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在现代英语语法中,语法学家从逻辑意义的角度将“分句”分为“限定分句”和“非限定分句”,这样“分句”的下住概念“非限定分句”的所指外延包括传统语法的“词和词组”等结构;从句法功能上讲。“短语”可由一个“词素”或几个单词构成的“词组”或“分句”来充当。因此,“短语”的所指外廷涵盖了从句法角度定义的“分句”的外延,“短语”是小于“句子”但大于或等于“分句”的语法单位,即“句子”〉“短语”≥“分句”。  相似文献   

电影作为一种具有诱导性与强制性的叙事本,实质上左右了观众对影片意义的理解方式,同时为影片的全部意义提供一个潜在的认知结构。在这个结构中,对观众接受、体验方式的角色定位是电影制作极为重要的环节。电影观众便成为一个由电影的制作、观看与观看情境共同建构的电影叙事体系中的角色,一个我们可以潜入其中“窥视”影片内容的“假想替身”。不论是作为“窥视”、“先知”还是“认同”,观众都已经成为电影叙事本中的一部分,观众都被建构为叙事的主体并与影片的作共同“生产”影片的意义。  相似文献   

冯契认为,一切概念都有摹写现实与规范现实的双重作用,逻辑原则也体现着后验性与先验性的统一.在逻辑理论的证成问题上,"概念的双重作用"要求逻辑理论的建构必须坚持后验性与先验性的统一.有见于现代逻辑论证理论的普遍主义、先验主义倾向,非形式逻辑试图从后验性与先验性、普遍性与情境性的统一中去证成自身.  相似文献   

陈毅元帅的战争诗词是20世纪生动形象的革命战争史,又是壮美深沉的民族精英心灵史:在审美上既重风骨,又富意境;在形式上古近体并重,且创作颇丰。陈毅其人品性高洁,风骨凛然,其诗亦然,是20世纪传统诗词当之无愧的大家。  相似文献   

所谓办学理念,是指人们对办学的基本信念,指人们对自己学校的定性、定位及职能的认识.办学理念对办好一所学校至关重要,"开发潜能,发展个性"乃是暨华中学的办学理念.对校外,它是一面彰显办学特色的旗帜;对校内,它是一个统一思想、引领行动的纲领.文章拟就办学理念作初步的探讨,并在此基础上,结合暨华中学办学实践,针对办学实践中的问题,交流一点办学理念的探索体会.  相似文献   

When a crisis occurs in the school setting, school officials must be prepared to handle the situation effectively and efficiently. One of the ways school officials can handle a crisis situation is through the use of crisis intervention teams. The steps in establishing a crisis intervention team in a school setting include: determining goals, performing a needs assessment, finding model programs, developing a membership pool, developing a training program, preparing and maintaining a list of resources and plans for support services, establishing a communication network, designating a base of operations, planning team meetings, keeping records, and implementing the phases of debriefing. A crisis management scenario is presented and discussed in terms of the steps.  相似文献   

后现代主要并非指的是一种时态,而是一种思想态度和意识,以及一种崭新的思考问题的方法。师生关系是一种特殊的社会关系,是教育的全部蕴念所在。根据后现代基本精神,本文力图重新审视教育过程中目前已被广泛认可的师生关系,从一种全面的、多元化、多层次的视角反思传统的师生关系,从而对师生关系问题形成新的有益的认识,即师生关系应从二元对立的主客关系转变为相互作用的共生关系,由单向的知识传授关系转变为双向的平等对话关系,从理性保障的师生关系转变为情感保障的师生关系。  相似文献   

校长素养的构成,决定于学校发展。学校的内涵发展呼唤校长追求教育家的境界,而外在发展要求校长认同经营家的角色。中学校长素养是教育家素养与经营家素养的整合。守望教育理想、提升实践创新能力、陶冶人格操守是校长的教育家素养提升之路,而知人善任、多谋善断、协调公关三方面能力的养成则是校长经营家素养提升的着力点。  相似文献   

