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聋童推理能力与言语理解能力关系初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
作者使用CRT、GIT及自编言语理解能力测验对七、八年级聋生的推理能力与言语理解能力的关系作了初步探讨.结果表明七、八年级聋生的推理能力与言语理解能力比正常同龄儿童要低1-3岁和4-6岁;言语理解能力的三个方面与推理能力的相关程度不同.作者还就如何克服聋生的言语缺陷,提高言语理解能力提出几点建议.  相似文献   

The meaning of the term energy varies widely in scientific and colloquial discourse. Teasing apart the different connotations of the term can be especially challenging for non-science majors. In this study, undergraduate students taking an interdisciplinary, general science course (n?=?49) were asked to explain the role of energy in five contexts: radiation, transportation, generating electricity, earthquakes, and the big bang theory. The responses were qualitatively analyzed under the framework of conceptual metaphor theory. This study presents evidence that non-science major students spontaneously use metaphorical language that is consistent with the conceptual metaphors of energy previously identified in the discourse of students in introductory physics, biology, and chemistry courses. Furthermore, most students used multiple coherent metaphors to explain the role of energy in these complex topics. This demonstrates that these conceptual metaphors for energy have broader applicability than just traditional scientific contexts. Implications for this work as a formative assessment tool in instruction will also be discussed.  相似文献   

政治课的课堂教学效果与政治教师的语言修养有着密切的联系。本文试图从政治课老师语言表达的科学性和艺术性相结合入手,探讨当今政治课的教学方法。  相似文献   

认识语言的本质,不能仅从语言的外部,从作为社会交际工具的功能看问题,还应从语言的内部来抓住它更为本质的东西。语言的本质就是音义的差异和统一。语言的发展,就是音义之间发生新的差异,并从而取得新的统一。  相似文献   

This particular study is part of a research programme on the difficulties encountered by students when learning about wave phenomena in a three‐dimensional medium in the absence or presence of obstacles. It focuses on how students reason in situations in which wave optics need to be used: diffraction of light by an aperture, imaging in the presence of diffraction, and coherent illumination imaging. Paper and pencil questionnaires were designed and two hundred French students (aged 19–23) were questioned after lessons on wave optics. Tendencies towards geometrical reasoning are shown to recur. Students reason at a macroscopic level, following the rays of the incident light, instead of reasoning at an elementary waves level in using the phase concept and the Huygens–Fresnel principle. Consequently, for them, the image of a point source located at infinity is behind the image focus plane of the lens when diffraction has to be considered. Moreover, it is not possible to have the image of the source and of an illuminated diaphragm behind one lens: these images cannot exist simultaneously or are merged. Some remarks are made on the way waves are taught in France and some pedagogical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

毛泽东同志在语言方面的造诣是很深的,对汉语言学的发展作出了卓越的贡献。毛泽东论著的语言艺术体现在语言多样,生动形象,逻辑严明等方面。毛泽东论著的语言艺术是我们学习语言的光辉典范。  相似文献   

借用心理语言学的理论框架 ,对第二语言习得中最具能动因素之一的“意识”进行论述。着重分析话语意识与话语行为之间的种种制约关系 ,概述话语意识通过话语行为表述 ,话语意识引导话语行为的产生、发展与升华  相似文献   

语块背诵与基础英语教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
背诵是中国古老并且行之有效的治学方法之一,也是西方二语习得研究者Krashen的监查理论所强调的重点,本文将背诵理论和语块理论相结合,提出只有大量的背诵语块,才能提高学生在二语输出方面的流利性和准确性,从而提高基础英语教学。  相似文献   

大学生的语言文化素质是考察学校教育的一个标准,也是高校教育的一项核心任务。语言文化素养的提升对大学生的整体素质的提高具有内在的促进作用。循序渐进,积极探索,全面提升大学生的语言文化素质和语言应用能力,为社会培养更多优秀人才。  相似文献   

在外语教学中培养学生的隐喻能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻是人类思维的一种基本认知机制,在外语教学中培养学生的隐喻能力有利于培养学生的目的语思维能力和提高学生交际能力,然而,如何在外语教学中培养学生的隐喻能力还是个崭新的难题.文章从隐喻理论和隐喻能力、交际能力和语言能力的关系及培养隐喻能力的方法就在外语教学中如何培养学生的隐喻能力进行了探讨.  相似文献   

