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随着网络技术在教育中的不断应用,虚拟学习社区悄然诞生,有关虚拟学习社区的研究在不断的深入。文章在界定虚拟学习社区学习者归属感之概念内涵的基础上,针对虚拟学习社区中学习者归属感的影响因素进行了分析,并提出培养虚拟学习社区中学习者归属感的措施,旨在营造网络环境下良好的社区学习氛围,以加强学习者间的互动并促进学习效果。  相似文献   

论最后一个京派作家汪曾祺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪曾祺是一位京派代表作家,他追求文学的独立性和创作性技巧的完美。通过研究汪曾祺50年的创作活动及其不说的文化特征,可以展示作家在20世纪中国文学发展中的地位和影响。  相似文献   

对京、津两地大学生成人依恋、孤独感、网络使用状况进行调查,探讨了其间关系。  相似文献   

姜慧宏 《时代教育》2010,(3):298-298
本文针对初级学生学习汉语时出现的词汇记忆和学习的难点,根据认知心理学的理论,提出词汇感的层次培养方案,并据此提供一些方法与手段,帮助学生建立良好的词汇感。  相似文献   

严歌苓的小说语言独具魅力,在其移民前的作品中,它表现为凝重和大气,移民后变得细腻、精致和华美,近两年的作品则显得俏皮、灵动。但是,不论是哪个阶段的文字,都很少看见抽象的概念化的语词,语言极具色彩感、动作性和意象性,从而在语言的最深处传达出她对人性的独特体悟和深刻思考。  相似文献   

Although often thought of as a contemporary practice, audience development and pedagogies for listener education can be traced throughout the history of the public concert where their origins were forged. This paper unpacks how western listening and audience practices have developed over time, the changes in listening and behaviour norms, the emergence of early practitioners who developed ideas and pedagogies for listener education within the concert hall in Europe, and exposes the current paucity of research on the educational dimension of audience development and pedagogies of listening in the contemporary orchestral concert hall. It is argued that by understanding the past we can better understand the current concert hall and the ways we ourselves actively participate and create our own histories in the ongoing evolution of classical music performance. The paper concludes that this cultural inheritance has implications for arts organisations, educators, audiences, and listeners alike.  相似文献   

Offenders in custody are often disadvantaged in terms of education. Research shows that providing and improving education in custody can help reduce the possibility of recidivism and high crime rates in young offenders. Among various factors that can impact on youth’s ability to engage effectively with education in custody, prevalence rates of neurodisabilities such as learning disabilities and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) remain high. Young offenders with neurodisabilities may present with various developmental, cognitive, intellectual, social functioning, language and communication deficits, that may impact on learner-teacher relationships and learning acquisition. For the purpose of this paper, we focused on learning disabilities and TBI given high prevalence rates for these neurodisabilities reported in the literature. We also report on general intellectual functioning given the association with specific learning disabilities. Despite contextual vulnerabilities, there is a dearth of literature on neurodisabilities and its associated impact on education for young offenders in South Africa.Our study sample included young offenders (n = 25) and controls (n = 56), aged 14–21 years. Measures of alcohol (AUDIT), substance use (MAP), learning disabilities and TBIs (CHAT), general intellectual functioning (WASI-II), and depression (BDI-II) were included for offenders and controls. Results show significant differences in TBI, alcohol use, substance use, and reported possible learning disabilities, with higher scores and rates for these factors, indicating poorer outcomes, in the young offender as compared to the control group. The young offender group also had significantly lower and therefore poorer verbal IQ (VIQ) scores than the control group. The results for VIQ were upheld even when the significant difference in age (young offenders were on average 5 years older) was controlled for.Results of this nature can potentially be used to inform rehabilitative efforts in our local youth centres for offenders in the hope of screening for various developmental and acquired neuro-disabilities so that rehabilitation strategies may be even more targeted for those with special education needs in of an already vulnerable population. Such results may also inform the schooling structures within such centres by providing profiles needs of offenders in custody based on screenings of neurodisabilities.  相似文献   

Score reports have one or more intended audiences: the people who use the reports to make decisions about test takers, including teachers, administrators, parents and test takers. Attention to audience when designing a score report supports assessment validity by increasing the likelihood that score users will interpret and use assessment results appropriately. Although most design guidelines focus on making score reports understandable to people who are not testing professionals, audiences should be defined by more than just their lack of statistical knowledge. This paper introduces an approach to identifying important audience characteristics for designing computer-based, interactive score reports. Through three examples, we demonstrate how an audience analysis suggests a design pattern, which guides the overall design of a report, as well as design details, such as data representations and scaffolding. We conclude with a research agenda for furthering the use of audience analysis in the design of interactive score reports.  相似文献   

鸳鸯蝴蝶派一直以来都是一个颇受争议的文学流派,然而在中国现代文学史上,与对其实行批判、打击的新文学相比,鸳鸯蝴蝶派却占有绝对的市场控制权,拥有新文学所不及的广大的读者群。本文试图从受众接受的角度探讨这一历史现象。  相似文献   

