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This paper examines the process of the establishment of the Qatar National Olympic Committee (QOC) in the late 1970s as part of a nation-building process. Qatar was one of the British protectorates in the Gulf region having its international relations controlled by Britain. On September 3, 1971, the country's Heir Apparent appeared on local TV and announced Qatar's independence. In the following years, the new Amir started a campaign of nation-building. Sport played an important part in this campaign, facilitating the formation of a national identity. Meanwhile, sports federations in Qatar began to apply for membership of their respective International Federations (IFs). In order to send athletes to the Olympics, the QOC was established in 1979 and it was recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1980. The primary written sources used in this paper are official documents from the IOC, the IFs and the Official Gazette of the State of Qatar. The establishment of the QOC can be seen as part of the process of nation-building experienced by Qatar after its independence. International sports events were used to win international recognition, and investments in infrastructure, sports facilities and elite sport were seen by the Qatar government as an important approach to boost the country's international representation. However, in order to join the Olympic movement and raise Qatar's national flag at international sporting events, the QOC had to revise its Constitution to meet all the requirements of the IOC.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(4):402-416
This paper addressed the following research questions: (1) How do the different event stakeholders view the principles associated with democratic governance (performance, accountability, transparency and stakeholder participation) in relation to planning major sports events? and (2) How informative are democratic governance principles for studying major sports events? An exploratory study of the stakeholders involved in the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games, 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games, and 2015 Toronto Pan American Games was undertaken using 55 interviews. Stakeholders’ perceptions of the principles were generally similar to definitions found in the governance literature (cf. Bevir, 2010, Callahan, 2007). However, this paper demonstrates that accountability, transparency and participation should be divided into internal and external aspects in order to better understand and enact the governance of sport events. As well, stakeholder participation was found to be a central principle, evolving over time and having to be planned and actively enacted to foster an emotional connection with the event. Thus, democratic governance principles can be used to examine the governance system (structures, processes) and stakeholder relationships found in major sport events, and highlight key areas of importance for event organizers and stakeholders in governing this complex environment. A model illustrating the interrelationships between the principles is offered.  相似文献   

我国《奥运争光计划》中的奥运战略与全运战略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑归纳等方法,对目前有广泛争议的我国奥运战略与全运战略实施概况进行分析研究,剖析了两者间的冲突与协调因素,指出协调好奥运战略与全运战略的关系是我国成功实施《奥运争光计划》的重要保证。  相似文献   

国际奥委会与联合国难民署共同倡议、推动并组建了里约奥运会难民代表队,为全球难民治理理念和机制的更新提供了范例。难民代表队有助于提升全球难民治理的能力体系,彰显了国际奥委会的普世伦理与价值,提醒国际社会应加强难民群体的权利救济与人文关怀。然而,难民代表队的组成与固有的奥林匹克理念与框架之间产生一定的矛盾,其象征局限性也离难民安全健康状况的改善存在一定的差距。应进一步发挥体育在促进全球难民治理、推动世界和平与发展进程中的作用与价值。  相似文献   

国际奥委会的改革性文件《奥林匹克2020议程》(以下简称《2020议程》)对奥林匹克运动的改革与发展具有重要的指导意义,对国际体育事业的发展影响重大。以《2020议程》文本词汇为基础数据,以《奥林匹克2020议程:奥运会新规范》《奥林匹克2020议程:改革推进计划》等系列文件为参考,在确定《2020议程》改革理念的题域及筛选原则的基础上,运用词频统计法统计了可持续性、遗产、参与、合作等关键词,依此归纳了5条具有代表性的改革理念:可持续发展理念、以人为本理念、文化教育理念、降低成本理念、协同合作理念。《2020议程》改革理念对于北京2022年冬奥会具有重要的指导意义,结合国际奥林匹克运动要求与北京举办2022年冬奥会的现实,北京冬奥会筹办应持续推进遗产传承与生态文明,着重关注运动员发展与全民共建,稳步建构奥林匹克文化的全媒体传播,践行公平与效率的筹办原则,变革协同治理与开拓创新环境。  相似文献   

