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动机是影响二语习得过程的一个重要因素。关于动机对二语习得的影响,不同学者的观点各有不同。实际上,积极的态度和手段能促进语言学习者对语言的学习,真正激发学生的学习动机,提高语言学习的效率。  相似文献   

Feng Teng 《Literacy》2020,54(1):29-39
This paper presents a small‐scale study examining the effects of metacognitive reading strategy instruction on English language learners' reading comprehension in a Hong Kong international school. Twenty‐five primary school (Grade 5) students who learn English as a second language participated in this study. Metacognitive instruction was incorporated into 10 process‐based reading lessons. Data were collected from notes learners took during reading, post‐reading reflection reports, teacher‐facilitated group discussions and two types of reading tests. Results revealed that the young learners could articulate several knowledge factors that influenced their reading. In addition, learners reported a better understanding of the nature and demands of reading, a deeper awareness of metacognitive knowledge in improving reading comprehension and increased confidence in handling reading exercises. The learners also showed enhanced reading performance compared to those in a control group without metacognitive intervention. This study highlights the potential of metacognitive instruction to enhance primary school English learners' reading literacy.  相似文献   

Dornyei动机三层次模式是继Gardener和Lambert社会心理模式后的最有影响的第二语言习得的动机学习理论模式。本文拟从介绍Dornyei的动机框架着手,分析其三层面动机因素在军校大学英语学习中的运用,以及对教学改革中的启发。  相似文献   

个体差异是客观存在的个体因素,个体差异因素中包括认知风格、个体智商、学习动机、学习风格和学习策略等等个体差异因素,其中最主要的还是学习动机。而这一因素在很大程度上影响着第二语学得,对英语的教学也起着至关重要的作用。该文主要论述的是国内外对动机类型,动机对第二外语习得影响的研究以及激励学习动机的策略。  相似文献   

在二语习得的过程中,情感因素和认知因素并不是两个对立的因素,它们亦都无法独立影响语言学习。情感因素在语言习得的过程中作用颇重。积极的情感因素会使语言认知系统处理最佳状态,起到激智作用。因此,关注语言学习中的情感因素能够使语言学习更加有效。本文着重从情感因素的四大方面进行了分析很阐述。  相似文献   

外语学习与第二语言学习是不同的。第二语言学习是指学习者大量接受可理解的语言输入,自然而然的习得语言。本文根据学习者对二语的学习方法等,针对英语教学中出现的问题提出具体的解决对策,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

二语习得理论及其对提高外语教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语学习中的二语习得和学得概念并不是对立的,它们之间存在着内在的关系性。这种关系性对外语教学具有一定的启示:即不可忽视的基本语法;使用可行性的和得体性的语言;营造适宜的语言学习环境。  相似文献   

母语是第二语言学习的基础。当母语与目的语有相似特征时,母语对第二语言习得起辅助作用;相反,则起阻碍作用。  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2):141-156

In this article the authors raise their concern about the way in which students with different levels of competence in the language of instruction (English in this case) acquire a second language. They also address the issue of the types of conditions which are necessary in order for dialogic interaction to be effective in the classroom when these students are acquiring a second language

In the first section, a review of the different theories on language learning is carried out, which helps to provide a response to the questions which have been raised. In the second section, the need to create opportunities to use the second language in real and meaningful situations is also raised, based on the results of three case studies. Learning through dialogue is presented as being a much more effective approach to teaching and learning a second language than traditional approaches, which were based on the teacher merely providing instruction and subsequently developing the information.  相似文献   

The need for including English language learners in the regular classroom at all phases of their linguistic and cultural development is presented within a Vygotkian sociocultural theory of human development. Based on the social primacy of development within this theoretical tenet, all aspects of development are viewed to proceed from social interactions. Effective social interactions that lead to development are distinguished by a heterogeneous collective experience of all participants in the interaction. In accordance with the sociocultural perspective, the educational goal of this heterogeneous group is to acquire and use cultural tools deemed appropriate to their time and place. As others’ cultures and languages become rich resources for becoming competent in one’s own culture, the cultural and linguistic diversity gained by including all students in the classroom becomes a powerful source of development for all.  相似文献   

