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《左传》叙事与解经语不相协和是一个关系到《左传》是否传《春秋》的重要问题,故争论双方都对这种不合的原因做出了不同的解释,无法达成共识。绕开《左传》是否传《春秋》的问题,从比较中立的立场出发,《左传》叙事与解经语不合的原因,可能是由于《左传》叙事既有解释经义的功能,又有表达叙事者自身历史认识与评价的功能,超出了“春秋大义”的限定,从而导致《左传》叙事与解经语之间存在张力与不合,并使得《左传》叙事在后世义理的标准下遭到严厉批评和质疑。  相似文献   

Considerable disagreement exists among mental health experts as to what constitutes normal adolescent behavior. Some clinicians believe that turmoil and crisis should be expected. Others who have studied young people in high schools and colleges have discovered that the vast majority pass through this period of life without notable psychic instability. The primary features of adolescent behavior most likely to reflect the quality of an individual's psychological adaptation are identified. A model of normalcy is presented. It is contrasted with three other psychological states-temporary adjustment reaction, neurotic symptoms, and severe maladjustment. Case examples illustrate each of these mental states.  相似文献   

中国对高句丽民族与历史问题的研究由来已久,尤其是近十年,随着高句丽的文化遗产和历史问题日益成为国内外学术界关注的焦点,该领域在研究机构、人数、成果等方面都取得了长足的进步。因此,对近十年来中国高句丽研究史的回顾与总结,将会为这一领域的研究起到承上启下的作用。文章按照研究高句丽历史问题的不同角度编辑整理了近十年来的研究成果,并深入探讨了我国在高句丽历史问题研究中已经取得的进展和尚存的不足。  相似文献   

关于赵树理在我国现当代文学史中的地位,读者与专家之间、专家与专家之间存在着较大分歧。其实,这种分歧完全是因为视野不同而造成的。从文学创作模式的转型看,赵树理堪称旗手,即便与鲁迅并肩,亦不甚为过;从作品之艺术水平看,赵树理尚无堪称经典之作,实有愧于文学大师、大家之称誉。本着实事求是的原则,假以慧眼与睿智,予以理性的审视与评判,对赵树理在我国现当代文学史中的地位是应该能够达成一个基本的共识的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the study was to identify a classification scheme, for determining the predominant type of maltreatment in a child's history that best predicts differences in developmental outcomes. METHOD: Three different predominant type classification schemes were examined in a sample of 519 children with a history of alleged maltreatment. Cases were classified into predominant maltreatment types according to three different schemes: Hierarchical regression analyses examined whether the HT, SFT, and EHT type classifications contributed to prediction of child behavior problems, trauma symptoms and adaptive functioning. RESULTS: After controlling for demographic factors, the HT definitions predicted four outcomes, while the SFT definitions predicted three, and the EHT classifications contributed to the prediction of five child outcomes. The co-occurrence of multiple types of maltreatment was robustly related to outcomes. However, the HT and SFT classifications predicted outcomes even after accounting for the co-occurrence of multiple maltreatment subtypes. CONCLUSION: A classification scheme that differentiates between type combinations and single maltreatment types may have the greatest predictive validity. Over and above knowing about co-occurrence of maltreatment sub-types, it is important to understand what type, or constellation of types, of maltreatment have been alleged in a child's history.  相似文献   

During the development of large‐scale curricular achievement tests, recruited panels of independent subject‐matter experts use systematic judgmental methods—often collectively labeled “alignment” methods—to rate the correspondence between a given test's items and the objective statements in a particular curricular standards document. High disagreement among the expert panelists may indicate problems with training, feedback, or other steps of the alignment procedure. Existing procedural recommendations for alignment reviews have been derived largely from single‐panel research studies; support for their use during operational large‐scale test development may be limited. Synthesizing data from more than 1,000 alignment reviews of state achievement tests, this study identifies features of test–standards alignment review procedures that impact agreement about test item content. The researchers then use their meta‐regression results to propose some practical suggestions for alignment review implementation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated two methods for establishing weights for test plans for certification examinations. One method required a panel of experts to provide holistic judgments indicating the percentage of test questions to allocate to each content category. Weights were first obtained from individual panel members, discussed by the entire panel, and then finalized by group consensus. The other method derived weights using a statistical model. The model included ratings of task frequency and task criticality provided by a large sample of practitioners as well as information from a panel of experts concerning the linkages between specific tasks and the knowledge and skills required to perform those tasks. The study was replicated for four medical imaging specialties in the field of radiologic technology. The weights for the two methods exhibited moderate to high levels of agreement for sections of the test plans comprised of specific imaging procedures. However, there was much less agreement for those sections of the test plans that addressed more general topics. Possible reasons for the observed pattern of agreement and disagreement are considered.  相似文献   

异议言语行为研究在语用学中一向是不太受关注的领域。影响异议言语习得的因素很多,师生权位关系差异是其中很重要的因素之一。中国留学生在与自己权位平等的人交流时,很善使用异议言语;与比自己权位高的人交流时,中国学生不善使用异议言语。在课堂学习中,中国学生极少使用异议言语。英语教师在教学中应鼓励学生有效地使用异议言语策略。  相似文献   

体育社团的快速发展,引起了国内外专家、学者的普遍关注.从搜集的文献资料来分析,目前我国体育社团的研究,主要集中在体育社团的概念、体育社团的分类、体育社团的性质和功能、体育社团的实体化、全国性体育社团、国内外及港澳地区的体育社团等方面的研究.  相似文献   

