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This article investigates the ways in which the reporting of technological developments in artificial intelligence (AI) can serve as occasions in which Occidental modernity's cultural antinomies are played out. It takes as its reference point the two chess tournaments (in 1996 and 1997) between the then world champion Gary Kasparov and the IBM dedicated chess computers Deep Blue and Deeper Blue and shows how these games of chess came to be seen as an arena where fundamental issues pertaining to human identity were contested. The article considers the dominant framing of these encounters in terms of a conflict between two opposed categories—“human” and “machine”—and argues the essential role of human agency, the human supplement, in the performances of machine intelligence.  相似文献   

In their important paper “Autonomous Agents”, Floridi and Sanders use “levels of abstraction” to argue that computers are or may soon be moral agents. In this paper we use the same levels of abstraction to illuminate differences between human moral agents and computers. In their paper, Floridi and Sanders contributed definitions of autonomy, moral accountability and responsibility, but they have not explored deeply some essential questions that need to be answered by computer scientists who design artificial agents. One such question is, “Can an artificial agent that changes its own programming become so autonomous that the original designer is no longer responsible for the behavior of the artificial agent?” To explore this question, we distinguish between LoA1 (the user view) and LoA2 (the designer view) by exploring the concepts of unmodifiable, modifiable and fully modifiable tables that control artificial agents. We demonstrate that an agent with an unmodifiable table, when viewed at LoA2, distinguishes an artificial agent from a human one. This distinction supports our first counter-claim to Floridi and Sanders, namely, that such an agent is not a moral agent, and the designer bears full responsibility for its behavior. We also demonstrate that even if there is an artificial agent with a fully modifiable table capable of learning* and intentionality* that meets the conditions set by Floridi and Sanders for ascribing moral agency to an artificial agent, the designer retains strong moral responsibility.  相似文献   

Along with informed consent, anonymization is an accepted method of protecting the interests of research participants, while allowing data collected for official statistical purposes to be reused by other agencies within and outside government. The Decennial Census, carried out in a number of countries, including the United Kingdom, is a major event in the production of research data and provides an important resource for a variety of organizations. This article combines ethical evaluation, a review of relevant law and guidance, and analysis of 30 qualitative interviews (carried out during the period of the 2001 UK Census), in order to explore the adequacy of the current framework for the protection of informational privacy in relation to census data. Taking account of Nissenbaum's concept of “contextual integrity,” Vedder's concept of “categorical privacy,” and Sen's call to heed of the importance of “actual behavior,” it will be argued that the current “contractarian” view of the relationship between an individual participant and the organization carrying out the Census does not engage sufficiently with actual uses of data. As a result, people have expectations of privacy that are not matched by practice and that the current normative—including the governance—framework cannot capture.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104395
Inspired by Christopher Freeman's work on how radical technical change opens up for shifts in world leadership and on the role of innovation systems in this process, this paper explores China's emergence as a lead country in artificial intelligence as reflecting a co-evolution of Corporate and National Innovation Systems. Taking Freeman's (1987) work on Japan as our lead, we focus on the domestic interaction within and on the openness of China's national innovation system. To follow up on his prediction of the increasing importance of big companies as network leaders, we introduce the concept “corporate innovation system” with special attention to two Chinese tech giants: Alibaba and Tencent.  相似文献   

The notion of “critical making” suggests a new form of design, through which the political qualities of an issue are materialized by participatory means. In this essay I trace and describe this process through the Growbot Garden project—a design project directed at reimagining agricultural technologies to support small-scale agriculture. Through a discussion of this project I draw out the ways that politics were actively projected onto and through artifacts by the participants. In effect, these artifacts were a material expression of their desires and commitments. By creating these artifacts, the participants enacted a novel mode of “doing” political design as a collaborative and public endeavor of articulation.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary introduction to postevolutionary performance artist Stelarc and aspects of some human-technology hybrid tropes in which he works: Obsolete Body Suspensions with hooks in the skin; an expanding, beeping, Stomach Sculpture, which he ingested and filmed; the “Ping Body” event during which his limbs (arm, leg) were controlled with electric stimulation by an Internet audience, while simultaneously Stelarc controlled a prosthetic robotic “Third Hand” with repurposed muscles in his abdomen and leg; and a tissue-culture installment under the skin of his forearm—his Third Ear—which is meant to contain a microphone and relay audio to an online audience. The article reviews critical contexts such as cyberpunk literature, biological and data networks, embodiment, scientific practices, electric body manipulation, and aesthetic and interpretive concerns. It closes with an account of the author's personal encounter with Stelarc at a dinner party, and the role of emotions, such as fear, in postevolution.  相似文献   

