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Women play crucial roles in both production and reproduction, but development planners have focused on women as childbearers and homemakers rather than as individuals with their own needs and problems. Women are vehicles to achieve a project's ends. As a result, many ambitious development programs have failed. Women's health, necessary for their participation in programs, and traditional women's tasks have been neglected. Planners frequently disregard the demands and inflexibility of women's existing responsibilities. Most rural women work 10 to 12 hours per week and can not set aside family survival tasks to participate in classes, clinic visits or demonstrations. The 1st step in designing successful programs is to recognize the realities of poor women's lives, and to focus on the women themselves, their basic needs, health and responsibilities. Women must participate in planning their own development. Women's voices must be heard for programs that depend on their participation to succeed.  相似文献   

While over one hundred studies have been conducted at both the institutional and national levels to determine if male and female faculty receive different levels of pay, there are very few published studies that have addressed similar gender equity concerns for other groups of academic employees. This research illustrates ways in which gender equity studies can be performed on noninstructional employees such as operating staff (OS) and professional/administrative staff (PAS) in higher education. The article addresses the selection of variables for inclusion in the multiple regression model, the alternative approaches for measuring the unexplained wage gap, and the methods that could be utilized for adjusting women's salaries when inequities are found to exist. To illustrate these concepts, data on the operating and professional/administrative staff at one institution are analyzed. It is found that experience and market differences account for about eighty percent of the pay difference between male and female professional/administrative staff and half of the pay difference for operating staff, and that the cost of adjusting women's salaries varies significantly across methods.  相似文献   

作为家庭暴力主要形式的虐妻型家庭暴力严重危害妇女身心健康,侵犯妇女合法权益,破坏社会稳定和发展,已引起全社会的广泛关注。针对虐妻型家庭暴力的特征、成因、预防与对策等方面谈了一些拙见,以期人们从法律、社会、心理各层面对受害妇女给予更全面、更具体、更适当的协助.以期取得更好的社会效果。  相似文献   

The United Nations Decade for the Advancement of Women, from 1975 to 1985, leaves a legacy of a deeper understanding of the issues, and the emergence of new networks with the experience and commitment to work for further changes. However, the role and status of women did not improve. There is a new commitment to struggle for the ending of all oppression, injustice and violence of all kinds at all levels. Feminism is a consciousness of all forms of women's oppression and a commitment to work against them. Feminist critiques illuminate the larger structures that oppress both women and men. New development theories embracing feminism are necessary to understand how patriarchy and economic systems propogate oppression. The production-oriented approach to rural development is flawed n failing to address women's lack of access to land, credit, training and new technologies. Overwhelming household tasks, cultural norms, and traditional attitudes limit women's involvement in training programs and other development activities. The basic needs approach to rural development provides access to vital services to meet a family's basic needs for nutrition, housing and clothing, and allows people's participation in decision making. However, women have little actual role in decision making so their needs, concerns and perspectives are not taken into account. Women are treated as instruments to achieve goals without appreciating their perspective. Project-based approached emphasize short term goals rather than laying the foundation for longterm changes. Few projects address structural issues or empower women. Projects must include education to increase personal growth and self reliance. Development planning can be enormously enhanced by taking gender differences into account and recognizing that people, specially poor women, can promote their own devleopment. Longterm strategies that challenge existing structures, address the existing economic order, and, most of all, recognize women's voices are needed.  相似文献   

Prior concerns have been raised about the ability of schools to access evidence-based practices, however, these practices are instrumental for addressing behavior concerns. This is particularly true at the secondary level, where students are more likely to be disproportionately identified for school removal. This review investigates studies of behavior intervention programs reviewed by the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC), founded by the US Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences. Three studies meet the WWC evidence standards for middle or high school students. The limited number of studies meeting evidence standards and the demographic samples of those studies meeting evidence standards lowers access to robust practice.  相似文献   

萧红是我国现代文学史上著名的女作家,她在小说中流露出很明显的女性自觉意识,表现出对女性命运的深切关注。本文以时间为序,分三个阶段,由表及里地对萧红小说所涉及女性认识进行梳理,同时对有关问题进行了探讨,从而肯定了萧红在女性解放道路上所做出的贡献。  相似文献   