社会需要历史普及,历史专家的缺位,促成了史学工作者队伍三分天下的局面,即形成了历史专家、中学历史教师和大众史学工作者三大类型。这种局面的形成和类型的划分,有利于发挥三者的专长,形成史学既分工又合作的良好局面;有利于创作出形式多样的历史作品;有利于史学与其他学科和大众媒体的交叉结合;最终更好地落实史学社会功能,使史学真正赢得学界、大众和社会的欢迎与尊重。  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - Amid a broader sociopolitical milieu of division, disagreement, and uncivil debate, this study investigates instances of disagreement among students in a...  相似文献   

文艺创作中的历史观讨论是文艺界持续关注的焦点,但是由于没有确立历史外在于文艺还是历史内在于文艺的基本立场,使得当前文艺创作中历史观的讨论近乎聋子间的对话.文艺创作中历史观讨论应该以历史内在于文艺为立场,区分不同的历史观在文艺创作中的不同表现,重建讨论的对话平台.  相似文献   

Children live in a world where disagreement is commonplace. Although disagreement can sometimes be explained by differences in people’s reliability, disagreement may also indicate that the referent elicits multiple perspectives. The present studies (total N = 129, 5- to 12-year-old ethnically diverse U.S. children, 42% girls) examined children’s ability to resolve disagreement among two individuals by identifying referents that integrated the perspectives, and considered the extent to which any age-related change could be explained by epistemological understanding (i.e., acknowledging that two perspectives can be right). Children’s age was positively correlated with their ability to integrate perspectives, and children performed at above-chance levels by approximately 10 years of age. Age differences in integrating perspectives were partially accounted for by epistemological understanding.  相似文献   

论现代汉语拟声词   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代汉语词类研究中,在对待“模拟声音的词”这一问题上分歧意见比较多。本文在归纳、比较语法学界各家观点的基础上,用“拟声词”作为“模拟声音的词”的统称,进一步探讨了该类词的句法功能、实虚类归属、多角度分类等问题。  相似文献   

襄阳是中国历史文化名城,2800多年的建城史孕育了丰富的襄阳文化。研究认为,襄阳文化的未来定位为以汉水文化为体,以由此衍生的历史文化和地域文化所形成的人文环境、人文景观、人文精神为用,以发展现代创意文化产业为途径,走文化多元发展之路,最终发展成鄂豫陕渝毗邻地区文化旅游中心城市和人文之都。围绕襄阳文化及文化旅游产业的发展等,襄阳地方专家学者开展了广泛而深入地学术探讨,为实现襄阳文化及文化旅游产业的科学、快速发展贡献了诸多智慧。  相似文献   

文章在分析目前国内外已有典型环境概念及其含义特点的基础上,指出了已有环境概念的狭义性、时空不确定性及与自然发展史的不一致性,结合近几年人们对环境科学与可持续发展理论的新认识,对环境一词提出了全新的概念,同时对环境系统的分类依据、分类方法及命名规则也提出了相应的方案,为环境学科概念及分类命名的进一步完善提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

There can be little argument that the design jury features as a key symbolic event in the education of the architect. However, whilst the centrality of the design jury as a site for learning disciplinary skills, beliefs and values is now widely acknowledged, there continues to be considerable disagreement about what is learnt and how. While critical pedagogues argue that the design jury is a critic‐centred event that coerces students into conforming to hegemonic notions of habitus, those who promote reflective practice see it as a student‐centred event in which a critical dialogue with experts supports students' construction and reconstruction of their own habitus. This article, inspired by Michel Foucault's writings on the analytics of power, reports on the findings of a yearlong ethnographic study carried out in one British school of architecture that sought to excavate ‘what really goes on’ in the design jury.  相似文献   

A review of the history of working memory (WM) studies finds that the concept of WM evolved from short-term memory to a multi-component system. Comparison between contemporary WM models reveals: (1) consensus that the content of WM includes not only task-relevant information, but also task-irrelevant information; (2) consensus that WM consists of phonological and visuospatial components; (3) consensus that short-term memory storage is a function of WM; (4) disagreement as to whether an independent executive control is a necessary WM component; and (5) disagreement as to whether the control function is active or passive. Methods for measuring WM differed across studies with a preponderance of various dual-tasks; little psychometric work has been done on these measures. Correlational studies supported a close relationship between WM and measures of fluid intelligence and science achievement, but we found no experimental studies on the impact of WM training on science achievement. Finally we suggest how WM research findings may be applied to improve fluid intelligence and science achievement.  相似文献   

中国高等教育的发展面临着国际化和本土化的双重挑战,近年来,理论界在关注高等教育国际化的同时,高等教育的自主性发展问题越来越受到教育理论界、学术界和海外华人学者的关注。本文着重就学者们对中国高等教育自主性发展的历史反思,中国高等教育自主性发展与中国文化、大学改革及学科建设等问题进行了梳理和分析,并提出了中国高等教育自主性发展尚需继续深入研究的若干根本性问题。  相似文献   

在中外教育史上,女性教育家有其自身不同的特质。她们是教育的集大成者,更是女性中的佼佼者。她们具有坚强的性格和顽强的意志; 具有勇敢的挑战精神和对教育的创新自觉;具有高尚的人格魅力,超群的实践智慧,广泛的社会影响;她们的成长对我们有很多重要的启示。  相似文献   

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