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在莎士比亚的剧本《哈姆雷特》中,主人公——丹麦的王子哈姆雷特,被刻画成一位忧郁的学者型王子。作为一个理想主义者,他对现实总是嗤之以鼻,深恶痛绝。而在笛福的小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》中,主人公鲁滨逊虽然身处逆境,流落孤岛,却对生活、对未来总是充满希望,具有很强的现实主义精神,是一个快乐的流浪汉。两位主人公截然相反的性格特点,无一不受他们身处的社会历史文化潮流的影响,文章试图从两位主人公所处的时代背景、生活经历、斗争对象等几方面来探寻造成他们不同的性格类型和人生态度的社会历史文化根源。  相似文献   

汪艳 《文教资料》2009,(14):13-14
《德伯家的苔丝》是英国小说家托马斯·哈代的著名小说之一。苔丝,这个“纯洁”女人的一生是悲惨的:她先是被蹂躏,失去了“清白”,然后被她的丈夫抛弃,最后被迫成为一名杀人犯而走向了毁灭。贫困的家庭和无知虚伪的父母,亚雷·德伯与资本主义制度,安吉儿·克莱克与封建传统思想.苔丝自身的性格特点等是导致其悲剧的根源所在。  相似文献   

理查德.赖特的小说《土生子》是美国文学史上的一部重要作品,小说控诉了不平等的社会制度。本文通过分析主人公犯罪心理的成因,剖析了黑人犯罪的社会根源,指出造成黑人犯罪的社会根源是种族歧视制度,黑人已经开始反抗不平等的社会制度。这也正是小说力图反映的现实问题和发出的抗议之声。  相似文献   

中国明代白话小说对日本近世的读本小说产生了巨大的影响作用。日本的近世小说家最初以翻译或翻改中国白话小说的形式进行创作。本文选取了明代白话小说中的经典《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》和据此翻改的日本近世小说家都贺庭钟的作品《江口侠妓愤薄情怒沉珠宝》进行影响研究和一定程度的对比研究,以此揭示中日文学作品中"侠妓"这一形象的共同悲剧命运,并挖掘出导致其悲剧命运的社会根源。  相似文献   

《沉沦》,《田园的忧郁》都是创作于日本私小说正盛行的时代。但《沉沦》与《田园的忧郁》等日本私小说又有不同,这表现在两个方面,一是注重开掘主人公心理的社会根源,一是作者在平静的描写中更敢于暴露自己的感情。这是《沉沦》对日本私小说的突破,这种突破的意义在于文学上开创了健康的浪漫主义文学流派,人格上捍卫了作者的尊严。  相似文献   

孙兆龙 《考试周刊》2011,(71):27-28
《流浪人,你若到斯巴……》是德国著名作家海因里希.伯尔的短篇小说,被选入苏教版高中《语文》必修二。这篇小说内涵丰富,对战争根源的反思尤为深刻。作者结合小说的描述重点,力图从战争背后的民族心理和性格、纳粹文化对人性的扭曲等方面来探究这篇小说对战争根源的反思。  相似文献   

包礼才 《考试周刊》2013,(22):32-32
选入中学教材中的鲁迅的作品比例较大,要理解他的作品是有一定难度的。《孔乙己》一文,单就对该小说中的人物孔乙己的形象的鉴赏,就有一定的难度。教学时,作者从孔乙己生活的封建社会制度和社会环境,以及他自身的性格特点入手进行分析鉴赏。  相似文献   

美国作家J.D.塞林格(J. D. Salinger)的著作《麦田中的守望者》(The Catcher in the Rye)[1]中的主人公霍尔顿性格复杂多面,这一人物形象反映了作家塞林格的思想观念,有着深刻的社会文化根源。通过小说形成的时代文化背景和英国文艺理论家E.M.福斯特的小说理论来分析霍尔顿的性格,能更为整体、全面地把握这一人物形象。  相似文献   

