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拥有2500多年历史的马拉松是一项参与门槛低的赛事,因而全球范围内参与人数众多,很少有人关注长距离跑精英运动员的训练特征,本文撰写者主要运用文献资料法、数理统计法研究2004年美国奥林匹克马拉松测试赛男子女子达标运动员的训练特征。总结93名运动员的测试结果,主要内容从运动员身体特征和成绩、运动员训练训练情况方面进行分析。  相似文献   

备战第28届奥运会田径女子耐力性项目综合攻关与服务   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
根据在中国国家女子长跑队近两年的科研攻关服务经验,结合实验研究和文献研究结果,对长跑、马拉松项目的训练方法、科学选材方法、训练监控方法、机能监控方法及营养补充方法进行了应用性研究,为第28届奥运会中国女子10 000m.跑项目获得金牌提供了理论支持和科技保障。  相似文献   

论奥运会的全球化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
董杰 《体育与科学》2006,27(2):50-54
本文采用文献法、比较法、分类法、归纳法和演绎法等,从奥运会的举办地点、设项、参赛国家、参赛运动员、组织机构、观众和新闻记者等7个方面的历史事实出发,论述了奥运会的全球化进程,全面、系统、深入地从新的视角审视了奥运会和奥林匹克运动的发展方向,目的是从更深层次认识奥运会对当今社会产生巨大影响的原因,揭示奥林匹克运动发展的内在规律。  相似文献   

运用体育情报学的研究方法,对国际田坛资讯进行了多年的跟踪研究,试图从历史的、科学的和专业的角度对亚洲女子马拉松竞技项目的发展和实力进行分析。本文对亚洲女子马拉松选手在过去7届奥运会上的表现(1984-2008),亚洲女子马拉松选手在世界锦标赛中的表现,亚洲女子马拉松选手近8年在五大赛(波士顿、纽约、芝加哥、柏林、伦敦)中的成绩以及1979—2000年亚洲女子马拉松选手进入年度世界排名前10名和2001-2010年亚洲女子马拉松在世界年度优秀成绩(即2小时30分以内)进行了统计分析,以便在此基础上取得一些启示,为中国女子马拉松成绩水平的提升出谋献策。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse the cultural information on (Olympic) sports presented in Swedish media coverage of the London Games 2012. A starting point for the analysis is that the media plays an important part in shaping a majority of the viewers' ideas about what sport is, and who is a real sportsman or sportswoman. In that way, the media gives cultural information on sports. The article focuses on a quantitative analysis of media representations, exploring how coverage intersects with gender and nationality, and devotes special attention to a comparison between the ways in which Sweden and Britain are represented in the media. The study demonstrates that there was a higher percentage of articles on Swedish sportswomen participating in the London Olympic Games compared to previous Olympics. A possible explanation is that the Swedish gender equality discourse has permeated the Swedish media, influencing it to cover sportswomen more than before. In addition, the cultural information presented to the Swedish readership about the London Olympic Games is, in short and oversimplified, nationalism rather than internationalism; that women, and especially Swedish women, practise sport; that track and field, swimming, handball, equestrian sports and football are very important and that they are performed by both men and women; and, finally, that in Britain, men play football and women are not involved in many sporting activities.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the destination image and behaviours of marathon participants with different levels of behavioural running involvement. This study focused on the Kyoto Marathon in Japan. The survey was conducted on marathon participants. The data of marathon participants was obtained through the Kyoto Marathon 2017 runner survey website. The participants were classified into two groups by cluster analysis – those with high running involvement and those with low running involvement using their experience of marathon events and running history variables. A comprehensive destination image scale was used to assess the practical implications of a sport event. MANOVA and ANOVA were used to test the influence of running involvement on a marathon participant’s destination image perceptions, place attachment, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. These results do not support the role of sport involvement in terms of the key-dependent variables of the study, namely place identity and dependence, intentions to participate in the event again and destination image perceptions. However, the influence of destination image factors and event satisfaction were still evident in their ability to predict sport event tourist intentions to revisit a sport event that is held in the same destination every year.  相似文献   

试析现代奥运会的商业化问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
现代奥林匹克运动会的商业化是当代国际体育的一个重要的社会现象,本文从当代世界经济的背景、大众传播媒介特别是电视网络迅速发展、跨国公司的崛起,以及70年代中期西方世界严重的经济危机等几个方面分析了导致奥运会商业化的主要原因。商业化既给奥运会提供了坚实的经济基础,促进了它的发展,又干扰了奥林匹克竞技运动的正常状态,与奥林匹克理想发展有正反两方面的作用。  相似文献   