我国实行统一而分层次的立法体制,地方性法规作为中国特色社会主义法治体系的重要组成部分,要抓住提高立法质量这个关键,充分发挥地方立法实施性、补充性、探索性功能。《上海市体育发展条例》的立法过程,充分体现牢牢坚持科学立法、民主立法、依法立法的总原则,立足反映群众意愿、满足实际需要、固化特色经验,推动解决实践中“无法可依”的具体问题,切实提升地方立法实效性,为提升上海体育治理体系和治理能力现代化水平、促进新时代上海体育事业高质量发展、加快推进全球著名体育城市建设提供了坚实的法治保障。旨在以《上海市体育发展条例》的立法过程和重点条款为例,探讨实现地方立法实施性、补充性、探索性的方法和路径,以期为地方立法工作提供有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

北京2022年冬奥会的筹办和举办需要按照与国际奥委会签署的《主办城市合同》中的基本原则、运行要求并结合自身特点开展工作。从产品与体验、客户服务、场馆与基础设施、赛会服务、治理、商务和参与等6个重点领域,对北京冬奥会筹办的运行要求和实施进展进行经验总结和理论分析。认为:“产品与体验”是冬奥会筹办的核心理念,客户服务工作应做好分级分类管理,场馆与基础设施工作应整合与配置赛事资源,赛会服务工作要明确各业务口的服务对象与级别,治理工作强调部门之间的沟通与协调,商务与参与工作应实现经济和社会效益最优化。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,随着奥运会利益相关者的不断介入,奥林匹克管理体系发生了天翻地覆的变化。现代奥林匹克运动已经完成了从奥林匹克管理到奥林匹克治理的转型,尤其是在《奥林匹克2020议程》颁布实施之后,逐渐形成了以奥林匹克核心利益相关者为主体的治理架构,奥林匹克运动的5个核心利益相关者包括国际奥委会、奥运会组委会、国家奥委会、国际单项体育联合会、国家体育联盟。奥林匹克治理体系不再是每位利益相关者管理自己事务的问题,而是对各方构成的网络化的全球性治理系统,同时要考虑到它们之间的相互关系。奥林匹克运动和治理体系之间的联系是以人为中心,诸如奥运会选手、运动员、球迷等群体,而奥林匹克治理体系围绕的是各级各类体育社会组织。在顾拜旦看来,奥林匹克主义不可能是个系统,而是一种精神境界。不论我们喜欢与否,奥林匹克的治理前景必须依赖复杂且系统化的网络治理实践。奥林匹克运动的主要目标必须建立在尊重人权之上,只有实现奥林匹克治理的可持续性发展才能实现这一目标。  相似文献   

Background: For some time the Olympics have enjoyed a relatively cosy, and quite unsurprising, relationship with Physical Education and its practitioners. Yet, as academics continue their critiques of all matters Olympic, this seemingly symbiotic partnership is being placed under much closer scrutiny. The debates are typically orientated around several key concerns, namely, the vagaries of Olympic discourse, the implicit assumptions that align Olympic idealism with ‘good’ moral education, the relevance of Olympic values in young peoples' lives, the Olympic industry's politicizing/colonizing of educational domains, and the utility of Olympic ideals for affecting social, cultural, and (physical) educational change. One other discussion thread, which we add to in this paper, has been the (in)congruencies between Olympic idealism and non-Western cultural contexts and educational frameworks. Combined, the scholarly voices essentially encourage theorists and practitioners to approach the relationship between education and the Olympics with care.

Context and curriculum overview: Cognizant of these contentions, this paper exhibits an Olympic education curriculum for first-year undergraduate students enrolled within a provincial Taiwanese University's Liberal Arts programme. We detail three tentative themes around which an Olympic education curriculum might be constructed: Peace, Multiculturalism, and Global sensibilities. These particular themes are concomitant with Olympic idealism, but also align with contemporary East Asian Liberal Arts frameworks. In our curriculum design, the emphasis is on developing an Olympic education that not only introduces students to broader global ideas (e.g. universality and cosmopolitan citizenry), but that respects and reflects national/localized specificities (e.g. Asian philosophical traditions and their legacies in educational institutions).

