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高中教师对高考科目设置的态度很大程度上受其任教科目的影响。数学教师与外语教师,物化生教师与政史地教师对"统考科目设置"的态度差异显著,更多的数学与物化生等理科教师不赞同把外语作为统考科目。对"高考各科目权重"的态度,大多数教师选择所任教科目权重大的科目设置模式。对"非统考科目如何设考",仅有"主科"教师与"副科"教师维度呈现显著差异,虽然更多的"副科"教师希望分科设考以体现各科的学科地位,但是,更多的"副科"教师同时希望以综合科目的方式维持其作为高考科目的地位,而更多的"主科"教师认为在保持"主科"统考科目地位前提下可以实行"副科"选考。  相似文献   

As school‐based initial teacher training is the preferred government route to teaching, even in primary education, research which examines the role of the teacher mentor is especially pertinent. This study is based on semi‐structured interviews with nine mentors about how they spend their time when mentoring. The findings revealed that a major part of their time is taken up as channels of communication between the various partners in the scheme and on the practicalities of working with their Articled Teachers (ATs). Functions requiring developing ATs’ curriculum knowledge and expertise and assessment of ATs’ teaching competence appear to be two important aspects on which they spend time but do not relish. Whether practising primary teachers are the most suitable people to deliver all aspects of ITT is questioned.  相似文献   

声乐教学中教师不良情绪的自我调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
声乐教学具有抽象性和非直观性的特点,这就要求歌者更多的去感受、感悟和体会才能获得良好学习效果。而声乐教师作为声乐教学的直接实施者,其情绪的变化将直接影响学生的学习态度和积极性,进而影响到整个教学效果。因此,在教学过程中,教师应保持良好的教学情绪,学会调控、调节自己的不良情绪。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和访谈,了解教师、领导、家长对特殊学生的看法及对开展融合教育的态度和需求.结果发现教师和学校领导尽管认为特殊学生可以顺利地与普通学生交往,但对融合教育的开展仍持中立态度;家长工作和政策支持分别成为教师和学校的首位需求.根据调查结果,本文从政策经费支持、师资培训、家长工作、资源教室建设等方面提出促进融合教育发展的建议.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comparative study of attitudes to the aims of practical work given by science teachers from Egypt, Korea and the UK. The ratings of aims given by specific groups of teachers can be used to characterize those groups. The characterizations can be interpreted from knowledge of the conditions in which teachers work. The choice of aims reflects pedagogic practice. The UK teachers have attitudes to aims for practical that reflect current concerns in the UK for investigations. The Korean teachers show a positivistic attitude to science and aims for practical which can be traced back to the emphasis on factual recall and illustrative practicals. The Egyptian teachers show concerns in their choice of aims for practical work which can be traced back to the lack of practical work in current Egyptian science education. All three groups express a common attitude to the aims of practical work that reflect an acknowledgement of the methods by which scientists make new knowledge. It is conjectured that the differences between the groups of teachers might be best understood using an evolutionary approach to the fit of teachers' ideas to their conditions of work.  相似文献   

Teacher interactions are highly valued in data use. Essential preconditions for teacher interactions are teachers’ attitude and self-efficacy. However, how these factors affect the formation of teachers interactions remains unclear. The present study uses social network analysis to reveal the impact of teachers’ attitude and self-efficacy on their interactive behaviour. The results from seven teacher teams show that attitude and self-efficacy are explanatory for the extent to which teachers seek interaction with colleagues, but not for the extent to which teachers are being consulted for data use action. The use of social network analysis leads to deeper and more refined insights into how teacher interactions, with regard to data use action, are formed compared to regular research methods.  相似文献   

树立"终身学习"的现代教育理念是时代对于每位教师的要求。而作为信息的传递者的信息技术教师就更不可缺少这样的观念与思想。信息技术教师进行终身学习的方式很多,其中作为教学反思一种途径的行动研究是一种最为公开、正式、系统,最能够体现教师研究能力和态度的方式,直接影响到信息技术教师终身学习的效果。  相似文献   

无论学习哪个科目,兴趣永远都是最好的老师。在高职英语教学中,学生由于基础差、底子薄,对英语学习产生恐惧或抵触情绪,这样不利于今后的英语学习。这就要求教师在实践教学中采用比较灵活的教学手段,如以英语活动课的形式把学生对英语的学习兴趣激发出来,教师就会在英语教学效果中达到事半功倍的作用,让学生彻底改变对英语学习的态度。  相似文献   

We examined the implementation of a laser-disk based science curriculum in an elementary school. The goal was to develop a richer understanding of the principles for designing a curriculum that will adequately support teachers in adopting a learner-centered framework. Issues included: who has ownership of the classroom discussion; what types of activities are engaged in terms of the constraints imposed; and what is the teacher's response to the specific tools provided (the teacher's guide, the Circle of Learning, and concept maps). In addition to looking at the implementation pattern, we also examined the impact of the implementation on student attitudes and anxiety toward science. Results indicated little adoption of the curriculum, and teachers continued to maintain a high degree of control in the classroom. However, results also indicated significant effects of the curriculum on science attitude and anxiety. Suggestions for future research are included.  相似文献   

