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Emerging work in the fields of critical cultural theory and feminist epis‐temology suggests ways in which contemporary versions of foundational knowledges have shaped and sustained cultural constructions of “whiteness” that promote the intemalization of dominance among white people in the U.S. Religious educators who seek to nurture transformative educational experiences for white people must work on “unlearning” the racism such constructions support. As a doctoral student in religious education, I propose to begin “at home” to determine how graduate programs in religious education may be contributing to such constructions, and what we can do about it.  相似文献   

This work investigates the effect a Web 2.0 learning environment may have in higher education in adding value to the students’ existing competencies. The major issues that this work examines are whether the incorporation of a Web 2.0 environment in higher education has an effect on the students’ performance and what are the significant factors that should be taken into account in the deployment of these technologies to achieve the maximum possible benefits and whether and how they correlate to each other. These factors are derived from the students’ views on the use of technology in a university course deployment and from the students’ personal opinions about a pilot course in a Web 2.0 learning environment. Although the results indicate no direct effect on the students’ performance, significant factors have been revealed via a thorough assessment, which has been performed in the context of a semester–long course, utilizing statistical process control techniques. The derived factors are namely: “Technology as an educational reinforcement”, “Technology as a tool to enhance comprehension” and “Enhancement of student interest and experience”, while in the second one “Completeness of the educational approach”, “Satisfaction from the educational approach” and “Course demands”. These factors can then form the basis for a feedback processes and a monitoring mechanism for a continuously updated educational process.  相似文献   

Teachers face considerable and increasing pressure in their working lives. Labor intensification compels teachers to work faster, harder, and longer. However, teachers also experience increasing external control over what they teach and how they teach. These processes are increasingly made possible by the “datafication” of teaching, whereby the educational process is increasingly transformed into numbers that allow measurement, comparison, and the functioning of high-stakes accountability systems linked to rewards and sanctions. Although there is no question that being able to use student assessment data to support learning has an important place in teachers' repertoire of skills, “datafication” refers to the use of data in a way that has become increasingly detached from supporting learning and is much more concerned with the management of teacher performance as an end in itself. This article presents two currents of critical thought in relation to teachers' work, labor process theory and poststructural analyses grounded in the concept of performativity, and discusses them as a way of “making sense” of teachers' work and the “datafication” of teaching, with a particular focus on questions of control and resistance.

?It seeks to understand why, despite the pressures on teachers, teacher resistance has seldom developed in ways, at times, or on a scale that both experience and theoretical insight might have predicted. There are clearly significant differences between the two perspectives presented in this article, not least in the ways they conceptualize and explain “resistance.” However, common ground is identifiable and the two theoretical approaches can be bridged in a form that can be productive for those seeking to “speak back to the numbers.” In looking to broker this theoretical divide, I argue that frame theory, rooted within the sociology of social movements, can offer a fruitful way of theory bridging, while also providing the basis for a wider politics of transformation. The article offers several examples of grassroots initiatives formed to oppose standardized testing in England that provide practical examples of this “ideas work” in action.  相似文献   

‘'Learner control'’ refers to the proposal that learners will benefit if given more control over the pace or style of instruction they receive. It is often assumed that providing increased learner control will “accommodate”; individual differences. This article argues that such a view is naive. It is argued that research on learner control will benefit from (a) avoidance of reference to panacea, (b) basic work on a detailed taxonomy of the various forms learner control might take, and (c) a substantial review of related research which, while not labelled “learner control,”; has implications for the educational benefits that can be expected from giving learners control of certain aspects of instruction. Research examples are used to explicate these suggestions. It is concluded that no form of individualization of instruction, including learner control, has yet been shown to erase the relevance of prior individual differences to learning from instruction.  相似文献   

In the context of an educational or clinical intervention, we often ask questions such as “How does this intervention influence the task behavior of autistic children?” or “How does working memory influence inhibition of immediate responses?” What do we mean by the word influence here? In this article, we introduce the framework of complex dynamic systems (CDS) to disentangle the meaning of words such as influence, and to discuss the issue of education and intervention as something that takes place in the form of complex, real‐time, situated processes. What are the applied implications of such a CDS framework? Can we use it to improve education? Five general principles—process laws—are introduced, which can be used to guide the way we formulate research questions and methods, and the way we use the results of such research. In addition, we briefly discuss a project in progress, in which we ourselves attempt to apply the process laws that govern educational activities. Finally, we report about a discussion about the usability of the process laws, both in educational research and in the classroom, as was held during our workshop at the Mind, Brain, and Education Conference, November 2014.  相似文献   