Considerations: The paper stresses the need to further Olympic debates outside the traditional domains of sport and Physical Education, and continue the challenge to Western-orientated sport pedagogies. Our intention is to create a strong cross-cultural study Olympic-inspired Liberal Arts programme that may better link tertiary students in Taiwan with key sport institutions in East Asia, and also throughout the wider communities around the world. We envision aspects of our course material may hopefully serve as a useful reference for other teachers and provide a blueprint for future curricula that might challenge Western-Olympic education orientations.  相似文献   

从近几届全国农民运动会田径项目设置和规则等方面的变化进行研究,对项目设置存在的与奥运田径项目重复、农民运动特色不鲜明、竞赛组织欠严谨及规则不完善等方面的问题进行剖析,旨在找到符合我国国情的农运会田径项目发展方向:去奥运化;特色鲜明;项目不断丰富;规则完善;为进一步在全国农村范围内开展打下坚实的基础,并为此项运动的主管部门提供参考.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss the changing global sport governance environment in a globalized society. To do so, it focuses on the various international actors who participate in modern global sport governance. Taken into consideration the special global governing features of world sport, the paper aims at discussing the globalization of sport governance in relation to the emergence of the multi-actor perspective in global governance with emphasis given to the operation of the Olympic Movement as the perceived legitimate governing authority in sport politics. Aspects of the impact of sport globalization as discussed in this paper are evident in recent developments in the governance of a number of global sport organizations.  相似文献   

自2000年上海市颁布《上海市市民体育健身条例》至今,国内已出台19部省级全民健身条例。文章运用立法学、法理学相关原理,从立法调整的权责关系、与上位法的同质化程度、倡议性和宣示性条款的比例、立法意欲解决的问题及采取的措施、立法疏漏与修补等五个方面研究19部省级全民健身条例的可操作性。创新立法方式,提高地方全民健身立法的质量。完善立法内容,提升地方全民健身立法的针对性和适用性。健全配套设计,增强地方全民健身立法的实施效果。  相似文献   

自2000年上海市颁布《上海市市民体育健身条例》至今,国内已出台19部省级全民健身条例。文章运用立法学、法理学相关原理,从立法调整的权责关系、与上位法的同质化程度、倡议性和宣示性条款的比例、立法意欲解决的问题及采取的措施、立法疏漏与修补等五个方面研究19部省级全民健身条例的可操作性。创新立法方式,提高地方全民健身立法的质量。完善立法内容,提升地方全民健身立法的针对性和适用性。健全配套设计,增强地方全民健身立法的实施效果。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、数理统计等研究方法,对空手道项目的国际竞争格局与我国奥运备战策略进行研究。结果显示:(1)空手道项目在欧洲、美洲地区发展较好,亚洲、非洲次之,大洋洲地区发展相对缓慢;奥运会首批空手道门票主要分布在日本、伊朗,土耳其、意大利、西班牙、阿塞拜疆、乌克兰等竞技强国。(2)我国空手道备战策略为:顺应国内实体化改革趋势,改变国内竞赛体制;强化后备人才队伍建设与协会自身建设;高度重视体能训练和科技助力工作;加强国际交流与合作,提升备战的软实力;扩大项目推广与普及力度。(3)我国空手道项目竞技水平与世界强国仍存在一定差距,奥运备战主力为女子组运动员。  相似文献   

运用《奥运举办城市可持续发展计划评估量表》,从战略目标总体规划、设施规划、奥林匹克公园开发、基础设施规划等方面,对《2012伦敦奥运会和残奥会遗产计划》进行分析。认为:《2012伦敦奥运会和残奥会遗产计划》中关于奥林匹克城市建设方面具有较好的可持续性;奥林匹克城市发展与城市长期总体规划及其他地方规划具有较高的一致性。  相似文献   