Improvements in track and field sports have been attributed to factors such as population increase, drugs and new technologies, but previous research has found it difficult to distinguish the contributions from specific influences. Here it is shown how this is possible by means of a performance improvement index based on useful work done combined with modelling of the annual top 25 performances. The index was set to 100 in 1948 and showed that, by 2012, it had increased in running events to between 110.5 and 146.7 (men’s 100 m and marathon). Underlying global effects accounted for the majority of all improvements (16.2 to 46.7) with smaller influences attributable to an influx of African runners (3.6 to 9.3), and a 4 -year oscillation that arose from staging of the Olympic Games (±0.2 to ±0.6). Performance decreased with the introduction of compulsory random drug testing (?0.9 to ?3.9) the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA; ?0.5 to ?2.5) and fully automated timing (?0.6 to ?2.5). Changes in elite sporting performance since the 1890s are attributable to societal changes caused by the industrial revolution and globalisation superimposed on millennia of human evolution.  相似文献   

运用文献法对奥运会媒体营销现状进行了研究,结果发现:奥运会媒体营销朝着全媒体化和融合化的方向发展,奥运会传播的规模日益扩大,奥运传播的复杂性也与时剧增,奥运媒体营销的成果也日益辉煌。北京奥运会作为融合媒介时代的第一届奥运会,东道主中国的成功组织和选手们的优异表现使北京奥运会媒体营销成为传播史上的奇迹。北京奥运会媒体营销的成功也预示着,在媒介融合时代奥运会传播面临着更美好的前景,奥运传播将给奥运会未来发展带来更强大的推动力。  相似文献   

奥运会媒体运行是实现奥林匹克传播目标的重要支撑体系。《奥林匹克2020议程》及办奥“新规范”与中国“绿色办奥、共享办奥、开放办奥、廉洁办奥”的理念为2022年北京冬奥会媒体运行提出了新要求,其核心是节俭办奥与利益相关方体验同等重要,需要在两者之间寻找最佳平衡点。历届奥运会媒体运行经验、规范以及未来奥运会媒体体验愿景,可为深度理解媒体需求、实现精准而避免浪费的媒体运行提供参考。基于奥运会媒体运行历史溯源、2022年北京冬奥会媒体体验愿景问卷调查、北京冬奥组委媒体运行部深度访谈,以奥运媒体体验为研究重点,系统考察了奥运媒体运行体系中包含媒体后勤服务、奥林匹克信息服务、新闻中心与媒体村等媒体场馆建设及服务的多个子系统的规范与创新,发现专业、便捷、温暖、实用是受访中外记者对冬奥会媒体运行体系的核心体验目标。  相似文献   

本研究基于媒介生态系统理论,运用文献资料法、层次分析法等研究方法,立足于马拉松赛事和传播媒介的基础之上进行深入研究探讨。本研究认为,马拉松赛事媒介传播效果影响因素主要为马拉松赛事管理体制、传播媒介的管理体制及运行机制;马拉松赛事竞技性与体验性相结合、传播媒介的社会公信度;马拉松赛事媒介传播的"市场定位"、马拉松赛事受众者的素养等。  相似文献   

从2008年北京奥运会到2022年北京冬奥会,奥林匹克运动见证了我国经济、社会、文化和技术领域的历史性变革,全球首座“双奥之城”推动了新兴媒体与奥林匹克运动的深度融合,折射出我国国家传播能力提升与传播格局演变的壮阔历程。将我国筹办、举办夏季和冬季奥运会的“双奥之旅”作为一个兼具中国语境和全球视野的历史文本进行审视,揭示全球大变局时代技术与文化在中国的互动与演进,分析奥运传播与我国传媒业创新实践的融合互动,呈现体育传播格局演变的历史脉络。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法分析了“法治奥运”的现实意义和理论价值,阐述了“依法治奥”是历史进步,社会发展的必然趋势。“依法治奥”不仅是保护奥运知识产权的有效手段,更是“廉洁奥运”的根本保障。一流的法制环境促进奥运的成功与发展,成功的奥运呼唤一流法治制环境的保护和支持。为把2008年奥运会办成历史上最出色的一届奥运会,创造一流的法制环境是实现“法治奥运”的重要保证。  相似文献   

