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文章针对中学语文教学长期弱化、淡化语法等语言基础知识的现象,提出一方面要用现代语言学理论,更新传统的静态语言基础知识体系,建构现代语言基础知识体系;另一方面必须依靠现代语言学基础知识,提高中学语文教学质量,从而解决语文教育的软肋或瓶颈问题。着重探讨了为什么说中学语文教学离不开现代语言基础知识和现代语言基础知识教学如何有效提高中学语文教学质量两个问题。  相似文献   

This paper argues that, whether it is officially accepted in education policy and school curricula or not, where bilingual children are present in classrooms, so are their languages, and those languages are put to use in their learning. The increasingly sophisticated technologies of sound and visual recording have opened up new possibilities in revealing the sub rosa world of pupil interaction, and the part that languages play in the construction of pupil identities in the classroom. A detailed study of children at work in one inner city primary classroom illustrates the way in which pupil identities are jointly constructed through interaction. Children are not passive pawns in the socialisation processes of the school, but active participants, taking up different positions within the alternatives open to them through both pedagogic and peer discursive practices.  相似文献   

Latino dual language children typically enter school with a wide range of proficiencies in Spanish and English, many with low proficiency in both languages, yet do make gains in one or both languages during their first school years. Dual language development is associated with how language is used at home and school, as well as the type of instructional program children receive at school. The present study investigates how changes in both Spanish and English proficiencies of Latino, second-generation immigrant children (n = 163) from kindergarten to second grade relate to instructional program type as well as language use at home and school. A series of MANCOVAs demonstrated significant dual language gains in children who were in bilingual classrooms and schools where Spanish was used among the teachers, students, and staff. Furthermore, only in classrooms where both Spanish and English were used did children reach age-appropriate levels of academic proficiency in both languages. Home language use was also significantly associated with dual language gains as was maternal Spanish vocabulary knowledge before controlling for maternal education. Educational implications and potential benefits associated with bilingualism are discussed.  相似文献   

Finland is a bilingual country with 2 national languages, Finnish and Swedish. The Swedish-speaking school institution aims to protect the minority language by maintaining a monolingual school space. In this article, the construction of linguistic and ethnic difference in educational discourse and practice related to the national languages in Finland is analyzed by using discourse analysis, feminist and post-structural theories. By analyzing ethnographic data and public debate, we argue that discursive and material practices related to spatiality have a significant role in constructing difference and otherness in the Finnish school context. Essentialist categories are produced but also contested from the positions within the cultural spaces at school and in society at large.  相似文献   

The present study investigated gender differences in scholastic achievement (school grades in sciences and languages) as mediated by reasoning ability in a large sample with a clustered data structure from an educational context. Whereas girls outperformed boys in languages, boys excelled in sciences and reasoning. Multilevel analyses indicated a small indirect effect of gender on school grades mediated by reasoning ability. Gender differences in sciences, but not in languages were largely explained by reasoning ability, but not by factors such as gender ratio in the classroom or mental speed. The predictive power of reasoning ability for languages, but not sciences was larger in classrooms with higher mean reasoning ability. Further, gender differences in languages, but not sciences varied significantly across classrooms. Reasoning ability appears to be important for predicting scholastic achievement in sciences, whereas languages are more affected by gender-related attributes.  相似文献   

随着教育信患技术的发展,网络环境为校园网构建外语学习提供了支持平台。本文结合高校外语课程教学改革发展的实际情况,略论建立校园网外语学习系统的特点及应用,对外语教学工作的积极推动影响作用。  相似文献   

