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This article argues that the social practice of learning (SPL), involving life-long learning, meta-learning, deep reflection, and dialogue in a community, should be the distinguishing knowledge base of schools in the twenty-first century. This article also analyses the strategies and challenges of the recent education reforms in Singapore through the lens of an SPL education paradigm. Although the Singapore government has done much to train teachers, trim syllabi and introduce new ways of teaching and learning, such as project work, the real challenge is to go beyond the provision of structural changes to the substance of the epistemological reform.  相似文献   

我国教育学界对教育理论与实践关系的研究在近些年又有了新的进展.学者们对二者关系的认识可分为若干类型,如统一说、主体说、指导说、张力说和滋养说等.同时,学者们也努力跳出教育学的思维框架.借鉴和采用哲学、社会学、历史学和文化学等其他学科视角,甚至运用后现代主义的观点来分析这一问题产生的原因和对策.这些研究也体现出新的特点和趋势,如力图打破二元对立思维、开始重视体制性因素、努力寻求研究范式的变革等.  相似文献   

Engineering lies at the interface between science on the one hand and society on the other. It is concerned with the systematic application of scientific and mathematical principles towards practical ends for the benefit of people. Traditionally the emphasis in engineering education has been on the scientific side, with students given a thorough grounding in the basic scientific and mathematical principles underpinning their discipline. However, the constraints on engineering problem-solving today are increasingly not technical, but rather lie on the societal and human side of engineering practice. These changes require new approaches within the curriculum and by promoting active learning and encouraging students to experiment and be more creative, eLearning is one of an important number of strategies for achieving the paradigm shift that is required.  相似文献   

African higher education: Challenges for the 21st century   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
African higher education, atthe beginning of the new millennium, facesunprecedented challenges. Not only is thedemand for access unstoppable, especially inthe context of Africa's traditionally lowpostsecondary attendance levels, but highereducation is recognized as a key force formodernization and development. Africa'sacademic institutions face obstacles inproviding the education, research, and serviceneeded if the continent is to advance.Generalizing about a continent as large anddiverse as Africa is difficult. Yet there aresome common elements – and there are certainlysome common challenges. In our discussion, weare not generally optimistic either inanalyzing the current reality in much of Africaor in pointing to future prospects. The fact isthat African universities currently function invery difficult circumstances, both in terms ofthe social, economic, and political problemsfacing the continent and in the context ofglobalization, and the road to future successwill not be an easy one.Based on Africa-wide research, this articlediscusses such topics as access to highereducation, the challenges of funding, thegrowing role of private higher educationinstitutions in Africa, governance andautonomy, management challenges, gender(including the access of women to highereducation and the problems faced by womenstudents and academic staff), the role ofresearch and the problems of scholarlycommunication, language issues, and the braindrain. These issues are at the heart ofAfrica's future academic development.  相似文献   

This study investigated major course changes in 11 sections of a stand-alone educational technology course redesigned around 21st century skill sets as opposed to technical skill development. Conducted in the fall of 2007 and spring 2008 with a random sample of 100 pre-service teachers, independent and paired sample t tests and correlational analyses were used to examine differences in students’ computer attitude, self-efficacy, and computer skills before and after instruction. Results of the study suggest that, even in a more rigorous course, pre-service teachers became less anxious about computers, their belief in the value of using technology to enhance teaching and learning as well as their self-efficacy toward integrating technology in the classroom significantly improved, and they became more advanced in their technical skills and knowledge of how to apply these skills in the classroom.  相似文献   

文章从学习型组织理论出发,指出了学习型图书馆的定义,简要说明了学习型图书馆的内涵,并在此基础上着重提出了创建学习型图书馆的措施。  相似文献   

走向世界:21世纪中国高等教育研究的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2 1世纪 ,中国高教研究只有走向世界 ,才能确立在世界学术界的地位 ,才能为世界高教研究做出更大贡献。以学科改造、方法改造和队伍改造为重点的高教研究科学化改造 ,是中国高教研究走向世界的前提条件 ,高教研究的国际化是中国高教研究走向世界的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper both reviews the other papers in this special issue and puts them in the context of the current agenda of research in dyslexia education. The pluralistic nature of the field is explored with reference to this special issue. The paper suggests a way forward for the field in terms of a developing research agenda for dyslexia education as we progress further into the 21st century.  相似文献   

由中华美学学会美育研究会、中国高等教育学会美育研究会、福州师专主办的全国美育研讨会 ,云集了全国有关专家教授 60人 ,中国教育部有关领导杨贵仁、福建省有关省、市领导出席了会议 ;国内一些大新闻单位、研究单位等也参加了会议。会议就面向 2 1世纪的中国美育的走向、实施等问题做了多方面、多层次的研讨。因篇幅限制 ,作者采访了部分与会专家学者 ,并征得他们的同意 ,精选了主要观点 ,与读者共飨。2 1世纪是审美的时代仇春霖 (中国高等教育美育研究会会长、国际艺术设计教育会议主席、北方工业大学名誉校长、教授 ) :2 1世纪是精神文…  相似文献   

Historically, humans always have moved acrossthe face of the earth, searching for adventureand fortune. With technological advancement incommunication and transportation, the flow ofimmigrants from developing countries todeveloped nations has intensified. Theyencounter numerous problems adjusting to a hostof cultural differences. Westernpsychotherapeutic professionals are challengedin their interventions with the increasinglylarge clientele. This article defines thenature and scope of the problem and suggestsways that modern counselors can integratetraditional healing styles and techniques withthose they normally use.  相似文献   

本分析了新世纪给中国图书馆业带来的发展机遇与挑战,并展示了新世纪中国图书馆业的发展前景。  相似文献   

The issues involved in developing the concept of the renaissance engineer for the 21st century are considered. Reflection is offered on areas where we may be failing and specific consideration is given to the needs of lifelong learning. The development of e-learning within the context of professional lifelong learning is addressed as a 'disruptive' development and its future role is discussed.  相似文献   

分析了21世纪的文献信息服务工作的发展趋势,从新世纪文献信息资源的发展、文献信息服务手段的转变、不断培养提高文献信息人员的自身素质和专业水平等几个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

〕2 1世纪 ,随着我国市场经济的进一步完善和发展 ,随着国际交往的进一步增多 ,我国社会的各个方面将会发生翻天覆地的变化。这种变化对我国哲学社会科学的发展既是机遇 ,又是挑战。积极应对挑战 ,去解决社会生活中重大的理论和实践课题 ,将会使我国哲学社会科学取得空前的繁荣和发展  相似文献   

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