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Secondary Education and Research in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Through the 1990s the secondary sector was a site of considerable change as the Government sought to ensure that the curriculum and associated assessment practices were designed to meet student needs and the long-term goals of New Zealand society. The new regime aimed to promote student achievement and in particular to attain more equitable educational outcomes for all New Zealand students. These were policy rather than practice driven initiatives that linked somewhat tenuously to research based evidence. This paper begins by giving an overview of the secondary sector in New Zealand and these educational reforms. The overview sets the context for the following section that describes links between educational research, policy and practice during this time. Key issues within the sector are highlighted and some of the ways research has been used to monitor changes and inform policy are identified. It is argued that much of the research over the past decade has been small scale and short term and while this has served the immediate policy agenda it has provided only fragmentary evidence to inform longer term goals such as improving student performance. The paper concludes by discussing some of the current initiatives that might contribute to improving the interface between research and policy/practice in secondary education. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mission schools in Africa in the first half of the twentieth century were in many ways microcosms of the great educational debates of the times. The objectives of policies regarding access, governance and curriculum were part of a historical evolution of mission education but they were also increasingly a reflection of significant new trends that were to reshape the theory and practice of colonial education. New forms of educational research and professional expertise were to play an ever‐increasing role in shaping the forms and content of the education provided. The brief of the mission churches was to meet with the increasing demand for schooling. Church and state gradually expanded their cooperation in the field as the costs of education outstripped the resources of the missions and the demand for mass education came to be linked to nationalist demands for political and economic rights. This paper is concerned to map the background to those international influences that shaped the policy and practices of mission education and the increasing engagement of colonial governments with the field of education. It addresses the question of the worldwide Protestant mission church’s response to the changing political, social and economic environment of the first half of the twentieth century. In particular it seeks to explore how mission initiatives shaped thinking about education in Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America by the 1930s. It also attempts to situate those issues within a wider educational framework by linking them to the emergent debate concerning pragmatism and utilitarianism in regard to progressive education in the USA and the quest for social democratic education in the United Kingdom and Europe as part of a response to socialism, nationalism and totalitarianism. In short, the paper explores the influence of the Christian mission churches with regard to social policy, in general, and the provision of education, in particular, during the interwar years, with special reference to areas influenced by the work of the International Missionary Council. At a time when there was a crisis of support for ‘foreign missions’ how did the debates between fundamentalist‐evangelicals and supporters of a ‘social gospel’ transform themselves into debates regarding the role of missions in non‐Western societies? And how did these essentially ecclesiastical/theological issues come to influence public policy, specifically educational policy, in the long term? The conclusions are that mission churches had a very significant influence on the shaping of educational thinking in the colonial and imperial context at a time when state influence in the sector was still often quite weak. The origins of the conference and research culture that has informed educational policy since the establishment of the United Nations Organization had its roots in the broad context of the Charter of the League of Nations, with a meeting of religious and secular goals, prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. Between 1910 and 1939 there was a significant history of educational reform and community development that has only been partially documented in relation to its global significance. This is an attempt to build a framework for understanding the nature of those changes and what was achieved. The investigation is conducted through an exploration of the three great World Mission Conferences of the International Missionary Council (IMC) held at Edinburgh (1910), Jerusalem (1928) and Tambaram, India (1938). The attempts of Christian churches to engage with dramatic social changes associated with industrialisation, urbanisation, poverty, cultural change and the rise of anti‐colonialism, with specific regard to the field of educational policy, are documented and analysed.  相似文献   

我国义务教育后分流政策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈冰 《职业技术教育》2005,26(13):24-27
从政策分析的角度出发,通过对有关我国义务教育后分流政策文本及相关评论的回顾,对我国义务教育后分流政策的成效及副作用进行分析,并提出做好义务教育普及、变强制系统为自主分流、加强普职教育沟通、拓宽中职生接受高等教育途径,是顺利进行义务教育后分流的必要前提.  相似文献   

教育政策问题确认是教育政策动态运行过程的逻辑起点,而明晰教育政策问题的内涵和特征则是教育政策问题确认的前提和基础。教育政策问题是指基于特定的教育客观情境,为了协调现存的教育利益、价值冲突及满足未来教育价值的公益性诉求.由政府或教育行政部门予以确认和试图解决的公共教育问题及公益性教育价值诉求。本文结合师范生免费教育政策问题,分析了教育政策问题的内涵和特征,以期为提高教育政策制定过程的科学性有所裨益。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,具有中国特色的义务教育法律体系初步形成,同时在政策领域,采取了小学升初中免试就近入学、均衡发展政策,针对社会弱势儿童实施了"两免一补"政策、随班就读政策、"两为主"政策等,形成了相对全面的普及和救助政策体系,致力于更加公平的教育是改革开放30年来义务教育政策和法制建设的主旋律。尽管如此,还存在着义务教育发展尚不均衡、弱势儿童的受教育机会尚未得到全面保障等突出问题。为此,要强化政府的义务教育公平责任,建立和完善保护儿童受教育权利的政策和法律机制,实现教育公共服务均等化,以保障每一个儿童都能上好学。  相似文献   

