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In the English language there are many expressions and words that indicate our high valuation of the individual. Any dictionary will give you several pages of words that have ' self ' as a component. Philosophically, self is synonymous with the ego, but encompasses one's nature, one's uniqueness, in short, one's individuality, which has come to be positively valued in Western culture. In fact, the idea of self and being has become interwoven in Western culture. What accounts for the relatively high valuation placed on the self in the West as compared, a lesser valuation of the same in other, more col-lectivistic cultures?  相似文献   

王斌花 《海外英语》2012,(9):257-259
Metaphor,a pervasive language phenomenon,has been our focusing research for a long time.From rhetoricians to psychologists and linguists,we begin to realize how important metaphor is in our cognition and thought.Nearly every corner of the society is closely related to metaphor and we can use the theories of metaphor to explain many areas.The author tends to get some inspirations from the research of metaphor and seek for in what way can metaphor help improve college students’discourse comprehension.  相似文献   

When discussing othercultures,one mustbe careful to avoid giving off the impression thatevery-one in the culture behaves in one way only.Culture includes a wide range of human behavior,and af-fects the society as a whole.So we can see the cultural differences on individual levels,on larger com-munity levels and larger societal levels.All of these differences are apparent in the philosophy levels.All of these differences are apparent in the philosophy and behavior of the people,in the methods o…  相似文献   

王微 《海外英语》2012,(24):287-288
Freud placed much emphasis on infantile sexuality and emphasized that many of our problems in later life come from our relationships with our parents, the so-called Oedipus complex. Freud’s work effected a profound revolution in man’s attitude towards, and comprehension of, his mental processes, constituting after Copernicus and Darwin, a third blow to man’s self-esteem.  相似文献   

The population of the world is growing faster and faster,so the en-vironm ent of the earth is becoming worse and worse.The problem of the environm ent has already been one of the most im portant problems.The people on the earth don't care about the environment.They throw rubbish here and there.They spit in the public place.They cut down trees and so on.All of thesecause the environm ent problem.As am em ber of the society,we m ust dom y best to protect our environm ent.It's our duty to keep …  相似文献   

Cut One's Losses     
When the company directors told Mr Jones to cut his losses, he took out his scissors and began cutting. That's not the way to cut one's losses. When we cut our losses we stop spending time, money or energy on unprofitable projects. "Jones, cut our losses …  相似文献   

This position paper highlights existing and emerging, prospective digital divides in Norwegian schools and asks whether we are now moving from traditional digital divides to digital inequality in our digitized society and schools. Despite very good technology density in Norwegian society and schools in general, there is the reason to pay attention to whether this situation creates new kinds of digital inequalities among already vulnerable pupil groups. Therefore, this position paper focuses on whether under the new Norwegian educational reform. The Knowledge Promotion, it is necessary to consider this issue from another angle because of e.g. the increased status of digital literacy and implementation of ICT-based (Information and Communication Technology) exams in the national curriculum. The position paper focuses on what kind of digital inequalities we see the profiles of and what issues the government has to consider to prevent these tendencies escalating.  相似文献   

李筱叶 《海外英语》2016,(4):136-138
The Call of the Wild is one of the representative works of the American writer Jack London.It was published in 1903.Once appearance,it quickly achieved great success for its beautiful language and multiple levels of the theme.Based on the industrialised and capitalistic society in American history,this novel vividly reproduces the Gold Rush in Klondike.The main plot describes a process of how a domesticated dog degenerated into a wild one and went back to nature.The hero Buck is endowed with human senses and characteristics,for London tried to use animal characters to illustrate moral precepts and exhibit human behaviours.The thesis intends to demonstrate the fascination of this great novel on one hand and on the other hand, to disclose the cruelty of the social reality at that time,in hope of providing a profound comprehension for the readers.  相似文献   

郭志艳  刘欣 《海外英语》2011,(12):256-257
Toni Morrison’s masterpiece Beloved is the first of a trilogy aimed at reconstructing African American history of more than 300 years. This essay explores Morrison’s emphasis on love, focusing primarily on the personal relationships between Sethe, Beloved, Paul D and Denver. The various forms of love are vividly depicted in a thought-provoking way which weaving through the entire book.  相似文献   