A growing body of empirical studies indicates the educational benefits of bilingualism. Despite this tendency, bilingual minority students are being pressured by school authorities to shed their mother tongues. We conducted qualitative interviews with Turkish‐bilingual and native‐monolingual students in Flemish (Belgium) secondary schools to investigate how students evaluate their languages, how Dutch monolingualism is imposed, and how students respond to the dominance of monolingualism. Our results indicate that the mother tongues of bilingual students are mainly perceived as a barrier to educational and occupational success, while the benefits of bilingualism are unknown. Thus, both Turkish‐bilingual and native‐monolingual students approved of speaking one language. We also found that monolingualism was strongly imposed on students by explicit encouragement, formal punishment when bilinguals speak their mother tongue, and exclusion of foreign languages from the cultural repertoire of the school. These results are discussed as they relate to policy‐makers, scholars of bilingualism and institutional racism.  相似文献   

This article is based on an analysis of two types of argument, called utilitarian and educational respectively, which are commonly used to justify the teaching of modern/foreign languages in schools. Serious flaws are identified in the utilitarian arguments often employed to defend the teaching of modern languages and different educational arguments which might be offered as justification for their inclusion in the school curriculum are distinguished and appraised. The paper concludes with a consideration of the implications of the foregoing analysis for the place of modern languages in the school curriculum.  相似文献   

This study analyses and describes the links between the curriculum policies of one urban school district in the US and an intervention by the economics firm Standard &; Poor’s (S&;P). It characterizes the languages and values introduced to the district leadership by S&;P as ideologically neoliberal. This school‐level case study that makes clear the connections between the introduction of neoliberal languages and values, local‐level curriculum policies, and the resulting experiences of teachers and children in the US. In the end, it offers a case study of the ways corporate forces, such as S&;P, are extending their reaches beyond national and state‐level policy bodies to local communities to further legitimize the neoliberal project and to ‘reform’ schools in ways that grow their own profitability.  相似文献   

The indigenous languages of Scotland are in a precarious position faced with the massive presence of English. This essay examines the state and nature of the Scots and Gaelic languages. It places them in their historical context and traces how each has had its heyday in Scotland, in the case of Gaelic to be supplanted by Scots and in the case of Scots to be supplanted by English. Both have become marginalised in Scottish life and in the Scottish school. Both have been subject to various concerted campaigns aimed at their destruction. Gaelic, however, has at least had the consolation of being regarded as a language while Scots has not. The changing relationship between the school and these languages is examined in the context of the current revival of Scottish culture on a multiplicity of fronts.  相似文献   

Although South Africa is a multilingual country with 11 official languages, English dominates as the language of teaching and instruction in almost all schools. In addition to this, the Natural Sciences teachers at the school of study were cautioned not to use code-switching because the school policy states that the medium of instruction should be exclusively English. Recently, students at this school complained about teachers who had been code-switching between one or more indigenous languages and English. The objectives of this investigation, therefore, were to explore the perceptions of Grade 8 students regarding code-switching in Natural Sciences classrooms, their perceptions of the effect of code-switching on their academic achievement and also how the use of this teaching strategy influenced their respect for their teacher. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and the findings revealed that students believed that the use of code-switching confused many students, resulting in underachievement in Natural Sciences and that they respected teachers more when they taught in English only.  相似文献   

中国少数民族新创文字是在特殊的历史背景下制定并实施的,曾在不同的历史阶段发挥了一定的社会文化功能和作用,对我国少数民族的学校教育、扫盲教育起到了一定的推动作用。在新时期,新创文字的社会功能面临着来自外部社会和少数民族内部环境的巨大影响,有些功能受到了削弱。不能否定新创文字存在的价值和意义,其某些功能仍在积极发挥着其他文字不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

蒙古国地处中俄之间,战略地位重要。蒙古国高度重视教育,教育发展特色明显,学前教育以公立为主,实行12年制基础教育,高等教育向普及化迈进,教师列入公务员序列,汉语教学方兴未艾,汉语成为该国主要的外语之一,但中小学办学条件较差。加强中蒙文化教育交流意义重大,我国要重视加强邻邦教育改革与发展研究,加强对外汉语教育的改革与创新,要把教师纳入公务员队伍管理,适当扩大高等教育规模并将学前教育放在更为突出的重要地位。  相似文献   

