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基于某资格类考试考后数据,对包含单选题和多选题的复合选择题的雷同答卷进行分析,提出单选甄别、多选甄别和合并甄别3种甄别方案,设计不同测验长度、难度、被抄袭考生水平、题目抄袭比率、作弊考生比率及显著性水平的实验样本。研究结果显示:合并甄别和单选甄别都表现出较好的甄别性能,多选甄别由于多选题数量方面的劣势,甄别率低且Ⅰ型错误率高。据此,提出甄别雷同答卷的建议:如果对甄别出的雷同答卷考生进行违纪违规处理,可将单选甄别和合并甄别分别甄别出的结果取交集作为最后处理依据;如果不对甄别结果进行处理,可将2种方案分别甄别出的结果取并集,以此来对考区或考点的考风考纪进行监管。  相似文献   

基于某资格类考试考后数据,对包含单选题和多选题的复合选择题的雷同答卷进行分析,提出单选甄别、多选甄别和合并甄别3种甄别方案,设计不同测验长度、难度、被抄袭考生水平、题目抄袭比率、作弊考生比率及显著性水平的实验样本。研究结果显示:合并甄别和单选甄别都表现出较好的甄别性能,多选甄别由于多选题数量方面的劣势,甄别率低且Ⅰ型错误率高。据此,提出甄别雷同答卷的建议:如果对甄别出的雷同答卷考生进行违纪违规处理,可将单选甄别和合并甄别分别甄别出的结果取交集作为最后处理依据;如果不对甄别结果进行处理,可将2种方案分别甄别出的结果取并集,以此来对考区或考点的考风考纪进行监管。  相似文献   

孔祥 《考试研究》2015,(2):84-89
以某国家级考试数据为样本,通过选取错同率、g2、Kappa-X、K-index和OMEGA五种雷同答卷甄别方法,对雷同答卷甄别领域显著性水平α设定的标准进行研究,并针对其在甄别工作中的相关应用等问题提出解决方案。  相似文献   

孔祥 《考试研究》2014,(2):49-53
近几年,即使面对日益严格的监考,在高考中依然出现了群体性的高科技团伙作弊现象,如何遏制这种情况,严肃考试纪律,维护广大守纪考生的合法权益,对考试机构提出了更高的要求。在考试结束后采用雷同答卷甄别技术对作弊考生进行甄别已经应用在司法考试、医师考试、公务员考试等一些国家级考试中,因此,有必要通过高考题型、试卷质量、甄别方法、法律问题等方面的分析,对在高考中采用雷同答卷甄别技术的可行性进行研究,以震慑作弊考生,保证考试的公平公正。本研究结果表明,在高考中采用雷同答卷甄别技术是现实可行的。  相似文献   

如果一道题有两种截然相反的答案A和答案B,那么或者答案A错,或者答案B错;或者答案A答案B均错,一般不会有答案A答案B均对的情况.可是2007年扬州市中考数学题和2008年青海省中考数学题却出现了这种罕见的现象.  相似文献   

为数不少的中小学校存在校训雷同现象。对此熟视无睹、习以为常,必将弱化校训的导向作用和育人功能,进而使学校发展失去根基。校训建设须因校制宜,继承传统。与时俱进,积淀文化底蕴,张扬个性特质。校长应把校训建设、创新作为学校办学的一件大事,坚持在更新办学理念、弘扬校园文化、打造学校特色中.着力形成体现办学宗旨、时代要求、学校灵魂的人文化、个性化的校训。  相似文献   

一 我认为,现在人的人生路都走得太雷同。家长总对孩子说:“孩子啊,你得好好读书,为爸妈争光!要不然就没出息呀!”可是不少孩子就会想:“我不会读书。就真的没用吗?”  相似文献   

5月10日 晴 策划自己的人生,使自己走好每一步。——题记 放眼望去,你会感受到世界是如此的大;开阔视野,你会感受到世界是如此之奇妙;敞开胸怀,你会感受到世界是如此美好。[第一段]  相似文献   

你还记得母校的校训吗?你是不是对这样的校训特别眼熟?  相似文献   

缺乏生活、修养不足是造成目前歌曲创作雷同现象的重要原因,从民歌中吸取有益养分是走出歌曲创作雷同困境的有效途径。  相似文献   

甄别答案抄袭的K指数方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆敏 《考试研究》2009,(1):57-69
目前,除考场监考等考务手段外,考试安全机构还通过对考生作答的异常一致性进行试后甄别,从而判定考生是否抄袭。判定考生抄袭有多种统计方法,K指数是美国ETS在多项选择题考试中使用的判定方法之一。本文介绍了K指数的原理、方法,对使用K指数的结果进行了讨论,并认为K指数保守地估计了对考生由于偶然因素导致作答一致的概率。  相似文献   

