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怎样才能上好每堂课?关键是把7个方面的教学事项融入8种教学法之中,且在教学过程中呈现出来,恰当地运用教学方法是提高教学水平的一种途径,是教师终生研究的课题。  相似文献   

Research in teacher education repeatedly suggests that the background and underlying beliefs held by pre-service teachers about teaching and assessment act to shape their interpretations of ideas, powerfully influencing their praxis and their developing teacher identity. This paper explores how a young New Zealand secondary science teacher, raised and educated in Māori-medium and then English-medium New Zealand schools, develops his identity as a teacher as he navigates a range of educational contexts and experiences. His views on assessment provide a focus. The paper presents a case study drawn from a two-year longitudinal study, comprising a series of interviews with the teacher, as he transitioned from a university graduate to a qualified science teacher working in his first school. The complexity of teacher identity development is highlighted, particularly for teachers for whom cultural identity and indigenous world view is important. It suggests that beginning teachers need more time in their pre-service teacher education to reflect on the influence their formative educational experiences have on who they are becoming as a teacher.  相似文献   

故事教学法是运用故事进行教学的一种方法,体现出素质教育的本质要求,有助于小学生创新精神和实践能力的培养。本文通过对故事教学法含义的阐述,希望让更多人了解这一方法。同时对故事教学法在小学语文课堂中运用的意义和它在课堂中的具体操作也进行了论述,通过这样的方式阐述笔者的拙见。研究这一问题,对于有效提高小学生学习效率有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目前不健康的生活娱乐方式正侵蚀着学生的体质健康,学生的体质健康状况不容乐观。为了更好地实现《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》的总体目标,为了切实提高学生的全面素质,丰富和发展学生个性,促进学生健康的发展,我院实施了体育课内外一体化教学改革实验,开始探索构筑适合我院的体育课内外一体化教学模式。改革建立在我院实际教学工作的基础上,在“靠指导、为核心、依策略、建体系”的总体架构上,主要从“指导思想、教学目标、教学策略、组织管理策略、课程体系、评价体系”等方面着手进行了相应的尝试,取得了较好的效果,为教学改革的进一步深入打下了良好的理论、实践基础。  相似文献   

<正>Introduction Being an English teacher,in this article,I will give two linguistic examples on the phonological,grammatical,and morphological levels,which happened to me and my students inside and outside of ESL classrooms.It also aims to prove different extents to which language teachers need to know anything about linguistics.In order to identify language learners’difficulties or help  相似文献   

从构图的角度、几种常见景物的角度、几种不同的天气的角度三方面阐述了风景画写生的几点心得.  相似文献   

略论“知情意行”行为辅导模式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
卢献  郑岩滨 《教育探索》2004,(4):100-103
“知情意行”行为模式是人的高级行为模式。根据“知情意行”行为模式,对教师行为作出诊断并进行针对性辅导,是一种提高教师行为水平的有效策略。在学校全面管理中,可以通过创“情”、设“意”、明“知”,提高整体教师的行为水平。  相似文献   

研究从三个地区20名视障儿童巡回指导教师的视角,对随班就读巡回指导工作现状进行全面深入的解读;探讨巡回指导工作开展的重点与难点。在教师对自身工作反思与建议的基础上,概括出目前随班就读巡回指导工作的主要问题是:巡回指导制度不完善导致教师内部动机不足,相应支持缺乏,工作全面但不深入。研究从加强巡回指导制度建设,提高观念意识,深入挖掘巡回指导工作内涵,以及巡回指导教师培养四个方面提出了相应建议。  相似文献   


This paper offers an autoethnographic account of my first academic year as a Human Geography lecturer at a ‘new’ public university in the North West of England. This research is timely and much needed, since teaching at universities in England has recently come under increasing scrutiny. The Teaching Excellence Framework is a new scheme, which aims to recognise and reward excellence in teaching, learning, and outcomes, and helps to inform student choice. This paper is theoretically framed by drawing on notions of theatrical performance, and performativity. This paper offers insight into the coping strategies, in respect of teaching, that I deployed as a new university lecturer. Findings are discussed around the themes of: performing teaching identities, and inauthenticity. With regard to performing teaching identities, this paper discusses the need for identity to be multiple and shifting, and how, as a young female, I undertook identity work, in order to perform competence. I also bring to the fore feelings of inauthenticity; that is, how I did not feel as if I was a genuine academic, and how I fabricated / falsified aspects of my academic identity in order to ‘fit in’ with the expectations of both students and staff. As the voice of a new lecturer in her first year of teaching, this paper makes a useful contribution to the scholarship on early career academics and teaching development. This paper concludes with recommendations for change in practice-based settings, in order to assist new lecturers to settle into the job role, and enhance and enrich teaching practice.  相似文献   

