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While supervising a student teacher in school, an incident occurred that highlighted a contradiction between my practice and my beliefs and prompted me to question why I do not always live the values I profess. The aim of this article is to investigate how self-study can help me to understand the complex and context-based situations of my practice. I draw on the work of other teacher educators to examine the potential of self-study to improve my practice. Through this exploration I have begun to transform the way that I comprehend teaching and learning in teacher education. I identify several tensions and challenges in implementing the methodology within my professional context. I believe that self-study can help us in our roles as teacher educators to develop more reflexive self-awareness and to problematize taken-for-granted assumptions relevant to our contexts of practice.  相似文献   

Today I talked to my students about ways we could make class better for us and then asked them to talk it over. I told them that I needed their help. We agreed to work together  相似文献   

When schools work together with families to support learning, children are inclined to succeed not only in school but throughout life as well. Three decades of research show that parental participation in schooling improves student learning. Title I, as amended by the Improving America's Schools Act (Public Law 103-382), reflects these research findings and emphasizes the importance of family involvement as a means to help address more completely the full range of student needs that affect their learning. Although parental involvement can take many forms, in this article I focus specifically on family literacy services. The Title I statute requires any Title I program to include "strategies to increase parental involvement, such as family literacy services." In addition, any school district with a Title I allocation above $500,000 must spend at least 1% of its allocation for district- and school-level parental involvement activities, which can include family literacy activities. Title I also recognizes that schools and patents share responsibility for the education of children. Therefore, each Title I school is to develop school-parent compacts that outline how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share responsibility for improved student achievement and the means by which schools and parents will work together to help children achieve high state standards. School-parent compacts area logical tool for addressing family literacy needs. Equally important, Title I has a history of parental involvement that literacy can help enrich further.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Wang Min,How are you these days? I’m writing to you because I need your help. We’re going to have a summer holiday soon and I’m going to Xiaogan City next week, and if possible I will stay in Wuhan for two days. During the time, I want to visit Yellow Crane Tower. I’ve got a picture of  相似文献   

It's Sunday today,I get up very late.After breakfast I help my mother do housework at home.I wash dishes and clean the floor.  相似文献   

I am very conscious of the honour you have done me by asking me to take the floor in front of this assembly and I truly appreciate being, with the help of chance, the first speaker enrolled; I am thus spared the risk of repeating the words of my predecessors.  相似文献   

In this article I examine whether Moral Foundations Theory can fulfil the promises that Haidt claims for the theory: that it will help in developing new approaches to moral education and to the moral conflicts that divide our diverse society. I argue that, first, the model that Haidt suggests for understanding the plurality of moralities—a shared foundation underlying diverse moralities—does not help to overcome conflicts. A better understanding of the nature and background of moral conflicts can lead to a more respectful attitude towards people with conflicting views, but need not contribute to ending conflicts. Second, I show that pervasive moral conflicts should be dealt with on the level of politics. They require a morality of compromising. Third, I examine why this approach does not seem to work in the USA.  相似文献   

Last Sunday, there was a swimming competition in our school. It had been a short time since I learned how to swim. Mr. Zhang, our PE teacher, said I had a gift in swimming and that competing in the game would help build up my confidence and courage. With his encouragement,I signed up for the swimming race.  相似文献   

Many people spend a great dea ofenergy arguing for their own limitations: "I can't do that, ""I can't help it. I've always been that way,"" I'll never have a loving relationship, and thousands of other negative and self-defeating statements.  相似文献   

My Winter Camp     
韩霞 《中学生英语》2002,(12):18-18
It is well-known that Crazy English is one of the best ways to help us to crack English.In order to improve my oral English,I took Part in the Grazy English Winter Camp,where I spent seven days-half of my holiday.  相似文献   

This article explores the effect of classroom-workplace collaborations on student learning. Drawing on two case studies, I explore how classroom-workplace collaborations help us to teach professional genres. I examine how they replicate workplace activity and convey features of workplace genres and how they serve as transitional experiences for students. I also examine students' reactions to the feedback they received during the projects.  相似文献   

This article argues that engaged "action research" can help professional writing researchers both develop new and interesting collaborative models and help our profession develop a greater relevance to those not reading our journals and attending our conferences. I outline one particular, localized approach in the hope that our troubles, struggles, and failures at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee can help others to develop their own programs and can further our discussion of community engagement.  相似文献   

每个即将面临毕业的大四学生都会对未来感到迷茫与害怕。应如何面对毕业后的生活,应提前为毕业做哪些准备,想必都是每个大四学生都比较关心的问题。接下来,就看Brad怎么说吧!  相似文献   

我是在中国教书的英语老师,这一点并无特别之处。如今有成千上万的人在做着和我一样的工作,而且这个数量还在持续增长。然而使我庆幸的是.我同北京奥组委一起帮助行政官员和国家的技术官员为明年的奥运做准备。我常会觉得筋疲力尽,但同时被学生们为奥运所做的贡献以及和平与竞争的奥运理念所激励。  相似文献   

生活是我们最好的老师。在生活中,有时可以突然领悟到一些事情,明白一些道理……我明白了……世界上最好的教室就在老人的脚下。我明白了……与人为善比行事正确更为重要。我明白了……永远不要拒绝一个孩子赠与的礼物。我明白了……如果我无力用其他方式帮助别人的时候,我还可以为他祈祷。我明白了……有时候每个人都需要一只可以握住的手和一颗能够理解的心。  相似文献   

This article argues that engaged “action research” can help professional writing researchers both develop new and interesting collaborative models and help our profession develop a greater relevance to those not reading our journals and attending our conferences. I outline one particular, localized approach in the hope that our troubles, struggles, and failures at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee can help others to develop their own programs and can further our discussion of community engagement.  相似文献   

On February 10 this year, I was notified by Liaoning University to report for study. I could hardly suppress my excitement. Holding the admission notification in my hand and looking at the portrait of the great leader Chairman Mao, I could not help from shouting at the top of my voice: "Long live Chairman Mao!" With warm tears in my eyes, many past events came back to my mind.  相似文献   

This article is about my experiences of fostering abused children. I have been fostering for ten years and ours is perhaps a unique situation of two single women sharing the work. We have 13 foster children and have used the other children in the family as much as possible to help the two I am going to describe.I feel very strongly that children can give greatly to other children and that they grow in the process. Children can be cruel to each other — yes, but they have a tremendous capacity to give if we encourage them. We can help them to harness their own bad experiences constructively and achieve something in their giving.I have chosen two very different children to talk about. Mike was perhaps the most easily recognisable “neglected” child, and had all the classic symptoms. Alan is a much older child and I have decided to tell you about him because there is such ignorance about the long term effects of verbal abuse and mental cruelty, and sadly such children are rarely given the opportunity of being fostered.  相似文献   

This article describes an action research investigation into overcoming a tension I have felt in my approach to teaching literature. I want to make studying literature a meaningful experience for my students. At the same time, I want to help them get good results in exams. At times these two desires seem to pull in opposite directions. I have tried to use the idea of the forum, as described by Bruner, as a way of holding these two thrusts together. This article aims to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach.  相似文献   

我雇了一个水暖工帮我整修旧农庄里的住宅。第一天的活刚干了个大概齐,他的车胎没气了,结果有一小时没法干活;他的电钻没法使了;他那老掉牙的卡车也发动不着了。我开车送他回家时,他坐在那儿纹丝不动,沉默不语。  相似文献   

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