《69 Sixtynine))日本作家村上龙创作的一部风格独特的自传体长篇小说。小说的主人公是几个性格各异的男性。但与几个男性主要人物相比,小说中的女性形象的个性却更加鲜明。这反映了作者村上龙对女性持有的一贯态度和对女性艺术形象的塑造特点。村上龙的大部分作品,对女性的认识主要来自年幼时的生活经历,并且他所描写的女性形象的特色都可以从《69 Sixtynine))中找到根源。  相似文献   

王春雷 《考试周刊》2013,(85):11-12
本文旨在探讨威塞克斯背景下哈代小说《苔丝》与《卡斯特桥市长》悲剧性的分析.在这两部作品中,哈代所虚构的威塞克斯是传统的宗法制社会的缩影,它呈现出宁静与祥和的特征.然而新兴社会力量的冲击打破了祥和的气氛,在给人们带来物质财富的同时,人与人之间的关系变得越来越冷漠.因此,小说中的主人公含有更多的悲剧色彩,这种悲剧根源在于社会发展规律的作用.除此之外,新社会下压迫剥削和作品中人物的性格特点也是重要原因.  相似文献   

Research on teacher thinking in the last fifteen years supports the hypothesis that being an effective critical thinker (as defined by Ennis) would make a major contribution to being an effective teacher. Ennis’ conception of critical thinking incorporates various dispositions and abilities, while his Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level X provides a measure of four crucial abilites. The teacher thinking research suggests that each of these four abilities is central to effective teaching. The four abilities are: (1) inductive thinking; (2) judging credibility of observation reports; (3) deductive thinking; and (4) assumption identification. Research findings about teacher thinking fall into three main categories: (a) implicit theories; (b) planning and reflection; and (c) dilemmas and uncertainty.

The first half of the paper shows how a teacher's performance and capacity to deal effectively with (a)‐(c) depend significantly on using the abilities (1)‐(4). If this is so then highly effective teachers should score significantly better on Ennis’ Cornell Critical Thinking Test (Level X) than do teachers as a whole. Hence scores on this test for a large sample of vocational teachers were compared with the scores of vocational teachers whose teaching performance has been judged as excellent by their teacher educators. The second half of the paper reports and discusses the results of testing the hypothesis and the implications for teacher education.  相似文献   

This paper introduces some of the debates in the field of critical thinking by highlighting differences among thinkers such as Siegel, Ennis, Paul, McPeck, and Martin, and poses some questions that arise from these debates. Does rationality transcend particular cultures, or are there different kinds of thinking, different styles of reasoning? What is the relationship between critical thinking and learning? In what ways does the moral domain overlap with these largely epistemic and pedagogical issues? The paper concludes by showing how Peters, Evers, Chan and Yan, Ryan and Louie, Luntley, Lam, Doddington, and Kwak, respond to these questions.  相似文献   

“六书”假借不同于有本字的假借。由假借所引起的字词关系的变化,既可以指某词在已有专造字的前提下,书面用字时借用别的字来表示的情况,还可以指某词在已有专造字以及专用假借字的前提下,书面用字时借用别的字来表示的情况,可以进一步区分为某词古今用字的不同与通假两类。  相似文献   

Teaching Critical Thinking in Undergraduate Science Courses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on the design and evaluation of a project aimed at fosteringthe critical thinking abilities and dispositions of first year students at anAustralian university. Novel paper and pencil problems were designed tofoster the range of critical thinking abilities identified by Ennis (1991). Most ofthese critical thinking tasks relate to applications of chemistry and physics ineveryday life. Some of the tasks were developed from information and/orideas obtained from critical incident interviews with scientists in private andgovernment organisations. The first year university students were required toattempt the tasks in co-operative groups and to interact in these groups in waysaimed at fostering the dispositions of Ennis' ideal critical thinker (Ennis 1996).The project was evaluated from discussions with groups of students, fromcomments of tutors who observed the students working in groups and from aquestionnaire. Evidence obtained from these data indicated that many studentsconsidered their thinking skills were enhanced by their experience of attemptingthe tasks in small co-operative groups.  相似文献   