二语习得过程就是学习者形成自己中介语的过程。学习者利用补缺法,不断对自己的中介语进行修正、补充、建构,使其接近于目标语者的母语水平。这一过程分为注意、选择、补充三个阶段。该方法的意义在于能解决部分二语习得理论中的难题,能弥补克拉申输入理论的不足,能提高输入转化为吸收的效率。  相似文献   

This study examines collaboration between English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teachers and content-area elementary school teachers, and makes the case for conceptualising teacher collaboration as an opportunity for shared teacher learning. Using a sociocultural theoretical lens, this study examines how three pairs of elementary teachers and ESOL specialists used and constructed tools for collaboration, which mediated and made visible teachers’ learning processes. Employing interpretive enquiry and cross-case analysis, we examined data from classroom observations, teacher co-planning sessions and interviews with teachers. Findings demonstrated that collaborating teachers used tools to articulate and reconceptualise teaching goals, co-construct knowledge and ultimately transform teaching practices to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. This study has implications for teacher education and ongoing professional development, by shedding light on the potential affordances of collaborative tools for teacher learning. Findings suggest that teacher education could harness these opportunities for learning by incorporating collaboration between ESOL specialists and content-area teachers as an integral part of preparing more qualified teachers to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students.  相似文献   

语言磨蚀是语言习得的镜像,即语言习得的逆向过程,是双语或多语使用者由于某种语言使用的减少或停止将会导致其语言能力的丧失、磨蚀、僵化和退化。通过对语言磨蚀理论的研究和我国日语专业学生对于日语和英语双语的学习现状的分析,笔者提出了从教学人员、语言学习者和教学单位等角度提出了切实可行的抵抗语言磨蚀的策略。  相似文献   

本文通过分析国外对第二语言习得年龄问题实验和研究的主要发现和最新进展,介绍了语言习得临界期假说理论的最近研究状况,比较了第二语言习得临界期假说支持派和反对派的论争观点,并提出未来研究应在临界期假说的一些概念以及确定语言习得的最终水平等问题上达成共识并开展跨学科的研究。  相似文献   

中国加入世贸组织,与世界经济往来日益密切,英语的学习越来越重要。因此我国儿童很早就进入英语培训学校学习。因而对于影响儿童二语习得因素的研究就至关重要。而克拉申的二语习得理论对少儿英语的学习起着重大作用。这里我们用克拉申的假说谈谈如何促进儿童快速有效的记忆单词。  相似文献   

How to acquire a second language is a question of obvious importance to teachers and language learners, and how to teach a second language has also become a matter of concern to the linguists' interest in the nature of primary linguistic data. Starting with the development stages of second language acquisition and Stephen Krashen's theory, this paper puts forward teaching strategies: analyzing learner characteristics, signing classroom contracts, creating learner-centered classroom, setting language goals, integrating theory with practice and building learner motivation.  相似文献   

年龄差异与第二语言习得   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
年龄是第二语言习得中影响个人差异的主要因素之一。关于年龄与第二语言习得方面的争论很多,这反映出年龄因素的复杂性。研究年龄对第二语言习得的影响有助于探讨儿童与成年人各自学习第二语言的特点及其规律,从而更好地指导第二语言教学。  相似文献   

本篇文章通过对二语习得关键期假说的研究,认为其存在与否尚无定论。且英语学习不同于二语习得,儿童在外语学习上相比于成人并无绝对优势。对于中国儿童学习英语的问题,应注重良好学习环境的营造,而不是一味强调早期教育。  相似文献   

本文评述国内外第二语言文化适应的研究,对外语学习背景下“文化适应”提出质疑,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

随着世界全球化进程加快,中日关系也越来越密切。日语正成为各高校学生学习二外的首选语言。然而二外日语由于其自身相对于英语的地位,一直以来都没有受到任课教师和学生足够的重视,二外日语教学效果不尽如人意。那么,针对如此众多的学生,如何提高二外日语课堂教学效率呢?在此,笔者结合二外日语教学实践,探讨二外日语课堂教学。  相似文献   

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