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Research into the international competitiveness of the higher education sector has shown that the approaches which management literature has introduced into the business sphere during the last half-century are being more and more frequently applied by successful universities as well. The authors extend the theory of export market orientation to the higher education sector, and explore the association between export coordination, export experience, export market orientation, export performance and the competitive environment in the context of the Hungarian higher education sector. The aforementioned relations are analysed on two subsamples (universities with a top performance vs. higher education institutions with a lower performance in regard to internationalization and scientific research). Based on the results, the authors conclude that export experience is a significant predictor of export performance in both groups of institutions, while export coordination can only explain changes in export market orientation for the group comprising the universities that lag behind in terms of internationalization. They observe, moreover, that the influence of export market orientation on export performance is stronger in the case of top-performing Hungarian universities, and that for the same group, the intensity of competition in international markets improves international orientation.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Existing literature is polarized and primarily conceptual on the topic of student-customer orientation. Research into this phenomenon has failed to realize that higher education as such consists of several different educational experiences and has therefore addressed and studied the issue at too general a level, i.e. at the level of the higher education institution (HEI) as a whole, not at the level of educational experiences that an HEI provides. Based on a validated model of educational experiences, validated student-customer orientation questionnaire [Koris, R., & Nokelainen, P. (in press Koris, R., & Nokelainen, P. (in press). The student-customer orientation questionnaire (SCOQ): Application of customer metaphor to higher education. International Journal of Educational Management. [Google Scholar]). The student-customer orientation questionnaire (SCOQ): Application of customer metaphor to higher education. International Journal of Educational Management] and a survey conducted among business students (N?=?405) in Estonia, the aim of this article is to identify whether in which categories of educational experience and to what extent students expect an HEI to be student-customer oriented. The results of the study show that students expect to be treated as customers in some, but not all categories of educational experience that an HEI offers.  相似文献   

我国现代远程高等教育经过几年试点,取得了不少成效,但其目标定位等深层问题并没有真正解决,必须根据社会发展的需要和其自身的本质特征将其目标重点定位于继续教育和终身教育。  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to assess the role of market orientation (MO), mediated by job satisfaction (JS) and its effect on market performance (MP) in Ghana’s private universities. A sample of 205 senior staff of 15 private universities was selected to participate in the study, using a convenience sampling method. Partial Least Squares (PLS) of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the relationships in the study. The results found a significant positive relationship between MO and MP on one hand; Job satisfaction (JS) and MP on the other. Finally, the study found that JS mediates the relationship between MO and MP. The study provides a useful guide to marketing strategy especially the implementation of MO to enhance performance in Ghana’s private universities. The study has practical application to private universities seeking to compete favourably in a competitive environment.  相似文献   

云南进行高等职业教育输出有其自身特有的地区、语言、教育类型和价格优势。应从改变思想观念,正确定位目标,争取政府支持,充分发挥除政府外的各种组织的作用,加强高等职业院校自身建设方面,提升云南高等职业教育输出的竞争力。  相似文献   

高等教育与市场:问题与框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在高等教育领域引入市场机制,是提高高等教育的效率、质量和社会适应性,扩大高等教育资源基础的有效途径。但是高等教育市场化并不意味着将大学改造为市场经营的主体,也不意味着减少政府对高等教育的财政支出和提高学费。高等教育市场化需要政府和高校采取恰当的措施。  相似文献   

境外消费教育服务贸易是教育服务贸易的一种重要提供方式,而且越来越成为各国开展国际贸易竞争的一个重要领域。在我国境外消费高等教育服务出口贸易中,留学生占本国学生比例小,出口对象主要集中于东南亚各国,学历留学生比例小,出口学科单一。针对这些问题提出了一些对策,以期对我国境外消费高等教育服务出口贸易的发展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

刍议市场本位的大众化高等教育质量观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈啸 《教育与职业》2004,(12):26-28
本文从正确认识高等教育大众化和确立市场本位的大众化高等教育质量观入手,分析了影响大众化高等教育健康发展的两个观念因素。  相似文献   

SERVMO: A Measure for Service-Driven Market Orientation in Higher Education   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
With the intensified pace of globalization and increasing customer expectations, the higher education sector, like other economy sectors, faces increasing competition in terms of serving customers better. Service has been recognized as an effective tool for a competitive advantage. Thus, there is always a need for a more effective way of improving service, specifically in higher education. For this, a strategic and service-oriented marketing construct that is empirically operationalized and tested is deemed necessary. However, this measure of customer-perceived market orientation for service has yet to be developed for academic and practical purposes.

