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A Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to steal a neighbour's doorbell. But he clearly understood that while his hand touched the bell, it would ring and something terrible would happen to him. The ringing could be heard by others. So he covered his ears with something, thinking that everything would be all right and that he could get the doorbell without any trouble. But what happened was that he was caught on the spot for stealing the doorbell of his neighbour.  相似文献   

Believe while others are doubting. Plan while others are Pla夕ing. StudV while others are sleePing. Deeide脚hile others are del即ing. Prepar『加hsle。小ers。r。daVdreaming. others are Proerastinating others are (〕thers aye wishing. wasting. are talking. are Pouting Commend while others are eritieizing Persist while others are quitting. 当别人疑感时你坚信。 当别人筑耍时你规划. 当别人份息时你学习. 当别人耽相时你决断. 当别人做梦时你准备. 当别人拖延时你开始. ’当别人祈盼时你工作. :舀别从良费…  相似文献   

In order to help others, Iram and her brother, Ahmed, had been saving money all year long. One day, Ahmed took all his money out of the box. "We can do a lot for others with this money," Ahmed said, smiling. "But who shall we help?" Iram asked.  相似文献   

What makes a successful learner? Some people learn foreign languages more quickly than others; they progress rapidly while others still struggle along making very slow progress. What individual differences might contribute to the successful learning process? Based on the case study of two second language learners and the comparison between their learning outcome and performance, this paper tries to explore more insights about the leaner factors and their influences on second language learning.  相似文献   

一、成分多余或残缺。1.The girl that we met her just now was Li Mei.2.Some people who like to watch TV in their spare time while others have sports.3.This is the person likes art.答案与简析:1.将her去掉。关系代词that在定语从句中已充当met的宾语,故her是多余的。2.将who去掉。此句是while连接的表示对比的两个并列句,无须用定语从句形式。3.person后须有who或that,定语从句的引导词作主语不可缺少。二、误用关系代词which。1.This is the best book which I have ever read.2.We are talking about the teachers an…  相似文献   

Once there was a fish seller who was fond of arguing with others. On a summer day he carried a load of fish and arrived at a teahouse.He heard the storyteller saying,“Cao Cao was leading seven hundred andthirty thousand troops and horses towards the south of the Changjiang River  相似文献   

Why do some of adult learners successfully accomplish their learning while the others drop out? This has been an important question in the field of adult learning. For a long time researchers has been exploring this subject around learning barriers as well as motivations. Not until lately did some of adult and distance scholars start to pay attention to the question of why some of the adult students could successfully push through their learning process even if they are in a disadvantaged situation. Thus, Learner Retention has become one of the important themes to discuss in order to understand more about how to assist learners to persist through their learning. The main purpose of this paper is to explore how adult learners persist through their learning and factors that might have influences on them. Adult teachers and NOU students (including those who already graduated and those who dropped out) were interviewed and surveyed. Concluding from those data and content of interviews, this paper set a model that describes how adult learner retain through their learning process and some suggestions are made for better student learning support policies.  相似文献   

Every one of us expects success in our daily life and work. However, we can't avoid various kinds of failures. Some people will persist in their effort and finally get suc- cess, while others will lose their hearts easily for not having achieved what they have aimed at.  相似文献   

Mission TESOL's inission is to develop the expertise of its meinbers and others involved in teaching English to speakers ofother languages to help thegn foster effective communication indiverse settings while respecting individuals" language rights.To this end, TESOL articulates and advances standards forprofessional preparation and employment, continuing educa  相似文献   

