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陈庆伟 《精武》2012,(6):89-91
亚运会作为仅次于奥运会的大型体育赛事,其60年的发展历程亦如奥运会“自国际奥林匹克委员会1894年成立至今,政治在整个奥林匹克运动过程中无处不在”一样,始终受到来自亚洲各务政治、经济发展和地区间错综复杂国际关系的影响和制约。对亚运会的发起、初始、发展和深入等阶段与政治的关系进行逐届研究发现,政治对体育的作用主要表现在:因政治经济原因,第1届推迟,第6、第8两届撤销承办权;亚洲第一大国中国因“两个中国”问题抵制亚运会23年等;体育对政治的作用主要表现在:各举办国通过亚运会展现了国力、民风,重塑了国际形象,提升了国际地位,加大了国际影响。中国通过亚运“会籍”问题的解决,更加确立了“一个中国”的地位;南、北朝鲜在亚运会上齐聚一堂,表现了体育在促进国家统一方面的作用等。  相似文献   

In this article, I will look at the impact of sport on relations between states. In particular, I will study the role that sport has played in enhancing (or damaging) diplomacy in international relations. I will look especially at the role that the Olympics and the Asian Olympics have played in promoting diplomatic breakthroughs between countries. My cases focus on the use of sports diplomacy to foster the end of the Cold War in Asia, studying the breakthroughs between Korea, China and Russia. I will then look at the Beijing Games of 2008 and Guangzhou Asian Games of 2010.  相似文献   

The Far Eastern Championship Games (FECG), held between 1913 and 1934, were a precursor to the Asian Games and among the first international athletic competitions in the Asian region. The FECG were launched in Manila, the Philippines, and supported by the Young Mens' Christian Association. Three countries participated in the Games: the Philippines, Japan and China. It is noteworthy that Korea, one of most powerful sports entities in Asia now, also participated in the FECG, but as part of the Japanese team. Although Korea was a powerless Japanese colony during the era, this paper argues that Korea's participation in the FECG permitted the colonized country to express its nationalism and become the cornerstone of modern sports development in Korea.  相似文献   

亚运会与亚洲的地缘政治——兼论亚运会的可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴潮 《体育科学》2006,26(12):3-8
亚洲的政治经济格局和体育格局由东亚、东南亚、南亚、西亚、中亚五大板块组成,亚洲地缘政治深刻地影响着板块之间和板块内部关系的演变;亚运会成为展现亚洲国家形象和实力、地位的舞台,亚运会的历史表明,主办国更关注于它的政治功利性。亚运会今后可持续发展的驱动力也有赖于亚洲地缘政治与体育文化的发展。  相似文献   

Sport is an effective modern means for revealing a country's political preoccupations and geopolitical concerns. For China, Japan and South Korea, the pre-eminent countries in the recent Asian Games, sport has become a sharp tool for promoting nationalism and national identity. There is a history of bitter rivalry between these countries, not least, due to Japan's occupation of Korea and the Second Sino-Japanese War, the largest Asian war in the twentieth century. Consequently, a prominent characteristic of Korean and Chinese nationalism is anti-Japanese antipathy. This essay examines China–Japan–Korea rivalry through global sports events hosted in Asia during the past decade cumulating in the Guangzhou Asian Games. Here, the focus is on the use of these events as manifestations of resentment and revenge arising out of historic rivalries. This use may well grow in intensity as these nations grow in wealth, confidence and power as the EAST ASIAN EPOCH comes closer. This essay is the first to draw attention to the tripartite politics of sport as confrontation in the region's past, present and future.  相似文献   

东南亚在亚运会历史发展中的地位与战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文从历史与战略两个角度分析了东南亚与亚运会的关系.从历史角度看:首先,亚运会的创建和发展离不开东南亚板块的努力与贡献,东南亚举办亚运会次数最多,贡献最大,亚运会的历史历程深深地打下了东南亚烙印;其次,东南亚板块竞技体育的实力尽管与东亚板块有较大差距,但终究构成亚洲体育格局的重要组成部分,表现在亚运会参与率最高且较为稳定;若干项目实力不俗,在亚运会总体金牌榜上排名第二,仅次于东亚板块.从战略角度看:亚运会作为整个亚洲仅有的统一性运动体系,需要不断发展.东南亚板块应该具备自身的亚运会发展战略,这些战略可以概括为:适当举办亚运会,以实现体育和政治双重目标;继续以地区运动会为基础,促进地区竞争,增强整体竞技水平;积极支持南太平洋国家加入亚运会,促使亚运会持续、稳定和均衡的发展.  相似文献   

