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下列每句中都有一处错误,请找出并改正。1.He devoted every effort to help the disabled people.2.We took the enemy positions in surprise on a Sunday morning.3.Is it time you get things ready?4 .Two thirds of the money have been spent on the library.5.No matter what she says, but I won't believe her.6. Did they succeed their performances last week?7.He insisted that the work would be started at once.8. He went almost madly when he heard the news.  相似文献   

以下句子中除两个句子以外,其余均有错误,请找出并改正。1 .Philip found that there were a good many of people already there.2.The word "medicine" begins with a "m" .3.Let's meet at the same place as we did yesterday, shall we?4.Could you tell me the answer of the problem?5.A chemistry teacher was standing by the desk ,explaining the  相似文献   

下列句子均有一处错误,请指出并改正。1. What‘s you name, please?2. How are your teacher?3. Wei Hua! Hello!4. -Are you Lin Tao? -Yes, I‘ m.5. Liu Ying is in Grade 1, Class 2.  相似文献   

下列各句均有一处错误,请把它找出来并加以改正。1.Lily likes the red sweater.Give one toher.2.Which of the twins the tallest?3.I have two pens.One is red and anotheris blue.4.You can see different kind of flowershere.5.My all books are in the box.6.Welcome you back to school!  相似文献   

公元1世纪,罗马人征服不列颠后,在泰晤士河(Thames)北岸建立要塞,围以城墙,这就是“伦敦城”(the City of London)。当时,罗马人称伦敦为“伦甸涅姆”(Londinium),英语London一词由此衍变而来。  相似文献   

LastyearIhadthefirstThanksgivingDayofmyown1.house.IhavenevercookedThanksgivingdinner2.before,soIwantedtobespecial.Ispentwhat3.seemedlikeforevercooking,andtomysurprisedit4.cameoutlookingperfectly!IrealizedthatIhad5.leftsoftdrinksatthestorebutIranoutto6.getitbeforeguestsarrived.7.Iwasawayfornomorethan15minutes.When8.Ireturnedback,Ifoundmyturkeyonthefloor9.surroundingbyagreedycatandadogwithturkeybits10.intheirmouths.答案与分析:1.of→in。此处不表示所属关系,而…  相似文献   

下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1.They often play basketball after the school. 2.Classes over at 4:30 in the afternoon.  相似文献   

It is sure that a new car factory will be built in our 1.city.People are very pleasing to hear this piece of 2.good news.How are they so happy? Because the 3.project will bring a large number of new job to the 4.  相似文献   

Visiting a city you have been before can be fun. 1. Finding out informations about the city before 2. you go and can make the trip more interesting. Most 3. cities have a travel office from that you can get many 4. useful things.One of the most valuable things is a map 5. with a map of the city shows its streets,you can 6. find your way around.It says about famous places to 7. see. It may even give them a short history of the cit…  相似文献   

Dear Bob,Hello. I learn about you from my English teacher, Miss Fang. I'd like to your penfriend, and get to know more about your country.  相似文献   

After I finished the middle school this year, I began to look for work. Now several month later,I still hadn't found the job that I was interested. Last Sunday morning I received a phone call from a man calling him Mr. Smith. He said to me on the phone, "I hear you do very well in your studies. I may have a job for you." I entered his office with a beaten heart. How I hoped that I would go through the job-hunting talk but he  相似文献   

Thefollowingpassageisinthatsingingandtalkingto1.plantsisnotafunnything,butsomethingvalue.2.Peoplewhotalkandsingtoplantsarenotcrazy,3.accordingtoMrBraymar,aagricultureexpert.“In4.fact,singingandtalkingtoplantsmakethem5.togrowbetter,”saysBraymar.Thereasonisverysimple6.—whenwesingortalktoplants,breatheoutcarbon7.dioxide(二氧化碳)forplantsneedtoliveandgrow.8.Plantstakeinthecarbondioxideduringthesunlighthour9.andproduceoxygen(氧)whichpeopleneedtolive.Singingandtalkingiseffective,but,onlyduring…  相似文献   

Before I went to senior middle school, some peoples told 1. me.“A life of senior middle school is unforgetable.”2. While I first entered my senior middle school,everything 3. seemed unpleasant. Face all the strange things around me, 4. I often miss my old friends and classmates. I didn蒺t want 5. to talk others or make friends with others. Little by little, my 6. school record went from bad to worse, especially my 7. maths. I couldn蒺t even pass the exam. I lost the heart and 8. m…  相似文献   

Dear Anne, I've just realized I haven't written to for a month. 1.——What have you been done with yourself since I last saw you? 2.——In your last letter you said you were thinking of asking a 3.——new job.I'd love to hear what was happened.I'd have phoned, 4.——but I can have lost your number.I remember writing it down 5.——  相似文献   

(A)Im a m iddle school student.I did wellin m y studies,1.butI have a problem thattrouble m e allthe tim e.It is the2.relationship am ong m y m other and m e.M y m other is a3.university professor,w ho works really hard.She s m uch4.strict with m e,and ha…  相似文献   

《高一适用)Dear Peter,We,re 50 glad that you,re eo而ng to joinSund叮.Here 15 if you ean 6nd us.Wewill have our Pienie in the PeoPle,5 Park.l夕In US fleXtYou know whe比it 15,do you?从eryou即into the Park by the main gate,walkingstraight on until youCross the bridge andtUfl】to the bridge.right.联粗洲滩摧骊像将姗黔蝎一坎蝶伽勺叮︸﹃仇隧︸洋味奈羲!吃‘二咚峪矛J‘履;‘‘峭.韶‘,‘口.一一一一一一一一一一l,︸,,︶4气︺了0 tl只n,0 j..二After walking inawhile you will eome toa red wall.Walk arou…  相似文献   

A person voice can travel.Today people can use the phone 1._______and to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. 2._________Be able to listen to and talk to a person far away is 3._______important.It"s a almost as nice as visiting the person.But 4._______  相似文献   

Aeroplanes are slowly driving me madly. I live 1._____near a airport and passing planes can be heard 2._____night and day. The airport is built during the war, 3._____but for some reason it could not be used to then. 4._____Last year, however, it came into use. Over two hundreds 5.______  相似文献   

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