationship between the State and intellectuals in China, which is crucial to understanding intellectual practices after the Cultural Revolution in China. The reform has made it possible for the production of discourse in education which is not directly derived from Marxism and Maoism. Such diversification of legitimate positions does not amount to an autonomous discourse in education. This paper chooses the case of an influential journal, Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Educational Research) to illustrate the ways in which the editors of the journal have taken up the role of mediator between the State and authors.  相似文献   

Unemployment in Tanzania and many other sub-Saharan African countries has remained one of the daunting challenges in these nascent economies. Drawing on secondary sources, this article reviews and analyses the employment barriers tanzanian graduates face, with a view to discussing possible counter-strategies. the article reveals barriers to employment which include the choice of field of study, job–skills mismatch, ineffective career guidance, lack of confidence and poor communication skills, ineffective labour market information system (LMIS) and gaps in the employment policy. It argues that addressing these barriers requires deliberate efforts to inform prospective graduates about various occupation options through career guidance. there is a need to review university training curricula in order to incorporate key generic skills like communication and entrepreneurship. this will steer graduates towards self-employment amidst an almost saturated formal labour market. Indeed, a thorough assessment by higher learning institutions of the labour market needs vis-à-vis training programmes is crucial.  相似文献   


Many approaches to explaining educational inequalities relate explicitly and implicitly to benefits of education, and rational choice theories in particular consider monetary benefits. We specify a concept of the value of education that allows for an empirical analysis of educational benefits, considering both monetary and non-monetary dimensions (instrumental goals) outlined in social production function theory. Our objectives include introducing a sound theoretical framework, the validation of an empirical measurement instrument and an analysis of the differences between certain dimensions of educational values structured by social origin, gender and immigrant background. Analyses are based on a two-wave panel study (SASAL-School Alienation in Switzerland and Luxembourg) carried out in secondary schools in Luxembourg and Switzerland. We distinguish four dimensions within the concept of values of education: stimulation, comfort/status, behavioural confirmation and affection. The different dimensions of the value of education are influenced by gender and immigrant backgrounds in both national settings.  相似文献   

从生命教育的角度入手,通过反思"和谐"观所包含的生命主题要素及其作用,寻求大学生核心价值观教育的有效途径。根据生命实现自我超越的四个归宿点,可以在精神和组织层面分别找到生命教育的主题,并以此作为大学生核心价值观建构的基本依托,即通过爱己实现个体生命内在的超越性和谐,通过爱人实现生命主体间的人际和谐,通过爱国实现生命主体间的社会和谐,通过爱天下实现生命主体间的世界和谐。  相似文献   

Debates concerning the nature, purpose and importance of Australian values have resurfaced in Australia following the election of the Liberal-led Coalition Government in September 2013. Two dominant discourses on Australian values have emerged within recent government rhetoric and public policy, both of which have included a demand for changes to how Australian values are taught and encountered within Australian education and schooling. In our analysis, we suggest that the two dominant discourses, one focusing on securitisation and one on Westernisation, have to this point operated separately, but have both focused on narrow, fixed and forced understandings of Australian values. Exploring the key themes of these two discourses, some important issues for teacher educators are set out, including the need to mediate these discourses against research evidence which suggests the importance of holistic and co-operative pedagogical relationships based on trust and humility for effective values education. Though our analysis focuses on the Australian context, the arguments made are likely to be of interest elsewhere given current debates about national values in education across a range of jurisdictions.  相似文献   

This case‐study investigates the impact of personal school experience and initial teacher education on the work of six beginning language teachers. Insights into the thinking and acting of the subjects are gained through an interpretative analysis of their interviews. The findings indicate that one’s own school experience has an important role in constructing practical knowledge during the first years of teaching. Part of this experience is unconscious and difficult to express in words; nevertheless, it has an impact on the actions of the beginning language teacher. Furthermore, the ability of the teachers in the study to use knowledge learned during the teacher education is dependent on their ability to self‐reflect.  相似文献   

Our paper addresses the emergence and evolution of values in educational settings. It builds upon and extends earlier work on companion meanings to develop a theory of the creative use of companion values and meanings in education. The recognition of companion values in educational practices highlight epistemological, ethical, and aesthetic transactions that occur in ways we characterize as ‘other than modern.’ Introducing the idea of educative moments allows us to identify situations where value spheres interpenetrate and interrogate each other in the meaning-making of students and teachers. These moments occur when students suddenly experience companion meanings and values such that teacher and student must deliberate together rather than the teacher dictating some dominating epistemological, ethical, or aesthetic value. This way, it is possible to accommodate critical and creative reflection in education where new values can emerge or evolve. We illustrate the theory by empirical examples from classroom conversations.  相似文献   

School assemblies are unique and important events in the lives of schools. They are an opportunity for a head teacher to shape and celebrate the ethos and priorities of a school. However, the discussion of assemblies has stagnated because it is mired in the debate about legal compliance to the 1988 Education Reform Act and its interpretation in circular 1/94. This article reports on a research project which investigated the ethical ideas communicated in primary school assemblies. It is found that almost all assemblies sought to communicate a form of virtue ethics. We observed the promotion of courage, kindness, loyalty and responsibility. Further, different virtues were emphasised in different schools depending on their social location. For example, perseverance and resilience were often stressed in a school from a low socio-economic area. The article concludes with an examination of the implications of our findings for the discussion of legal compliance to the 1988 Act.  相似文献   

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