韩延明教授的新著《大学理念论纲》,以开阔的视野、拓宽的思路、严谨的体系结构、科学的研究方法和流畅的表达方式。明晰、整合了大学理念的内涵、流变与趋向,提出了现代大学所应秉持的理想追求和教育理念,构建起富有科学性、系统性、逻辑性的“大学理念”理论体系。是作者才、胆、识、力诸美兼具的学术精品,是一部关于大学理念研究的开拓性、创新性、前瞻性学术力作。  相似文献   

语言是文化的组成部分,一种语言代表了一种文化,同时语言也是思维的工具,它帮助人们认识丰富多彩的世界。因此,学习一种语言就是学习一种文化;保存一种语言就是保存一种文化。相反,失去了一种语言不仅意味着失去了一种文化,失去了一种思维方式,失去了一份宝贵的历史文化遗产,而且意味着我们人类失去了一种可供比较、借鉴的文化和信息来源。对广西仡佬语濒危成因进行分析,不仅能起到加强对仡佬语的保护作用,而且能使仡佬语所蕴含的文化得到保护和传承。  相似文献   

The debate over the design thesis is often entangled in the dialectics of the practical and the theoretical. Whether the argument is waged and weighted in favour of a practical emphasis or a theoretical emphasis, or more insidious, a judicious balance between the two, what is inevitably assumed in the debate is the possibility of drawing and/or locating a dividing line between the practical and the theoretical. This article explores the inherent contradictions of this dichotomy, that make the traditional definition of thesis – a theorem or a hypothesis regarding the nature of the phenomenon under investigation – a problematic definition for architecture. Inasmuch as architecture is, in each iteration, a cultural construct, it is always and already the formal expression or embodiment of a theory. To avoid the tautology of positing a theorem about a theorem or a hypothesis regarding a hypothesis, the design thesis may be defined, not as a theorem or a hypothesis, but as an analytical posture assumed or a critical stance taken on the theorem that is or should be the phenomenon under investigation. In this case, the question to ask at the outset of a design thesis is not what patent ‘theory’ should the proposed building speak of, but what arcane theory does its type historically hide under the rubrics of ‘function’ or ‘practical’ requirements? It must begin, in other words, by de‐familiarising the familiar.  相似文献   

办学理念,是指人们对办学的基本信念,指人们对自己学校的定性、定位及职能的认识.办学理念蕴含着学校的办学方向、目标确立、运营策略、社会责任以及校长对理想学校模式的系统构想.办学理念对办好一所学校至关重要,"开发潜能,发展个性"乃是暨华中学的办学理念.对校外,它是一面彰显办学特色的旗帜;对校内,它是一个统一思想、引领行动的纲领.文章就什么是办学理念、办学理念的意义与作用、如何提炼形成办学理念作初步的探讨,并在此基础上,结合暨华中学办学实践,交流有关办学理念的探索体会.  相似文献   

利用初等微分学比较了单参数平均与对数和指数平均的几何组合,发现了使得双向不等式Jp(a,b)1/2-3)/2]和所有a,b>0且a≠b成立的p的最大值和q的最小值,其中Jp(a,b),L(a,b)和I(a,b)分别表示a与b的p-次单参数平均、对数平均和指数平均.  相似文献   

This study aimed to use a learning inventory (the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students, ASSIST) to measure the impact of a curriculum change on students’ approaches to learning in two large courses in a health sciences first year programme. The two new Human Body Systems (HUBS) courses were designed to encourage students to take a deep approach to learning. ASSIST was completed by 599 students enrolled in a biology class in 2006 that was part of the old curriculum, and by 705 students at the beginning and end of the new HUBS courses in 2007. Changes in students’ approaches to learning over time were examined. The ASSIST scores for both HUBS courses reflected the dominance of a surface approach, followed by a strategic and then a deep approach. However, by the end of the year, students were taking a deep and strategic approach to their studies to a greater extent, and a surface approach to a lesser extent. Moreover, students enrolled in the new course adopted a deep approach to their studies to a significantly greater degree than those studying the old curriculum. Despite the predominance of a surface approach, the results suggest that it is possible to bring about small but significant positive changes in students’ learning behaviour in a very large class through curriculum change. The proportion of students preferring a surface approach, and results showing that high performance on the final exam was significantly correlated with a surface approach, probably reflected contextual factors, including assessment, and is the focus of ongoing curriculum development.  相似文献   

