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一、新时代的来临——创感时代(Conceptual Age) 21世纪,社会经历了信息时代(Information Age),而今又进入了一个崭新的时代——创感时代(Conceptual Age),一个更重视创新和感性认知的时代。所谓创感时代,就是在学习、工作以及生活中,注重右脑的、综合的、创造性的思考,进行感性的、充满想象力的、情景化的创意思维方式,是基于境脉思维方式的“创感时代”。  相似文献   

文章介绍丹尼尔·平克的后信息时代观,分析“Conceptual Age”的概念及其“创感教育”的内涵,讨论在教学中如何培养学生创感素养,将设计感(Design)、故事感(Story)、交响感(Symphony)、共情感(Empathy)、娱乐感(Play)、意义感(Meaning)融入教学中。  相似文献   

陆红红 《高中生》2010,(6):39-40
人物描写类英语写作试题解题指导 基础薄弱的学生,可以套用一定的格式来写作。 1.Age,sex and marriage (1)他出生在2000年,现年10岁。  相似文献   

英特尔副总裁兼研究部门总监钱安达(Andrew Chien)在2008年英特尔春季开发者论坛(Intel Developer Forum Spring 2008)的主题演讲中说,如果说19世纪是源于蒸汽机的工业革命时代,20世纪是源于计算机发明的信息化时代,则“21世纪可以说是互动时代(Interaction Age)”。因此,计算机教育非常重要,Classmate PC具有重大意义。  相似文献   

As we are enternig into the Age of Informa-tion,the Age of Knowledge,the Age of Paradox,the Age of Access.Age of Chaos,Age of Unrea-son,Age of Possibility,and the Age of the Fulfill-ment of Hope.learning for freedom,which meanslearning for the freedom to know,freedom to go,freedom to do,freedom to live,and freedom to be,has become possible and should be set as the ulti-mate goal of everyone's lifelong learning process.By learning for freedom a learner should developsufficientself- confid…  相似文献   

Dogs are friends of man. They work for us. They hunt with us. They also play with us. But a long time ago, in all over the world, dogs were wild. Dogs can go back to the Stone Age. All dogs had the same ancestor (祖先).[第一段]  相似文献   

New Age Music,也被译作“新纪元音乐”。其实,New Age Music时常在我们的周围响起,现在越来越多的广告开始用New Age Music作为背景音乐,很多电视剧也倾向于用它作为自己的结尾曲,甚至连  相似文献   

赵勇:《追赶还是引领:全球化时代的美国教育》 《追赶还是引领:全球化时代的美国教育》(Catching Up or Leading the Way:American Education in the Age of Globalization)是由美国马歇尔大学教授赵勇撰写的英文著作。美国教育哪些是对的,哪些是错的?美国教育究竟应该是什么样?美国人对这些问题一直争论不休。  相似文献   

匡琼琼 《英语广场》2023,(6):98-101
由Routledge出版社出版的论文集《数字时代的外语学习》(Foreign Language Learning in the Digital Age)收集了14篇国外关于外语多元读写教学最新研究成果,着眼于当代媒体的多元化发展,将数字媒体和读写能力作为21世纪教育的整体目标。本书汇集跨学科对话和理论,分析数字时代社会变革对教育的影响。无论是创新的理论视角还是新颖的教学案例,本书都对我国二语教学研究具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

5: Age at which Anna began playing tennis; both parents were athletes in the USSR' s state-run sports program.9: Age at which she became the youngest client ever signed by the International Management Group.1992: Year Anna and her mother left Rus-  相似文献   

文章选取建筑行业前沿著作《机器人建造:自动化时代的建筑》(Robotic Building:Architecture in the Age of Automation)作为翻译研究对象。该书包含了对先进的3D打印技术及其对自动化时代机器人建造的潜在影响等方面的介绍。文章在翻译目的论视角下,通过对一些中英译例的分析,总结出相关建筑类文本翻译应采用的策略并给出词汇、语法及句式、标点三个层面的翻译建议,以期为从事建筑类文本翻译的人员在翻译过程中更好地进行译文选择提供助益。  相似文献   

教学质量的提高应立足于对课堂教学的改善,课堂教学应该能够引起学生的兴趣和主动性。在概念时代(Conceptual Age)的社会形势下,创新思维得到重视,对创新思维的培养不再是传统的教育方式可以实现的,需要发挥右脑的潜力。笔者提出改善办法,将课堂教学娱乐化,这既能引起学生的兴趣又能够激发学生的右脑思维。在总结目前课堂中已用的娱乐形式的基础上提出新的娱乐方式,总结在课堂中将教学娱乐化的原则。  相似文献   

For a few centuries, much of Europe was caught in the shackling hold of an extra-dark period in the affairs of humankind.Ignorance and superstition were rife. This was the time known as "the Dark Age".However, it gave way to a brighter period. This was the Age of Revival, better known as "the Renais-  相似文献   

杨士杰 《海外英语》2013,(8X):10-11
Up till now only a few papers have been found to analyze The Age of Exuberance. It is extremely interesting for us to read The Age of Exuberance:backgrounds to eigh-teenth century English literature by Donald Greene, who tries to see the eigh teenth century from a different perspective, observing it as an exuberant, luxuriant age full of variety. It is the eighteenth century that witnesses the emergence of many news things.  相似文献   

彭弋 《海外英语》2014,(16):175-179
New Age Music, which appeared in late 1920 s, is unstylish, non-classical and practical. It is called The Third Voice.Yanni is a world famous composer, performer and master in trendy music. The song which is included in Yanni's album—If I Could Tell You(2000) —is analyzed in this paper to explore the technique of expression and the characteristics of New Age Music.  相似文献   

21世纪,社会经历了信息时代(Information Age),而今又进入了一个崭新的时代--创感时代(Conceptual Age),一个更重视创新和感性认知的时代.创感时代以"六感"为主要特征,同时也有其他另外的N感等待我们发现.本文以语文教学中责任感的培养为例,希望能够提供创感时代下责任感的培养的一些可行的方法.  相似文献   

任淆一年龄(Age):11岁星窿(C0nsfeIIQlion):射手座黧;掣;意蓊盘腿学校(SCh001):哈尔滨继红小字丑年八班冀篇?;器特》、《戥大战》将爱看的书籍:《哈利‘波特》、‘星球入蚬窜哥可榴欢的话:三人同行,必有我师。列·J·威年龄(Age):12岁星座(Constellation):天蝎座爱好(Fancy):游  相似文献   

Name:Kong Ying(孔莹)Age:13 Hometown:Henan,China Family:father,mother and me Hobbies:singing, dancing and playing the piano Why She’s Cool:  相似文献   

他们是最年轻的团体,拥有无可限量的潜力,在Dance Group泛监的时代,FTIsland想拓展出一片属于自己的天空,并欲将把下一个时代改写成Band Age.  相似文献   

Have a Try     
一、你能说出下列电影片名吗? 1. Future World 2. Snow white 3. Twelfth-Night 4. Break Dance 5. Mickey and Donald 6. Old Well 7. At Middle Age 8. Girl in Red 9. The Song of Youth  相似文献   

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