戏曲的文本传播与场上传播所派生的命题是案头之作与舞台之作。它们在差异和联系中互动,其联结点是观众心理学。观众心理是左右戏曲审美建构无形而巨大的抓手。研究戏曲美学必须加入观众心理这一维。中国观众的命运关怀心理、趣味性心理、观赏性心理、满足性心理等,规范和导引着戏曲的审美对象、方向、方式和形态。观众心理具有组合性、流变性、调控性等特征,它是一柄双刃剑,具有正负面价值;其反馈和制约、调节功能成为戏曲综合性审美机制及其诸种审美特征的重要基础,也形成了中国戏曲活力和情力的双重性质。  相似文献   

高职教育在学习化社会的角色意识思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十六大提出"形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会"新理念,为高职教育带来更多的发展机遇与挑战.在构筑终身教育体系中,肩负着重要历史使命的高职教育,要立足社会,充分发挥自身优势,进一步增强角色意识,完善高职教育功能.  相似文献   

采用问卷测量少数民族大学生学业自我效能感差异,并用独立样本t检验和方差比较其在各人口统计变量上的差异,为提高少数民族大学生学业水平和能力、促进其身心健康的研究提供了理论依据。研究结果表明,少数民族大学生有中等偏上程度的学业自我效能感;学业自我效能感在不同人口统计学变量上存在一定差异性。  相似文献   

昭通文学在20世纪80年代坚持了为“塑造人的美好灵魂”服务的使命意识,出现了一批虽然还比较稚嫩但却有社会意识的作品;到了90年代,昭通作家在坚持现实主义的创作方法的同时注意吸收借鉴西方现代主义的一些写作手法,使作品既有一定的思想深度,又较为新颖。90年代后期至今,昭通作家在继续深入探索入的精神状态、社会心理及其自然属性的同时,更把目光投向贫困山区的贫苦农民和其他社会弱势群体,关注他们的生存状态、文化意识和社会命运,表现出积极的生命意识,在创作上取得了较大的突破。  相似文献   

论教师教学效能感对师范生自我效能感的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师教学效能感是教师素质的核心,通过提高教师教学效能感培养师范生的准教师教学效能感,对研究如何培养跨世纪的教师队伍具有现实意义。文章讨论了教师自我效能感形成与发展、影响教师教学效能感的因素、教师教学效能感对师范生教育信念、教育策略的影响。  相似文献   

成人学习的研究是一项涉及到心理学、社会学、成人教育学等多学科、多领域的研究范畴。而在成人学习领域中对成人元认知能力的研究,则是研究成人学习能力与其相关影响因素的一个突破点。  相似文献   

忧患意识是中华民族精神的精髓。儒家尤其提倡忧患意识,它体现了儒家士人对国事的忧虑,对民生的关注,是一种悲天悯人的人文情怀和深切的责任意识。这与其所标举的圣人人格是直接相关的。  相似文献   

移觉格是不同知觉之间的挪移、沟通所形成的修辞现象,而且移觉格在运用时,往往是用一种乃至多种知觉,来表现其它的某种知觉,也就是因为有"被表现者"和"用作表现者"的不同,因此可以依据"主要知觉"与"辅助知觉",来对移觉格进行新的分类.  相似文献   

Traditional models of educational outcomes relate academic achievement to university experiences controlling for background characteristics, like former levels of achievement. In these models, most of the variance in the outcome under consideration is explained not by experiences inside the university but by background characteristics, such as prior levels of academic achievement. In many instances the contribution of institutional experiences to outcomes under consideration is small. To date, researchers have not included sense of coherence (SOC) among background characteristics. In the current study traditional models are modified to include SOC as a possible contributor to first year academic achievement among domestic and international students with English and other first languages at four Canadian universities. It is found that a model including SOC better fits data for commuter and residence students than a model in which SOC is omitted. Although the effect of SOC on first year academic achievement is small, it is larger than the effects of some institutional experiences. As a result, SOC should be included in attempts to explain first year academic achievement.  相似文献   

Audience response systems (ARS) are effective tools for improving learning outcomes and student engagement in large undergraduate classes. However, if students do not accept ARS and do not find them to be useful, ARS may be less effective. Predicting and improving student perceptions of ARS may help to ensure positive outcomes. The present study expands on previous work by simultaneously evaluating several student and practice variables that may predict student perceptions of ARS. Perceived learning outcomes, engagement, interaction in class, enjoyment of ARS, attendance, and preparation for class were examined using multivariate regression analysis in two undergraduate samples. Student variables, including gender, grade, and year of program predicted student perceptions of ARS. Practice variables, including the consistency of ARS use, question type, question difficulty, and ease of use also predicted student perceptions. The nature and implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍海明威作品的语言风格及三个影响要素,分析了其作品中的死亡意识及其对社会的影响。  相似文献   

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