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原牧 《小学时代》2008,(10):26-29
据说,印加人世代收藏黄金,如果把印加所有的黄金累计起来,其价值相当于当时世界其他地方金子的总和。这个有着"黄金之国"称谓的印加帝国,是否真是遍地黄金的富庶之地?强大的帝国如何被只有几百兵力的殖民者一夜攻破?那消失的黄金宝藏到底去了哪里?黄金宝藏的不灭传说在几百年间一直吸引着寻宝人去一探究竟……  相似文献   

紫金矿业获利了解我上周买入持有的紫金矿业(601899),近期该如何操作?紫金矿业:紫金矿业是以黄金为主,其他金属矿产资源勘探和开发为主的国际矿业集团。  相似文献   

网络编辑该怎么做?网编这个职业的前景是不容置疑的。全国70万家网站,需要的网络编辑约300万人以上。从国家的政策导向(国家的战略是信息化)和市场的经济导向(风险投资大规模涌入网络业)来说,互联网是绝对的朝阳产业,网络编辑是绝对的黄金职业。如何做一个好网编?如何靠这个职业养家糊口?如何挣得优厚薪水发展自  相似文献   

<正>从古至今,人们对黄金青睐有加。现在黄金虽然已经不再拥有货币的功能,但一直是各国中央银行重要的金融储备。同样是金属,黄金为何如此珍贵?它又是怎样被开采出来的呢?99%的黄金在地核据估算,除了海洋,地球的黄金总储量大约有48亿吨,47亿吨分布在地核内,8600万吨分布在地幔,分布到地壳的只有不到1亿吨。可见地球上99%以上的黄金都  相似文献   

你听说过植物报矿吗? 1934年,捷克斯洛伐克有两个化学家,在研究沃斯兰近邻玉米的化学成分时,用显微镜发现玉米粒灰中有“细丝”和小金属片。奇怪,这些东西竟像黄金一样,难道会是黄金吗?化学家分析了那里的土壤和矿石,发现每吨矿石里真的含有约0.2克黄金。黄金怎么会跑到玉米里呢?进一步研究表明,玉米和其他植物都能从土壤中  相似文献   

诚信是中华民族的传统美德,高中时期是人生的黄金时期,是学生形成诚信观的大好时期也是进行诚信教育的重要时期。接受诚信教育,对于中学生树立良好的人生观、世界观、价值观具有重要的作用。在当代社会中,高中生的诚信情况如何?诚信教育又将如何进行?影响诚信的因素到底有哪些?本文选取了杭州余杭区与滨江区的部分高中开展了高中生的诚信教育情况问卷调查,并根据调查结果提出建议。  相似文献   

用软件和电脑技术杀死癌细胞?微不可见的细菌能代替眼下贵如黄金的石油,为你的爱车提供燃料?风筝如何牵动巨大的货轮在海上航行?别以为这些是电影《变形金刚》里才会出现的科幻情节。实际上,它们都是世界经济论坛最新评选出的“2008年科技先驱“项目。  相似文献   

父亲与儿子做游戏:10分钟代表一个人的一生,在这段时间里,每人各翻一本书,从里面找“黄金”这个词,谁找得多,谁就是大富翁……计时开始!“找到一个!”一分钟后,儿子兴奋地叫道。“又找到一个‘黄金’!”儿子叫道。“我也找到一块!”父亲叫道。五分钟后,儿子蹦起来:“第三块找到了!”父亲慌了:“我这里黄金为啥这么少呢?”儿子轻蔑地说:“你不会找嘛!要细心!”……到了第八分钟,儿子一共得到十块“黄金”;而父亲此时只得到四块。“不用比了,你输定了。”儿子说。父亲点点头:“我承认,我输了。可是就这么完了吗?”儿子问:“还要干什么?”如何…  相似文献   

你听说过植物报矿吗? 1934年,捷克斯洛伐克有两个化学家,在研究沃斯兰近邻玉米的化学成分时,用显微镜发现玉米粒灰中有"细丝"和小金属片.奇怪,这些东西竟像黄金一样,难道会是黄金吗?化学家分析了那里的土壤和矿石,发现每吨矿石里真的含有约0.2克黄金.黄金怎么会跑到玉米里呢?进一步研究表明,玉米和其他植物都能从土壤中吸收黄金等金属元素,并且还能把它积聚起来.  相似文献   

