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错杂的人物关系、晦涩的情节以及模糊的对白让95%的人将《东邪西毒》定位为古典电影;另外5%的人会一而再再而三地继续品读这部影片、理清头绪并将其定为90年代最出色的影片之一。虽然票房不理想,但是该影片还是得到了国内外各类大奖的青睐,并在几年之后成为观众愿意继续反复观看的影片(遭遇和《大话西游》相似)。与其说《东邪西毒》是部武侠片,倒不如说是爱情片来得真切,承认与被承认、拒绝与被拒绝、爱与被爱,导演让我们见识了何谓“武侠成人童话”。陈勋奇的配乐大气、浑厚;杜可风的摄影与张叔平的美术配合得丝丝入扣。一袭红衫的张曼玉只用一个背影就已倾国倾城。但真正吸引人的,还是王家卫风格的旁白,与爱情似有关又似无关,表面上平平淡淡却在不经意间揪住了你的心。  相似文献   

Herr o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Berka feierte in diesen Tagen seinen 60. Geburtstag. Dies darf zum Anlass genommen werden, um den hochaktiven wissenschaftlichen Lehrer und Forscher, der seit der Gründung der "Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik" dieser durch sein Wirken als Beiratsmitglied verbunden ist, zu würdigen.  相似文献   

The current rhetoric around using data to improve community college student outcomes with only limited research on data-driven decision-making (DDDM) within postsecondary education compels a more comprehensive understanding of colleges’ capacity for using data to inform decisions. Based on an analysis of faculty and administrators’ perceptions and behaviors at 41 community colleges that participated in an initiative to improve student success, an argument is presented to include social capital as an explicit component of the capacity of community colleges for using data on student outcomes to increase student success. Building on Newmann, King, and Rigdon’s (1997) conceptualization of schools’ organizational capacity to meet accountability expectations and Smylie and Evans’ (2006) exploration of the role of Coleman’s (1988) social capital in policy implementation, this study found a relationship between the presence of forms of social capital as part of the organizational capacity for DDDM and the frequency and extent of data use among faculty and administrators. In light of research on organizational learning that suggests that social capital creates opportunities for the creation of new knowledge—such as possible solutions for persistent problems of student success—and research on organizational routines as mechanisms for change and preservation in organizations, this article concludes with recommendations for community colleges undertaking data-driven educational reform.  相似文献   

运用文本互涉理论来观照《东邪西毒》,可发现该片与多个文本类型或具体文本之间存在复杂联系。影片沿用又改造了武侠小说和武侠电影等文本类型的元素,对影片局部作考察又可勾连出若干具体文本,包括直接引用佛经文句作为字幕,对人物情感的表现让我们想到其它艺术文本的类似处理,以及台词与诗歌文本暗合且观点不一等现象。注意电影与相关文本的互涉,可开拓审美空间,不断丰富电影作品的意蕴。  相似文献   

Numerous papers have purported the need for life span education, yet few have examined the attitudes of older citizens toward lifelong learning. To determine why they were not attending a free audit program at the university and to ascertain their attitudes toward education for the elderly, 99 subjects aged 62 and older (M. = 74.6) were interviewed. The systematic sample chosen from membership lists of senior citizen groups yielded 34 men and 65 women. Interviews utilized a survey questionnaire. The analysis compared those who were and were not interested in the program.

Results indicated that 68% (N = 65) of the subjects were not interested in attending university classes. The 32% (N = 31) who answered “yes” or “maybe” were significantly younger than those who were not interested; the two groups did not differ significantly on the other variables measured (sex, previous education, occupation, daily activities, attitude toward education for self and other older persons, etc.). Furthermore, only one subject actually enrolled in the university in the subsequent semester.

