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Modern football, especially soccer, was the product of a fusion of ideas from both the public schools and wider society. In the period between 1830 and 1859 there were far more football teams outside the public schools than those within it, and while the ideas stemming from public schools were important in terms of the code that was established to regulate the game it was only when they were fused and applied with concepts from the wider society that they gained both effectiveness and popularity. The principal creator of this code was the football club at Sheffield, an organization that was easily the most influential and important in the period prior to 1870.  相似文献   


In 1990, the Victorian Football League (VFL) became the Australian Football League (AFL) in a symbolic gesture to mark its continuing, although fragmented, national expansion. This commercially strategic move solidified the League’s enduring transition from a parochial competition of Melbourne and its suburbia to a clinically managed franchise business with a nationwide reach and an under-surface global ambition. In this paper, the continual yet not strictly linear development of the League is positioned as an interaction and, at times, a tension between locality and globality, from which to reflect on the stories of Billy and Steph – two AFL followers separated by a generation and differing life experiences. The paper chronologizes neither the VFL/AFL transition nor the two narratives but instead juxtaposes memories and present-day football encounters of the two fans, illuminating creative personal engagements with the League’s perpetually in-flux structures and offering insights into intimate meanings and utilities of community, belonging, and commodity within the AFL spectatorship culture.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、访问调查等方法,对2008年1月—2月在广西南宁冬训的16支球队的345名运动员45名教练员做为研究对象,通过实地调查研究,了解和分析我国青少年女子足球队的现状,并探讨我国青少年女足队伍存在的问题。  相似文献   

中国女子足球运动的发展及面临的挑战   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
采用文献资料法、调查统计等研究方法,分析了中国女子运动开展的状况,揭示了中国女子足球队所取得的成绩、荣誉,及对世界女子足球运动发展所作出的贡献;同时,指出了中国女子足球运动所面临的种种困难与挑战。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法讨论职业足球、社会足球和校园足球的关系。认为:校园足球不仅可以为职业足球培养后备人才,还能丰富社会足球的人员组成结构;职业足球可以为社会足球和校园足球提供相应的指导;社会足球可以营造"足球热"气氛,使更多的人参与进来,扩大足球人口;促进足球产业发展,繁荣足球市场,为职业足球更好的发展提供了基础,并扩展校园足球的发展空间。  相似文献   

In 1948, the American Military Government worked with Swiss soccer officials to organise Germany's first post-war international matches, three simultaneous German–Swiss intercity games. The American occupation authorities viewed these games as part of their broader efforts to help teach Germans about democracy, as a way for the international community to begin the process of reaccepting Germany and as a way to raise funds for charitable purposes tied to the reconstruction efforts. These games received tremendous popular support in Germany and Switzerland from football officials, the general public and the press. These German–Swiss games also facilitated Germany's return to the international community by forcing one of the most powerful international sport federations to address Germany's exclusion. Through a combination of materials from military governments, football federations and the press, this article examines how states used the internationalism of sport to obtain diplomatic aims. With these three intercity matches, football provided a venue for Germans to participate in relations with other countries while Germany itself remained excluded from the traditional international relations of diplomats.  相似文献   


In September 1921, two representative women’s teams played association football (soccer) on the Brisbane Cricket Ground in Queensland, Australia. The crowd size, approximately 10,000, was not commensurate with those attending matches featuring Dick, Kerr Ladies in England during the same period, but it was nonetheless a significant crowd at a match now widely acknowledged as Australia’s first public game of women’s association football. New evidence suggests it may have been the first between representative female association football sides, with players selected from local teams.

Contemporary accounts note the match as a single event. Regular organised competition did not occur until the early 1970s, but led to the formation of a national association in 1974. An overview of current literature and new archival research highlights the emergence of a strong culture around woman’s association football that begins before the Brisbane Cricket Ground match. The evidence presents a possible imbalance between what occurred and what has been recorded, and suggests a much more prolonged, if somewhat fragmented, engagement with association football between 1921 and 1933 in southern Queensland. The emergence of competition in Brisbane in the 1920s foregrounds the city’s – and, with it, Queensland’s – contribution to the history and development of Australian women’s football.  相似文献   

在第一届世界女子足球锦标赛上,各队均热衷于进攻,普遍呈现出重攻轻守的趋向,以致26场比赛共射进99个球。本文依据统计数据,较详细地剖析了进球多的原因及进球的时间、方法、区域等。  相似文献   


Australia has participated in the world-wide growth of women’s football particularly since the 1970s, but long before that the game was played recreationally and competitively by women in Australia. Women have struggled to overcome active opposition to their taking part in the sport and neglect of their achievements which are considerable. This article provides an outline of the history of the game both nationally and in its international context. It also tries to capture the experience of some of the pioneers of the women’s game and its modern practitioners, revealing some of the ways in which overt and covert discrimination still hinders recognition of their achievements.  相似文献   

杨进 《湖北体育科技》2008,27(2):133-135
青少年女足运动的发展是我国女足运动开展的基础,从可持续发展的可持续性原则、公平性原则和共同性原则多方面剖析影响我国女足后备人才可持续发展影响因素,并提出相应对策,为青少年女足运动的发展提供有益的帮助和参考。  相似文献   

