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高职助产专业培养目标、课程设置和教材建设思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职助产专业办学方向发生了转变,高职院校应结合现在助产专业的专业特点,对助产专业的培养目标、课程设置和专业课教材进行及时的调整。文章通过对助产专业的职业能力和就业方向进行分析,结合高职人才培养的总体原则和我院目前助产专业的培养目标、课程设置和教材使用现状,谈助产专业培养目标重新定位,课程设置适当调整和专业课教材及时开发的必要性,以期通过变革提高助产专业毕业生的就业竞争力和社会适应能力。  相似文献   

吴冬燕 《职教通讯》2012,(12):16-18
以高职院校电子测量技术与仪器专业为例,从课程改革的目标和思路、课程资源的建设、课程评价体系的建立三个方面,探讨了核心课程的改革与实践。重点阐述了高职课程标准与职业岗位技能标准的对接问题,提出高职院校应以国家职业资格鉴定标准和职业岗位技能标准为基础,开发相应的课程标准,使专业课程体系与职业岗位能力无缝对接,从而真正实现"课证融通"。  相似文献   

助产专业是我国中职卫生教育的传统骨干专业,高职助产专业建设起步较晚,其课程体系建设目前国内尚无具有指导意义的标准体系。文章介绍了江西省高等学校教学改革研究省级立项课题"高职助产专业课程建设研究"对高职助产专业基于工作过程课程体系的构建、课程标准的制定、课程教学资源的建设、课程的评价与改进等研究的阶段性成果。  相似文献   

高职特色教材开发是高职建设特色院校、特色专业、培养特色人才的重要基础。高职特色教材开发要以市场需求为导向,结合区域行业发展状况,分析特定行业、职业或职业岗位群的工作过程与任务需要的知识、技能,按照行动导向,开发独具特色的高职教材。  相似文献   

评价是高职院校内部质量保证体系诊断与改进中的一个重要环节,在实现人材培养目标中起着不可替代的作用。在医教协同背景下,围绕高职助产专业实践教学"三元评价体系"的实施原则、标准、方法、途径和实施要点进行分析,研究构建一套由学校、用人单位、患者三方组成的助产专业实践教学评价体系,对实践教学进行及时反馈调整,有助于不断提高高职助产专业实践教学质量。  相似文献   

论高职院校教师的专业知识、能力体系的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为建构高职院校教师的理想模型,给教师个体专业发展提供参照标准。我们在理论研究和现状调研的基础上,分析了高职院校教师知识、能力等方面的特征,界定了高职教育教师的标准,构建了由学科专业知识、物化技能、教育专业知识、教学技能、专业态度、职业伦理等六部分构成的高职院校教师专业的知识、能力体系。  相似文献   

高职院校教师是一种需要专门知识和专门技能的不可替代的专业,高职教育迅猛发展促使教师能力标准亟待建立。本文从高职教师专业能力标准的内涵、构建高职教师专业能力标准的意义、构建高职教师专业能力标准首先要解决的问题以及高职院校教师专业能力标准体系建立等四个方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

缪琨 《现代企业教育》2014,(24):202-203
以高职国际贸易实务课程为研究对象,从分析高职院校国际贸易实务课程标准和国际贸易领域职业岗位技能标准着手,探讨如何实现课程标准与职业岗位技能标准对接,旨在为高职课程标准制定提供新思路,有力推进高职院校基于工作过程的课程改革。  相似文献   

高职院校的"产品"是专业建设与教育、教学设计,学生是这些产品的消费者;高职教育技能是知识性技能,而高级技工技能是经验技能;高职院校应加强对"双证书"教育的研究,将职业资格标准融入到课程教学标准之中,建立学历文凭教育与职业资格教育相统一的课程体系;高职院校既要进行"双师型"结构师资队伍建设,又要进行"双师型"素质师资队伍建设,否则高职教育的理论与实践教学将无法统一起来;高职专业教育面向的职业群范围无须太大,因为知识是相通、迁移的,且高职生源基础较差。  相似文献   

孔莉 《成才之路》2023,(12):61-64
技能竞赛是广大师生展示技能水平、追求能力突破的重要舞台,也是各高职院校践行人才培养目标、提升人才培养质量的有效途径。高职院校要把技能大赛的评分标准融入专业教学标准之中,把技能大赛中国际、行业的先进训练方式融入教学模式之中,把精英教育与普通教育相结合,对服装专业的教学体系进行多元化的重构。文章对基于技能竞赛的高职服装设计专业多元化教学体系重构进行探讨。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The changing face of midwifery practice and education in Australia is challenging the previously accepted notions of the birth experience, the options of care that are available for women and their families, and the role of the midwife in that experience. The role of the midwifery educator is also challenged by the move away from a predominantly clinical and skills‐based education towards a university‐based education that focuses on knowledge, attitude, skills, research and lifelong learning. As an experienced midwife, and a student of adult education theory and practice, the opportunity has arisen for me to re‐examine the midwifery profession from the critically reflective stance of the adult educator. By drawing on literature associated with adult education, this article is a reflective account that will explore central issues, including conflicts, in my midwifery practice, in my pedagogical practices as a midwifery educator, and in my role/s and identity as a culturally inclusive adult educator in my workplace. The article will also include an analysis of the politics of representation, power dynamics and my personal positioning, as a midwife, and an educator, where expectations can be complex and contested.  相似文献   