近年来,各高校都在进行大学英语课堂教学改革。教师们发现,第二课堂是对常规课堂教学的最好补充,也是培养学生创新精神的最佳阵地。本文分析了大学英语教学和学习现状及存在的问题,指出要达到较好的大学英语教学效果,必须把两者有效地结合起来,取长补短。  相似文献   

In the context of teaching in higher education story writing as an aid to reflection on practice would seem to be a little-used research tool. We examine its value as part of an action research project focusing on dissertation supervision, in which five lecturers were invited to write stories on this theme. The ways in which this dimension was introduced into the project are explored, and its distinctive contribution to the research, together with the use of interviews and group discussion, is discussed. We consider the purposes of story writing within action research, and the ways in which it might benefit both writer and readers, and offer suggestions for how others might develop this aspect of action research into teaching in higher education.  相似文献   

Despite calls for a more nuanced approach to issues of gender and equity that recognizes how broader relations of gender and power continue to produce injustices for many females, essentialized accounts expressing concern about boys’ poor educational performance remain the most common refrain in dominant equity discourses across Western contexts. This common refrain characteristic of current large scale gender reforms, such as Australia's parliamentary inquiry into the education of boys, Boys: Getting it right, is driven by a standards rather than social justice focus and thus creates silences around issues of gender injustice, power, and constructions of hegemonic masculinity. In this paper, I present “Sally's” story as a disruption of these silences. Sally is a young English teacher at “Penfolds College”, an all boys Catholic school in a large urban centre in Queensland (Australia). Her story, in illustrating how particular boys draw on broader discourses of masculinity to sexually harass and intimidate her, highlights the inadequacies of dominant public and policy discourse in terms of its failure to locate boys’ educational issues within broader contexts of inequitable gender relations.  相似文献   

具有"丰富性和多样性、直观性和生动性、震撼性和启迪性"的故事教学法,是思想品德教育中可以起到激励和引领作用的有效方法。它是思想品德教育基本原则的真切体现,是增强思想品德教育趣味性的有效方式,是思想品德教育凝神聚气的震撼力量。思想品德教育要能引用故事教学法,需采取"抽象思想品德教育理论与典型思想品德教育故事的有机结合,善于运用多媒体教学设置思想品德教育的故事情景,巧妙挖掘故事中的思想品德教育因素"等多维有效策略。  相似文献   

河南科技大学建立了组织机构健全、监控措施完善、过程与目标并重、运行成效显著的教学质量监控体系,确保了教学工作的正常运行和教学质量的稳步提升;建立了三级责任制、三阶段重点监控和三表制成绩评定制度,使毕业设计(论文)工作的目标管理和过程管理有机结合,切实保证了毕业设计(论文)的质量。  相似文献   

本文从历史故事在初中历史教学中的重要性出发,分析了选择历史故事的原则:真实性、趣味性、针对性。在此基础上,从通过有悬念的历史故事导入新课;通过小故事来化解课堂教学难点;课末巧妙设置历史故事增加兴趣三个方面重点介绍了在初中历史教学中如何有效地使用历史故事,以此来提升历史课的气氛,提高教学质量,增强学生对于历史知识的掌握。  相似文献   

This paper presents the story of a mathematics teacher's transformation that resulted from her engagement in collaborative action research. The collaborative research, conducted by a university mathematics educator and an eighth-grade mathematics teacher (Marylin), centered on investigating the outcomes of implementing a Hands-On Equations approach to teaching algebra. This algebraic study, which is briefly reported herein, serves as a vehicle for examining the questions, reflections, and changes brought forth by Marylin throughout the collaborative process. Thus, the project of investigating the teaching and learning of algebra can be viewed as the sub-study within the broader study of the effects of collaborative action research on the mathematics teacher involved in the investigation. Within this paper, issues related to the broader study of collaborative action research in the mathematics classroom, that are connected to Marylin's transformation, are discussed. These issues include the characterization of and goals for collaborative action research as well as the challenges for collaborative action research in mathematics classrooms.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Messy method: the unfolding story   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article outlines an attempt to develop a method of inquiry, which takes a frank look at the untidy realities of research. During his practitioner-based PhD the author was mainly ‘working without rules’ (Appignanesi & Garrett, 1995, p. 50). New understandings of concepts such as analysis, data, theory and writing began to evolve as he gradually embraced a positive view of ‘mess’.[1] Over the 6 years of the study, the author made many ‘errors’, but wanted to be honest about these. He eventually began to see an ‘honesty trail’, together with clear communication (the material should be very readable and subject to feedback) as essential parts of the project’s ‘strength’ (a term offered in place of validity):  相似文献   

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