张兆祥 《天津教育》2021,(11):154-155,158
在小学语文教学当中,听、说、读、写是学生必备的要素,其中读和写是孪生姐妹,它们之间的关系密不可分,谁也离不开谁。只有通过大量的阅读文学作品,积累丰富的词汇量,感知语言之间的逻辑关系,才能在写作当中组织好自己的语言,运用恰当的词语表情达意,写出逻辑层次关系清楚的作文。  相似文献   

The situation of Celtic languages within the United Kingdom is viewed in the context of minority languages and linguistic diversity in the world today. The various government policies for Celtic languages in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are outlined and information about the present school situations of the Welsh language, Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic is presented. Finally, government policies for these three languages in the United Kingdom are contrasted and reasons for maintaining or letting die a minority language are reviewed.  相似文献   

Novice programmers are facing many difficulties while learning to program. Most studies about misconceptions in programming are conducted at the undergraduate level, yet there is a lack of studies at the elementary school (K-12) level, reasonably because computer science neither programming are regularly still not the part of elementary school curricula’s. Are the misconceptions about loops at elementary school level equal to those at the undergraduate level? Can we “prevent” the misconceptions by using the different pedagogical approach, visual programming language and shifting the programming context toward game programming? In this paper, we tried to answer these questions. We conducted the student misconceptions research on one of the fundamental programming concepts – the loop. The research is conducted in the classroom settings among 207 elementary school students. Students were learning to program in three programming languages: Scratch, Logo and Python. In this paper, we present the results of this research.  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基的教育著作内容丰富,涉及面广,被誉为"学校生活的百科全书"、"活的教育学",先后被译成30多种文字在全世界广为传播。20世纪70年代末起,他的30多部著作陆续被译成中文出版,深受我国教育工作者喜爱。本文逐部加以简要介绍,旨在展示这部百科全书的恢宏框架,为读者提供进一步搜寻阅读的线索。  相似文献   

印度的民族和语言众多,各种专门委员会和《国家教育政策》对教学语言都有相应的建议和规定,但是《国家教育政策》在各地的落实情况也有很大的差异。由于绝大多数的印度少数民族(表列部族)语言没有文字,所以少数民族学生很难接受到用本民族语言进行的学校教育,印度政府在这方面还有大量艰苦的工作要做。  相似文献   

Year after year, the interest in early learning of the state language by non-Estonian children has increased. In Estonia, the course has been directed that non-Estonian learners have to reach functional bilingualism by the time they leave basic school and thus to become competitive in labour and education markets in Estonia. The objective of the present study is to explain – based on the teachers’ assessments – meeting the objectives of the curriculum at the end of the kindergarten period and at the first stage of basic school by the children having participated in the early language immersion programme. The method of this study was a questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the children having been taught by the language immersion methods were well prepared for school, and their knowledge, linguistic skills and the capacity of self-expression were appropriate for their age in both languages.  相似文献   

In this paper, I offer a critical reflection on the thesis of the general educational value of foreign languages developed by Russian linguist Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba. I do so against the background of current debates on the positioning of foreign languages in the school curriculum in the United Kingdom (UK). I argue that Shcherba's thesis, which was developed almost a century ago, retains its currency and can make an important contribution to the on-going discussion on the value of foreign languages in UK schools. The paper outlines Shcherba's scholarly explorations in general linguistics which underpin his arguments in favour of the inclusion of foreign languages in the basic school curriculum. The conception of language as a system immanently positioned in social experience assigns the foundational role to language in the literacy project. The conscious analytic processing of language phenomena is viewed as an essential pre-condition of literacy, and foreign languages are shown to be instrumental in developing such an analytic capacity of mind. Shcherba's argumentation reflects a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach, both to foreign language education and to curriculum matters, and merits the attention of language practitioners, educationalists and policy-makers alike.  相似文献   

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