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太极拳是高校体育课程中武术课的重要组成部分,现行高校普及的24式太极拳,是从历经几百年发展的太极拳中提炼出的精髓。在太极拳教学中穿插讲解动作的攻防含义,能提高学生的学习兴趣和动作的易学性,使大学生更快更好地学好太极拳。  相似文献   

表象训练是指运动员主动地、有目的地在头脑中反复想象已经形成的技术动作或运动背景,从而提高运动技能的一种方法.高校太极拳教学因动作繁多、变化复杂从而使学生难以掌握.文章运用对比实验验证了表象训练法在高校太极拳教学中,对于提高动作技术掌握、培养学生兴趣、建立学生自信心方面的积极意义.  相似文献   

武术(太极拳)教学软件系统能够及时、准确、迅速、方便地管理和有效地播放太极拳成套动作演示和分解动作演示,为太极拳教学提供演示图像.本文对此软件系统的结构、功能进行了研究.  相似文献   

针对普通高校简化太极拳教学只教授套路动作、忽视学生防身需要、影响学生学习热情的现状,通过文献资料、调查、对比实验、统计分析等方法对技击内容融入教学过程进行了应用研究。结果表明,将技击内容有机地融入到太极拳教学过程中,对进一步激发学生的学习兴趣、帮助他们正确理解掌握动作、提高教学质量具有积极作用。  相似文献   

崔学臣  左洪志 《教学研究》2004,(4):368-369,373
针对普通高校简化太极拳教学只教授套路动作、忽视学生防身需要、影响学生学习热情的现状,通过文献资料、调查、对比实验、统计分析等方法对技击内容融入教学过程进行了应用研究.结果表明,将技击内容有机地融入到太极拳教学过程中,对进一步激发学生的学习兴趣、帮助他们正确理解掌握动作、提高教学质量具有积极作用.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑归纳法等科研方法,首先对太极一词以及太极图含义、太极拳及其名字的来历进行了阐释;继而以简化二十四式太极拳为例,分析探讨出太极图与简化二十四式太极拳动作定势、动作变化和过渡、动作运动轨迹以及动作技击阴阳变化的丰富联系;从而得出在简化二十四式太极拳的教学中,引进太极图及其哲学原理的作用:有助于学生对太极文化、太极拳内涵的理解,有助于学生对太极拳动作的理解、记忆、和规范,有助于给学生提供自我纠正、自我提高的依据,有助于提高学生的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

1 前言太极拳是高校武术教学的内容之一。常练太极拳能调节阴阳、疏通经络、活血散瘀、利通关节、祛病延年;太极拳动作高雅,熟练后,神情处于悠然自得中,使之感到心旷神怡,其乐无穷。因此,太极拳是一种极好的健身运动。既然太极拳有如此大的作用,如何进行其教学呢? 目前,太极拳的教学一般采用常规教学法,即综合地运用示范、直观讲解、分解动作、形象讲解等手段的教学法。由于太极拳有以形喻势的风格,所以常规教法没有突出太极拳的特点,  相似文献   

攻防含义教学法在太极拳教学中比传统教学法具有优越性及可行性,该教学法不仅能激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生对单个动作的理解及掌握能力,而且能更好地充分表逸太极拳运动的内涵和特点.  相似文献   

仵美阳 《教师》2011,(12):124-124
太极拳以高深莫测著称,要想在短短的几课时学好太极拳是很困难的。俗语说得好:"师傅领进门,修行靠个人。"这就要求我们体育教师在教授太极拳时,必须在有限的时间内把太极拳很直观、易懂地传授给学生。笔者经过多年对太极拳的练习和教学,摸索、实践、总结了“四结合”的经验与方法,与大家交流,以图共进。一、快与慢相结合,动作把握更准确在教学中要针对不同的教学对象,采用不同的动作教学的节奏,同时要兼顾快与慢的结合。  相似文献   

提高非体育专业学生太极拳动作记忆能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文着重阐述了太极拳独特的运动特点、攻防特点以及教师在教学中采用恰当的教学方法同提高学生对太极拳动作记忆能力的相互关系。  相似文献   

Developmental Changes in Imitation from Television during Infancy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Infants' (N = 276) ability to learn from television under seminaturalistic conditions was examined in five experiments with 12-, 15-, and 18-month-olds. In all experiments, an adult performed a series of specific actions with novel stimuli. Some infants watched the demonstration live, and some infants watched the same demonstration on television from prerecorded videotape. Infants' ability to reproduce the target actions was then assessed either immediately or after a 24-hour delay. Infants of all ages exhibited imitation when the actions were modeled live. There were age-related and task-related differences, however, in infants' ability to imitate the same actions modeled on television. The role of perceptual, attentional, and cognitive development in the ability to learn from television is discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The purpose of this study was to describe differences in the narratives produced by 3-, 4-, and 5- year old Spanish-speaking (SS) children. Narrative productions of 104 typically developing children were collected using a story-retelling task and coded using the Index of Narrative Complexity. The results of this study indicate that 3-year-old SS children produced stories containing characters and actions. Four-year-old SS children’s stories were characterized by the use of characters, actions, and internal responses. Five-year-old SS children retold stories containing characters, settings, initiating events, actions, internal responses, formulaic markers, temporal markers, and knowledge of dialogue. Practice: Developmental information to assist educators working with SS children.  相似文献   

