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The concept of emergence appears in various places within the literature on expertise and expert practice. Here, I examine some of these applications of emergence in the light of two prominent accounts of emergence from the philosophy of science and philosophy of mind. I evaluate these accounts with respect to several specific contexts in which emergence seems to be an appropriate way of characterizing expertise in groups. While it is sometimes assumed that emergent phenomena are in some way inexplicable, the two accounts of emergence I discuss highlight ways in which the concept of emergence relates to specific styles of explanation.  相似文献   

The association between executive function (EF) and theory of mind (ToM) has been hotly debated for 20 years. Competing accounts focus on: task demands, conceptual overlap, or functional ties. Findings from this meta‐analytic review of 102 studies (representing 9,994 participants aged 3–6 years) indicate that the moderate association between EF and one key aspect of ToM, false belief understanding (FBU) is: (a) similar for children from different cultures, (b) largely consistent across distinct EF tasks, but varies across different types of false belief task, and (c) is asymmetric in that early individual differences in EF predict later variation in FBU but not vice versa. These findings support a hybrid emergence‐expression account and highlight new directions for research.  相似文献   

植入式广告需要载体,依附于载体,与载体相融合。植入式广告所应用的范围几乎囊括了所有的媒体形式,主要有以下几类:电影、电视、文学作品、新闻报道、歌曲、游戏、实际场景等七种。  相似文献   


This conceptual article examines how ready-made assumptions about literacy both frame and limit understandings of new communicative practices in educational contexts. Proposing a tripartite heuristic that interrogates the appearance of literacy in terms of emergence, semblance and performance, it uses stories from a study of touchscreen tablets in one early years setting to illustrate the social-material arrangements associated with moments when tablets became texts to be looked at, shared or made. The authors argue that a sociomaterial sensibility can not only sensitise researchers to new communicative practices, but also to the ways in which sociomaterial arrangements help to construct habits of noticing often active in accounts of literacy practice and research. It is their contention that exploring the relations between emergence, semblance and performance is particularly valuable at a time when conceptualisations of literacy are being challenged in response to diversifying communicative practices.  相似文献   

This article presents a narrative accounting of a critical interpretivist research study that sought to document the emergence of useful speech in participants who had previously been described as largely nonverbal. The purpose of this piece is to narrate this inquiry process through examination not only of our participants' own accounts of their experiences but also through critical examination of the ways in which we as researchers solicit and respond to those accounts. Our analytic gaze, therefore, focuses on the dialectic process through which we interactively co-construct concepts related to disability in our participants' experiences, alternating between narrating our own experience of this process as researchers and narrating our participants' accounts of their own experiences with this interpretive process. Discussion focuses on critique of the cultural value accorded to the notions of “independence” and “normalcy,” and on the participants' demonstration of their own agency in the complex, fluid, and constant process of managing and constructing, in concert with those around them, and often in the face of significant resistance to the process, their own positive and valued identities as competent communicators.  相似文献   

Individual differences in inhibitory control and children's theory of mind   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
This research examined the relation between individual differences in inhibitory control (IC; a central component of executive functioning) and theory-of-mind (ToM) performance in preschool-age children. Across two sessions, 3- and 4-year-old children (N = 107) were given multitask batteries measuring IC and ToM. Inhibitory control was strongly related to ToM, r = .66, p < .001. This relation remained significant controlling for age, gender, verbal ability, motor sequencing, family size, and performance on pretend-action and mental state control tasks. Inhibitory tasks requiring a novel response in the face of a conflicting prepotent response (Conflict scale) and those requiring the delay of a prepotent response (Delay scale) were significantly related to ToM. The Conflict scale, however, significantly predicted ToM performance over and above the Delay scale and control measures, whereas the Delay scale was not significant in a corresponding analysis. These findings suggest that IC may be a crucial enabling factor for ToM development, possibly affecting both the emergence and expression of mental state knowledge. The implications of the findings for a variety of executive accounts of ToM are discussed.  相似文献   

Various accounts have noted a growing visibility and influence of presidents, governors, and mayors in the shaping of educational policy. Typically, explanations for this are discrete and situational: specific to particular levels of government, particular jurisdictions, particular visionary leaders, and transitory external events. This article reviews the historical manifestations of growing executive involvement in education throughout the federal system and introduces four rivals to the situational perspective. The emergence of the so-called new educational executives, it concludes, grows out of structural shifts in the institutional landscape and may be best understood as the more visible front edge of a broader reabsorption of education politics into the arena of general-purpose governance.  相似文献   

We agree with the commentaries by Scholl and Leslie, and also by Moses, that the meta-analytic findings do not definitively rule out early competence accounts. But they do make extant versions of such accounts increasingly unlikely. In particular, the meta-analytic findings argue against executive function expression accounts, including the Theory-of-Mind Mechanism/Selection Processor account advocated by Scholl and Leslie. Specifically, Scholl and Leslie articulate two explicit predictions of their account: that task manipulations that attenuate inhibitory demands should differentially advantage older children, and that theory-of-mind developments should occur with consistent timetables. Both of these specific predictions are clearly contradicted, not supported, by the meta-analytic findings.  相似文献   