What are the most surprising, most impressive and most exciting matches in the history of the highest division of English football? Fans, clubs, critics and broadcasters often attempt to interpret and compare the outcomes of football matches. This can be useful as a means of building a reputation for and interest in a particular club, match or competition. However, such analysis is often subjective with fan bias, personal preference and the prize on offer influencing expectation and interpretation of the results. In this paper statistical measures are developed to identify the most surprising, most impressive and most exciting outcomes from an objective ex post point of view. To achieve this it is assumed that goal scoring in soccer can approximately be considered as a Poisson process. First, the most surprising outcomes are estimated as those with the lowest Poisson probability to occur. Second, the most impressive outcomes are identified by their so-called Skellam percentile position. This measure varies between 0 and 1 and has a close relationship with the p-value in statistical testing. Finally, the most exciting match is identified by measuring the variability in the win expectancy during a match.  相似文献   

中国女足发展之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以多年国家及俱乐部女足队的从教经历,通过总结国家女子足球队的得失,分析国家女子足球队的技术风格和发展趋势,为中国女子足球今后的健康发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s several Fijians have entered rugby union competitions in Japan, attracted predominantly by the financial incentives offered by large corporations who dominate Japanese rugby. In Japan, Fijians face numerous economic, demographic and sociocultural experiences that challenge the vaka i taukei (the ‘traditional’ Fijian way of life). Migration thus becomes a lens through which Fijians review their identity and place in the world. This paper discusses the sociocultural complexities that underpin critical migrant perspectives on the communal patterns that dominate the Fijian way of life. Based on research conducted in Fiji and Japan, this contribution provides an anthropological perspective on transnational Pacific Islander rugby mobility. It pays particular attention to aspects of sociocultural transformation – a theme previously neglected in scholarship on Pacific Islanders in professional rugby.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等,对西班牙足球发展历程进行回顾与梳理,认为西班牙足球经历了历史发展的4个重要时期,即二战前的发轫时期(1945年前)、佛朗哥政治足球时期(1946年至1975年)、民主化时代的变革(1976年至2000年)、新千年后的崛起(2001年至今)。并且认为促成西班牙足球走向崛起的成功因素包括:文化层面,民族文化的独特性、多元性与碰撞性是西班牙走向“艺术足球”顶峰的内部核心动力;管理层面,民主化背景下足球管理体制、足球法制、利益分配机制的改革促使西班牙足球走向制度治理;人才层面,西班牙大众足球基础的夯实以及青少年足球训练体系的改革与科学化构建是西班牙足球走向崛起的人才保障。  相似文献   

刘书强 《体育科研》2018,(3):81-85,91
对上海青年女子足球运动员个性及竞赛焦虑情况进行测试,并对测试中发现的个性特质忧虑性和紧张性较高以及特质焦虑水平较高的运动员使用生物反馈仪进行放松训练。结果表明,生物反馈训练中,音乐放松和指导语加音乐放松训练可以有效地提高运动员的皮肤温度,降低皮肤导电性,改善脑电α波、θ波和SMR波,且指导语加音乐放松的训练方式更加有效。结论:利用生物反馈训练仪可以调节女足运动员自主神经及大脑皮质功能,特别是指导语加音乐放松能良好地调节运动员心理状态及情绪状态。  相似文献   

In the light of the republication of my original article on ‘Football hooliganism in England before 1914’ in the volume Sports History: Critical Concepts, edited by Wray Vamplew and published by Routledge in 2014, I offer here a belated reply to the counter-critique of my arguments given by Patrick Murphy, Eric Dunning and Joseph Maguire in their article in the International Journal of the History of Sport in 1998. I regard this debate as still relevant to the academic discussion of the history of association football, particularly the concern about the social and historical origins of football hooliganism within an English context, despite the topic being rather less fashionable than it once was. I believe that my original article, and this reply to Murphy, Dunning and Maguire, make a contribution to the ongoing debate within sports history over the relevance of using particular forms of sociological theory (in this case, Norbert Elias' concept of a ‘civilising process’ operating in European history from the middle ages) to explain historical phenomenon. This paradigm, it is argued, distorts the historical interpretation of sport by the use of such a priori sociological arguments.  相似文献   

通过对第9届全运会女子足球决赛进球时段的统计数据分析,对我国优秀女足比赛进球时段的规律进行研究,结果表明六个进球时段可划分为三个进球时期,分别为进球的低潮期、主流期和高潮期.对各时期进球的原因及进球特点进行了相关分析,为教练员今后有针对性指导比赛和训练提供了一些参考性信息.  相似文献   

安徽青年女足参加第11届全运会女子足球青年组预赛,在小组赛中取得1胜3负的成绩,最终失去了参加复赛的资格。本研究通过专家访谈法、观察统计法,从分析安徽青年女足备战全运会预赛的训练过程入手,对安徽青年女足备战第11届全运会各训练阶段进行观察、统计和分析,探讨其备战此次预赛的阶段训练安排、实施过程及存在的问题,希望对安徽女足在下1个4年训练周期中取得优异的成绩有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国国家女子足球队运动员比赛心率特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用心率表对中国女子足球队备战2007年女子足球世界杯系列热身赛的比赛心率进行了测量,对中国女子足球队运动员全场比赛、上下半场比赛、中场休息时的心率和比赛不同时段的心率特点进行了分析.研究表明,中国女子足球队运动员比赛负荷强度较高;不同位置运动员比赛负荷强度不同;上半场的比赛负荷强度高于下半场;不同时段的比赛负荷强度不同;中场休息时的心率与上半场比赛心率存在显著相关关系,以中场休息平均心率为自变量建立的回归方程和回归系数都显著.  相似文献   

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