泰戈尔在某小说中深切关注妇女命运,对妇女问题进行深入思考,大力张扬妇女解放思想,形成了进步的妇女观,他的进步妇女观的形成来自于他对人民的热爱和同情,也是受西方进步思想影响的结果。同时也与他的哲学观、美学观和爱国主义思想密切联系,泰戈尔生活在印度历史大变革时期,接受的是传统和西方两栖式的教育,加之家庭的不良影响,从而使他的妇女观存在着矛盾性和复杂性。  相似文献   

An unusually large number of Chinese nursery rhymes provide realistic depiction of women's life experiences over the long history of China. They tell about women's fears and concerns as well as hopes and dreams and even sufferings. They reflect the Chinese traditional attitude toward women as influenced by Confucian teachings. Those rhymes could be divided into three categories that represent the three stages of a woman's life: (1) childhood and before marriage, (2) the wedding, and (3) married life. These rhymes continue to provide enjoyment for children. More importantly, they are living history of Chinese women.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore whether the concerns of a group of pre-collegiate students enrolled in an urban teaching academy (UTA) program were unique or similar to those found in earlier studies using Fuller's model as a framework for analysis. Using an instrumental case study approach, findings indicated that the UTA students expressed explorative inquiry concerns. These explorative inquiry concerns were primarily based on introspective reflections of the participants attempting to align their personal qualities with those needed of effective teachers. Results of this study emphasize the need for the expansion of Fuller's three stage model to address explorative inquiry concerns of students in pipeline programs such as the UTA.  相似文献   

近20年中国大陆高校女性学课程设置的发展变化呈现出以下特征:课程名称、内涵由女性研究为主转变为女性研究、性别研究共存;课程设置的层次普遍趋低;课程内容逐渐偏向非学科化。这些变化为女性学发展提供了更广阔的空间,同时也存在一些问题。对这一变化进行辩证考察和深入探讨.既可为女性学学科化建设提供更多科学参照,也有利于更好地满足女性自身发展的需求。  相似文献   

International exchanges or study-abroad experiences can have lifelong impacts on students from various disciplines. This article describes the integration of a short-term study-abroad program to Ireland into two socio-cultural courses. The experience also offers course credit for major requirements in two programs. Through this two-week travel experience students are brought into intensive contact with educators, scholars, and community activists in Ireland and Northern Ireland and weigh differences and similarities in the social issues and services among the three countries. While the course is aimed at students in the counseling field, it also appeals to students majoring in criminal justice, sociology, women's studies, international studies, and political science.  相似文献   

Teachers are in a unique position to identify and support students who experience mental health concerns. The purpose of this systematic review was to (a) identify current available evidence-based teacher training programs related to students' mental health, (b) review the content and delivery methods of the training, and (c) evaluate the quality of the research designs and evaluation methods of the training. Most training programs are delivered face-to-face and include interactive discussion and content knowledge. Content varied among the training programs. Most studies found improved knowledge among teachers; however, no studies found improvement in effective communication.  相似文献   

哈佛大学、世界教育杂志、教育发展中心和波利维亚的研究人员完成了一项在玻利维亚的历时3年多的大规模的纵深研究.我们已发现女童的教育与其发展二者相关,本研究则旨在阐明成人基础教育和妇女的社会与经济水平之间是否有相类似的关系存在. 该研究随机抽样了2200名成年妇女,包括1600名该项目的参与者和600名非参与者.研究人员综合衡量了妇女社会地位与经济水平及其发展结构,他们使用的指数包括1)识字/教育水平;2)挣钱活动的参与度;3)家庭决定权;4)子女教育;5)公民事务参与度与公民意识;6)法律权利参与度与法律意识;7)保健参与度及保健意识.此项研究的一个关键研究成果是综合基础成人教育项目对玻利维亚妇女的生活有重要作用(或影响),甚至在考虑了妇女的个人特点、所受正规教育水平、社会地位、经济地位、家庭所在地以及三年中的种种未知因素后依然如此.该项目参与者在社会与经济水平上比未参与者净增11个百分点.本文解释了所应用的研究框架、方法和得出的重要发现.  相似文献   