This paper presents the scale development for a service-driven market orientation (SERVMO) in higher education using data from Malaysian institutions of higher learning. The perceptions of senior students were analyzed and the results show that the proposed multi-dimensional construct consists of six components, namely customer orientation, competitor orientation, inter-functional orientation, performance orientation, long-term orientation, and employee orientation. This construct is closely correlated with service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Some key implications and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Substantial discussion has been going on surrounding the potential negative consequences of a customer orientation in college education. A major concern stems from the ideological gap – the perceived differentiation between what the students want and the educators' view of what is in the best interests of the students. A key aspect of the ideological gap pertains to students' short-term wants (pleasure) versus educators' long-term-oriented interests (learning). Inspired by the societal marketing concept, we examine the possibility of closing this gap by means of a desirable educational model that aligns the interests of students and educators. Empirically, an open-ended survey explores student perceptions of a desirable educational model in the context of the marketing discipline. Then, two quantitative surveys show that students prefer desirable over pleasing and salutary models, and that academic motivation moderates their preference.  相似文献   

在产业转型升级、经济体制发展的背景下,职业教育的进步为社会经济发展提供了重要的人才支撑.办人民满意的高职教育,必须坚持市场导向,改革人才培养模式,加强专业建设、课程建设、校企合作,提升社会服务能力,提高就业率.  相似文献   

全球化背景下我国高等教育发展的文化取向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关于全球化背景下我国高等教育发展的文化取向,以往存在“西方中心主义”和“本土中心主义”两种取向。这两种取向各执一端,属于中西对立、体用二元的思维模式。全球化背景下我国高等教育发展的文化逻辑应当是“和而不同”。“和而不同”的高等教育理念追求的不是中西对立,也不是中体西用或西体中用,而是吸取世界上的一切优秀文明成果,构建兼具民族特色与时代精神的新型高等教育。  相似文献   

促进教育公平是中国制定教育政策的基本价值导向。中国高等教育财政政策的基点是增加教育投入,保证机会公平,并已经关注资源利用情况及对过程公平的促进,今后的方向是如何提高产出效率,促进结果公平。对高等教育财政政策的公平取向进行分析,提出构建以公平为取向的高等教育财政政策体系,通过财政政策促进高等教育公平,具有现实性意义。  相似文献   

试论高校体育课程和运动的价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高校体育课程设置长期以来逆人本价值取向的弊端,主要原因在于传统知识观和课程观的影响,以及中国传统文化中现代体育精神的缺失。教育必须以人为本,高校体育课程和运动应体现“以人为本”的教育理念,并积极开发相应的体育课程和运动资源。  相似文献   

高等职业教育作为高等教育一种新的类型,在高等教育大发展的短短五年里,已经成为我国高等教育的"半壁江山"。高等职业教育的迅猛发展,不仅远远超前于办学条件的发展,而且也使得高等职业教育的理论准备略显滞后,因此在高职教育的性质、定位以及特色建设等方面都存在一些模糊的认识和做法。通过把高职院校置于高等职业教育系统、高等教育系统以及社会系统的三个系统中进行分析,提出了高等职业教育的八个性质、八个定位和八个特色建设的问题,并进一步讨论了它们的内涵及内在联系。  相似文献   

在我国高职院校培养目标问题上存在着过分推崇市场价值取向的倾向。界定了高职培养目标市场取向的具体内涵,分析了市场价值取向的合理性及其局限,提出了超越市场价值取向局限性的策略。  相似文献   

高等教育市场化主要沿着削弱财政负担和放松政府管制两个坐标进行,旨在解决的问题是大学的外部治理。在市场化语境下,大学内部治理结构的变化在于,弱化政府财政负担和强化市场配置资源的驱使,大学市场导向成为合意的选择,这就要求大学必须以学生、教师、市场需求为战略导向,并倍加重视战略规划的重要性,避免盲目扩张,定位不清。师生中心论是一个大学发展战略的重要因素,也必须将师生中心论提到战略高度予以重视。更需要信息的充分沟通,即大学的任何决策,都必须首先经过一个意义达成的过程,这不仅象征着教育的民主价值,也是促成广泛理解并使大学目标得以实现的重要条件。这构成市场语境下大学内部治理的鲜明特征。  相似文献   

发展定位和发展特色是高职院校能否生存和是否有竞争力的关键。文章从高职生源、培养目标和毕业生去向三方面进行了分析,认为高职院校应安于其位,转变办学理念,明确职责,加强服务功能的建设;通过特色专业的设置、师资队伍建设和实训基地的建设创设高职院校的发展特色,以加强高职院校市场竞争力。  相似文献   

大学定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育产业化是大学发展的趋势 ,用市场手段解决高等教育存在的矛盾和问题成为必然的选择。大学定位是大学创建品牌与谋求发展的前提。大学欲获得准确的定位 ,应该对高等教育市场、自身状况、竞争对手进行认真分析研究 ,从而确定目标市场。在此基础上制定人力资源产品定位策略与大学的定位策略。  相似文献   

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