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Olympic Games FounderRemembered A seminar to mark the birthday ofPierre de Coubertin,founder of themodern Olympic Games,was held inBeijing on January 1.Jiang Xiaoyu,vice president of theBeijing Olympic Games OrganizingCommittee,senior IOC member HeZhenliang and Olympic historian SunBaoli delivered speeches in memory ofMr.Coubertin who Was born OnJanuary 1,1863.  相似文献   

Beijing to Add Second GreenBelt by 2008 Beijing expects to add an area of412 square kilometers to its green beltsby 2008, with half of the city thencovered by trees, lawns and gardens. Work on Beijing's second green loopwill be completed within six years, saidBeijing top official Liu Qi at a ceremonyto mark the opening of the secondphase in the city's green program. Beijing, preparing for hosting the2008 Olympic Games, built its first loopof green belt around the downtown,covering…  相似文献   

1 The inaugural Olympic Cultural Festival opened on Sept. 21 at the Millennium Monument, where 2,008 children used red scarves and paintings to form a huge 2008 Olympic emblem. The festival, which lasted through Sept. 30, featured exhibitions of the Olympic emblems and posters and a series of mass activities in the Chinese capital city.  相似文献   

BOCOG briefs IOC on 2008 Games preparationsThe 2008 Olympic organizers on August 29 briefed the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on their progress in the Olympic preparations over past six months.Speaking via satellite hookup with the IOC Executive Board, LiuQi, President of Beijing Organizing Committee of the 2008 Olympic Games (BOCOG), said that BOCOG s preparations mainly focused on a series of fundamental work since their last meeting with the IOC Executive Board in February.  相似文献   

北京奥林匹克转播有限公司成立框架协议签署一项对北京2008年奥运会广播电视转播成劝进行具有重要意义的协议——关干设立北京奥林匹克转播有限公司的框架协议S月引日在北京笠署。  相似文献   

会的标准,要不折不扣地按照国际奥委会的要求去办好奥运会。奥运会是运动员的奥运会,因此运动员的生活、训练和比  相似文献   

Beijing emblem back from space China’s fist astronaut Yang Liweicarried a Beijing Olympic flag to spaceand the flag was returned to the Olympicorganizing committee after thesuccessful launch of the Shenzhou 5spacecraft.  相似文献   

Countdown for VenueConstruction Beijing Mayor Meng Xuenong onMarch 3 announced the countdown forthe Beijing Olympic venueconstruction.He said the Chinesecapital will try its utmost to get theOlympic venues ready by the end of2006 so that test events can be heldfrom the beginning of 2007.  相似文献   

Olympic Projects Under ConstructionBeijing Olympic projects are under construction as scheduled despite the impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).To complete the projects by 2008, Beijing is launching the construction of Olympic projects this year. Ninety major projects are already at the groundwork stage.Public transport construction is the most important component, involving construction of light railways, subways, expressways and suburban railways.Other projects focus on environmental improvement, urban water resources and supply, telecommunications and information.  相似文献   

1.BeijingRestoresCulturalHeritageforOlympicsTheChinesecapitalhasanothermajorsurpriseupitssleeveforathletesandtouristsworldwidewhowillbepouringinfortheOlympicGamesin2008.Ancientbuildingsinformerimperialgardens,residencesofthenobilityandanumberofimperialtombswillberestoredoverthenextfiveyearstotreatvisitorstomoreexamplesofthecitysgloriouscultureandlonghistory.Yuanmingyuan,aformerimperialgardeninnorthwesternBeijing,willbe  相似文献   

New Mayor Elected asBeijing Prepares forOlympics A new Beijing municipal governmentwas elected during the first meeting ofthe 12th peoples congress of Beijingin January. Meng Xuenong was elected mayorof the Beijing municipal government,while Liu Jingmin, Zhao Mao, ZhaiHongxiang, Liu Zhihua, Sun Anmin,Fan Boyuan, Niu Youcheng and Lu Haowere elected vice mayors. Averaging 51 years of age, the newgovernment is widely considered to berelatively young and well educated.The mayor a…  相似文献   

Beijing, Athens Mayors MeetThe mayors of Athens and Beijing,the hosts for the 2004 and 2008Olympic Games respectively, haveagreed to cooperate for the successfulorganization of the world's majorsporting gala.Beijing is interested in learning fromAthens' extensive experience inhosting Olympic Games, said BeijingMayor Liu Qi on September 25 whenmeeting with visiting Athens MayorDimitris L. Avramopoulos.Avramopoulos said host cities of theOlympic Games should strengthencooperation.  相似文献   

Olympic preparation in full swingJiang Xiaoyu, vice president of the 2008 Olympics Organizing Committee, announced the Beijing Games preparation had been into full swing since June 2003.Design chosen for swimming centerA Sino-Australian joint plan was chosen as the design for the National Swimming Center, a major venue for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.Sydney-based PTW Architects and engineering company Ove Arup Pty. Ltd. designed the 17,000-seat stadium with China State Construction Engineering Corps.  相似文献   

1,994 Enter Emblem Design ContestBeijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games has received 1, 994 application designs for the Games' emblem by October 8, when the three-month works collecting of the Olympics emblem design competition ended.Nearly 89 percent of the works are from China, counting for 1,766. Foreign designers from Asia, Europe, America and Oceania also took an active part in the competition for their 228 design works.Among overseas competitors are some top design companies in the world who have taken part in the emblem design for 1996 and 2000 Summer Olympics, 1998 and 2002 Winter Olympics and 2002 World Cup.  相似文献   

芝加哥公牛队抽中"状元签"北京时间5月21日,NBA2008年的选秀抽签仪式在新泽西的锡考克斯镇正式举行,最终仅有1.7%的几率抽中"状元签"的芝加哥公牛队爆冷抽中一号选  相似文献   

森林狼老板格伦·泰勒当选NBA仲裁委员会主席,NBA仲裁委员会负责协助斯特恩做重大决定,包括改变规则、球队主场变更等。  相似文献   

NBA总裁大卫·斯特恩宣称准备在中国开设一个NBA附属联盟,目前设想组建8到12支球队,而印度是另一个拓展目标。  相似文献   

“红人·维尔胜杯”网球业余公开赛为迎奥运,推动全民健身,由北京市网球协会主办、红人运动俱乐部承办的“红人·维尔胜杯”北京市业余网球公开赛,将于2006年1月12-15日在位于世纪金源购物中心的红人运动俱乐部隆重举行。本次比赛仅限业余选手参加,不分年龄,设男单(128人)、男双(64对)、混双(32对)3个项目,每个单项均录取前8名予以奖励并颁发证书。赛事期间红人俱乐部还将推出多项优惠消费项目以答谢所有体育爱好  相似文献   

斯蒂芬·马布里因拒绝与活塞的比赛中为球队上场比赛,被纽约尼克斯无薪禁赛一场。由于他的行为,马布里还受到赛季工资总额1/110的罚款,马布里大约损失40万美元。  相似文献   

由广州市教育局体卫科长吴伟昭任团长,广东省教育厅体育教研员(科长)任副团长,一行八人的学校体育代表团,于今年10月25日至30日赴澳门参加省、澳第一届学校体育教研活动,会上广东代表团主讲了三篇论文,受到与会者赞誉。(昭) 11月6日至11日广州地区举行体育课观摩交流与评议活动,历时11天,共有12所  相似文献   

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