古书注解中使用"读为"有三种不同的格式,其中"A读为B"式专门易字,"A读为某B之B"式具有易字与不易字两种作用,"A读为某A之A"式专用于同字为训,区别意义,后两种情况下,使用"读为"而不需要易字的根本原因是"某某"短语直接起到了注释作用。  相似文献   

根据汉字字族理论,从分析考释《说文解字》中以“果”为声符的十三个字与“果”的声义关系,认为它们在字形上有共同的发生源,读音相同或相近,所记录词义同出一源,是一组以“果”为母文的同族字。  相似文献   

Critical thinking and working together are key skills for lifelong learning, but current assessment practices do not necessarily support their acquisition, given the instrumental attitudes to learning of many higher education students. A small‐scale action research project was undertaken within the context of tutoring on a research module of an undergraduate early childhood studies course. This research module offered a fruitful context for an examination of the potential for collaboration to act as a catalyst for the development of critical thinking. The data are explored principally through the theoretical framework of critical thinking dispositions devised by Norris and Ennis (1989).  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值体系的提出是对中国特色社会主义理论的提升和飞跃,是对中国特色社会主义理论的丰富和发展,是我党理论创新的又一重大成果。建设社会主义核心价值体系是建设中国特色社会主义的理论根基,也为构建社会主义和谐社会提供思想基础和精神保障。在建设中国特色社会主义的进程中,我们应高扬社会主义核心价值的主旋律,构筑起符合中国特色社会主义核心价值体系。  相似文献   

After breaking the essence of conditional logic down into a set of five basic principles, Ennis and his associates discovered that primary children vary greatly in their degree of competence in conditional logic, and the principles differed considerably amongst themselves in their degree of difficulty. The evidence here reported is taken to count rather strongly against Piaget's claims that children under 11–12 years of age cannot handle propositional logic and cannot reason correctly from premises that they do not believe. Conditional logic knowledge correlated fairly highly with Wechsler verbal IQ, moderately with socioeconomic status, and weakly with dwelling area. Boys and girls appeared to be about equal in logical ability.
Résumé Après avoir divisé l'essence de la logique conditionnelle en cinq principes de base, Ennis et ses collègues ont découvert que le degré de compétence dans la logique conditionnelle des enfants dans l'école primaire varie beaucoup, et que les principes mêmes différaient considérablement dans leur degré de difficulté. On soutient que l'évidence qu'on présente ici va contre la conviction de Piaget que les enfants qui ont moins de 11 ou 12 ans ne peuvent pas traiter de la logique propositionnelle et ne peuvent pas raisonner correctement des prémisses qu'ils ne croient pas. La connaissance de la logique conditionnelle se trouvait à un haut degré en corrélation avec le IQ verbal de Wechsler, modérément en corrélation avec la position économique et social, et faiblement en corrélation avec le lieu d'habitation. Les garçons et les filles avaient presque la même aptitude logique.

The project on which this brief and factual report is based was supported jointly by the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell, by the New York State Education Department under Article 73, Section 3602a, Subdivision 14 of the Education Law, and by Federal Hatch funds. Points of view and stated opinions do not necessarily represent official policy of supporting institutions.This report, an earlier version of which was presented to the American Educational Research Association in March 1970, is a Summary of part of the final report of that project (Ennis, Finkelstein, Smith, & Wilson, 1969). I assume responsibility for this summary and the presented interpretations of Piaget.  相似文献   

During the past decade, parents and educators have increasingly expressed concern over the potential safety and developmental risks associated with children in self-care, or the care of another child (Garbarino, 1984; Harris, Kagay, & Ross, 1987; Robinson, Rowland, & Coleman, 1986; 1989; Zigler & Ennis, 1988). One result has been a growing interest in school-age child care (SACC) programs.Mick Coleman is Assistant Professor, Child and Family Development, and Extension Human Development Specialist, University of Georgia, Hoke Smith Annex, Athens, Ga. Bryan E. Robinson and Bobbie H. Rowland are both Professor of Human Services, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC  相似文献   

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