The inclusion of children with special educational needs is a major challenge. Amongst the factors linked to a successful inclusive education policy, teachers’ attitude toward inclusion is particularly important. The present paper seeks to understand why general teachers exhibit less favourable attitude toward inclusion than special education teachers. We argue that general teachers’ low sense of efficacy can act as a mediator. To investigate this hypothesis, general and special education teachers were asked to report their attitude and efficacy. Results confirm that general teachers have less positive attitude toward inclusion than special education teachers. In addition, a mediational analysis confirmed that this discrepancy is partly sustained by general teachers’ lower sense of efficacy. Limits as well as future perspective are discussed.  相似文献   

王琦 《哈尔滨学院学报》2002,23(12):112-113
文化教学在外语教学中的地位不容质疑,同时,学生对于异国文化所持的态度极其对外语学习的影响也是外语教师面临的课题。本文从态度和动机的角度阐述了外语学习中的文化适应性,并提出教师如何引导学生树立正确的学习态度。  相似文献   

通过采用非参与式观察法和结构式访谈法对中班幼儿角色游戏中新手教师与专家教师的指导行为进行研究,结果发现:专家教师在指导频次上明显多于新手教师;新手教师与专家教师在指导身份、情绪态度上存在显著差异,在语言指导方式、指导结果上无明显差异。研究者认为专家教师在指导身份的运用上更为合理,新手教师在情绪态度的表现上更为积极,应让二者优势互补,以提高教师对游戏指导的深度把握。  相似文献   

教师的评价对学生的发展有着不可估量的作用。它是一把双刃剑,不同的评价必将产生不同的结果。教师在评价学生的过程中一定要讲究评价艺术,要保持一种良好的心态,正确认识评价的对象,坚持发展性评价、激励性评价和多元化评价的评价原则,并把握好评价的尺度。  相似文献   

This study reports on an assessment system for school‐leavers with disabilities to identify their capacity for work and the type of transition‐to‐work programme best suited to each person. Participants were 1,556 high school students in four cohorts who left school between 1999 and 2002. Each school‐leaver was assessed by rehabilitation counsellors for functional ability and capacity for work. In a supplementary study, the 2002 cohort was assessed by special transition teachers using a short screening tool. The results demonstrate that there is a predictable hierarchy of functional acquisition among school‐leavers with disabilities and that the single best predictor of future capacity for work and need for transition‐to‐work programmes among this group of young people is the capacity to manage activities of daily living. The results also demonstrate that a short screen used by teachers, together with a behavioural assessment, is sufficient to stream school‐leavers with a disability into a range of transition‐to‐work programmes.  相似文献   

新课标中对小学语言教育提出"通过语言形成情感态度、价值观"的要求。小学教师因此可能成为人一生中最重要的言语导师。提高教师素质,加强情感教育,建立良好的语言情境,是建立良好人生情感态度和价值观的重要条件和途径。  相似文献   

培智学校教师对残疾儿童随班就读的态度研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本研究对培智学校教师随班就读的态度调查结果进行了分析.结果表明,从总体上讲,教师对残疾儿童随班就读的态度是积极的,但存在一定程度的不够理解或偏见,甚至有拒绝、隔离的倾向.不同的年龄阶段存在着差异性,总体上而言,40岁以下的年龄组,更倾向于支持随班就读.不同职称的教师态度在个别分测验的结果上也存在差异.学历、性别、参加培训与否与他们的态度关系不大.  相似文献   

Teachers' attitude to mathematics is increasingly put forward as a dominant factor in children's attitudes to mathematics. Our intention at the beginning of this study was to produce instruments for teachers to use in probing student attitudes as part of their personal professional research and development. To this end we undertook eight small studies of attitude carried out across the educational phases, which we report on here. Reflecting on them led us to challenge the very construct of attitude. We are also led to challenge the cause-and-effect model underlying much attitudinal research. We now see attitude as at best a complex notion, and we conjecture that perhaps it is not a quality of an individual but rather a construct of an observer's desire to formulate a story to account for observations. The difficulty in making attitudinal research precise, and in testing the validity of attitudinally based conjectures, lies therefore in conceptual and hence methodological issues.  相似文献   

以问题为中心,以案例为载体的“国培计划”,通过对培训机制创新,采取对骨干教师集中培训、脱产研修及大规模教师远程培训相结合方式,其中以网络远程培训为主体形式、采用远程开放教育模式是保持“国培计划”长期性、有效性的最佳路径。  相似文献   

地方性本科大学教师生存状态及改善策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前教师生存状态已进入新中国成立以来最好的历史时期:第一,就大学教师在中国社会阶层中所处的地位而言,他们保持了“中等收入阶层”的重要地位;第二,就大学教师在中国社会的阶级属性而言,由于他们不占有生产资料,而且积极从事科学研究和教书育人,显然,他们仍然是工人阶级的一部分,是中国先进生产力和先进文化的主要传播者,是中国脑力劳动者中的重要力量。但是,就教师生存中的基本问题而言:第一,有相当一部分教师住房问题尚未解决;第二,有很大一部分教师研究生学历学位问题还没有解决,这都是教师生存与发展中必须面对和解决的基本问题。为此,需要采取修改《教师法》和《高等教育法》等一系列对策。  相似文献   

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