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严格  王卫 《林区教学》2020,(8):88-91
合理有效的课堂导入可以促进教学活动的开展。以石河子市高中化学教师为研究对象,了解新手型教师与专家型教师在导入技能方面运用的情况,并选取"盐类的水解"作为新手型—专家型教师课堂导入技能的比较研究,在此基础上提出提升新手型教师导入技能的策略。  相似文献   

课堂提问是评价教师教学风格、教学经验和教学水平的重要指标,这在英语课堂教学中尤为突出。提问对加强师生之间、学生之间的交流、了解学生的学习状况起着十分重要的作用。本研究以专家型教师和新手型教师为研究对象,同时结合英语学科特点,分析二者在课堂提问上存在的差异,目的是从课堂提问的角度为新手型教师的职业成长提供有益的建议和参考。  相似文献   

课堂提问是评价教师教学风格、教学经验和教学水平的重要指标,这在英语课堂教学中尤为突出。提问对加强师生之间、学生之间的交流、了解学生的学习状况起着十分重要的作用。本研究以专家型教师和新手型教师为研究对象,同时结合英语学科特点,分析二者在课堂提问上存在的差异,目的是从课堂提问的角度为新手型教师的职业成长提供有益的建议和参考。  相似文献   

本研究以小学数学教师所执教的课例为研究对象,通过录像分析法对专家型教师和新手型教师在课堂提问中思维导向性上的差异进行了研究。结果表明,专家型教师与新手型教师在课堂提问中的问题水平、提问方式、反馈方式、回答类型以及追问情况等方面存在着显著差异。专家型教师更倾向于提问高水平的问题;提问方式多样化;更倾向于直接反馈;回答类型上"创造型"的比例更高;在追问情况上,更倾向于逐层追问,并有效控制重复追问的次数。进一步的分析表明,问题水平、提问方式、反馈方式、追问情况等方面对课堂教学的效果构成了必要的影响因素,而学生回答类型对教师教学效果不构成必要的影响因素。  相似文献   

文章从教学的计划与准备、课堂的反馈与评价、教学的控制与调节、课后的反省四部分比较了专家型教师与新手型教师在教学监控能力上的差异,并对其影响因素进行了分析,以期能为新手型教师尽快成为专家型教师提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

随着我国教师年龄年轻化,新手型教师数量的增加,如何实现由新教师到专家型教师的过渡.以促进教师的专业成长就显得尤为重要。本文试图通过新手型教师与专家型教师教学内容设计的比较,寻找两者之间的差异。并从差异当中寻求新手型教师的需要,从而为帮助新手型教师过渡到专家型教师提供有效的途径。  相似文献   

首先介绍了新手型和专家型教师的界定标准,接下来从四方面比较了新手型教师和专家型教师的差异,最后提出计算机专家型教师应该具备的素质。  相似文献   

国外“专家型与新手型教师”研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着世界各国对教师选拔与在职培训重要性的认识的不断深入,认识和理解专家型与新手型教师,提高教师职业化水平已成教师教育领域的重要课题,受到了各国政府和教育专家的高度重视。诚如美国学者富南所言:教学改革决定于教师的所作所为,就是这么简单,也这么复杂,而教师心理研究的一个重要目的在于提高教师素质,缩短新手型教师成长的周期,提供向专家型教师进一步发展的机会,  相似文献   

应用弗兰德斯互动分析矩法对一位新手型教师和一位专家型教师同一节化学课的课堂实录进行分析,发现两位教师由于教学经验、教学经历及对教学内容的整体把握不同,引起课堂教学行为的差异,从而在课堂教学氛围、学生学习知识的方式等方面产生差异。  相似文献   

随着时代发展的需要,大学英语教学改革对教师教学能力的要求日益提高,本文对专家型教师和新手型教师教学能力进行对比,以期找到提高大学英语教师教学能力的方法,从而进一步提高英语教学质量。  相似文献   

Using classroom observation and video recording methods, we performed a comparative study on the forms and content of dialogues in the classrooms between expert and novice teachers. Of the 55 lessons surveyed, it was found that expert teachers tend to use analytical and comparative questions more frequently to detect students’ mathematical reasoning. Students and teachers work together to determine the answer to a question and the dialogue in the classroom takes place in a way that students present an answer, the teacher and the other students question the answer, and then the students explain the answer. On the other hand, a novice teacher often tends to give students hints, or utilize simple questions to jog the memory. The novice teacher recognizes students’ logic but does not incorporate them into his/her teaching. In this case, the teacher becomes the sole judge for the appropriateness of the answers and the typical dialogue in the classroom occurs in a way that the teacher asks a question, students answer, and the teacher comments.  相似文献   

