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Counseling International Students in Canadian Schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
International students face many demands as they navigate the cross-cultural transition of living and learning in host countries such as Canada. The cultural diversity represented in this student population poses unique challenges for multicultural counseling. The ways that international students have been represented in the literature may contribute to barriers for effective counseling services. The discussion begins with a summary of the issues faced by international students when living and learning in a foreign country. Several limitations in the counseling literature about international students are addressed, including, the limitations of culture shock as a model of cross cultural transition, the lack of methodological diversity in research involving international students, a focus on group characteristics, and the continued emphasis on the problems experienced by international students. Suggestions for counselors are given to enhance their multicultural counseling competencies for working with international students.  相似文献   

The increased number of international students in United States universities and colleges have created the need for the development of services that appropriately reflect their needs and characteristics. The Career Center at the University of Missouri, Columbia reacted to this phenomenon by developing career services exclusively for international students. Career services are provided as individual services and online services, and consist of information on graduate schools and entrance examination practices, information on available employment opportunities and work permit policies, career assessments, and information about specific skills for obtaining a job in the United States. Several marketing strategies were used to ensure international students' use of services. Important points in developing career services for international students are presented.  相似文献   

Thirty-six counselor educators’ perceptions and experiences with international student trainees were examined in this online survey research. Findings support the issues identified in the literature as confronting international students and also surface some issues specific to students in counselor training. International counselor education students tend to experience more difficulties in areas related to language, clinical training, adjustment, and cultural differences. Similarities and differences were also found within international student categories involving western and non-western countries and between international and domestic students. Counselor educators in general reported favorably on working with international students. Findings support attention being given to further examine the specific training and supervisory needs of international counseling students.Portions of this article were presented at the 2003 Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Chattanooga, U.S.A. and at the 2004 American Counseling Association Convention, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.  相似文献   

国际教育在全球化时代已成为培养二十一世纪人才十分重要之途径。通过与12名接受英国高等教育的博士毕业生个人访谈,分析研究对象之定性、定量数据,发现国际教育有助于积累个人文化资本,其本身包含着明显的象征资本。得出结论:留英经历对中国学生个人事业发展和取得成功起着里程碑的作用;国际教育影响中国高层次人才之培养。  相似文献   

生涯自觉就是个体在人生发展道路上,内在自我发现、外在创新实践的一种主动认识、理性追求及自觉践行。"90后"大学生生涯自觉的主要特征表现为自我探索的主动性、价值观的多元化,外界探索的被动性、择业观的功利化,目标设定的短期性、行动环节的无序化,反馈修正的变通性、生涯辅导需求的专业化。针对"90后"大学生生涯自觉的特点,亟需加强生涯辅导队伍的专业化建设,提升服务的科学性;深入研究生涯辅导的对象,提升服务的针对性;不断完善生涯辅导的方式,提升服务的系统性。  相似文献   

Interest in career development and career counseling is growing in Korea. Nevertheless, neither the research nor the literature adequately address the question as to what applications can be cross-culturally transferred from career counseling centers in the United States to Korea. This study qualitatively examines the practice of career counseling in seven university career counseling centers in the United States in a search for concepts and methods that may be cross-culturally applied to Korean universities. Nine categories of data emerged in our qualitative analysis of information gathered: (a) types of systems; (b) staff; (c) services provided; (d) career assessments; (e) alumni networks; (f) workshops and outreach; (g) publicity; (h) information technology; and (i) facilities. Applications and ideas for the Korean context, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

根据自愿报名选取大一12名学生作为研究对象,实施3周共6次团体辅导,探讨在大学生职业生涯规划教育中团体辅导的方式及效果。用《团体单元回馈表》、《团体成员回馈表》和《大学生职业生涯发展问卷》对团体辅导进行评估。团体成员对辅导干预内容的有效性、团体的满意度等方面都给予肯定。干预后学生在就业信心、职业认知、自我认识、规划认知、总体评价方面有显著提高。这说明团体辅导对大学生职业生涯发展规划教育效果显著。  相似文献   

International students in higher education represent a diverse population with unique mental health needs. Foreign students commonly experience a host of adjustment issues, including acculturative stress, language difficulties, cultural misunderstandings, racial discrimination, and loss of social support. Despite their challenges, few international students seek individual counseling. The purpose of this article is to present counseling groups as a treatment modality for addressing international students' adjustment concerns. Special attention is directed to the practical, ethical, and cultural challenges of conducting group counseling with this population, in addition to presenting recommendations for future practice and research.  相似文献   

