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使用问卷调查法收集了714份有效问卷,通过描述性统计分析、差异性统计分析、相关分析、回归分析和中介效应分析等数理统计方法,探究了心理资本对大学生创业倾向的影响。研究结果显示:心理资本正向预测创业倾向;心理资本正向预测创业态度;心理资本通过创业态度中介变量对创业倾向起间接影响作用。进而,从心理资本积极心理学的视角为提高大学生的创业倾向提出建议,提升创业就业率。  相似文献   

Students dropping out of education with no qualifications has been an important problem in the West for decades. Little relevant research has concentrated on school characteristics, and research into the role teachers might play in students' decision to quit school is particularly scarce. Using multilevel analyses of data for 11,844 students in 84 Flemish secondary schools, we investigate whether teachers' shared expectations of students are associated with students' intention to drop out. Particularly in vocational education, teachers' beliefs about the teachability of students influence the students' intention to quit, irrespective of perceived teacher support and students' sense of futility.  相似文献   


Religious education always takes place within a cultural context. In recent decades, this context has changed significantly and Catholic schools now engage with a world that is very different from the immediate post-Vatican 2 era. This changed cultural context shapes the views, beliefs and practices of students in Catholic schools. One way of exploring this contextualisation is to describe the worldviews of young people and to discuss some of the major features of these. This paper reports on an ongoing study of students in Catholic schools. It records how they see themselves, their involvement in Church and their religious expression. Results indicate nuanced responses that invite sophisticated analysis of young people and worldview. One clear trend to emerge is the changing perception of students as they progress through the school system. This finding is in accord with a view that describes religious engagement of young people reaching a plateau at a relatively early age. Some of the implications of this study for religious educators in Catholic schools will be drawn out and discussed with a number of recommendation made for practitioners.  相似文献   

崔军  孙俊华 《高校教育管理》2019,13(4):108-116,124
本研究以创业心智作为创业教育的影响指标,考察不同类型的创业教育(创业课程、课外活动)如何通过创业情感因素(创业灵感、创业激情)作用于创业心智。本研究通过对来自江苏省15所高校的1428份有效问卷的数据进行研究发现,创业教育对大学生创业心智的直接影响因不同的学习经验具有差异性:创业课程学习对创业心智没有直接影响,而创业课外活动对创业心智具有直接影响;创业灵感、创业激情在创业课程学习与创业心智之间起完全中介作用,但它们在创业课外活动与创业心智之间起部分中介作用;创业灵感对创业激情具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

Research on epistemic beliefs (beliefs about what knowledge is and what knowing is) has advanced and there is now a burgeoning interest in examining this construct in the Chinese cultural context. However, issues related to understanding epistemic beliefs change remain under-explored. The present study used a qualitative approach to explore Chinese college students’ timing and critical incidents of epistemic beliefs change. Eight college students from Hong Kong participated in interviews and three key themes emerged from their responses. First, students identified college transition as a major source of epistemic perturbation. Second, they attributed epistemic beliefs change mostly to educational encounters. These encounters were characterized by a curriculum with multiple perspectives, being taught by teachers who could provide cognitive scaffolding for epistemic belief resolution, and assessment processes that allowed the latitude to demonstrate multiple perspectives. Furthermore, these characteristics of assessment (mainly regarding examinations) also emerged as a strand of culturally nuanced findings. Students explicitly regarded assessment influencing their epistemic beliefs and described how they differentiated their incongruent “professed” and “practised” epistemic beliefs so as to fit the rules of the public examination. The findings have yielded cultural implications and suggest the need to understand epistemic beliefs transcending the naive-sophisticated dichotomy.  相似文献   

Effective teacher beliefs about students are an integral part of effective teaching. Teachers with interventionist beliefs about students (‘I can intervene to help a learner with difficulties’) show more effective practice than teachers with pathognomonic beliefs (‘I blame the learner for his difficulties’). A professional development (PD) course sensitized teachers (N = 234) to individual learning differences (ILDs), using five learning/cognitive styles tools. Teachers’ responses to a pre‐/post‐test question concerning their beliefs about ‘weak students’ were analyzed and correlated with their ILD scores. Before the PD, teachers with strong ILD preferences matched to traditional learning contexts were significantly more ‘at risk’ (i.e., had fewer interventionist beliefs) than the other teachers; the former teachers were significantly overrepresented in the sample. After the PD, teachers’ interventionist beliefs significantly increased, regardless of their ILD preferences. Neither the length of the PD (28 hrs. vs. 56 hrs.) nor the amount of teaching experience affected the teachers’ interventionist beliefs about students. A mediated, constructivist and collaborative PD, which sensitizes teachers to individual learning differences, can increase effective teacher beliefs about students. We conclude that developing more effective teacher beliefs about learners should become a component of teacher professional development.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the effects of different service experiences on the social justice beliefs of 60 Chinese college students with mixed methods. The quantitative results indicated that the participants in two service groups (i.e. for at-risk adolescents and adolescents with cerebral palsy) demonstrated a more significant promotion of social justice beliefs than their peers in non-service group. A qualitative analysis provided evidence of the mechanism underlying service-learning, as well as different service experiences affecting on students’ social justice beliefs. Finally, the implications for implementing service-learning and realizing social justice goals in China were discussed.  相似文献   