文本社会学是奥地利学者皮埃尔·V·齐马提出的社会学批评理论。他充分地汲取了巴赫金的对话理论、克里斯特娃的符号学,在文本与社会之间、文本各层次之间、文本生产与接受之同、文类体系与社会体系之间构建了互文性。文本社会学将“互文性”作为其理论核心,不仅给我们提供了一种既经验又批判的社会学批评方法,可以成为中国21世纪文学理论多元化中的一元,而且还能为文学研究和文化研究的和谐沟通提供一种精致而有效的理论范式。  相似文献   

作为教育史研究的新兴领域,教育身体史致力于研究历史上教育参与者的身体活动与教育理念、制度、实践等之间的相互关系。当前,教育身体史研究主题涵盖了身体的生理、心理、以及社会文化面向中身体的动态或静态表现;就研究对象而言,研究者更关注教育中的女性与儿童身体。同时,注重对于实物、影像等新史料的发掘与利用,基于福柯规训理论、知觉现象学和具身认知理论,采用隐喻、文本解读、话语分析和影像分析等方法展开研究。未来的教育身体史研究,应该警惕“身体”的模糊性,使相关研究从混沌走向清晰;应该注意对身体进行恰当深描,避免“抑身”或“扬身”的极端失重;在拓展跨学科研究与合作的同时,也要坚守身体史研究的教育立场。  相似文献   

This article is centrally concerned with the sort of knowledge that can and should inform educational policy—and it treats this as an epistemological question. It distinguishes this question from the more extensively explored question of what sort of knowledge in what form policy‐makers do in fact commonly take into account. The article examines the logical and rhetorical character of policy and the components of policy decisions and argues that policy demands a much wider range of information than research typically provides. Either the research task or commission has to be substantially extended or the gap will be filled by information or thinking that is not derived from research. One of the gaps between research of an empirical kind and policy is the normative gap. In the final section the article points to the inescapably normative character of educational policy. Of course the values that inform policy can be investigated empirically, but this kind of enquiry cannot tell us what we should do. There is a role for research/scholarship and more rather than less intelligent and critical argumentation in addressing these normative questions as well as the empirical questions that underpin policy.  相似文献   

后现代主义强调用语言游戏来代替符合论,认为真理是以共同体为基础的,没有客观真理,只有主观真理和相对真理。后现代主义真理观虽有其合理的一面,却存在着不可克服的困难,这使它难以成为主流真理观。  相似文献   

Labels and Labelling in the Field of Educational Leadership   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on theorising based on developing histories of the field of educational leadership in higher education in the UK. These histories are being constructed through the collection of professional biographies of field members, reading the outputs of the field in the form of journals and books, and analysing the papers from the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society. In this paper I focus on how the field has changed its label over the last forty years from “educational administration” to “educational management”, and more recently “educational leadership”, and the link between labels and knowledge claims. In particular I argue that while there is a continuity of knowledge underpinning this relabelling process there is also a mutation in the form of management in education that has become performance leadership in schools. The latter is official government policy and practitioners are being located in an all‐embracing training framework. The paper argues that knowing about knowledge claims and field labels is an important means by which we can control our practice and identities. Through Bourdieu's theory of practice I describe and explain the development of the field and the struggle to be located and to stay located within higher education. By putting Bourdieu to work in this way I also seek to analyse how habitus and field can contribute to the development of explanatory frameworks regarding the power structures underpinning knowledge production.  相似文献   

“人的发明”意味着一个重大的教育学问题,斯蒂格勒为此提供了一种技术哲学解释。通过解读爱比米修斯原则与普罗米修斯原则,斯蒂格勒确立了发明问题的先行缺陷结构,即人的意外悬临必须求助于体外“义肢”。在此基础上,借助现象学方法,通过整合多学科性的技术哲学理论,特别是深描勒鲁瓦-古兰确认的考古人类学成果,斯蒂格勒指认,人是一种“义肢”性存在,“人的发明”乃是区别于动物遗传性获得的“后种系生成”,其隐秘机制即“谁”与“什么”的双重“延异”。教育作为一种“义肢”,与“人的发明”具有深度意蕴关联。“教育即‘人的发明’”这一命题可以在家庭教育、学校教育与社会教育三个层面得到解释,三者构成一种个体生命进阶的教育性秩序,主要表现在个体教育生命原初背景的奠定及其进一步在异质性场域的打开,以及作为一种延展性生命空间的拓宽。随着“义肢”生命助产性滑向对人的本质性奴役,教育必须警惕臣服性技术接受,重视抽象性思维能力塑型,以及强调泛在性具身认知以抵御现代技术的座架风险。  相似文献   