The findings fail to support the thesis that “education begets education.” However, it should be noted that subjects indicated that “living is learning,” and while formal education is acceptable for the elderly, it is not necessary for learning.  相似文献   

The numbers and proportions of ethnic and minority aged are increasing more rapidly than their age cohorts among nonminorities. This is particularly true among the old‐old, where increasing incidences of frailty and functional dependence increase the demand for health care services. In these circumstances the need for health care professionals to develop sensitivity to cultural and ethnic factors that impinge the health care of the aged is compelling. Barriers to effective cross‐cultural communication are discussed, and guidelines for culturally sensitive communication are provided.  相似文献   

C. Walter Hodges first came to prominence as the author/illustrator of Columbus Sails in 1939, which the Junior Bookshelf hailed as The best book never to have been awarded the Carnegie Medal. Widely acclaimed for the treatment of its subject matter, its powerful narration, and accompanying dramatic line illustrations, Columbus Sails was the first of a number of vivid historical novels written and illustrated by Hodges, including The Namesake (nominated for the 1964 Carnegie Medal), The Marsh King (1967), and The Overland Launch (1969). He is internationally recognised both for his indispensable and learned books about the Elizabethan theatre (for which he gained the Kate Greenaway Medal for illustration in 1964) and his vital illustrations to other authors' texts. This timely article is based on interviews and correspondence between the author and Hodges, and traces and celebrates the latter's life and career as a writer, book illustrator, teacher, and scholar.  相似文献   

《烬余录》因在文中坦陈“我”对一个伤员的无同情态度而备受争议,一些人由此认为张爱玲缺乏起码的人道主义同情心。其实,只有从战争生活状态下所形成的文化心理角度来解读这个文本,才能认识“我”的独特心理活动所包含的人学内容。与日常生活有别,处于战争状态中的人,面对苦难,会从“同情”向“庆幸”继之向“焦虑”发展,从而使得人的选择更加自我化、非同情化。同时,《烬余录》的写作已经以日常之“我”完成了对于战时之“我”的反省,体现了作家的真诚不欺,据此,我们不应低评张爱玲所达到的精神境界。  相似文献   

在《技术复制时代的艺术作品》中,本雅明提出了自己的电影理论,认为电影是一种现代技术催生的已丧失“灵晕”的新兴艺术样式。技术复制性是它的本质特征,并且与戏剧、绘画等传统艺术相比,具有动态性、消遣性等特点,给人们带来的是一种“震惊”的审美感受。电影具有扩大人们的视觉世界,促进艺术的民主化、大众化等不可忽视的意义和价值。  相似文献   

试析小说《安琪拉的灰烬》的主题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一部成长小说,《安琪拉的灰烬》成功地展现了主人公从童年到青少年时期的成长历程。小说以第一人称的方式叙述,幽默诙谐地把读者带入主人公弗兰基的自我世界里,使读者可以真切地感受到它与外部真实世界的冲突。试析了饥饿、天主教会、疾病死亡等贯穿于全篇小说的几个矛盾冲突,并由此得出,该小说称得上是一部典型的爱尔兰天主教儿童成长的辛酸史。  相似文献   

本雅明用反传统的方法,从多个角度,以一种极其独特的眼光来审视城市,他所洞察的是每座城市之后必然有自己独特的文化传统与政治意义。  相似文献   

张可 《中学生英语》2004,(10):13-14
沃尔特·司各特(1771-1832)生于苏格兰首府爱丁堡的一位律师家庭。大学毕业后,他当上了律师,但从年轻时起他就对民歌,尤其是英格兰与苏格兰交界处的古老传说和民间歌谣感兴趣。1802年他出版了《苏格兰边区歌谣集》。从1814年起,司各特写了20多部小说,但在很长一段时间里他总是慝名发表作品。所以在1796—1813年期间他是诗人,而在他40岁之后则成了小说家,他的诗名也逐渐被他的小说家的名声所遮掩。沃尔特·司各特开创了欧洲历史小说之先河。在他之前出现了一些以历史上的事件和历史人物为依据的小说,但事件和人物都过于夸大,或者浪漫过头,几…  相似文献   

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