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1.【read】我在读书。 误:I am reading books. 正:I am reading. 析:read泛指“看书、读书”时,一般不加book,若表示看某本书可说reada(the)book。  相似文献   

造句 老师:请造一个以“I”开头的句子。 学生:I is the… 老师:停!“I”后面不应该用“is”,它后面总是跟“am”。 学生:好吧。I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.(我是字母表中第九个字母)。  相似文献   

教学步骤 Step 1.Warm-up(1)Greetings T:Hello,boys and girls!May I introduce myself?My family name is Zhang.You can call me Miss Zhang.(2)Free talk T:What do you do? S:I am a student.T:What’s your father’s job?  相似文献   

在英语中,表达“喜欢”和“不喜欢”有很多方式,但它们的程度都不同。如果你喜欢某种东西或某个人,你就可以说I like…或I am fond of…如:I am fond of Chinese food.(我喜欢中国食品);如果你既不喜欢也不讨厌某物或某事时,  相似文献   

Each season is different (不同)。 Spring ( 春天) says, "I am warm (温暖) o I help the sprouts ( 细菌) come up o I give them my rain as a present (礼物)o "  相似文献   

1.I am a bird.But I have don't eat. But I never die.(玩具鸟)  相似文献   

一、训练重点:非谓语动词 Today we had an oral exam in English. I had never had an exam in spoken English before. When the teacher told us 1__(prepare) for it, I really didn't know what to do. To tell you the truth, I think 2__ (speak) English in public is 3__ (embarrass). As I am afraid of losing face, I seldom speak English in class and I spend little time 4__ (practise) speaking English though I am always the first in the 5__ (write) exams. Now, I have to face the music this time.  相似文献   

听力部分(20分,略)笔试部分(100分)三、单项填空(15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )11.Mr Smith always gives me____hand when I am in trouble A.a B.an C.the D.不填  相似文献   

我们再来看“手”的组成:thumb(大拇指),是五指中最不灵活的,它在手的动作中起辅助作用。难怪人们用all thumbs来表达“笨手笨脚”之意。例如: I am all thumbs today.I don’t seem to be able to button up my shirt.(今天我笨手笨脚的,连衬衣都好像扣不上了)  相似文献   

齐真 《中学生英语》2001,(12):16-16
1.他比我大两岁。误:He is older two years than I am.正:He is two years older than I am.  相似文献   

一、动词be的形式 [口诀展示]:be动词三变化,am,is还有are,"我"(I)用am。"你"(you)用are,is紧跟"他(he)、她(she)、它(it)"。"我们(we)、你们(you)"和"他们(they)",全用are来表达。  相似文献   

As I have learnt English very well in the university(大学), I have a good chance(机会)to stay as a teacher with the university where I am( 1 ). Most of my friends and parents(2) that it's the best for a girl to be a university teacher.  相似文献   

题目(2014年浙江高考题)已知等差数列{an}的公差d〉0.设{an}的前n项和为Sn,a1=1,S2·S3=36. (1)求d及Sn; (2)求m,k(m,k∈N^*)的值,使得am+am+1+am+2+…+am+k=65.  相似文献   

链接一:关于hobbies的英语作文两篇兴趣爱好是中考常考话题,难度相对较小。1.介绍你的兴趣爱好My Hobby I am a 15-year-old studentin juniorGrade3.Though I am occupied with my study(被……占满了时间,……很忙),I would like to spend time on my hobbies,such as playing the piano,surfing the Internet.One of my favourite hobby is reading.Reading has been in my lifefor many years,since I began to learn characters.It can not only kill the time(打发时间),but also,  相似文献   

1.I am big and brown.I sleep all winter.What am I?2.I look like a horse with black and white stripes.What am I? 3.I have one or two humps on my back. Sometimes people ride on me.What am I? 4.I am a very big animal.I have a long nose called a trunk.What am I? 5.I have shape teeth and claws.I am a great big cat. What am I? 6.I have a huge,strong tail. My baby rides in my pouch as Ihop along,What am I? 7.I like to climb,I eat bananas.I make people laugh, What am I? Key:1.bear 熊 2.zebra…  相似文献   

I‘m from a poor family and it‘s not easy for my parents to give me money for school, which I know very well.I think I am old enough to share their burden(负担).Last summer vacation I found a job at a building site(建筑工地)in order to make some money to pay school tuition(学费)。  相似文献   

I am found in every country of the world,I come inmany different colors,I am usually taken down at night,I ammade of cloth.I am made of glass,I am often found on a wall,I am found in cars,Ilet you see yourself.  相似文献   

1.我正在写信。 误:I am writeing a letter.  相似文献   

About laughter关于笑 A:Hey!What’s up? B:I am watching Mr.Bean. A:Cool!You know,everytime I Watch it,I am in stitches[忍俊不禁] B:Yeah.I just can’t keep a straight face[板着面孔, 不露笑容].I once got into trouble because of Mr.Bean. A:Really?What happened? B:I burst out laughing[突然大笑起来]in class when I was thinking of Mr.Bean’s stupid acts.  相似文献   

教学流程 一、运用游戏,进入复习 老师事先弄清楚班上过生的同学,并准备一份小礼物。T:Whose birthday is today? S:I am. T:How old are you? S:I am eleven. T:Happy birthday to you.S:Thank you.  相似文献   

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