We theorize that organizing learning activities in high-technology firms differs from those in conventional manufacturing. Using controls, we found empirical support for our hypotheses, which are due to market turbulence. High-technology-driven firms had to face a rapidly changing, highly volatile environment with disruptive and destructive changes. Inspired by our findings, we suggest an extension to the Burns and Stalker's idea of the “organic” firm—a neural firm paradigm in interpreting people–technology interactions. For high-technology firms having to cope with market turbulence, we argue for “plasticity” in organizing.  相似文献   

In this article we examine contributions to Wikipedia through the prism of two divergent critical theorists: Jürgen Habermas and Mikhail Bakhtin. We show that, in slightly dissimilar ways, these theorists came to consider an “aesthetic for democracy” (Hirschkop 1999) or template for deliberative relationships that privileges relatively free and unconstrained dialogue to which every speaker has equal access and without authoritative closure. We employ Habermas's theory of “universal pragmatics” and Bakhtin's “dialogism” for analyses of contributions on Wikipedia for its entry on stem cells and transhumanism and show that the decision to embrace either unified or pluralistic forms of deliberation is an empirical matter to be judged in sociohistorical context, as opposed to what normative theories insist on. We conclude by stressing the need to be attuned to the complexity and ambiguity of deliberative relations online.  相似文献   

京津冀地区近年来面临严重的环境污染问题,而地方环保立法又各自为政,尽管数量庞大但内容缺乏协调。因此,构建京津冀区域环保立法协同机制成为必然选择,同时也是符合《宪法》《立法法》以及《环境保护法》的可行选择。通过借鉴国外先进经验,可以尝试对京津冀区域环保立法在横向及纵向立法方面构建科学合理的协同机制,提升京津冀协同发展的法治化进程。  相似文献   

Psychological factors have been widely used in existing empirical studies to understand individuals’ decisions regarding HIV disclosure. However, limited studies have examined disclosure by applying a comprehensive interpersonal communication framework to understand information behaviors relevant to disclosing one's HIV status, including seeking information and sharing information. Thus the mediating role of information flow and its relationship with disclosure uncertainty for those living with HIV have been largely overlooked. We propose an integrated conceptual framework to connect the antecedent factors of disclosure decision-making, the potential route of the disclosure process, and the consequences of disclosure through integrating components from key interpersonal communication theories including the theory of communication privacy management and social influence theory and adding mediating mechanisms of “uncertainty” and “information behaviors.” Applying interpersonal communication theory and a comprehensive information management model to HIV disclosure may offer novel opportunities to support individuals living with HIV through the development of theory-based disclosure interventions to facilitate this complicated but critical process.  相似文献   

To what extent should humans transfer, or abdicate, “responsibility” to computers? In this paper, I distinguish six different senses of ‘responsible’ and then consider in which of these senses computers can, and in which they cannot, be said to be “responsible” for “deciding” various outcomes. I sort out and explore two different kinds of complaint against putting computers in greater “control” of our lives: (i) as finite and fallible human beings, there is a limit to how far we can acheive increased reliability through complex devices of our own design; (ii) even when computers are more reliable than humans, certain tasks (e.g., selecting an appropriate gift for a friend, solving the daily crossword puzzle) are inappropriately performed by anyone (or anything) other than oneself. In critically evaluating these claims, I arrive at three main conclusions: (1) While we ought to correct for many of our shortcomings by availing ourselves of the computer's larger memory, faster processing speed and greater stamina, we are limited by our own finiteness and fallibility (rather than by whatever limitations may be inherent in silicon and metal) in the ability to transcend our own unreliability. Moreover, if we rely on programmed computers to such an extent that we lose touch with the human experience and insight that formed the basis for their programming design, our fallibility is magnified rather than mitigated. (2) Autonomous moral agents can reasonably defer to greater expertise, whether human or cybernetic. But they cannot reasonably relinquish “background-oversight” responsibility. They must be prepared, at least periodically, to review whether the “expertise” to which they defer is indeed functioning as he/she/it was authorized to do, and to take steps to revoke that authority, if necessary. (3) Though outcomes matter, it can also matter how they are brought about, and by whom. Thus, reflecting on how much of our lives should be directed and implemented by computer may be another way of testing any thoroughly end-state or consequentialist conception of the good and decent life. To live with meaning and purpose, we need to actively engage our own faculties and empathetically connect up with, and resonate to, others. Thus there is some limit to how much of life can be appropriately lived by anyone (or anything) other than ourselves.  相似文献   