何谓大学--西方大学概念透视   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在西方大学史上,有许多关于大学的命题影响了而且仍在影响教大学的发展,如大学是学者的社团、大学是探索和传播普遍学问的场所、大学是探索和传播高深学问的机构、大学是独立思想和批判的中心、大学是社会服务站、大学是一个有机体、大学是由多种杜群组成的多元化巨型大学等。这些命题有些反映了大学的实质,有些则涵义模糊,容易引起误解,导致大学理念的混乱。  相似文献   

The 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has drawn a substantial amount of attention from science educators and educational policymakers because it marked the first time that PISA assessed students' ability to evaluate and design scientific inquiry using computer-based simulations. We undertook a secondary analysis of the PISA 2015 Taiwan dataset of 7,973 students from 214 schools to identify critical issues of student learning and potentially reshape our educational system and policies. Thus, this study sought to identify potential latent clusters of students' scientific literacy performance according to a set of focus variables selected from the PISA student questionnaires. In addition, significant determinants of students' scientific literacy and resiliency were analyzed. Cluster analysis results demonstrated the presence of four clusters of high, medium, low, and inferior scientific literacy/epistemology/affective dispositions. Specifically, students in cluster 1 compared with other clusters showed that the higher the scientific literacy scores are, the more positive epistemic beliefs about science, achievement motivation, enjoyment of science, interests in broad science, science self-efficacy, information and communications technology (ICT) interest, ICT autonomy, more learning time, more teacher supports and teacher-directed instructions are. Regression results indicated that the most robust predictor of students' scientific literacy performance is epistemic beliefs about science, followed by learning time, interest in broad science topics, achievement motivation, inquiry-based science teaching and learning practice, and science self-efficacy. Decision tree model results showed that the descending order of the variables in terms of their importance in differentiating students as high- versus low-performing were epistemic beliefs about science, learning time, self-efficacy, interest in broad science, and scientific inquiry, respectively. A similar decision tree model to determine students as resilient versus non-resilient also was found. Various interpretations of these results are discussed, as are their implications for science education research, science teaching, and science education policy.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine the factors of individual characteristics (e.g., self-regulation in terms of metacognition and motivation) and learning environmental expectancy (e.g., performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence) that influence students’ behavioural intention to continue online courses. The questionnaire data collected from 312 college students were analyzed using the structural equation modelling approach to examine the relationship between self-regulation and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model. The experimental results revealed that self-regulation in terms of metacognition and motivation directly related to performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence. In addition, performance expectancy, effort expectancy and motivation significantly and directly influenced students’ intention to use online courses. However, this study found that metacognition and social influence did not positively directly relate to behavioural intention. The discussion of the present findings and practical implications for possible future research have also been analyzed and concluded.  相似文献   

Intercultural interaction plays an important role in contributing to international students’ learning and wellbeing in the host country. While research on international students’ intercultural interactions reveals multifaceted aspects of personal and social factors, there is a tendency to consider language barrier and cultural differences as individual factors that constrain their interactions with the institutional community. Drawing on 105 interviews with international students in Australian vocational education and training and dual sector institutions, this paper examines international students’ intercultural interactions in host institutions and the factors that act as enablers or inhibitors for intercultural interactions. It highlights the social and structural conditions in creating symbolic capital of elitist Anglo-Australian culture and English language, and social differentiation. This paper offers insights into understanding the legitimacy of such elitism, in hope that future conceptualisation, research and practices of intercultural interactions may locate international students within their cultural diversity.  相似文献   