Teachers convey evaluations through such "appraisal actions" as ability versus effort attributions for children's performance, spontaneous displays of warmth versus matter-of-fact acceptance, and attention versus inattention. Some appraisal actions (e.g., ability-effort) require an understanding of multiplicative relations to arrive at an "adult" interpretation. Others (e.g., attention-inattention) do not. First through sixth graders watched videotaped scenes in which teachers attributed one child's performance to ability but chided another for lack of effort even though he had given an equivalent performance, hugged one child but not another for equivalent performance, and paid attention to one child's oral report but not another's. Younger students (ages 5-9 to 7-10) rated the ability-attributed and hugged children as smarter; older students (ages 9-9 to 11-10) rated the effort-attributed and unhugged children as smarter. In contrast, no age differences were found in decoding attention versus inattention. The results suggest that younger children use a different strategy in decoding the meanings of complex appraisal actions.  相似文献   

国内群体性事件发展趋势分析与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前国内群体性事件表现出诉求表达理性、组织化程度提高,暴力性、对抗性、破坏性、激烈性明显增强和主体变化等阶段性特征。本研究在阐述国内学者有关观点基础上,预测国内群体性事件在近期内的大体走势和需要特别关注的动向;提出了今后10年至20年,中国中西部地区是一个值得高度关注的地区的观点。建立全国社会预警系统、试行区域性社会稳定风险监测评估、通过规划项目安排保障预警研究和成立专门机构、建设一支多学科研究队伍是提高国内社会稳定水平的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

研究了群作用系统的传递属性,证明了如下结论:设(S,X),(S,Y)是两个群作用的动力系统,Γ族是左正平移不变的和右负平移不变的,π是从(S,X)到(S,Y)的一个半共轭.如果(S,Y)是Γ-传递的且存在x0∈Trans(X),使得π-1(πx0)={x0}.那么(S,X)是Γ-传递的.  相似文献   

We investigated the real-time cascade of postural, visual, and manual actions for object prehension in 38 6- to 12-month-old infants (all independent sitters) and eight adults. Participants’ task was to retrieve a target as they spun past it at different speeds on a motorized chair. A head-mounted eye tracker recorded visual actions and video captured postural and manual actions. Prehension played out in a coordinated sequence of postural–visual–manual behaviors starting with turning the head and trunk to bring the toy into view, which in turn instigated the start of the reach. Visually fixating the toy to locate its position guided the hand for toy contact and retrieval. Prehension performance decreased at faster speeds, but quick planning and implementation of actions predicted better performance.  相似文献   

二行动线性决策问题是一类重要的决策问题,文中讨论了在期望肛已知,方差σ^2未知的情况下,(IGa-N)模型下的二行动线性决策问题的抽样信息期望值的计算公式.  相似文献   

学校变革是面对真实的问题、阻力而采取的行动,而行动需要思维方式的指导,行动的转变也源于思维方式的转变。学校管理变革作为学校变革这个“语境”的一个部分或是一个方面,它不是孤立于这个“语境”,而是与这个“语境”的其他方面相关联、影响的,这是言说学校管理变革的背景。学校管理变革是对如此存在的学校管理进行认识的基础上展开的战略行动。文章试图探讨支撑这个战略行动的思维方式问题。  相似文献   

Children learn actions performed by a social partner better when they misremember these actions as their own. Identifying the factors that alter the propensity to make appropriation errors is critical for optimizing social learning. In two experiments (N = 110), we investigate the developmental trajectory of appropriation errors and examine social-cognitive and motor-related factors in 3- to 8-year-olds. Children with better theory of mind (ToM) skills made fewer appropriation errors for motorically complex actions. Appropriation errors did not differ as a function of ToM if children could perform the corresponding actions. A second experiment replicated this effect and found no influence of collaborative context on appropriation errors. This research sheds light on the complex relations among development, social-cognition, and motor-related factors.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to investigate how 14- to 16-month-old infants select actions to imitate from the stream of events. In each study, an experimenter demonstrated two actions leading to an interesting effect. Aspects of the first action were manipulated and whether infants performed this action when given the objects was observed. In both studies, infants were more likely to imitate the first action when it was physically necessary to generate the effect, and in Study 2 they were also more likely to imitate the action when it was socially cued. It seems that infants' own knowledge of space and causality as well as their sensitivity to others' social signals both contribute to their tendency to imitate actions.  相似文献   

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