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How do critical pedagogies promote undergraduate students’ awareness of social class, social class identity, and social class inequalities in education? How do undergraduate students experience class consciousness-raising in the intergroup dialogue classroom? This qualitative study explores undergraduate students’ class consciousness-raising in an intergroup dialogue on social class at a large, private Northeastern university. Analyses of weekly student journals are offered to expand upon our knowledge of undergraduate students’ social class experiences in higher education contexts, as well as illuminate positive impacts that intergroup dialogue pedagogy has on students’ class consciousness-raising in the intergroup dialogue classroom.  相似文献   

教育流层结构与社会阶层结构的对应关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对社会分层及教育分流的分析,可以找到二者之间的对应关系,即大专以上教育程度者主要流入社会上层和中上层;初中、小学文化程度者主要流入社会下层或中下层;高中(含中专、技校、职高)教育程度者主要流入中层或中下层.这表明,个体在分流中必须接受一定的教育才能流入理想的社会阶层,要形成庞大的社会中间阶层,必须大力发展中等教育,尤其是中等职业教育.  相似文献   

分化与区隔:中国城市中产阶层消费特征及其社会效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会区隔是理解中产阶层消费的重要理论分析视角.从这一角度看,中国城市中产阶层消费行为已经表现出一定的阶层特征.但由于中国中产阶层还是第一代,这种由于消费分化所致的社会区隔虽然已经具有了一定的社会意义,但目前也只是非品味性区隔.  相似文献   

当代中国社会阶层结构发生了巨大变动,正确认识和把握社会阶层发生的变迁以及阶层结构的特征对开展休闲体育具有重大的理论和现实意义。文章通过阐述当代中国社会阶层的现状及特点,结合发展休闲体育的原则,提出了发展休闲体育的方法和策略,为研究社会各阶层的休闲体育活动提供帮助。  相似文献   

新的社会阶层的发展对党的执政基础有明显的作用:增加了就业机会,丰富了社会财富,促进了市场经济体制的形成和发展,推动了生产力的进步,稳定了社会。但是,新的社会阶层的发展壮大,使工人阶层地位相对下降,削弱了党的阶级基础,冲击着党的群众基础。只有密切党群关系,继续深化改革,坚持反腐倡廉,降低新的社会阶层发展的负面影响,才能筑牢党的执政基础。  相似文献   

《共产党宣言》是马克思主义“立场-方法-观点”有机统一的典范,阶级分析法作为《宣言》中的核心方法论,是解剖和分析阶级社会的基本方法和主导线索。《宣言》以阶级分析法解读阶级社会及带有阶级性社会的历史现象,包含丰富而科学的社会分层思想,其中国化继承与创新的理论和实践,为解释当代日益复杂的社会阶级阶层结构提供有力方法论支撑。当前科学把握阶级分析法,应做到“从对立到合作、从反思到构建、从阶级到共同体”三重考察,符合阶级分析法的时代镜鉴,也是《宣言》中阶级分析法当代价值的重要体现。  相似文献   

在中国社会转型时期为我国经济做出了巨大的贡献的农民工的阶级属性,可以从两个方面看待:在理论上,农民工确实是工人阶级的一个重要组成部分;而在当前农民工确实距离工人阶级还有很大的差距,还只是一个过渡的、潜在的工人阶级。  相似文献   

The social class attainment gap in education is now attracting an increased level of concern. Despite the efforts of the British New Labour government to address the continuing underachievement of working class pupils in England, there has been little progress. This paper reports on one aspect of a wider research study carried out in an Initial Teacher Education department in which this persistent educational problem was explicitly addressed. In this study student teachers were prompted to explore their own understandings of social class and underachievement by acting as school‐based researchers. The data collected by the student teachers revealed both silence and resistance surrounding social class in educational contexts. They identified social class and underachievement as overlapping constructions that were inextricably linked to the perceptions and practices of the teacher. Importantly, in reflecting on their experiences of the research process the student teachers were able to identify significant implications for their own future professional practice. This paper concludes by emphasising that Initial Teacher Education (ITE) provides an important context in which to raise social class issues and to ensure that student teachers are effectively prepared to recognise and address the institutional barriers to learning faced by underachieving working class pupils.  相似文献   

士阶层的起源历来多认为在春秋战国时代,此固然不错,但此问题有待深入探析。进一步的研究会发现,士阶层起源远自西周时代已出现,春秋战国时代之社会转型,只不过成为包括士阶层在内的社会阶层转化过程之加速剂。此外由于孔子所创新型社会教育体制中的思想转换因素,把士由旧式的社会政治仆役,塑造成新型社会文化守护者的角色。  相似文献   


This study sought to assess the actual and ideal social climate of an undergraduate social science class for educators, and to utilize this information to structure a subsequent class on the same topic. It was hypothesized that a classroom climate more closely approaching an "ideal^ one would facilitate better course appreciation, involvement, and attendance. Modifications in course social climate as suggested by "Class A" markedly improved the social climate of "Class B" as reported by class members. Improved congruence between real and ideal climates was linked to significantly greater appreciation of class functioning, class content, overall course appreciation, and greater class attendance. As students reported similar amounts of task orientation in each class, it was argued the classroom social climate may contribute an independent and malleable feature of the classroom setting which an instructor can use to his/her advantage.  相似文献   

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