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用微程序法实现里德-索罗蒙码(R-S码)的信号处理器。为快速编码和解码,推导了检查2个错误值的公式。在解码过程中改进了钱搜索法,使搜索次数电256次压缩到4次,同时简化了硬件电路,提高了运算速度。为编制微程序,开发了微程序编辑软件包,该软件包能够用于R-S码信号处理器的不同格式的编程,如使用R-S码的数字音频广播(DAB)、激光唱机(MD)及数字收录机(DCC)等。该软、硬件电路能够用于不同格式的R-S码的检错、纠错以及误码补偿。  相似文献   

霍尔的电视话语制码解码理论与广告的诉求和解码   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从霍尔的电视话语制码解码理论出发,考察分析了广告意义的生产和流通过程:由广告制作者根据目标消费者的代码系统赋予广告形象意义,此为“制码”阶段;广告作品经过传媒把关者的审查由大众传媒进入大众视野,这是广告的传播阶段;大众根据自己的代码系统对广告作品做出符合自己需要的解读,此为解码阶段.  相似文献   

汉语视觉媒体使用英语词汇达到交际的目的已经司空见惯。在顺应理论框架下来探讨英语词语的语义认知、语用价值和现实意义,可以更清楚地看到英语词语作为"异码交际"如何体现CBS和AIDA策略,以及跨文化传播的背景下产生"异码交际"的社会文化、心理作为动因。  相似文献   

本文试图从个体的角度对布迪厄和巴斯隆的再生产理论、伯恩斯坦的语言编码理论和贝尔奴的学业成就制造理论进行解读,从中呈现学业成败的社会学归因从社会文化差异到学校运作的影响的一种变化。  相似文献   

社会主义的根本任务是解放和发展生产力。这一断语包含的历史内容和逻辑容量,足足可以写成比《资本论》篇幅更巨的著作,它是邓小平同志有中国特色社会主义理论的重心所在,也是他对科学社会主义理论的一大贡献,值得反复体味。  相似文献   

1 Introduction InthispapersoftinsoftoutMAPdecodingalgorithmsbasedonthefastHadamardtransform(FHT)aredeveloped,andtheirapplicationsindecodinglowratemultidimensionalconcatenatedHadamardcodesareexamined.Theproposedmethodhasanotableadvantageofachiev…  相似文献   

A multi-dimensional concatenation scheme for block codes is introduced.in which information symbols are interleaved and re-encoded for nmore than once.It provides a convenient platform to design high performance codes with flexible interleaver size,Coset based MAP soft-in/soft-out decoding algorithms are presented for the F24 code.Simulation results show that the propsed coding scheme can achieve high coding gain with flexible interleaver length and very low decoding complexity.  相似文献   

Multiple antenna wireless systems can provide larger channel capacity and enable spatial diversity to combat fading. In this paper we conduct an investigation into the design of coded space-time system obtained by serially concatenating channel code module and space-time code module with an interleaver in between. As an example, the system is constructed by employing low decoding complexity turbo-SPC (single parity check) code as outer module and linear complex field space-time code as inner module, which achieves full diversity and lossless equivalent channel capacity. Simulation results prove that our designed system performs well and it only loses 0.8 dB from multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) capacity at BER = 10^-5 in the case of information bit length 6048. Compared with turbo code-based systems, it also has lower error floor.  相似文献   


Previous studies of citizenship preparation in upper secondary school, including studies on vocational programmes, have primarily focused on general subjects. Potential and actual roles of vocational subjects in this context have received little attention, so we have little knowledge of what is likely a significant part of the citizenship preparation that occurs in vocational programmes. Drawing on the work of Basil Bernstein and ethnographic data, this study presents an analysis of socialisation processes in vocational elements of three vocational programmes in Swedish upper secondary school. The analysis addresses the formation of pedagogic codes in various vocational programmes and subjects, and how these codes condition students’ practice of citizenship at individual, social and political levels. The results show how different pedagogic codes have different implications for the students’ practice of citizenship, and thus raise questions about factors and processes that may either constrain or strengthen, this aspect in vocational subject classes.  相似文献   

“世界产联”所代表的美国工人阶级激进主义反映了资本主义制度在其经济高歌猛进时代所面临的社会危机。汇入这股激进潮流的两个主要工会组织原来都以温和著称,是资本主义的疯狂扩张打破了原来和谐的社区生活,重新划分了阶级营垒。政府支持下的企业主联盟对工人的强烈敌意激发了后者的阶级意识和激进主义倾向;而激进主义斗争方式引发的社会动荡又使“世界产联”失去中产阶级的支持和同情,进而孤立于整个社会,并最终走向衰落。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to outline some new developments in a mature research program that sees administrative theory as cohering with natural science and uses a coherence theory of epistemic justification to shape the content and structure of administrative theory. Three main developments are discussed. First, the paper shows how to deal with the evaluation of theories (of, say, leadership) where there is a demand that a theory needs to be context relevant, but also comprehensive. The solution is to allow context to determine the scope of comprehensiveness. Second, the paper develops an argument structure employing a coherentist epistemology for how ethical claims can be incorporated into administrative theories. Finally, the paper, drawing on research in neuroscience, argues for the relevance of emotion in rational decision-making. Contrary to the belief that emotion compromises rationality, the paper argues that it is essential for rationality.  相似文献   

李祖平 《教学研究(河北)》2005,28(5):404-406,411
高校是培养创新型人才的重要基地,高校教师在教书育人的岗位上肩负着重要的责任,其师德状况如何尤为关键。新时期高校应充分认识开展师德先进性教育活动的重要性,剖析师德建设中存在的主要问题,从而采取切实有效的对策,彰显先进师德,发挥高等教育和高校教师在人才培养和科教兴国战略中的重大作用。  相似文献   

中小学当前推行的新课程正在引起基础教育领域的一系列革命。在这场革命浪潮面前,作为中小学决策者的校长,如何引发广大师生生命激情与智慧的进发,推动素质教育高水平的实施,确实关系着这场革命的成败。本文试从基础教育学校管理的层面分析,认为中小学校长推行新课程的策略应该是:以人为本,依靠教师,支持教师建功立业,关注学生,帮助学生搭建成功的舞台,促进人(学生和教师)的全面发展。  相似文献   

Jan Sadlak 《Interchange》1992,23(1-2):111-122
This paper examines changes in the economic environment effected by the increasing role of knowledge and technological innovations. The university and its academe are expected, for a variety of reasons, to participate in fostering the process of technological development and increased up-grading of the workforce. The author then analyzes various institutional forms which can facilitate university-industry co-operation. Based on the analyses of trends and organizational premises of enhanced university-industry co-operation, the paper draws attention to the potentially negative implications of excessive entrepreneurial participation of the academe in commercialization of academic work. It also suggests measures—ethical and organizational—which would allow us to avoid such situations and which would put university-industry relations on new foundations.  相似文献   

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