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在我国计划经济体制向市场经济过渡的改革背景下 ,行政审批制度改革体现的其实是一个政府组织内的制度变迁过程。在政府组织内的决策团体主导的渐进改革中 ,政府组织内的制度变迁表现为决策团体与执行团体基于自身目标函数最大化之上的权力博弈。在这个理论视角下 ,本文解释了宁波市行政审批制度改革的案例 ,并在此基础上得出了若干结论和政策性建言。  相似文献   

当前,高等教育改革进入了深水区,突破体制羁绊,给高等教育松绑、给大学松绑、给教学科研松绑、给师生松绑,使高等教育走上健康发展的快车道,让高等学校轻装前进,更快更好地建设高等教育强国,是改革面临的根本任务。建设现代大学制度,完善大学治理结构,改善大学管理,是高等教育体制改革的应有之义。本着落实国家十二五《教育规划纲要》,紧扣重大主题,服务高等学校管理的原则,本刊在2012年将组织系列笔谈,围绕大学管理改革和现代大学制度建设展开研讨,本期邀请国内三位知名教授启首建言,今后希望大家都来参与,为这一主题的深化研究添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

当今世界各国的大学入学考试制度不尽相同,但基本上都朝着两种趋势发展:一种趋势是由集权化走向分权化,即那些以全国统一考试为主的国家,将全国统一考试的权利逐步下放到各省或自治区以及招生的高等院校;另一种趋势是由分权化走向集权化,即那些以各省或自治区以及招生的高等院校独立出题考试为主的国家,将权利逐步地收回到国家或中央,由国家统一出题并组织考试或阅卷。目前,在世界各国中,高校入学模式由分权向集权转型的典型代表当推美国和俄罗斯。本文介绍了美国、俄罗斯两国高校入学考试制度由分权模式转向集权模式的变化过程,并分析了这一转型的原因,继而总结了这一转型过程中的成功和失败之处,由此针对我国现行的高考模式提出了改革建言。  相似文献   

陈力 《留学生》2013,(6):20-21
欧美的留学、从商和从政生涯,给了王辉耀丰富的海外视野。回国的这些年里,他积极参加欧美同学会的活动,不断开拓自己的人生和领域,以全部的精力投入到为海归搭平台、建智库、办活动、做课题研究等方面,为国内的公共政策创新而建言。他以实际行动参与推动“千人计划”“人才签证”“绿卡完善”“中国海归创业启动支持计划”等一系列政策和制度创新。  相似文献   

我国正处于建设法治社会与法治政府的关键时期,而在我国确立行政行为合理性司法审查制度对我们建设法治社会及法治政府有极大的促进作用。但是,要在我国确立这样一种制度并非易事,作者试图把这种困难在理论上和实践中进行深入分析,以对我国确立这种制度作出有益的建言。  相似文献   

我国宪法司法化的现状并不乐观,甚至可以说到目前为止我国宪法并未真正进入司法领域.结合我国的具体国情,提出我国应当借鉴美国司法审查制度推进我国宪法司法化进程的观点,并就如何借鉴美国司法审查制度建立我国自己的宪法司法制度提出建言.  相似文献   

中国古代服叙制度是统治者为了加强宗法制,巩固自身统治的重要制度,起源于西周,沿用至整个封建社会时期。唐高宗上元元年时,武则天上书建言十二事,其中提出改《仪礼》"父在为母服齐衰杖期"为"父在为母服齐衰三年",此举提高了母服,对服叙制度的变革具有里程碑式的意义。  相似文献   

本文以员工的建言行为为研究对象,分析了企业绩效的影响因素,探讨了企业员工建言行为发生与组织绩效之间的关系,认为两者之间存在着相互促进关系,但是在企业建言行为管理实践中存在诸多问题,建议企业构建合理的员工建言体系。以此来提升企业管理绩效和员工个体绩效,以提升企业的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