GDP本来是一个表征财富的普通符号,然而,一个时期以来,作为财富象征符号的GDP却成了人们竞相追逐并加以炫耀的对象,甚至成为国家的最高目标。于是,作为人们崇拜对象的GDP反过来异化为人们的主宰,步入一条反和谐的不归之路。在内建和谐社会、外促和谐世界的大背景下,在失衡之路上狂奔的GDP必须回归和谐,确立新的和谐GDP理念。和谐哲学为和谐GDP提供了理论可能性,而和谐社会建构实践的展开为和谐GDP奠定了坚实的推广基础。作为和谐GDP三个维度的和谐产出、和谐分配与和谐消费,彰显了GDP的和谐向度。和谐GDP的“三和”之维.有利于营造出和谐心态、和谐世态与和谐生态,使和谐GDP客观上成为和谐社会的理想经济形态。  相似文献   

对法律行为附加停止条件,是当事人自由意志的体现,与法律应否承认该法律行为从而赋予其强制力没有必然联系。停止条件的法律意义不在于影响法律行为效力的产生,而在于影响法律行为效力的内容。就是说停止条件不应该是法律行为的生效要件,而应该被看作是决定法律行为中特定之履行或者执行的因素。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Lifelong learning is something which one does for oneself that no one else can do for one: it is a public and personal human activity, rather than private or individualistic. One of the features of the education system is the paucity of a language for learning as process and participative experience. Personalised learning requires a sense of the worthwhileness of 'being a learner'– a virtue in the 21st century. A sense of one's own worth as a person is essential to understanding one's identity as a learner. Research suggests the human capacity to learn can be understood as a form of consciousness which is characterised by particular values, attitudes and dispositions, with a lateral and a temporal connectivity. This 'consciousness' has several dimensions which are all related to becoming a person, with a learning identity. They also enable the learner to become aware of and appropriate what is of worth and map onto the sorts of core values that learning communities espouse. Awareness of self and of one's own worth as a person is a necessary condition for 'becoming a learner' and for identifying and engaging with 'what is of worth'. Furthermore, a sense of self as a learner is formed in relationship, and understood as one learns to tell one's own story, as a participant in the conversation of the learning community. Character is the way in which we refer to that quality of personhood in which there is rooted the capacity to change and learn over time.  相似文献   

城镇品牌根植于城镇特色,如特殊区位、特色风光、特色产业、特色文化等;城镇品牌与企业品牌、产业品牌、服务品牌是紧密联系、互相促进的。目前由于市场体系不健全和制度性障碍的存在,城镇生产要素还不能在城乡之间、城镇之间以及城市与城镇之间顺畅地流动,从而制约了品牌城镇的产生和城镇品牌的经营。城镇政府只有充分发挥城镇居民在城镇规划和建设中的积极性,经过长期悉心经营,才能创出城镇品牌、维护和发展城镇品牌,增加城镇价值。  相似文献   

诠释学作为一门指导文本理解和解释的学科,在以前类似于修辞学、语法学、逻辑学,从属于语文学。到了20世纪,诠释学由一种理解和解释的方法论发展成为一种哲学理论。诠释学的哲学转向与世界意义的多元化转向并行。随着古典诠释学向现代哲学诠释学的转换,诠释学不再仅是对经典文本的诠释而具有多元化的意义,从而为自己找到广阔的诠释空间,因此在诠释学的视野下比较诗学也具有更加开放的被诠释可能。以诠释学为背景,进一步探讨比较诗学在学理意义上的可能性和可行性,便会发现:比较诗学之“比较”不是工具论意义上的一种手段而是存在论意义上的一种思维方式,从而为比较诗学学科研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

星期纪日是以 7为周期的纪日方法。每日的星期号数与公历日期并无规律 ,应用诺模图原理绘制的星期推算图 ,无需作任何计算 ,根据公历年月日即可方便快捷地求出当日的星期号数  相似文献   

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