We investigated the statistical properties of the K-index (Holland, 1996) that can be used to detect copying behavior on a test. A simulation study was conducted to investigate the applicability of the K-index for small, medium, and large datasets. Furthermore, the Type I error rate and the detection rate of this index were compared with the copying index, ω (Wollack, 1997). Several approximations were used to calculate the K-index. Results showed that all approximations were able to hold the Type I error rates below the nominal level. Results further showed that using ω resulted in higher detection rates than the K-indices for small and medium sample sizes (100 and 500 simulees).  相似文献   

Answer Changing on Multiple-Choice Test Items Among Eighth-Grade Readers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study was done to examine the effect of answer changing on multiple-choice test performance among good and poor readers in the eighth grade. Although the gains of poor readers were higher than those of good readers, all subjects profited significantly from changing their answers on items. For all subjects, when a single response was changed, there was a two-to-one chance that the new response would raise rather than lower the final score. Gains from answer changing on test items were slightly higher for poor readers as a group than were those for good readers. However, the result was determined not to be significant. More important, this hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that all subjects profited from answer changing. Therefore, the results were interpreted as lending support to the notion that answer-changing response among young examinees should be encouraged if there is a reasonable doubt about their “first impression.”  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how Year 8 students answered Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) questions and whether the test questions represented the scientific understanding of these students. One hundred and seventy-seven students were tested using written test questions taken from the science test used in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. The degree to which a sample of 38 children represented their understanding of the topics in a written test compared to the level of understanding that could be elicited by an interview is presented in this paper. In exploring student responses in the interview situation this study hoped to gain some insight into the science knowledge that students held and whether or not the test items had been able to elicit this knowledge successfully. We question the usefulness and quality of data from large-scale summative assessments on their own to represent student scientific understanding and conclude that large scale written test items, such as TIMSS, on their own are not a valid way of exploring students' understanding of scientific concepts. Considerable caution is therefore needed in exploiting the outcomes of international achievement testing when considering educational policy changes or using TIMSS data on their own to represent student understanding.  相似文献   

四级考试改革新题型(CET-4新题型)能够比较准确地测试考生英语综合应用能力,尤其是英语听说能力,而且对大学英语教学改革产生了良好的反拨效应.但是作为如此大规模的全国性考试在试卷答题卡的设计方面却存在一些不足,不利于公平、公正地阅卷,而且答题卡二的设计容易误导考生正确答题.本文略谈新题型答题卡方面存在的问题并提出改进意见.  相似文献   

多项式的合并同类项测试结果表明:正负号个数与字母个数对合并同类项的迁移成绩都有极其显著的影响,同类项间距离影响不显著;正负号个数与字母个数对合并同类项的交互效应极其显著.对能否完成合并同类项迁移的分析结果表明:正负号个数的变化与字母个数的多少对是否能在合并同类项中进行迁移有影响,而同类项间距离影响较小.  相似文献   


The effect of introducing third graders to the use of separate answer sheets on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) was investigated. Classes of third graders were administered 11 ITBS subscales under one of the following formats: (a) using separate answer sheets without prior practice; (b) using separate answer sheets with practice sessions; or (c) marking answers directly in the test booklet. Students using separate answer sheets without practice were found to score significantly lower than students answering in the test booklet. When the two separate answer sheet conditions were compared, the group with prior practice scored significantly higher than the group without practice. The largest differences occurred with the lower-ability students in this sample, suggesting that these students were both the most adversely affected by the use of separate answer sheets without practice, and the most helped by the practice sessions.  相似文献   

A statistical test for the detection of answer copying on multiple-choice tests is presented. The test is based on the idea that the answers of examinees to test items may be the result of three possible processes: (1) knowing, (2) guessing, and (3) copying, but that examinees who do not have access to the answers of other examinees can arrive at their answers only through the first two processes. This assumption leads to a distribution for the number of matched incorrect alternatives between the examinee suspected of copying and the examinee believed to be the source that belongs to a family of "shifted binomials." Power functions for the tests for several sets of parameter values are analyzed. An extension of the test to include matched numbers of correct alternatives would lead to improper statistical hypotheses.  相似文献   

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