发端于经济领域,迅速辐射到人类生活各个领域的全球化浪潮正在向我们走来,并以前所未有的方式改变着人们的价值观念、生产和生活方式。由于人类社会空间障碍的逐渐消失,人类文化的发展也不可避免地会受到深刻影响。在全球化的大潮中,全球文化的本质是多元文化的共性聚合,而决不是单一文化的个性膨胀,在保护自己民族文化的时候,必须用全球意识来看待民族文化,挖掘本民族文化中蕴含的价值,发展文化产业,加强文化传播,提升中华民族的软实力。  相似文献   

翻译活动有模拟信息 ,揭示思维模式 ,提供审美乐趣 ,丰富译入语等几大功能。直译在这几大方面具有明显的优势。忠于原作的直译能丰富我们的语法和词汇 ,为我们展现了一个新奇的世界 ,对我们的思维方式和文体风格能起革新的作用  相似文献   

思想政治工作是我们党的优良传统和政治优势,也是人民法院履行审判职能,维护司法公正的精神动力和思想保证。在新形势下,必须充分运用好思想政治工作这个武器,切实加强人民法院的思想政治工作,积极探索做好思想政治工作的方法和途径,始终保持人民法院这支队伍思想坚定、稳定巩固,确保司法公正,为构建社会主义和谐社会提供强有力的司法保障。  相似文献   

城镇污水处理BOT项目是国际上流行的投融资合作方式,将成为我国引进外资、民资投资于城镇污水厂建设的重要方式。从近几年来惠州市城镇污水处理BOT项目的实施情况来看,污水处理BOT方式还存在许多法律缺陷,应完善我国污水处理BOT法律制度,以实现现行法律体系与BOT方式的衔接。  相似文献   

This account tells the story of the development of an action learning culture in the BBC between 2002 and 2007. From its early beginnings as a sporadic, unsystematic intervention with a small number of leaders scattered throughout the organisation, action learning has now become embedded in our approach to the way we develop our leaders. In this paper we look at the organisational context in which we were developing action learning, the way it became an integral part of a systemic change intervention, the barriers we had to overcome on the way, how we built an internal resource capability and how action learning evolved. We evaluate the impact it has had on the organisation and on our practice, exploring lessons learned during this time and offering ideas for the way ahead.  相似文献   

Generalisation is inescapable. We all generalise. It is part of our cognitive apparatus and it is fundamental to the way we live. Our understanding of the world has to go beyond our own unique and limited experiences if we are to interact, empathise, understand and communicate with others in our social milieu. Without generalisation we could not interact with our world in a meaningful and coherent way – that is to say, we would need continual repetition of the same mental procedures for each new experience.  相似文献   

加强和改进高校宣传思想工作必须继续解放思想,树立新观念新思维;服务师生,改革创新宣传工作;拓展职能,培育独具特色的大学精神和大学文化;围绕改革发展大局,服务中心工作。  相似文献   

讲话分析了内江师院建立后教学科研的基本情况 ,提出了今后教学、科研工作的基本构想和具体步骤及措施。指出我院的办学思路是 :确立本科质量标准 ,全面推进素质教育 ,确保本科育人质量和建立降低管理重心、缩小管理跨度的以教学系为主体的管理体系。  相似文献   

远程开放教育作为一种新型的教学模式,要使其真正发挥自身的特点和作用,必须在实践中找到一条综合应用多种媒体和网络技术辅助教学的方法,本通过对我校部分课程教学的设计对此做出了初步的研究。  相似文献   

党的十六大提出本世纪前20年全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会.并明确了实现这一宏伟目标的具体步骤。“三个代表”重要思想既是党的十六大的灵魂.也是确保新世纪我国全面建设小康社会奋斗目标胜利实现的理论基础.“三个代表”重要思想是新世纪新阶段全党全国人民继往开来、与时俱进,实现全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的根本指针。是中华民族伟大复兴的基石。  相似文献   

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