长期以来学术界对我国教育发仞于唐虞,夏商周三代不持异议,但对这个时期占主导地位的教育类型看法不一。基于此,从这个时期产生职业技术教育的原因、能工巧匠的社会地位、教育的主要内容和受职业技术教育的规模等四个方面阐述了职业技术教育是唐虞三代占主导地位教育类型的观点。用历史唯物史观分析了导致我国传统教育不重视职业技能教育的根本原因是长期以来农耕文化和自给自足的小农经济生产方式。  相似文献   

A child's first words mark the emergence of a uniquely human ability. Theories of the developmental steps that pave the way for word production have proposed that either vocal or gestural precursors are key. These accounts were tested by assessing the developmental synchrony in the onset of babbling, pointing, and word production for 46 infants observed monthly between the ages of 9 and 18 months. Babbling and pointing did not develop in tight synchrony and babble onset alone predicted first words. Pointing and maternal education emerged as predictors of lexical knowledge only in relation to a measure taken at 18 months. This suggests a far more important role for early phonological development in the creation of the lexicon than previously thought.  相似文献   

Rather than focussing on the relationship between science and literature, this article attempts to read scientific writing as literature. It explores a somewhat neglected element of the story of the emergence of geology in the late eighteenth century—James Hutton’s unpublished accounts of the tours of Scotland that he undertook in the years 1785–1788 in search of empirical evidence for his theory of the earth. Attention to Hutton’s use of literary techniques and conventions highlights the ways these texts dramatise the journey of scientific discovery and allow Hutton’s readers to imagine that they were virtual participants in the geological quest, conducted by a savant whose self-fashioning made him a reliable guide through Scotland’s geomorphology and the landscapes of deep time.  相似文献   

现代汉语中字母词语的产生及规范使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
字母词语是汉语中出现的一种新型外来语,目前,它在汉语中的使用呈现飙升的趋势,而且一定程度上存在着使用形式混乱的现象,如不规范使用,势必影响科技信息的理解、交流和汉语汉字的信息化发展。汉语中出现的字母词语可以统称为“汉语字母词”,字母词语的产生和传播渠道也多种多样,我们应当以宽容的态度看待这种语言现象,在“明确、普遍、必要、简洁”的原则下规范地使用字母词语。  相似文献   

从接受美学层面来说,方言栏目的兴起,是受众文化审美接近性的需求、传统审美接近性的体现、地域审美接近性的表达和审美个性的选择。  相似文献   

图腾是神话研究中最富生机的话题之一.针对图腾进行的理论书写往往是不同思想方式和理论姿态的直接反映。本文通过对弗洛伊德、卡西尔以及列维一斯特劳斯聚焦于图腾的神话研究的解读.昭示出当代西方神话研究的思想魅力,也为国内的相关研究提供支援。  相似文献   

We have investigated the reciprocal influence of reading acquisition and phonemic awareness. Using a between-grades quasi-experimental design, we have found that learning to read is the most important factor that accounts for the drastic improvement of phonemic segmentation skills during the first year of schooling. On the other hand, we found that improving phonemic skills in kindergarten facilitated reading acquisition in children at risk for developing reading disorders. We suggest that, for most children, exposure to the alphabet automatically triggers phonemic awareness, which is a necessary condition for efficient acquisition of reading. However, the emergence of phonemic awareness requires a previously developed sensitivity to phonology, which in some children may be absent. The present data suggest that, if phonological skills are absent, they may be developed in preschoolers by explicit training, thereby preventing failure in reading acquisition.  相似文献   

本文以《走向世界丛书》为中心资料,选择出国使节的日记和游记作为文本,探讨中国近代早期国人对欧美世界日常生活的关注.这些文本的记述内容广泛而细致,本文从文化心态以及社会心理学的视角来分析中国近代早期国人为何这样记述西人的日常生活.本文作者认为,中国近代早期国人对西人日常生活如此关注,是人类和常人关怀生活的第一主题决定的;中国近代早期国人对西人日常生活记述的意义在于兼采他位的文化建树,丰富和发展本位的文化系统.  相似文献   

明朝中后期商业繁荣,主要体现在市镇的兴起、商帮的出现、频繁的区域性物流等方面。按照常规思路分析,经济发展和商业繁荣的背后,应该是商税征收数额的增加。但是,通过对明朝中后期榷关税收统计所呈现的数据来看,出现了一个怪圈,那就是这一时期商税在国家财政中所占的比重过低。究其原因要归咎于商人千方百计逃税、地方官员督办不力等多个方面,而源头则在于明朝政府的纵商行为,这也正是一直以来我们往往受传统重商思想所遮蔽的问题。由此可见,我们需要重新审视明朝对于商人的实际控制能力。  相似文献   

对行政责任竞合涵义的界定.行政责任竞合的产生及其一般表现形式的分析.并就我国现行有关行政责任的解决机制的不足.提出了选择有限制行政责任竞合立法模式的可能性和必要性。  相似文献   

云南多元的民族格局与云南的地理环境有一定关系,这种关系在人类的产生及发展过程中就有表现,地理环境的诸因素气候、地形、水资源、生物资源等对云南民族的形成都产生了很大影响。  相似文献   

墙体手绘艺术对现代室内装潢设计的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们对个性艺术体现的追求,出现了一种新型室内装修的理念-墙体手绘,它以体现人们的不同审美观念和不同的审美视觉搏的了新一代年轻人的青睐,它对现代室内装潢设计的影响也越来越大。  相似文献   

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