职业生涯教育在我国虽然起步不久,但是越来越受到重视。生涯讲座或者生涯规划大赛都不能满足教育发展的需求,探索职业生涯的小班化教学成为了发展主流。本研究将团体辅导应用于职业生涯的班级化教学,事实证明团体辅导是职业生涯小班化教学的有效载体。  相似文献   

为探讨团体心理辅导对女大学生职业决策自我效能的影响,选取湖南女子大学56名大一女生为被试(实验组与对照组各28人),对实验组进行为期8周的团体心理辅导,对照组则处于常态。用职业决策自我效能量表(CDMSE)和焦虑自评量表(SAS)在干预前后进行评估。结果为:干预前,两组CDMSE、SAS评分差异不显著。干预后,CDMSE评分上,实验组"自我评价"、"选择目标"、"制订规划"三个维度得分高于对照组;SAS评分上,实验组低于对照组。研究表明:职业生涯团体心理辅导可以有效地提高女大学生的职业决策自我效能水平,降低焦虑程度。  相似文献   

目的:研究基于生涯建构理论模型,以提高公费师范生生涯适应力为目的进行干预,并对其效果进行追踪评估。方法:招募选取28名生涯适应力较低的公费师范生,实验组和对照组各14人,实验组接受6次生涯团体辅导,对照组参加学校开展的心理健康教育课程。采用生涯适应力问卷,干预前后进行重复测量,一个半月后进行延时测量。结果:干预后,实验组在生涯适应力的总分及其4个分维度上得分显著高于对照组,追踪评估结果表明干预效果的持续性较好。结论:基于生涯建构理论模型设计的干预方案能够一定程度上提高公费师范生的生涯适应力,并且干预具有良好的持续性。  相似文献   

As the service functions of campus-based international student offices in American colleges and universities have changed and evolved, especially since 9/11, the roles of the professionals in those offices, the “international student advisers,” have changed as well. These unique professionals function in the central pressure point between two very different world views of international students. Higher education perceives them not only as benign members of the academic community, but as strong and necessary benefactors intellectually, culturally, and economically. However, this perspective is not shared by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, whose agents more often than not see international students as potential security threats. International student advisers are engaged in a high-stakes business where an adviser's actions can have tremendous impact on a student client's life, for good or for ill. This article will explore the professional lives of international student advisers and demonstrate the facets of their complex work which make it unique in higher education.  相似文献   

当前,来华留学生人数日益增多,留学生的教育和管理工作在取得巨大成就的同时仍然面临着巨大的挑战,该文首先阐述了跨文化适应的概念,并在跨文化适应的视角下分析了影响留学生在华学习和生活的因素,指出了留学生教育和管理工作中存在的主要问题,并提出了切实可行的建议,希望对推进留学生教育和管理工作做出贡献。  相似文献   

文章分析了高职生职业生涯辅导过程中的问题,阐述了加强和改进高职生职业生涯辅导的现实意义,并探讨了改善高职生职业生涯辅导的策略。  相似文献   

The use of social media is a societal trend influencing the way that individuals communicate with and relate to one another. Moreover, Facebook use may facilitate or hinder individuals' relationship growth and development. The purpose of this article is to (a) review research examining Facebook usage and interpersonal relationships, (b) present qualitative insight into the Facebook experiences of college students (N = 16) from a large southeastern university, and (c) offer implications for college counselors.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between acculturation level and vocational identity among 112 graduate and undergraduate Taiwanese international students attending two midwestern universities. The results revealed that Taiwanese international students who were older and who had a shorter length of U.S. residency were more likely to identify themselves as Asian. The results also indicated that Taiwanese international students who were older and who had a lower acculturation level had higher vocational identity.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国在诸多领域都取得了显著的成就,国际地位大幅提升,我国逐渐成为了亚洲最大留学目的国,教育地位不断上升。然而,伴随而来的留学生管理的跨文化冲突也在逐步加剧,其中日常管理矛盾凸现。通过介绍跨文化冲突的几种主要表现方式,分析其成因,提出高校留学生日常管理的几点建议。  相似文献   

Ninety‐one instructors reported their attitudes toward teaching a master's‐level career development course. The participants represented counseling programs in 41 states. The areas of focus included the theories taught, activities and assignments used, course evaluation processes, and advice the participants would offer to other instructors. Implications for counselor education and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

对北京市某中学初中生生涯适应力水平和生涯需求的调查发现,北京市初中生生涯适应力达到中上水平,初二学生的生涯适应力显著高于初一学生,但男女生在生涯适应力各维度上不存在显著差异;有无理想专业对初中生的生涯适应力有显著预测作用.调查样本中,87.70%的初中生认为生涯指导重要,64.30%的初中生希望通过课程的形式开展生涯指...  相似文献   

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