数字化时代背景下,数字技术的成长速度正在赶超人类社会的发展速度,关于数字技术重塑物理世界所引发的人与技术关系异化问题,已然成为当代技术管理研究的首要“攻坚战役”。在这场逆向塑造过程中,数字技术凭借开放性、可供性与自生长性共同作用的重构能力,逐渐获得脱离于社会经济系统而独立构建的力量。具体表现为数字化技术形态由“小圈子”“大生态”向“智能社会”演进,数字化技术靶向由“粗放”“精准”向“重构”转变。进一步地,通过数字技术逆向塑造现实世界,构建了“人与技术关系倒置”的解释框架,以及阐述了数字技术驱动下的“数字脚本-数字模块-数字生态-数字世界”的重塑路径,为深入了解数字技术逆向塑造物理世界的内在机理和实现路径提供了新见解。  相似文献   


According to a recent survey by the HR Research Institute, as the presence of artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly common in the workplace, HR professionals are worried that the use of recruitment algorithms will lead to a “dehumanization” of the hiring process. Our main goals in this paper are threefold: (i) to bring attention to this neglected issue, (ii) to clarify what exactly this concern about dehumanization might amount to, and (iii) to sketch an argument for why dehumanizing the hiring process is ethically suspect. After distinguishing the use of the term “dehumanization” in this context (i.e. removing the human presence) from its more common meaning in the interdisciplinary field of dehumanization studies (i.e. conceiving of other humans as subhuman), we argue that the use of hiring algorithms may negatively impact the employee-employer relationship. We argue that there are good independent reasons to accept a substantive employee-employer relationship, as well as an applicant-employer relationship, both of which are consistent with a stakeholder theory of corporate obligations. We further argue that dehumanizing the hiring process may negatively impact these relationships because of the difference between the values of human recruiters and the values embedded in recruitment algorithms. Drawing on Nguyen’s (in: Lackey, Applied Epistemology, Oxford University Press, 2021) critique of how Twitter “gamifies communication”, we argue that replacing human recruiters with algorithms imports artificial values into the hiring process. We close by briefly considering some ways to potentially mitigate the problems posed by recruitment algorithms, along with the possibility that some difficult trade-offs will need to be made.



During the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing and related commercial activities led to the evolution of “dense cores” of heavily populated areas. Fundamental to the operation of these industrial‐commercial cores was the development of service activities—banking, risk‐bearing, legal services—which depended on rapid exchange of information or quick “cycle times of information” for effective decision making and allocation of resources. As these cores radiate resources away from the central body toward less populated areas, the need for short cycle times of information in rural areas has become apparent. For example, modem agriculture is an enterprise that requires short time cycles of information exchange. The technology for building computer‐based information networks to facilitate the desired rapid transfer of information exists. However, the installation of hardware linked by reliable, cost‐effective communications networks is only in the beginning stages. One computer‐based information network that has successfully met the challenges of rapid transfer of agricultural management information to farmers is the University of Nebraska's AGNET system.  相似文献   