Taking off from the “human capital theory” vs. “screening theory” debate, the paper seeks to distinguish at least ten different causal strands which potentially enter the explanation of the commonly observed correlation between earnings and educational qualification. Debates on this issue are commonly vitiated by two factors: (i) the failure to distinguish between mechanisms which operate in fluid market situations and those which operate in bureaucratized economies with administered careers, (ii) the assumption that there can be a universally valid answer to the question “Why do earnings and certificates correlate?” Various institutional and historical factors cause considerable differences in the relative importance of the ten linking mechanisms in different countries. Of the greatest importance is one general difference between early and late developers. Schools in developing countries are generally less effective in fostering the sort of mental attitudes and abilities which conduce to economic development chiefly because, for a variety of reasons, schooling is more examination-oriented than in richer countries. These crucial aspects of the quality of education are too often overlooked, presumably for reasons which have to do with the nature of the economics and educational professions.  相似文献   

Post‐colonial theories about liminality, hybridity, unhomeliness, and identity form a novel lens through which to re‐theorise educational development work. Applying these conceptual frameworks allows practitioners and the academics they work with the opportunity to problematise some of educational development’s colonial underpinnings and assumptions. They also enable an exploration of the states of betweenness that form educational developers’ identities and impact implicitly and explicitly upon the nature of their changing practices. This paper seeks to read educational development and research supervisor development in particular “against the grain”. It also seeks to illustrate these concepts through some vignettes of my academic development practice.

Les théories postcoloniales portant sur les notions de “liminality”, “hybridity”, “unhomeliness”, ainsi que sur la notion d’identité constituent un nouvel angle sous lequel nous pouvons réenvisager les travaux dans le domaine du développement pédagogique. L’application de tels cadres conceptuels offre aux praticiens, ainsi qu’aux universitaires auprès de qui ils/elles oeuvrent, l’occasion d’envisager les problèmes associés aux bases et pré‐supposés colonialistes du développement pédagogique. Ces cadres facilitent aussi l’exploration des états reliés à la notion de “between‐ness”, lesquels contribuent à la formation de l’identité des conseillers pédagogiques et ont un impact à la fois implicite et explicite sur la nature des pratiques en mutation. Cet article cherche à effectuer une lecture du développement pédagogique et du développement de la supervision de recherche en adoptant plus particulièrement une approche “against the grain”. L’article cherche aussi à illustrer ces cadres par des vignettes de ma pratique.  相似文献   

Student drop-out remains a critical issue facing educational professionals. For higher education, the vast research in the past 40 years has been influenced by the work of Tinto and his model of student persistence. In this model are several elements that have proven to sharpen the focus of student drop-out research such as the concept of integration. The philosophical foundation for these concepts stems from Durkheim’s work on suicide. Specifically, Tinto’s employs Durkheim’s “egotistical” suicide type as an analogy for student departure while attributing students’ departure as a decision to separate themselves from the academic community. However; assigning causation of student departure to students’ decisions stands in stark contrast to the theoretical underpinnings of Durkheim’s work. Durkheim believed that certain social tendencies cause suicides. If student drop-out is to be typified by a certain Durkheimian suicide “type,” then specific social facts must exist in those societies. In this article, student departure in higher education will be examined using Durkheim’s theory of suicide complemented with Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic violence. Egotistical suicide will then be re-examined as an analogy for student departure and the Durkheimian suicide “fatalistic” will be presented as suitable analogy for student departure.  相似文献   

There has been brief but important discussion regarding the concepts of “oppression” and “anti-oppression” in the educational psychology professional practice literature. This article aims to both further and focus this discussion. In particular, the concept of “epistemological oppression” is introduced and the significance it has for the meaning-making and knowledge construction activities of educational psychology practice is explored. A conceptual application of two predominant theories of epistemological oppression, Standpoint Theory and the Three Levels of Epistemological Oppression theory, is made with regard to the psychological assessment of special educational needs (SEN). It is posited that as psychological assessment of SEN is fundamentally an epistemological endeavour these two theories provide a crucial framework through which educational psychologist (EPs) may base reflective practice in order to realise and ameliorate potential oppression. It is concluded that EPs have a responsibility to orient themselves toward the potential for epistemological oppression in their work and help towards its amelioration.  相似文献   

