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Twisted painting is a unique genre of traditional Chinese painting invented by Wu Jiantang and his father. Known for vigorous and chaoticbeauty, twisted painting has obtained a recognized status in the art arena of the world.  相似文献   

Over the sweep of Chinese porcelain history, ancient talented artisans integrated traditional Chinese painting with porcelain making, thus considerably adding to the beauty of porcelain. Masterpieces of ancient painting masters, like Yun Nantian and Ba Da Shan Ren, were painted on porcelains, which significantly increased their prices. In modern painting practices, porcelain making, together with paper making, puppet making and New Year print painting, has been valued as an important art expression to inspire artists' creativity.  相似文献   

夏俊娜画中的都市女孩正在我面前融化、流失、消遁,她们柔软、轻盈、湿润,她们面目不清又表情深刻,她们眉目单纯又心事凝重,她们简洁浅显又意味深长,她们与鲜花互相映照又互相遮蔽……夏俊娜说,这些女孩完全是按照她自定的理想标准、比例,经她“过滤”、“生产”出来的。  相似文献   

He Gong,a Chinese artist residing in the United Stares,is now teaching at Sichuan University. He studied oil painting and arl education at Southwest China Normal University in 1978 and received his master‘s degree in 1985,  相似文献   

魅力赵无极   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在法国,83岁的法籍华裔油画家赵老可谓尽人皆知;在当代世界画坛上,赵无极先生更属抽象绘画艺术的“领衔”之帅。  相似文献   

Lao Jia's paintings have given me an unusual impression and triggered out my infinite imagination. The vigorous brushwork and remarkable ink dotting, as demonstrated in his painting, defies all the established conventions. Some say that Lao Jia's painting symbolizes a spirit or a philosophical value that can interpret the profound aesthetic concepts of Chinese traditional painting.  相似文献   

<正>The exhibition "Illusive Sky: Hideo Mori’s Painting Works" will be held in the National Art Museum of China in the spring of 2010. This exhibition aims to review the artist’s painting practices since 1970, in particular, his  相似文献   

国际收藏家踊跃购买,国内富豪将资金投入其怀抱,由此构成了当今中国艺术市场的一道独特景观。当代中国艺术家在这样的环境中崛起,再崛起。[第一段]  相似文献   

As a musician,dedication to Chinese lute has rewarded her a top prize at the national competition. As a teacher,deep love for teaching has won her two awards of education.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that Chinese invented the kite which represents their pursuit of better life. Inspired by flying birds, ancient Chinese scientist Mo Di .made a wooden bird after three years of research, but it broke only one day after the maiden flight, This wooden bird is considered China's earliest form of the kite.  相似文献   

On an early summer day of 1995 my wife and I viewed a painting exhibition on eight artists from South China at the Research Institute of Chinese Traditional Painting. After enjoying the nearly 100 painting masterpieces and walking out of the exhibition hall, I noticed a solo exhibition being held in the side hall. The 400-odd ink paintings of portrait and landscape in a freehand brushwork style immediately captured my attention.  相似文献   

在中西方两大绘画体系的夹缝中,一个崭新画种——“立邦漆”绘画诞生了。  相似文献   

我不是艺术家,不是批评家,也不是专业策展人,只是因为工作的关系,担任此次展览的策划并被要求序其卷首。勉为其难,只能约略观照中国当代艺术现象。  相似文献   

帛是中国传统丝织物的总称,有生熟之分。生帛日缟、绡、绢,熟帛日练。与陶瓷一样,是中国古明的代表。  相似文献   

Nestled in an alley off South chaoyang men nei street in beijing is guan fu classical art museum,china‘s first privately owned and operated antique museum run by one of the country‘s most ardent collectors.  相似文献   

<正>Huang Qiuyuan is known as a master painter of China in the 20th century. He was virtually unknown to the art community when he was alive, but enjoyed great fame after he was dead, just like Van Gogh.  相似文献   

Though master embroiderers like Shen Shou, Yang Shouyu and Ren Huixian passed away, their moral and artistic legacies remain as valuable assets for generations to come. Their extraordinary achievements in Suzhou-style embroidery and respectable pursuit of artistic perfection have had significant impacts on younger generations of embroiderers. Besides these master embroiderers, Xu Shaoqing is another master that should be remembered as a big name in the history of embroidery.  相似文献   

蔡云程,1929年出生于福建晋江金井塘东村。幼年的他便崭露绘画才能。当年,酷爱绘画的小云样.石板是他的画布.砖块是他的画笔.墙上的雕刻是他临摹的对象。蔡云程10岁时.为避战乱随兄长等亲友远涉重洋.移居菲律宾。长年的漂泊并未中断蔡云程自幼养成的作画习惯。他不懈地努力.受到东南亚知名画家杨赓堂的赏识.师从杨先生学习中国画。  相似文献   

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is a sports gala for all mankind and a celebration to showcase the best of Chinese and foreign cultures. In August, the opening ceremony and the award- granting ceremony of "Olympic Fine Arts 2008" took place in China International Exhibition Center. This event attracted enthusiastic participation by artists from across the world. With their painting brushes, these outstanding artists portrayed strength and passion of athletes and expressed the spirit of Olympics, highlighting the theme of "art adds beauty to Olympics".  相似文献   

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