基于社会交换理论,将领导—成员交换作为中介变量,建立辱虐型领导对员工建言关系的概念模型。辱虐型领导对员工促进性建言行为和抑制性建言行为均有显著负面影响,且领导—成员交换部分中介辱虐型领导与员工促进性建言的关系,领导—成员交换完全中介辱虐型领导与员工抑制性建言的关系。这一结论对组织中领导的培训与选拔、领导效能和员工组织参与度的提升具有启示意义。  相似文献   

本研究在梳理和分析了国内外与建言行为有关的文献的基础上,以中小学家长为调查对象收集了第一手数据,并通过系列的统计分析,探讨了中小学教师不当反馈对家长建言行为的影响。结果表明:中小学教师不当反馈是影响家长建言行为的重要原因之一,对家长建言行为可以产生显著的负向影响。  相似文献   

建议专栏是传达建议的一种特殊形式,包括读者来信和专家回复两部分,其引发的学术关注相对较少.本文综述了社会学视角和语言学视角下建议专栏的研究状况:前者关注其宣传的意识形态,社会规范和价值观,强调其社会功能;后者则考察其语篇特征及语言实现方式,强调社会文化因素对其语言选择的制约.在此基础上,本文还探讨了建议专栏研究中存在的问题及今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

作为侵权行为的特殊表现形式,共同侵权行为的构成要件有其自身的特点。但学界及多数国家立法所确认的要件却存在很大的差异。尤其是对共同侵权行为的核心要件“共同性”的本质认识,更是众说纷纭。本文通过历史的和比较的方法对上述学说加以评析后,提出了“修正折衷的原则”。另外,本文还分析了我国共同侵权行为立法现状,并提出了自己的完善构想。  相似文献   

韩国职业资格认证体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业资格认证体系对劳动就业制度和职业教育培训体系起着重要的保障作用,对人力资源开发和经济发展也起着非常重要的促进作用。本文分析了韩国职业资格认证体系的发展历程和构成,透视了在韩国职业资格认证体系中占主导地位的国家技术资格认证体系的构成、资格申请条件和等级认定标准等,探讨了韩国职业资格认证的认证过程及其管理机构,并对其发展趋势做了推测。最后,通过对韩国职业资格认证体系的分析与探讨,提出了对建设和完善我国职业资格认证体系的几点建议。  相似文献   

在经济快速发展的形势下,对公众环境意识进行研究具有极其重要的意义。在已有调查数据的基础上,通过建立公众环境意识评价模糊指标体系,并运用两级赋值法进行等级评价,得出南方六城市公众环境意识的基本情况为:福州市、上海市的公众环境意识整体水平较高,杭州市、番禺市次之,衡阳市一般,曲靖市偏低。在分析其基本原因的基础上,提出了提升公众环境意识的几点建议。  相似文献   

杨双 《天中学刊》2011,26(4):90-92
称呼语作为一种社会指示语,体现了交际双方身份、地位及相对应的社会关系。称呼语在实际交际过程中往往具有语力,能实现诸如问候、警告、威胁、指责、规劝等多种言外行为。通过称呼语的礼貌使用,能减小交际中对面子的威胁,既能维护对方的积极面子,又能保住对方的消极面子。称呼语在会话轮换中不仅能构成"召唤—回答"系列的相邻对,还可以用来选定下一个说话人,或被参与者用来争取和保持话轮。  相似文献   


Purpose: This study developed a framework for quality assessment of diagnoses and advice given at plant clinics.

Design/methodology/approach: Clinic registers from five plant clinics in Uganda (2006–2010) were used to develop quality assessment protocols for diagnoses and advice given by plant doctors. Assessment of quality of diagnoses was based on five validation criteria applied on the ten most common crops. Quality of advice was assessed for the four major problems considering efficacy and feasibility.