高校大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的路径选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会主义荣辱观在大学生中的培养与树立,高校责无旁贷。高校应突破传统的思想道德教育模式,采取多种形式,通过多种途径行之有效地对大学生进行社会主义荣辱观教育:要以课堂教学为阵地,提升课堂教学效果,教育大学生树立社会主义荣辱观;以校园文化为载体,培育高雅校园文化,引领大学生树立社会主义荣辱观;以教师师德为导向,加强教师师德建设,带动大学生树立社会主义荣辱观;以社会实践为依托,鼓励学生参与社会实践,促使大学生践行社会主义荣辱观。  相似文献   

Element interactivity is a central concept of cognitive load theory that defines the complexity of a learning task. The reduction of task complexity through a temporary segmentation or isolation of interacting elements was investigated with 104 students randomly assigned to an interacting elements group, where participants were required to deal with complex accounting problems in their entirety, or an isolated elements group, where the task was broken down into constituent components. The results provide strong support for the expertise reversal effect with isolated elements beneficial for novices, while interacting elements were appropriate for more knowledgeable learners. Critically, these results only were obtained for high rather than low element interactivity materials. It was concluded that segmentation or element isolation should consider the expertise of the learner in conjunction with the complexity of the learning material.  相似文献   

庞国斌 《教育科学》2008,24(2):50-53
我国大学通识课程建设,长期以来深受美国通识教育发展思想的影响。由于中美教育发展之间的不同与差异,我国当前通识课程建设正在面临着很多误区:自身特色不鲜明,盲目模仿痕迹突出;与通识课程相应的政策和制度保障不力;通识课程的目标尚有待完善;对通识课程中的核心课程重视程度和开发不够。我国当下对通识教育本真涵义的体认尚需进一步加强。有鉴于此,我国通识课程建设的整体思路亟需全面转换和科学确定。  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - E-Learning has been massively used in higher education, one of which is in Universitas Indonesia. The e-learning system in Universitas Indonesia is called...  相似文献   

We study the effect of providing students with information on the returns to study effort in a large introductory microeconomics course. To do so, we use historical time-use data from the course’s online homework module to estimate the association between study time and course performance. We measure the impact of providing students this information on subsequent study effort, class attendance, homework scores, and exam performance using a randomized research design. Results show that the information contained in our intervention increased time spent studying by approximately 7% throughout the entire course, though this effect is imprecisely measured. However, when examining shorter-run outcomes (prior to the next exam) we find larger and more precisely estimated treatment effects on time spent on homeworks (12%) and homework scores (14% of a standard deviation). Treatment effects on longer run outcomes in the course are negligible. We additionally estimate large, but somewhat imprecise, average treatment effects on class attendance and small positive and insignificant average treatment effects on exam performance throughout the course.  相似文献   

美国高校社会服务职能演进经历了三个基本阶段。第一阶段是19世纪中叶至20世纪初,在部分杰出人士、实用主义思湖和古典自由主义经济模式的推动下,高校社会服务职能得以确立阶段;第二阶段是20世纪30年代至80年代,受凯恩斯主义和联邦政府政策影响,高校社会服务职能得以发展;第三阶段是20世纪90年代至今,受新科技发展和全球化的影响,高校社会服务职能在广度和深度方面得到了长远发展。  相似文献   

Social media platforms such as Facebook are commonplace throughout society. However, within higher education institutions such networking environments are still in the developmental stage. This paper describes and discusses case study data from the Open University’s Faculty of Social Science Facebook page. It starts by giving an overview of the literature surrounding social media in higher education before examining how the Social Sciences Faculty at the Open University has used Facebook to help build an academic community. Data includes numerical information on number of likes, demographic data on students who use the page, analysis on the type and nature of comments and more qualitative extracts from postings related to academic questions. It also discusses challenges and difficulties with using such social media tools in a university environment and suggests fruitful areas for future research.  相似文献   

《Distance Education》2012,33(2):253-269
Like many universities worldwide, the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa has joined the open educational resources (OER) movement, making a selection of teaching and learning materials available through its OER directory, UCT OpenContent. However, persuading and then supporting busy academics to share their teaching materials as OER still remains a challenge. In this article, we report on an empirical study of how UCT postgraduate students have assisted in the process of reworking the academics’ teaching materials as OER. Using the concept of contradictions (Engeström, 2001 Engeström, Y. 2001. Expansive learning at work: Toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization. Journal of Education and Work, 14: 133156. doi:10.1080/713677004[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), we endeavor to surface the various disturbances or conflicts with which the postgraduate students had to engage to make OER socially inclusive, as well as Engeström’s “layers of causality” (2011, p. 609) to explain postgraduate students’ growing sense of agency as they experienced the OER development process as being socially inclusive.  相似文献   

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