No masterpiece by great writers is single-sided.It is always polyhedron and is bound to show new sides if we read it in a different perspective.Traditionally,"the Mayor of Casterbridge",one of the important novels by Thomas Hardy,is an illustration of the inevitable doom of the patriarchal economy in the English countryside in the 19th century England due to the merciless squeeze by industrial expansion.However,considering the widespread accepted theory of Adam Smith’s economic man and moral man,we could find that man are always in conflict between the two.Someone who are very rational and perfectly informed to pursue their own profits and wealth regardless of others’ interests could always successfully gain their wealth with the cost of losing their own happiness,while others who always care about someone else,put themselves in someone else’s places,and regard someone else’s happiness as their concerns could eventually get their real happiness and sweet life with a sympathetic heart.Adam Smith thinks that the egoism(economic man) and the altruism(moral man) are both human’s natural instincts.Only a moderately prudent balance and union between the two could both develop the economy and gain the happiness.In "The Mayor of Casterbridge",Henchard’s tragedy just lies in the abundance of egoism but the shortage of altruism.That’s to say,he possesses too many characteristics of economic man but too little of moral man.Then Henchard inevitably begins his tragic way with no repentance.  相似文献   

Teachers are gardeners who work hard and make us grow happily;teachers are candles that burn themselves and tight others.I love teachers. At school,I have many teachers,the Chinese teacher,the maths teacher,the English teacher, and the science teacher…My Chinese teacher is Miss Jiang.She is tall and thin with glasses on her nose.She is very funny and strict,but  相似文献   

1. Keep skid chains on your tongue ;always say less than you think.Cultivate a low,persuasive voice.How you say it counts more than what you say. 2. Make promises sparingly,and keep them faithfully,no matter what it costs. 3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody.Praise good work,regardless of who did it.If criticism is needed,criticize helpfully, never spitefully. 4. Be interested in others,their pursuits,their work,their homes and families. Make merry with those who rejoice;with those who weep,mourn.Let everyone you meet,however humble,feel that you  相似文献   

黄立进 《海外英语》2011,(14):342-343
This paper,in two installments,attempts to clarify the finer points in the similarities and differences in the usage of relative pronouns,who,that and which,while they are in relative clauses.They are illustrated and justified with examples.The paper,through the comparison of the usages of who,that and which,has shown their similarities and differences from one another.It will enable us to master their usages and help us in studying relative clauses.  相似文献   

慈弟 《今日中学生》2013,(32):28-29
A People all over the world enjoy dancing.Young and old,male and female,like to dance and to watch others dance.Do you know why dancing is so popular or how it began?People often motion(摆动)with their hands while talking.These gestures(手势)help express their feelings.Movement is a form of  相似文献   

A "blogger" is a person who writes on an Internet computer Web site called a "blog". The word "blog" is a short way of saying web log, or personal Web site. Anyone can start a blog, and they can write about anything they like. There are millions of blogs on the Internet today. They provide news, information and ideas to many people who read them. They contain links to other Web sites. And they provide a place for people to write their ideas and react to the ideas of others.A research com p…  相似文献   

Various studies have found that motivation has a close relationship with students’achievement.The relationship between motivation and learning is interactive,it is agreed that students who have strong motivation,and they are more likely to make more effort in learning than others.We can safely conclude that motivation is a necessary condition when learning a foreign language.A real learning  相似文献   

It was the first day of school.As the principal(校长)made his rounds,he heard a terrible com-motion(动乱)coming from one of the classrooms.He rushed in and spotted one boy,taller thanthe others,who seemed to be making the mostnoise.  相似文献   

Grandma's wedding ring or matching tattoos? When it comes to weddings, some stars stick to tradition, while others go off the charts.Courtship 求爱SOMETHING NEW: Madonna and Guy Ritchie What became one of the most talked-about and elegant weddings of 2000 had rather understated beginnings, especially  相似文献   

Identifiable A number of inmates were in a police lineup arranged according to their height. Joe stood exactly in the middle while his jail-mate Rick, who was taller, was in the 13th position and another, Fred who was even taller, was at the 20th position.  相似文献   

On one Sunday, I was viewing on the web, the video of Harvard University public class, positive psychology, which was taught by Tal Ben Shahar attracted me deeply, it has total twenty-three classes, and I finished watching it in four weeks and benefit a lot from it. I would like to share it with others who have no idea about it.  相似文献   

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