开幕式是专门设计的、标志某届奥运会开始的程序化活动,这种程序是以其仪式基本要素所组成的结构为基础的。以开幕式结构为衡量尺度,根据结构—功能主义理论,对二次世界大战期间开幕式的特点和功能进行阐述。研究认为,开幕式的结构主要包括形态结构和意义结构两部分,形态结构主要由时间、空间、器物、角色和行为组成,两次世界大战间,后三者发生了裂变;意义结构则一方面体现在反映了社会变迁和时代各因素的影响上,另一方面,主要体现在其仪式功能上。  相似文献   

采用实地问卷调查法,收集马拉松参赛者在运动参与行为、实物购买行为和人口特征方面的统计数据,使用k-means聚类分析将马拉松消费者细分为资深马拉松追求者、普通马拉松爱好者和社交者三个集群。研究表明,马拉松消费将面临以下挑战:泛娱乐性大于竞技性造成资深消费群体流失,赛事体系层级不清晰造成消费者混淆,赛事运营服务不专业拉低消费意愿,其他户外运动兴起导致消费份额分化,马拉松消费者非理性消费观念广泛存在。预测未来马拉松消费行为发展的六大趋势:以重点人群为目标扩大马拉松消费;科学跑马服务助力消费者持续参与赛事;沉浸体验式消费不断升级;建设马拉松产业载体拓展消费空间;社交媒体互动式消费发挥中介作用;5G开启智能马拉松消费时代。  相似文献   

In 1951, Buenos Aires hosted the inaugural Pan-American Games. On February 25 of that year, a Greek athlete carried a flame flown specially from his country onto the stadium where the event’s opening ceremonies took place and lit the cauldron. The uncertain character of the Greek flame transported to Buenos Aires alarmed many in Olympic circles. Confused and concerned, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) investigated the matter, which led to a rapid succession of policy changes seeking to regulate the use of flames in regional games. The flame flown from Greece to Buenos Aires for the 1951 Pan-American Games sparked an intense debate about the status of the Olympic flame. The IOC’s recognition of the power of the Olympic flame ritual and its preoccupation with protecting it along with other Olympic symbols and terminology reveal the contours of the organization’s ideology in this era and its relations with associated entities. The flame debate also illuminates the push by Pan-American Games’ officials for autonomy. Clearly, Olympic officials recognized early in the 1950s that the globalization of the Olympic flame ritual required regulation if the IOC was to ensure control of this and its other symbolic resources.  相似文献   

奥运会田径项目成绩发展趋势及灰色预测研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以历届奥运会田径比赛各项最好成绩为基础 ,利用灰色理论的GM (1,1)模型方法探讨了奥运会田径项目的发展变化趋势。结果显示 ,从总的趋势看 ,奥运会的各田径项目都呈发展上升趋势 ;从第 2 0届以后 ,男子的马拉松、30 0 0m障碍、跳远、链球等项目 ,女子的 80 0m、15 0 0m、跳远、铅球等项目都略有下降趋势。在此基础上 ,利用 3数据建模预测法 ,给出了奥运会田径主要项目的预测模型和第 2 8届奥运会预测成绩  相似文献   

Interest in staging the Olympic Games waned in cities across the world in the 1970s, given the intrusion of world geo-politics on recent festivals and the exploding costs of staging them. In running the show in Los Angeles, Peter Ueberroth prioritised pre-existing facilities, a new and more profitable means of affiliating corporate sponsors with an organising committee, and maximising revenue from television rights negotiations. His success encouraged cities to re-enter the bidding for Olympic festivals, and when combined with initiatives launched by the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) President, Juan Antonio Samaranch, brighter days for the IOC lay ahead in the 1980s and 1990s. Yet, Ueberroth's legacy was not well managed ultimately by Samaranch, who permitted the enhanced competition among bid cities, and the behaviour of bid officials and some of his own members to endanger the IOC's reputation and autonomy, highlighted notably by the Salt Lake City scandal. Last, in light of the cost of the Olympic festivals in Beijing and Sochi, and its dampening effect on the current host city bidding environment, it seems wise for the IOC and future bid cities to re-visit the Ueberroth model for lessons in cost containment, and like Ueberroth, exhibit a willingness to explore novel, more cost-effective means for cities to host the Olympic Games.  相似文献   

奥运主题口号是奥运联想形成的重要元素,直接影响人们对奥运的态度和对奥运的参与.北京2008年奥运会的主题口号对人文和谐、绿色生态、科技进步的理念进行了高度概括,深刻反映了北京奥运会的核心理念,强调了奥林匹克精神的永恒主题,表达了全世界人民的共同期盼,体现了人文奥运所蕴涵的和谐价值,具有广泛激活人们对奥运联想的基本特征.  相似文献   

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