Despite the effectiveness of peer-led health programs, few studies have been focused on the experiences of the peer mentors involved in such programs. The purpose of the current study was to explore the experiences of peer mentors involved in a peer-led physical activity program for students with mental health concerns, namely anxiety and depression. Participants were eight former peer mentors from a mid-size university who completed interviews regarding their motivation for serving as a peer mentor and the ways in which the program influenced them both during and after the program ended. Findings from an integrative analysis demonstrated that the mentors grew personally, professionally, and interpersonally from their participation. Further, mentors’ experiences could be explained by the self-determination theory.  相似文献   

张爱玲幼年时代有着对人的关系完美统一的要求,这在她和世界之间形成某种对立与分裂,从而关照外界带有一定的审视与批判色彩,形成她启蒙主义人道关怀的思想基础。张爱玲作品启蒙色彩,一是对中国封建伦理关系的解构,她对人在社会中生存局面的现实状态作细致绵密的否定;一是对女性因袭的国民性垃圾及女性心理深处归属感与依附性的省视。  相似文献   

Jones AM 《Compare》1997,27(3):277-286
This article compares nonformal education (NFE) and training options for women among the small island countries of Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Tonga, Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent. Data were obtained from 4 groups (the government agency for women, the national women's organization, a nongovernmental organization, and the university extension center) that operated an NFE course during 1992-94. Interviews were conducted among the tutor and 5 women from the selected NFE programs who had attended research workshops. Over 200 women were interviewed. Caribbean country NFE programs included a varied program of instruction that included, for example, self-defense, assertiveness training, and women-in-trade programs. South Pacific training programs included, for example, training of trainers, leadership training, women and traditional medicine, and women in development. Regional papers in preparation for the 1995 Beijing Conference included research findings on NFE, including workshop findings. Facilitators from Niue and Tonga were more satisfied with women's status in their countries than those in Fiji and Kiribati, but women in all 4 countries said things were changing. Women reported benefits from NFE programs such as new information, acquiring new skills, visiting new places, and sharing experiences with other women. In Kiribati and Tonga, women were disappointed in lack of follow-up. Caribbean women were self-aware, but gained insight into their lack of rights and justice. Not all programs empowered women. NFE providers and participants were unable to identify significant outcomes.  相似文献   

In this column, the author examines how the promotion of medical birth feeds into women's natural concerns about pregnancy and birth and, consequently, negatively influences their childbirth choices.  相似文献   

This article uses a case study of the assessment of a graduate program in negotiations and conflict management as a springboard for discussing several critical, but unanswered questions in our field. It raises questions regarding the lack of clear core competencies and expectations regarding curricula at the graduate-level of peace and conflict studies programs, as well as concerns over how educators in this field can or should assess their own work and train students for practice. It also addresses, via a comparative case analysis in Tajikistan, the degree to which the competencies and pedagogical approaches in this field are culturally bound. The picture that emerges from these case studies suggests that there have been important omissions in the way that the varied educational programs and the larger peace and conflict studies field itself have developed thus far.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether formalized gatekeeping procedures and program‐level characteristics influence the rates at which deficient trainees are graduated from counseling programs. One hundred eighteen faculty members reported that counselor educators face diverse pressures to avoid investigating potentially deficient students, including concerns about being sued and concerns about receiving compromised teaching evaluations. However, faculty members in programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs and faculty members in programs with more formalized gatekeeping procedures seemed to more effectively follow through with concerns they had about specific students. These findings support the implementation of both broad, program‐wide training standards and specific, formalized procedures to more effectively screen deficient trainees.  相似文献   

Distance education (DE) in social work programs and studies on its comparable effectiveness with face-to-face education continue to increase. Yet not all faculty are convinced of the results, and this study explores why. Three case studies indicate that reservations center on valuing the process of learning and nonverbal communication. Issues regarding duty of care to families to be served by future social workers primarily educated in a virtual classroom also matter significantly. The trend toward DE may be inevitable, but this does not mean that educators should not voice their concerns; their skepticism has merit, and they have a responsibility to be vocal.  相似文献   

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