Findings: The quality of diagnoses varied between crops, from 68% completely validated in maize to 1% in tomato. Complete and partially validated diagnoses were 44% of all queries. The remaining 56% were rejected. Several basic weaknesses were found in data recording and symptom recognition. A greater consistency and precision in naming diseases would increase the number of completely validated diagnoses. The majority of recommendations (82%) were assessed ‘partially effective’. ‘Best practice’ was recommended for 10% and ineffective advice was given in 8% of the cases with considerable variation between diseases.

Practical implications: Plant doctors need more training in symptom recognition, pest management and record keeping as well as better technical backstopping to solve unknown problems. Common standards and procedures for clinic data collection and analysis should be established, and roles and responsibilities clearly defined.

Originality/value: This is the first time plant clinic registers have been used to systematically assess quality of plant clinic services. Apart from being a valuable tool for quality assessment of extension, the plant clinic registers constitute a novel source of regular information about pests, diseases and farmer demand that can help improve decision-making of extension service providers, researchers, plant health authorities as well as information and technology providers.  相似文献   

Purpose: We examine the impact of advice given by extension agents to Ethiopian farmers, as perceived by the farmers themselves. Design/methodology/approach: Using survey data from 2014, we analyze the perceived impact of advice on farmers’ incomes and crop yields. We use a bootstrapped instrumental variable (IV) estimator and the conditional mixed process estimator. Theoretical implications: The impact of advice will depend upon its relevance and whether and how efficiently it is implemented by the farmer. This in part depends upon the farmer’s ability and on the impact of fully implemented advice on output, which will vary from farm to farm. Findings: There is a positive perceived impact of most advice on both crop yields and income. However, some advice works better in drought-affected areas and other in non-drought-affected areas. Fertilizers have more impact on crop yields than income, possibly reflecting cost factors. There is evidence that the farmers’ ability to implement the advice increases with their level of education and that advice is being tailored to the needs of the individual. Practical implications: Advice has a positive impact on both crop yields and income. However, not all advice is equally effective and effectiveness varies according to farmer and farm characteristics. There is little evidence of credit advice having a positive impact. Originality/value: The paper is one of only a few to analyze farmers’ perceptions of advice impact and, as far as we are aware, is the first to analyze how advice effectiveness varies according to farmer and farm characteristics.  相似文献   

Purpose: Women farmers have less access to extension services than male farmers, even though they make up almost half of the global agricultural workforce. Gender-focused international development programmes have focused on how ensuring women receive better access to advice. However, the quality of the technical advice and the service women receive in comparison to male farmers needs better understanding. Study design/methodology/approach: Five thousand interactions between male and female extension workers (‘plant doctors’) and farmers attending Plantwise plant clinics in Ghana and Sri Lanka are assessed for gender-based differences on quality of advice and service provided at clinics. Findings: The overall quality of technical advice given to male and female farmers at plant clinics in both countries did not differ. The quality of the advice given by male and female plant doctors for a specific pest/crop complex was different, and can be linked to results from the quality of service surveys that revealed women’s main negative feedback was the impracticality of advice. Practical implications: Whilst the advice given is technically sound, results highlight the importance of appropriate advice, according to farmer gender and crop grown. Theoretical implications: A greater focus on plant doctors using their knowledge about women’s role in agriculture would help to achieve more tailored advice. Originality/Value: This study leads the way in assessing the quality of the advice given according to gender. With large datasets, this research should help decision makers and future researchers to contemplate advice delivery according to gender.  相似文献   

Preschool-age children's reasoning about the reliability of deceptive sources was investigated. Ninety 3- to 5-year-olds watched several trials in which an informant gave advice about the location of a hidden sticker. Informants were either helpers who were happy to give correct advice, or trickers who were happy to give incorrect advice. Three-year-olds tended to accept all advice from both helpers and trickers. Four-year-olds were more skeptical but showed no preference for advice from helpers over trickers, even though they differentiated between helpers and trickers on metacognitive measures. Five-year-olds systematically preferred advice from helpers. Selective trust was associated with children's ability to make mental state inferences.  相似文献   

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