非有声语言是通过手势、表情、形体动作、行为,以及其它非语音方式或手段来表达某种意义,完成思想交流,传达感情,达到交际的工具之一.对于有声的哈萨克语来说,它是一种补充,是一种辅助性的交际工具.通常,哈萨克非有声语言可以单独使用;在有的场合,它和有声语言相互配合,以达到交际的目的。哈萨克非有声语言可以分为体态语、行为语、象征语、标志语等若干类型。哈萨克非有声语言同作为有声语言的哈萨克语一样,具有鲜明的民族特点,包含着文化和历史的因素.它作为一种非物质文化遗产理应受到保护.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore dynamic modeling as an opportunity for students to think about the science content they are learning. We examined the Cognitive Strategies for Modeling (CSMs) in which students engaged as they created dynamic models. We audio- and videotape-recorded eight pairs of ninth grade science students and analyzed their conversations and actions. In analyzing appropriate objects and factors for their model, some students merely enumerated potential factors whereas others engaged in rich, substantial, mindful analysis. In reasoning about their models, students discussed relationships in depth, concentrated only on the most important key relationships, or encountered difficulty distinguishing between causal and correlational relationships. In synthesizing working models, students mapped their model to aid visualization, focused on their goal, or talked about their model's appearance or form. Students attempted to articulate explanations for their relationships, but sometimes their explanations were shallow. In testing their models, some students tested thoroughly but only a few persisted in debugging their model's behavior so that it matched their expectations. In our conclusion we suggest that creating dynamic models has great potential for use in classrooms to engage students in thought about science content, particularly in those thinking strategies best fostered by dynamic modeling: analysis, relational reasoning, synthesis, testing and debugging, and making explanations.  相似文献   

学生自我管理是学校进行思想道德教育的有效手段和途径,是学生工作最为得力的教育举措和管理模式。培养学生的自我意识,促使学生自我发展是学校培养的最终目标。在教育实践和学生管理工作中应不断地探索有效的学生自我管理机制,努力培养学生自我管理的意识和能力。  相似文献   

对学生外语学习的认识,应当从法律的外语权角度加以重新认识:学生外语学习权是我国每一个学生的基本权利。本文斌从学校教育体系角度入手对外语权制度进行研究,目的在于为国家外语权制度的构建抛砖引玉。从而为熏缚建立适合我国国情的外语权制度奠定基础。  相似文献   

通过对高著的分析,进一步提出和阐述了一些重要的见解,对"语言不同而思维相同"说的质疑,提出作家的功力在对语言的敏感和对语言的认识两个方面等.此文认为语言交际是不同的人在交际中既去同又去异的不断磨合的过程:语言就是文学语言、日常语言、科学语言的联合体.不是先有一个叫语言的东西,然后出现文学语言、日常语言、科学语言这些变体;还举例说明程序语言.  相似文献   

王怀俊 《天津教育》2021,(6):118-120
学生语言表达能力的培养,包括的内容十分丰富,从大的方面讲包括口头语言的训练和书面语言的训练两个方面。口头语言的训练,可以通过说话、演讲等活动帮助学生提高口语表达能力;书面语言的训练,可以通过写日记和作文提高学生的逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力。无论哪一种训练方式,都需要运用字、词、句,准确地表情达意,让人能够了解自己想要表达的意思。学生语文基础知识的储备,是提高语言表达能力的前提条件,而基础知识的储备需要大量阅读,通过大量阅读,学生可以掌握语言的语法规则、语言的组织能力,从而有效提升语言表达能力。  相似文献   

This article describes the characteristics and values of hypermedia for learning chemistry. It reports how a hypermedia environment was used to explore a group of 11th grade chemistry students' conceptions of table salt dissolving in water. It then presents how the hypermedia was used by students to negotiate meaning for two conceptualizations about the process of dissolving table salt in water: (a) the transformation of solid to liquid, and (b) the chemical combination of solute and solvent. This article traces the nature of students' conceptions for the solution process of table salt. The findings of this study indicate that a hypermedia environment can be used to explore, negotiate, and assess students' conceptions of the submicroscopic aspects of solution chemistry. Further, this article discusses the successes and difficulties pertaining to the learning of solution chemistry in a hypermedia environment, and presents an account of an improved version for future study.  相似文献   

In the current climate of change and expansion within higher education in the UK, there are various drivers for change in the way the curriculum is designed and delivered. In the recent past, within the UK, the QAA has presented a Code of Practice with respect to HE provision for students with disabilities and changes in the legislation relating to access to higher education for students with disabilities. These developments have prompted funding councils to resource major projects relating to accessibility. Such is the complexity of terms such as 'curriculum', 'accessibility' and 'disability', that these funded projects require a multidisciplinary approach. However, questions arise as to whether the key players in these multidisciplinary projects actually fully understand each other and have a shared understanding of the terms of reference. This case study highlights some of the difficulties experienced within a multidisciplinary team that did not ensure a shared conception of the complexities of the change management project in which it was engaged. What comes to the foreground is the problematic concept of academic development and how it is understood outside of its own community.  相似文献   

书写教学作为语文教学的重要组成部分,在语文教学中起着非常重要的作用。但目前我国绝大多数学生的书写状况却不容乐观。面对这个现状,如何认识我国基础教育阶段书写教学的重要性,如何在基础教育阶段有效而正确地开展书写教学,就显得至关重要。它首先需要的是学校和教师观念的更新,其次是教师教学方法的改进,唯此,基础教育阶段的书写教学才会有新的进展。  相似文献   

The discussion of problems associated with the use of language, specifically vocabulary and symbolism, is extended from the teaching and learning of mathematics to the particular area of statistics.  相似文献   

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