Throughout this paper data have been presented showing that the apparent inconsistency of the reported dielectric strength behavior of insulating liquids can be satisfactorily correlated if proper consideration be given to the state of the “purity” of the liquid itself. As a result it is suggested that insulating liquids should be classified as (a) “pure,” indicating those liquids free from dissolved gases as primary “impurities”; and (b) “impure,” including those liquids which contain dissolved gas. The breakdown mechanism depends on the distinctive behavior of these two general classes. “Pure” liquid breakdown is a function of charged particle formation. In part, this may be caused by the assumption of a charge by molecular aggregates, colloidal-like in nature. In part, the charge may arise from molecular ionization by collision. The latter occurs chiefly in the voltage range immediately preceding electrical rupture and is the chief cause of “pure” liquid insulation failure. The presence of the first type of charge—that is, the existence of a difference of potential between molecular aggregates and the liquid—is chiefly responsible for the variation in the time factor to breakdown.The breakdown of “impure” liquids is a function of dissolved gas elimination. This dissolved gas is eliminated as a result of changing solubility produced (a) by electro-striction effects, or (b) by changing pressure or temperature. The presence of secondary impurities such as dust particles and fibers, acts chiefly through the effect on increasing gassing tendencies.It is suggested further that the localization of dielectric breakdown in liquids, irrespective of the type or degree of “purity,” is chiefly in the “neutral membrane” located near the electrodes and formed by the discharge of particles. Such a “neutral membrane” results in a space charge effect giving marked drop in potential and as a result promoting ionization by collision effects in “pure” liquids and electro-striction effects in “impure” liquids.  相似文献   


Just as the introduction of advanced information technologies—computers, telecommunications, microform systems, video and audio devices—into the realms of business, agriculture, education, various social services, and science has had a decided impact on those vital activities, so are these “tools” and their related methodologies having an effect on emergency management. The growing complexity of our society is necessitating changes in many institutions and processes, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. One approach to enhancing governmental preparedness, both at the federal and state‐local levels, is through the selective utilization of devices and networks which facilitate and improve the collection, storage, processing, and dissemination of information vital to those who must anticipate and cope with a range of disasters.  相似文献   


One facet of the Information Revolution in which the nation finds itself involves the utilization of computers, video systems, and a variety of telecommunications capabilities by those who must cope with emergency situations. Such technologies possess a significant potential for performing emergency public education and transmitting key information that is essential for survival. An “Emergency Public Information Competitive Challenge Grant,” under the aegis of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has sponsored an effort to use computer technology—both large, time‐sharing systems and small personal computers—to develop “computer games” which will help teach techniques of emergency management to the public at large.  相似文献   

Research into hyperlink interaction patterns has been particularly interested in whether they integrate the online space or segregate it into “echo chambers.” Concentrating on contentious politics in national settings, the existing studies have mainly examined the relationships between domestic actors, mostly bloggers. This study seeks to expand the focus by including several actor types, allowing their connective actions to reach beyond national borders, and employing a comparative approach that contrasts high- with low-contentious contexts. Analyzing climate change hyperlink networks originating in the US and Switzerland, the results show that their transnational dimension plays a crucial role in polarizing the discourse, regardless of the specific political context. We find similar patterns that segregate climate advocates from skeptics and lead to distinct transnational relationships within the camps. The results demonstrate that countermovement actors in particular are able to forge strong transnational alliances.  相似文献   

在“大国竞争”背景下,337调查扩大了中美两国在知识产权领域的摩擦风险。本文从“美国优先”的视角讨论了337调查“保护美国国内产业”的本质,分析了“中国崛起”下的涉华337调查现状,并结合对中美“不对称”竞争格局以及美国相关政策的探讨,预测未来337调查的发展趋势。本文认为,涉华337调查数量仍会居于全球首位,而未来需要重点关注的领域则是5G通信、人工智能和生物医药等行业。最后,本文从政府层面提出相应的政策建议,旨在帮助企业顺利完成“走出去”战略和提升我国在国际知识产权保护体系中的话语权。  相似文献   

In 2009, the United States Air Force aired a series of science fiction-themed recruitment commercials on network television and their official YouTube channel. In these advertisements, the superimposition of science fiction imagery over depictions of Air Force operations frames these missions as near-future sci-fi adventure, ironically summarized by the tagline: “It’s not science fiction. It’s what we do every day.” Focusing on an early advertisement for the Air Force’s Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle, this essay explores how themes essential to the science fiction genre play a role in influencing contemporary attitudes about autonomous and semi-autonomous robotic weapons, as well as the way in which the aesthetic and functional qualities of these advanced technologies are used to frame moral arguments about their use. As a reconfiguration of the near-future battleground in the guise of science fiction, the “Reaper” ad reveals the way in which science fiction has come to serve as a functional-aesthetic benchmark and cultural sounding board, against which “every day” technologies can be measured and claims about their value, ethos, and social appeal are made. This essay explores the ethical entanglements between science fiction film and video games, and military technology, and the complex role science fiction plays in influencing public attitudes towards military technologies.  相似文献   

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