以东亚体育强国中国、日本、韩国参与夏季奥运会为切入点,简述了20世纪以来东亚夏季奥运会的发展历程,日本是东亚奥林匹克运动的先驱,在20世纪50年代到70年代末引领东亚奥运会;20世纪80年代日本逐渐衰落,韩国和中国共同位居世界体育板块的第二军团;90年代至今中国逐步成为东亚体育排头兵,2000年后中国在金牌和奖牌总数上已经远超过日本和韩国,引领着东亚夏季奥运会的格局不断发展,与中国经济发展、国家综合实力不断提升、政治环境稳定是密不可分的。分析东亚奥运会发展的环境,揭示了东亚各国国力的增强对体育发展的促进作用,旨在为促进东亚夏季奥运会的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

After the Second World War the Southeast Asian countries of Burma (1948), Laos (1954), Cambodia (1955), South Vietnam (1955), Malaya (1957), and Singapore (1959) sought independence from the British, French and Japanese colonialists. The first post Second World War and post-colonial biannual multisport Southeast Asian Games was held in Bangkok in 1959 among these countries (and Thailand) although they were relatively poor developing countries. Referring to official reports of the eight bi-annual SEAP Games and other sources of information this research studies how the organization of the eight SEAP Games since 1959 contributed to the nation building process of each country and shaped the political landscape. This was carried out by creating a national identity through sports in each country as well as creating a sense of regional cooperation during periods of war, shifting boundaries and identities. This was done through rituals to legitimize newly ascended constitutional monarchies and heads of states, national flags and athletes' national identity during competition. The SEAP Games also gradually opened avenues for women's participation similar to female athletes in the Olympic Games. It also provided opportunities for promising athletes to shine, improve and compete at higher levels at the Asian and Olympic Games.  相似文献   


More than six decades after the end of the Korean War (1950–53), the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea (ROK) continue to face each other across the highly fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) along the 38th parallel on the Korean peninsula. Both Korean governments continue to maintain and reinforce a pan-Korean identity amongst its respective populations. At the same time, both states need to provide its respective citizens with distinct national identities, which obviously requires a politically difficult and highly delicate balancing act. The focus of this paper is on the dominant identity discourses in South Korea. These have been observed, interpreted and analyzed in five international events and festivals that the South hosted over the last three decades: the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the 2002 Soccer World Cup (co-hosted with Japan), the Busan Asian Games in the same year, the 2011 Daegu World Athletic Championships and the 2014 Incheon Asian Games. All these events offered a distinctive nationalist flavour, celebrated tradition and modernity, and emphasized South Korea’s rapid 20th century development and achievements, but also served as a reminder of the ethnic homogeneity of the divided Korean people and the unjust political division of the Korean peninsula.  相似文献   


Contemporary Asia is in the process of not only developing industrialization and democratization, but also establishing Asian homogeneity and intercommunity through the universal cultural phenomenon of sports originating from the West. This paper considers the future of traditional Asian martial arts through Allen Guttmann’s seven characteristics of modern sport. In future, Asia, especially Northeast Asia; South Korea, China, and Japan are likely to become the world’s leading powerhouses based on their infinite potential in human, material and ideological resources. The Olympics will be hosted by three Asian countries in four years: in 2018, the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in South Korea, in 2020 the Tokyo Summer Olympics in Japan, and in 2022 the Beijing Winter Olympics in China, respectively. This paper examines the development of traditional Asian martial arts in China, Japan and South Korea against the background of modernization and globalization. Also, discussions regarding impediments to the efforts and measures for improvement are provided. Asian martial arts have been transformed in both nature and content and the notion of the characteristics of modern sports Guttmann proposes is prominent.  相似文献   

日、韩在主办奥运会后大众体育发展策略的分析与借鉴   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
日本和韩国都是大众体育较先进的国家,而且他们大众体育的发展都受惠于奥运会的举办。在北京奥运会来临之际,我们有必要认真分析他们发展大众体育的策略和方法,并加以借鉴。  相似文献   

2010年广州亚运与岭南休闲体育文化融合传播研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、访谈法、综合分析法,从文化学、传播学、民俗学视角对2010年广州亚运与岭南休闲体育文化融合传播作出相应探讨与分析,了解历届亚运会主题口号对举办城市文化传播的影响,思考2010年广州亚运理念:"激情盛会,和谐亚洲",它将充分体现竞技体育与休闲体育文化完美结合,创建以休闲体育为核心的东方体育文化理念,打造广州亚运休闲体育盛会,将东道主岭南休闲体育文化传播亚洲,走向世界.  相似文献   