This article addresses the conceptual question “what is lesson study?” as an issue that arises in the context of the globalisation of lesson study as a method for improving teaching and learning beyond its presumed origins in the Japanese education system. To what extent can adaptations of the method in different national settings be interpreted as faithful representations of its practically significant “critical features” in the country of origin? In order to address this question, the article begins by examining the comparative classroom research by Stigler and Hiebert that culminated in the publication of The Teaching Gap. This work is generally acknowledged to have been seminal for the global development of lesson study as a method for improving teaching and learning. Sponsored by the 1997 TIMMS testing programme, the research sought to explain pronounced differences in measured educational attainment between students of all ages in Japan, and the US and Germany. In the process Stigler and Hiebert discovered the extensive use of lesson study in Japanese primary schools as a school‐based research method for securing consistency between learning goals and teaching methods. In doing so, they identified six principles which underpinned the method and pinpointed its practical significance. In this article, the author claims that the principles identified by Stigler and Hiebert can be used as a framework for assessing adaptations of lesson study in the context of globalisation, and connecting it to related methodological ideas that are internationally circulating. In particular, the author stresses links between lesson study, the tradition of classroom action research forged by Lawrence Stenhouse and his colleagues at the University of East Anglia, UK and the theory of variation developed in Sweden and Hong Kong by Ference Marton, Lo Mun Ling and others. Such links can deepen a theoretical understanding of “lesson study” and safe‐guard it against a “cherry‐picking” approach to its implementation in a context of globalisation. The article particularly highlights the importance of understanding the ways in which the organisational cultures of schooling in many countries shape and distort the implementation of lesson study. It argues for the greater involvement of school leaders and administrators in a form of second‐order action research aimed at transforming the organisational context of teachers’ work in classrooms and creating more space for them to spend less time as test data managers and more time as lesson researchers in accordance with the six principles outlined.  相似文献   

This conceptual article explores the notion of educational researchers operating as public intellectuals. To do this, I situate my analysis within a broader tradition of public intellectual work in the American academy. I also offer a framework for three specific forms of public intellectual work, supported by relevant examples, which can be taken up by educational researchers. I then raise critical issues, concerns, and tensions that complicate such work, and conclude by offering suggestions for better linking educational research to the broader public. Although this article focuses largely on researchers working within the university context, particularly tenure-line faculty, many of its insights are applicable to independent researchers, policy analysts, or others working within the broadly defined field of educational research.  相似文献   

New Trends in Swedish Educational Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What new tendencies can be made out in Swedish educational research in the last three decades? Briefly, the following developments are described: In the 1970s, a long‐prevailing emphasis on quantitative research was challenged by a number of different qualitative methods. Traditional sociology of education, meanwhile, was challenged by the new sociology of education. During the 1980s, the dominant trend was a “didacticisation” of educational research, and here two main strands can be discerned, based in phenomenography and curriculum theory. Didactics very soon made its presence felt in educational policy, and in a major evaluation of Swedish educational research the two largely didactics‐based traditions of “teaching and learning” and “curriculum theory” were identified as internationally the most significant. In the 1990s, educational research took a “linguistic turn”—involving a wide‐ranging shift in emphasis towards language and communication—with the result that new perspectives emerged. In addition, the philosophy of education experienced a powerful renaissance, partly as a reflection of the new focus on language and communication, but also in other respects, leading to a reawakening of interest in both classical and modern philosophy (of education).  相似文献   

The article explores some assumptions and limitations of current research about lesbians in physical education. Research has explored the identity management strategies used by lesbian teachers (Griffin, 1992b; Sparkes, 1994; Woods, 1992), based upon liberal and radical feminist assumptions that a “lesbian identity” exists in some essential form (Jaggar, 1988). Materialist feminist theory refuses any “essential” lesbian identity, but acknowledges the social construction of particular lesbian identities within specific historical conditions, illustrated in the work of Cahn (1994). Poststructural theorists (Bryson & de Castell, 1993; Butler, 1990; Pronger, 1990, 1992) also reject the existence of essentialized identities, and argue instead that “effects” of sexualities are continually being performed at the surface of the body. I argue this poststructural assumption, that lesbian identities do not really exist, is compatible with a politics “as if” they existed (Riley, 1988). Finally, the paper calls for a shift in research focus away from individual lesbian identity toward how institutional discourses constrict and construct lesbian identities.  相似文献   

What is Critical Race Theory (CRT) and what does it offer educational researchers and practitioners outside the US? This paper addresses these questions by examining the recent history of anti-racist research and policy in the UK. In particular, the paper argues that conventional forms of anti-racism have proven unable to keep pace with the development of increasingly racist and exclusionary education polices that operate beneath a veneer of professed tolerance and diversity. In particular, contemporary anti-racism lacks clear statements of principle and theory that risk reinventing the wheel with each new study; it is increasingly reduced to a meaningless slogan; and it risks appropriation within a reformist “can do” perspective dominated by the de-politicized and managerialist language of school effectiveness and improvement. In contrast, CRT offers a genuinely radical and coherent set of approaches that could revitalize critical research in education across a range of inquiries, not only in self-consciously “multicultural” studies. The paper reviews the developing terrain of CRT in education, identifying its key defining elements and the conceptual tools that characterize the work. CRT in education is a fast-changing and incomplete project but it can no longer be ignored by the academy beyond North America.  相似文献   

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