未来十年我国教育政策在内容上必将更多地体现创新思想和创新实践相统一,从横向看未来教育政策内容将更加强调创新,从纵向看各级各类教育政策内容都将更加聚焦重点问题,更加注重系统化和一体化设计。以制定、执行和评价三个维度定义的教育政策过程将逐渐形成人文性与科学性、社会民主性与技术现代化有机统一的显著特征。在政策环境上将依据成熟经验以更积极自信的态度应对来自外部和内部的双重机遇和挑战,全社会逐渐形成以终身教育观为主导的国际化的多元教育观,管办评分离改革将取得重要进展,教育资源在总量增加的基础上配置更加优化。教育政策将更加全面地体现中国特色社会主义核心价值观,更加能够融合新时代各种利益群体的不同价值取向,实现教育主体价值观的大融合和教育政策价值内容与形式的统一。  相似文献   

教育政策问题确认是教育政策动态运行过程的逻辑起点,而明晰教育政策问题的概念、内涵和特征则是教育政策问题确认的前提和基础。教育政策问题源于特定的教育客观情境,是主体对特定教育客观情境的觉察、感受和认同;以协调既存教育利益冲突及满足未来教育价值诉求为目的;是主体"能作为且积极作为"的公益性追求。教育政策问题呈现如下特征:教育政策问题是需要公共权力加以解决的公共领域的公共教育利益问题;呈现为系统之间或系统之内的网状结构样态问题;是主体选择、分析和认定的主观人为问题;是动态形成、发展及解决的问题;是影响人身心发展和社会持续健康和谐发展的"教育性"问题。  相似文献   


Higher education is a service that contributes to national development, integration and regional cohesion. Agricultural education in particular has been viewed in many developing countries as a significant contributor to sustainable development and poverty alleviation. In view of its public mandate, higher education in most countries is regulated by competent bodies. However, higher education is also a service recognized under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is therefore subject to WTO's essential principles of promoting trade liberalization, market access and equitable treatment to all participants. But very little is known about the consequences of free trade in educational services. Also it is difficult to define which educational services are strictly commercial and which are public services. As a result, application of GATS can lead to disputes, unless the definitions are clear and international standards are in place, as in the case of other WTO agreements such as TRIPS, SPS and TBT. The present paper assesses the implications of application of the provisions of GATS to higher education in general and agricultural education in particular, with respect to Indian regulatory mechanisms for agricultural education. International scenarios of application of GATS in higher education and relevant policy issues for India as perceived by the faculty members of agricultural universities are discussed. The purpose is to initiate a fruitful debate at various national forums that can inform national policy and take advantage of the opportunities provided under GATS, while ensuring that national interests are kept in perspective.  相似文献   

重点论述建国后我国教育政策与教育法规的关系,两者的区别仅在形式上,两者的联系是主流,两者的终极归宿是走向和合.  相似文献   

调查显示,我国现阶段教师教育专业的招生和就业出现了一系列新的情况和问题:教师教育专业对高中毕业生有较大的吸引力,但优秀学生报考的积极性不高;有志于教育事业的师范毕业生较多,但愿意去农村中小学的很少;与此相关的是,中小学教师队伍建设成绩显著,但问题依然突出。要加强我国的教师教育,国家有必要强化激励机制、加强政策引导,设立国家教师教育专业奖学金,实行师范毕业生农村就业优惠政策,确保教师基本待遇、努力提高教师质量。  相似文献   

农民工随迁子女随着年龄的增长呈金字塔状分布,使得非义务教育阶段的教育公平问题日益凸显。通过教育立法、鼓励吸纳民间资本兴建民办幼儿园可以有效缓解当前学前教育资源紧张的局面;同时,通过实施完全开放的中等职业教育、逐步开放普通高中教育、构建财政转移与补偿制度等政策可以有效促进农民工随迁子女非义务教育阶段的教育公平。  相似文献   