在当前全球化和城市化背景下,可持续发展理念备受关注,对各行各业产生深远影响。以苏州金鸡湖端午龙舟赛为例,探讨在可持续发展框架下,多元主体(地方政府部门、体育赛事旅游企业、赛事旅游者和当地居民)之间的协同治理问题。引入演化博弈理论、利益相关者理论和协同治理理论,建立了多方利益相关者之间的决策模型。研究发现:政府监管力度和执法水平、企业治理行为、赛事旅游者的环保行为和满意度,以及当地居民的态度和行为都会相互影响,形成复杂的协同治理关系。以此寻求体育旅游可持续发展的最佳选择策略,促进体育赛事旅游产业与环境保护的协同合作,为多元主体环境保护提供有效参考。  相似文献   

The Norwegian 2006 national curriculum reform introduced elite sport as an upper secondary school subject. The purpose of this innovation was twofold. Firstly, it was a political move to oppose the national growth of private elite sport schools. Secondly, the new elite sport curriculum formalizes opportunities for students taking academic programs in the school system to combine athletic ambitions and schooling. Acknowledging the multi-layered contexts of neoliberal education policy, the paper illuminates how vested interests in elite sport have strongly affected the elite sport pedagogic discourses in local comprehensive schools. The paper problematizes how the introduction of the elite sport national curriculum might have created some fundamental pedagogical and educational dilemmas rather than merely challenge the growth of private sports schools in the marketplace. The paper presents analyses of data collected from a purposeful sample of 3 local upper secondary schools’ website home pages. These schools are of particular interest as they have established partnerships with the national Olympic Committee’s High Performance Center (Olympiatoppen). By using the principle of decontextualization (Bernstein, 1990), my analyses reveal substantial transformations of the national curriculum texts. In contrast to the national curriculum with its emphasis on promoting knowledge, the schools discursively communicate how they provide elite sport opportunities that follow the national Olympic Committee High Performance Center’s philosophy for the development of young athletes.The paper problematizes how collaborations and partnerships with local schools have positioned the prestigious national Olympic Committee's High Performance Center as a recontextualizer of curricular knowledge (Bernstein, 1990. The structuring of pedagogic discourse. Volume IV. Class, codes and control. London: Routledge; 2000. Pedagogy, symbolic control and identity. Theory, research, critique (Rev. ed.). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield), and thus, affects the schools’ pedagogization (Singh, 2002. Pedagogising knowledge: Bernstein’s theory and pedagogic device. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 23(4), 571–582) of elite sport. Underpinned by the principle of school choice in the neoliberal reform policy, the paper also highlights how vested national elite sport interests and discourses form part of current marketization processes in the school system.  相似文献   

国际体育仲裁院特别仲裁处(CAS AHD)在雅加达亚运会期间仲裁了3起案件。特别仲裁处仲裁庭通过合理运用解释方法填补了《亚奥理事会章程》中争议解决规则的漏洞,对仲裁庭自身管辖范围进行扩大,保障了未取得正式参赛资格的运动员和国家(地区)体育协会的诉权。但仲裁裁决无法从根本上改变有缺陷的争议解决规则。这种有缺陷的规则不符合奥林匹克运动追求善治的趋势,应参考其他区域性大型体育赛事的经验进行修改。第三方体育仲裁机构通过发挥准司法能动性,能够帮助完善体育自治。  相似文献   

This essay presents the evolution of European governance in a parallel symbiosis with football. It describes the EU, this sui generis ‘team’, giving examples, images, dates and events from the world of football. It seeks to contribute to the debate on the changing profile of EU institutions through the looking glass of football ones, as a ‘team’ in the framework of governance and international relations. In particular, it uses the specific institutional example of the Champions League as a source of analogies and regularities for the on-going European experiment. It examines how far EU and football continue to encompass the same joy of accomplishment after the dramatic change in their institutional and political rules of play in an age ruled by the relentless and insatiable pursuit of profit. The paper argues that European governance needs to redefine its integration’s priorities, restoring dedication to and passion for the European project.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、现场观察等方法,对参加十运会女子体操决赛的运动员成绩进行分析,其结果显示:我国女子体操的发展态势较好,涌现出一批全能兼单项型选手;平衡木和高低杠继续保持较高水平;传统弱项跳马和自由体操取得一定进步;今后应加强动作的稳定性和心理调控方面的训练,以期在2008年奥运会上取得优异成绩。  相似文献   

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