师生面谈反馈指的是师生之间一对一的关于学生作文和写作过程所进行的写作会议。写作师生面谈被认为是一种高效并有效的写作反馈方式(Ferris,2003;Williams,2004)。以往对于写作教学中的师生面谈反馈更多是一语的语境下;即使是二语的语境下,研究的重点更多的是放在对于教师或学生某一方在互动中的表现。本研究基于交互假说(Long,1981,1985,1996)和注意假说(Schimdt,1990)搭建起的沟通和辅助相结合的理论框架,根据对某中国大学的两位英语写作老师和五位大学一年级学生为期两个学期的调查和数据采集,针对老师和学生双方在互动中的表现以及其效果进行分析,作者发现利用师生面谈反馈对低水平学生的英语写作进行辅导时效果明显,并整理出一套师生面谈反馈的谈话模式以供其他老师实际操作英语写作教学中的师生面谈。  相似文献   

Interactions are explored between three pairs of class teachers and B.Ed student teachers on school experience in a traditional context. The main issues raised are the benefits of having students — expected and real — for the teacher, the features inherent in a successful class teacher/student teacher relationship and the implications of the research findings for the new partnership models of school experience. It is suggested that class teachers are prepared to invest expertise and time to support the students with the expectation of deriving benefits for their classes.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the classed and early professional experiences of middle-class novice teachers in England experiencing and contemplating working in schools serving socio-economically disadvantaged communities. Through an examination of the visibility and invisibility of social class in education set within an increasingly unequal and changed social landscape, the article reports upon research which seeks to better understand the class identities of these teachers. Evidence is presented of the key, yet complex, role that social class occupies within the working lives of new teachers and reveals the different ways in which teachers respond to the classed dimensions of their early professional experiences. It is concluded that the fundamentally important role that social class plays in terms of shaping early professional experiences in teaching suggests the need not only for a commensurately enhanced focus as part of early professional development, but also for attention that is sensitively attuned to the class identities of teachers.  相似文献   

Using classroom observation and video recording methods, we performed a comparative study on the forms and content of dialogues in the classrooms between expert and novice teachers. Of the 55 lessons surveyed, it was found that expert teachers tend to use analytical and comparative questions more frequently to detect students’ mathematical reasoning. Students and teachers work together to determine the answer to a question and the dialogue in the classroom takes place in a way that students present an answer, the teacher and the other students question the answer, and then the students explain the answer. On the other hand, a novice teacher often tends to give students hints, or utilize simple questions to jog the memory. The novice teacher recognizes students’ logic but does not incorporate them into his/her teaching. In this case, the teacher becomes the sole judge for the appropriateness of the answers and the typical dialogue in the classroom occurs in a way that the teacher asks a question, students answer, and the teacher comments.  相似文献   

This paper uses theory from sociology of education to explore associations between mentors’ and senior colleagues’ perceptions of schoolwide collective responsibility and the frequency of their interactions with novice teachers. Survey data was collected from novice teachers, their mentors, and their school-based colleagues in 6 Michigan districts and 5 Indiana districts in 2007–2008. The findings suggest that mentors’ perceptions of collective responsibility for learning are strongly associated with their interactions with mentees, and that senior colleagues’ perceptions of schoolwide collective responsibility are also critical to their interactions with novice teachers. This study has implications for principals’ efforts to facilitate interactions between beginning teachers and their mentors and colleagues about core instructional issues.  相似文献   

融洽的师生关系,是获取准确信息前提。教师引导学生寻找、提取、修正、整理、传递信息源。教师通过课前预习导问、课堂、试卷分析、家访、教后感等途径收集学生信息。教师将信息科学分类、整理、存档、反馈信息在教学的各个环节中,可收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

A study of novice teachers: Challenges and supports in the first years   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, it has been reported that an alarming number of teachers are leaving the profession in the first three years after graduation from a pre-service program. This phenomenon is common in North America and it is essential that educators identify the challenges surrounding new teachers and provide supports to assist them. The vast majority of literature surrounding new teacher induction and mentorship support is void of the Canadian context and the novice teacher voice. In this study, Ontario graduates from a two year pre-service program were surveyed and 5 teachers were selected for case studies. Participants found administrative leadership, refining the mentorship selection process, hiring practices, and district-sponsored supports as positive factors necessary for them to grow into the profession.  相似文献   

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