当前,在建立现代企业制度过程中,思想政治工作究竟如何去做才能调动广大职工的社会主义积极性,促进生产的健康发展?我们山东省玲珑黄金矿业公司的做法是:在强化力度上下功夫,在  相似文献   

How can you align instruction, learning, and assessment in an educationally sound way? How can you define and measure competence in mathematics? What areas of competence do you need to specify and how? How can one evaluate the validity and consequences of using a particular assessment instrument or technique?  相似文献   

Step 1.Lead in   T:Where do you live?   S:I live in….   T:How do you go to school?   S:By bus.(By bike.By car…)   ……  相似文献   

This paper summarises the accounts provided by some 60 experienced infants and primary teachers and 18 student teachers to the questions “How do you tell when you've taught a really good lesson?” and “How do you evaluate your success as a teacher?” These accounts were analysed both in terms of the criteria and the indicators used by teachers in evaluating their own short- and long-term success. The results contrast strongly with those reported by Jackson (1968) and by Lortie (1975) and an attempt is made to delineate and describe the constructive processes used by teachers to evaluate their success in a classroom setting of complexity and uncertainty.  相似文献   

Roundtable: what is temperament? Four approaches   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
4 current approaches to understanding temperament are discussed in the roundtable. In an introductory overview, Goldsmith outlines some of the major convergences and divergences in the understanding of this concept. Theorists representing 4 positions--Goldsmith, Buss and Plomin, Rothbart, and Thomas and Chess--outline their views by responding to each of 6 questions: How do you define temperament and explain the boundaries of the concept? What are the elements of temperatment? How does the construct of temperament permit you to approach issues or organize data in ways that are possible only if this construct is invoked? How does temperament develop? To what extent do you consider temperament to be a personological versus a relational or an interactional construct? and How does your approach deal with issues of temperamental "difficulty"? In 2 commentaries on the theorists' answers, Hinde highlights differences among their positions and indicates issues that current theories of temperament must take into consideration, and McCall draws on common aspects to propose a synthesizing definition that draws on all 4 approaches.  相似文献   

Why is it important to publish your research? How are papers reviewed before publication decisions are made? How can you select the right journal for your paper? How do EM:” and other measurement journals compare in content, orientation, and other characteristics?  相似文献   

When parents pick their children up from day care or preschool, one of the first questions that is typically asked of their child is “What did you do in school today?” At an open house parents usually ask teachers, “How is my child doing in your class?” “Is my child learning new things?” “Has my child improved any since the beginning of the school year, and in what ways?” Or think of the child who turns in a product and asks, “What do you think of this, Teacher?” or “Did you like my work today?”  相似文献   

Evaluating Classroom Assessment Training in Teacher Education Programs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
What should training for teachers look like? Do our assessment practices align well with what we would like our students to do? How can you self-assess assessment training at your institution?  相似文献   

If you do not wish to construe philosophical discourse as simply a discourse of cognition, a theoretical discourse; if you think it is also a practical, ethical discourse: how should you write? How should you frame the ethos, the authority of your discourse? This article re‐presents an extended preface I wrote and rewrote obsessively over a period of nearly two years in an effort to forge a voice and mode of address adequate to my sense of philosophical discourse as a practical discourse, whilst also being accountable to the generic requirements of a PhD. As the textual record of this struggle, the value of this text must remain primarily in its capacity to evoke or provoke similar generic memories or ambitions in the reader.  相似文献   

In February 2013, the University of Leicester staged what The Guardian described as ‘The most extraordinary press conference ever held at any UK university.’ This was part of a media and communications campaign that brought worldwide attention to the discovery of King Richard III by the University's archaeologists. How do you manage a communications process like this? What were the pitfalls and how does multimedia journalism enhance reputation?  相似文献   

Why is it important to investigate the effectiveness of coaching for a test such as the SAT? How can you evaluate the effectiveness of coaching? What are some common misconceptions? What do we know and what is still unclear about the effects of coaching? What can we tell students and their families about the results of coaching studies ?  相似文献   

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