智利教育券政策述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1980年,智利开始实施由公共经费资助的政府教育券政策.该政策以弗里德曼的自由市场教育券模式为理论基础,覆盖全国所有的公立和部分私立中小学.教育券政策的实施尽管扩大了学生及其家长选择学校的机会,但研究表明社会经济背景较好的学生才是该政策的更大受益者.此外,在改进学校效益、提高教育质量、促进教育公平等方面,智利的教育券政策也并没有取得预期的效应.因此,有必要重新认识教育券政策的目的与功能,以寻求新的突破.  相似文献   

在全球化力量的推动下,不同国家与地方政府的教育政策将会发生时空等政策环境的变化,从而推进全球教育政策形成过程的变化。分析影响全球教育政策时空转移的一般动力,是教育政策研究的重要视角,对于提升政府教育政策创新能力具有重要的现实意义。结合全球教育政策转移的历史与现实进程来看,主要有"学习-问题解决"、"竞争-创新"与"强制-规范"等几种可能的动力模式。  相似文献   

80年代以来英国高等教育政策背景及其走向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪八十年代以来,影响英国高等教育政策的背景因素主要有新公共管理理论和公共政策、教育人口统计学、平等主义思想、责任制和质量问题等;高等教育政策继续朝着注重效益、扩大规模、强化质量、加强科研资助的选择性和加强高等教育与产业界的联系的方向发展。  相似文献   

当前我国民族教育领域有几个理论问题亟须新的理解,以适应民族教育理论与实践发展的需要。民族教育概念理解已经走出了那种以主体民族为视角的观点,修正了过去单一注重现代教育的观点,开始将民族教育理解为民族和民族地区的教育。民族双语教学的主要问题在于对两种语言及教学的关系的把握上出现了偏差,解决双语教学中存在的主要问题,必须要在充分考虑民族学、语言学、教育学、心理学、社会学等理论支持和民族语言的使用、民族成员的双语态度等因素的情况下,制定双语教学的科学政策。多元文化课程是在多元文化的历史与社会现实背景下,学校教育传承民族文化的需要,多元文化课程的实施势在必行。民族教育政策的重心正在发生着转移,这种转移是民族教育从数量发展向质量发展的转移,这种转移亦是由民族教育优惠政策向特殊政策的转移。  相似文献   

论大学的素质教育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大学素质教育与通识教育是近年来高等教育研究的两个热点问题。实现高等教育大众化后,作为大学管理者弄清大学“素质教育”“、通识教育”和“专业教育”的内涵及其关系,对推进大学的素质教育具有一定的现实意义。大学素质教育是面向未来的一种新理念,应当体现在大学的各个方面。要处理好大学素质教育与通识教育的关系,不能把通识教育完全等同于素质教育。要处理好大学素质教育与专业教育的关系,不能用素质教育削弱或取代专业教育。  相似文献   

中职免费教育政策既是提升中职学校吸引力的现实需要,更是国家职教发展战略的诉求.纵观十年,该政策在优化教育结构、提高中职学校吸引力、增加初中毕业生受教育机会等方面做出重要贡献的同时,也面临偏离教育公平目标、对学生的吸引力有限、降低了中职学生向上流动机会等问题.因此,后续政策需要建立政府主导和企业参与的财政保障体系;提高中职学校教育质量,提升中职学生向上流动机会.  相似文献   

李淼 《高教发展与评估》2012,28(5):76-81,124
教育公平是构建和谐社会的时代诉求,而政府主体在教育政策中所起的作用是影响教育公平的主要因素.分析城乡教育政策落实的偏差,从政府公共职责缺失、教育政策的民主性有待加强、教育法制存在的问题三个角度剖析当前政府决策机制在城乡二元结构下对教育不公造成的影响.  相似文献   

对《义务教育法》有关特殊教育条款的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
新修订的《义务教育法》继承了我国建国初期采取的对特殊教育的特殊政策,并将改革开放以来实施特殊教育的成功做法上升为法律,从政府责任、教育形式、教师待遇、经费投入、法律责任五个方面保障特殊儿童、少年受义务教育权利和教育权益。本文对相关条款进行分析的同时,对该法第十六条中的个别术语和文字表述的科学性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This article explores the current state and new roles of physical education as liberal education (PELE) in higher education. Recently, there has been growing discontent with PELE due to program redundancy and lack of educational power in higher education. However, little attention has been given to how to reconstruct PELE in higher education. To investigate this matter, this article examines (a) the origins and rationale of liberal education; (b) similarities and differences between liberal education, general education, and liberal arts; and (c) connections between liberal education and physical education. To conclude, two challenges of PELE in higher education are presented. These issues need to be overcome to bring PELE authentically into the world of colleges and universities.  相似文献   

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