Within midwifery education, enquiry-based learning is a well-established means of optimising students’ autonomous discovery, knowledge acquisition and problem-to-creative-solution design. Similarly, as undergraduates they have an innate relationship with technology, which also serves to enhance their cognitive processing skills and overall learning gain. Yet in spite of the benefits of technology-infused learning, the healthcare sector reportedly struggles with integrating technology into enquiry-based learning experiences. This paper reports on one rapid application cycle of a motivational design model that aimed to motivationally influence midwifery students’ willingness to engage with technology; as a means of optimising their enquiry-based learning experiences. Phase one observes how midwifery students from Northern Ireland, spontaneously used technology during the enquiry-based cycle. Phase two describes how technology was introduced to enhance group learning. Phase three reports on the students’ evaluation of the integrated technology. The findings demonstrate that students perceive technology to be a valuable means for discipline-orientated learning.  相似文献   

苏格拉底“助产术”教育思想在世界教育史上占有十分重要的地位, 人们把它奉为启发式教育的源头。本文试图站在一个较为客观的立场对“助产术”做一番全面的分析, 指出其除了具有体现师生平等、开发学生潜能等优点之外, 还有一定的机械呆板性和灌输倾向等不足。并根据这些优缺点对当前我国教师盲目运用“助产术”现象进行批判, 在此基础上谈几点关于课堂提问的建议。  相似文献   

目的:探讨在妇产科临床实习教学中运用循证医学(EBM)教学方法的效果。方法:将在我院妇产科实习的助产班学生160人,按随机分配方法分为两组,观察组80名,采用循证医学教学法带教;对照组80名,采用传统教学方法带教。教学周期为8周,通过理论笔试、病案分析口试及临床技能操作考试及教学满意度调查进行对比。结果:观察组学生的理论笔试、病案分析口试及临床技能操作考试及教学满意度均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:在妇产科开展循证医学教学,有利于提高学生们的理论和实践能力,值得推广。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the lived experience of midwifery clients throughout the life span. A qualitative study using a phenomenological approach was employed. In-depth interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 12 midwifery clients. The research question was: What has been your experience with midwifery care? Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data saturation was achieved and analysis procedures from Colaizzi were used. Five themes emerged from the data: 1) decision to seek midwifery care; 2) working together in a therapeutic alliance; 3) formulating a birth plan; 4) childbirth education; and 5) nurse-midwives as primary health-care providers throughout the life span. There is much to learn from listening to the voices of midwifery clients.  相似文献   

随着"二孩政策"的全面放开,对助产士的需求日益增加,助产专业人才已成为紧缺型专科技能型人才之一。为适应社会需求,围绕助产专业人才紧缺的现状,构建以岗位胜任力培养为核心,以强化知识、能力与素质培养"三位一体"的助产专业人才培养模式,通过顶层设计培养目标、完善人才培养方案、加强创新创业素质培养、实践教学体系和平台建设、加强师资队伍建设等,开展多种教学方法和教学手段,改进评价人才培养质量体系,不断完善人才培养方案,培养高素质的助产学专业人才,进一步提升助产专业的办学水平和办学质量。  相似文献   

参照国家职业资格标准、依据人才培养方案、按照校企合作共同制定评价标准的原则,拟设计高职电子测量技术专业技能水平测评标准。该测评标准的评价指标包括三大块:基础技能、专业基础技能、专业技能,以此为基础,从内容、要求、关键点、模块与项目、测评方式等五个方面拟定具体设计方案,以供其他高职院校同类专业参考借鉴。  相似文献   

According to this paper's synthesis of research, three constituents of ideal midwifery care emerge. First, a dignity-protective action takes place in a midwife's caring relationship with a childbearing woman at high risk and includes mutuality, trust, ongoing dialogue, enduring presence, and shared responsibility. Secondly, the midwife's embodied knowledge is based on genuineness to oneself and consists of theoretical, practical, intuitive, and reflective knowledge. Finally, nurse-midwives have a special responsibility to balance the natural and medical perspectives in the care of childbearing women at high risk, especially by promoting the woman's inborn capacity to be a mother and to give birth in a natural manner. This midwifery model of care is labeled "Genuine Caring in Caring for the Genuine." Here, the word genuine expresses the nature of midwifery care, as well as the nature of each pregnant woman being cared for as a unique individual.  相似文献   

美国社区大学的课程开发与管理特色体现在三个方面,即学校、专业和课程三个层面的学习目标保持一致;行业、企业和学校共同开发技能标准和课程;有严谨的课程开发程序和发展更新系统工程。我国高职院校应将职业技能标准开发与课程开发相结合,应产业需要及时调整专业和课程,加强职业课程和学术课程的整合,培养学生的职业核心能力和职业迁移能力。  相似文献   

In this column, the support for advancing normal birth is summarized, based on a comparison of the goals of Healthy People 2010, Lamaze International, the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services, and the midwifery model of care. Research abstracts are presented to provide evidence that the midwifery model of care safely and economically advances normal birth. Rates of intervention experienced, as reported in the Listening to Mothers survey, are compared to the forms of care recommended by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Implications for perinatal education are addressed.  相似文献   

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