The South Korean region of Pyeongchang will host the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Using Wallerstein’s world system theory and Collins’s notions of zones of prestige and emulation as a conceptual framework, this paper examines the South Korean Government’s intention to stage the winter sporting spectacle. As the Winter Olympics is arguably considered a game for the relatively affluent global north, South Korea, as a semi-core state, attempts to elevate its position to a global economic and cultural powerhouse through being a host of this winter sports mega-event. However, it should be noted that the Winter Olympic Games is an event through which white supremacy and Western cultural hegemony are continuously reinforced. Therefore, the South Korean ambition to enhance its international standing by staging the Winter Olympic Games paradoxically reflects Western cultural imperialism and Orientalism embedded in South Korean cultural politics associated with the winter sporting contest.  相似文献   

通过第6届亚冬会成绩分析中国冰雪运动的现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第6届长春亚冬会在经过6天的激烈争夺后落下帷幕,最终中国体育代表团以19金19银和23铜的成绩位列金牌和奖牌榜首位。长春亚冬会的成功,对于在快速发展中的中国冰雪运动起到了推波助澜的重要作用,而今后一个时期内中国冰雪运动的发展方向也将被国人所关注的。本文对第6届长春亚冬会中国代表团的成绩进行分析,同时比较日本、韩国、哈萨克斯坦等亚洲冰雪强国的成绩,分析利弊因素,深入探究中国冰雪运动各项目的现状。同时就中国冰雪未来发展方向提出了建议,为使中国冬季体育运动项目达到世界冰雪强国的水平,推动冬季大众体育的开展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

大型体育赛事能够提升主办城市的整体形象,加速其经济、社会、文化发展。第14届全运会在西部省份陕西举办,将通过经济增长、结构升级、人的全面发展、重塑城市形象和绿色发展等效应,助推西安城市高质量发展。全运会还需要重点打造高质量的赛事遗产、发展高质量的体育产业以及规划高质量的旅游服务,推进陕西体育事业的协调、持续发展。  相似文献   

Any international bid involves a zero-sum competition among two or more national candidates vying for the right to host a particular international event. Chinese cities in total have participated in the Asian Games and Asian Winter Games bids four times since 1980. Beijing's bid for the 1990 Asian Games; Harbin's bid for the 1996 Asian Winter Games; Changchun's bid for the 2007 Asian Winter Games and Guangzhou's bid for the 2010 Asian Games: not one encountered failure. The argument here is that all the bids were used to build up China's hegemonic status in the Asian sports community with wider resonances for the geopolitical hegemonic influence of China. Evidence is drawn from contemporary literature and media reports.  相似文献   

举办大型体育赛事对城市旅游的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
新世纪,越来越多的大型体育赛事将在我国一些大城市举办,通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法、对比法等方法,对举办城市的旅游业受到的诸多影响进行研究。认为大型体育赛事的成功举办能够在改善举办城市旅游市场的客源结构、为其带来大量客源的同时极大提高举办城市的知名度和旅游营销管理水平,并能够改善举办城市的旅游基础设施和促进旅游文化的交流。我国各赛事举办城市应充分抓住举办体育赛事的契机,创造条件,加快发展,全面提升城市旅游业的综合竞争力,推动城市各项建设事业的全面进步。  相似文献   

全运会对举办城市影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着全民健身运动的开展,全运会在对举办地的城市规划、精神文明建设以及经济等方面的影响越来越突出。此文将从全运会对举办地城市在"硬件"和"软件"两个方面的影响进行论述,指出举办全运会有利于举办地城市基础设施、体育场馆的改善,有利于当地的经济发展。  相似文献   

2022年,第19届亚运会将在在杭州市举行。目前,保证2022年第19届亚运会的成功举办已成为杭州市委市政府的一个重要任务,也是全国和浙江人民的共同期许。2022年杭州亚运会,不仅是要举办一次成功的体育赛事,还要对杭州的社会文化留下深远影响。本文通过对既有文献资料的研究,进行逻辑分析,从健康生活的推广、国际交流的开放、社会思想的转变、志愿服务的提升及包容性社会的建设5方面来展望杭州亚运会的社会遗产。  相似文献   

In the history of the modern Olympics, East Asia is as active an area as Europe. Its involvement can be traced back to the beginning of the modern Olympic Games, as can the closely related Far Eastern Championship Games (FECG). Held in the Philippines in 1913, and following the model of the Olympic Games, the FECG was the first international sports competition to be held in East Asia and it is also the first regional international sports competition recognized by the International Olympic Committee. Due to its great significance in the development of modern sports in East Asia, it has been referred to as the ‘Oriental Olympics’ and the ‘Modern Asian Games’. This paper tries to understand the relationship between the FECG and the development of East Asian society. It points out that the FECG has played a critical role in the development of East Asian society and has exerted many positive influences that have been beneficial to social progress and development over time.  相似文献   

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