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This article analyzes a recent initiative of Japan’s Ministry of Education, which aims to internationalize higher education in Japan. The large-investment project “Top Global University Project” (TGUP) has emerged to create globally oriented universities, to increase the role of foreign languages in higher education, and to foster global human resources. The TGUP identifies 37 universities: 13 as “top global universities” intended to compete in the top 100 university world rankings and 24 “global traction universities” intended to lead the internationalization of higher education in Japan. Despite the substantial funding behind this initiative, little research has been conducted to evaluate the potential impact of this policy on language planning in higher education in Japan. This paper addresses this gap in its exploration of the TGUP, including key changes from previous internationalization policies. It then presents an analysis of publicly available documents regarding the policy, collected from all 37 of the participant universities. Findings indicate a positive departure from older policy trends and the emergence of flexible, unique forms of English language education in Japan’s universities.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(2):103-110
This paper draws on the results of a study of the internationalization practices of Japanese universities (including four year colleges) with majors in Humanities, Social Sciences or Education. It provides a sketch of the policy of internationalization in Japan and how this is interpreted by universities there. It also looks at the ways the policy is translated into practice in terms of a number of dimensions. These include the numbers of students involved, types of programs operating, the goals they address, their organization and growth. Some examples of new approaches to international exchange of students are described.  相似文献   

UNESCO与WTO框架下高等教育国际化政策比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育国际化是高等教育发展的必然趋势。目前,高等教育国际化主要有两个推动平台:一是联合国教科文组织(United Nations Education,Scientific and Cultural Organization,UNESCO)平台,一是世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization,WTO)平台,两者均为国际组织,有几近相同的成员国组成,但两者对国际化的政策则存在显著的差异。比较分析UNESCO与WTO在高等教育国际化问题上的差异性,以期为高等教育适应国际化提供一些参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper examines the approach Brazil has taken to promote the internationalization of higher education over the last decade. Three key areas are identified: human resources development, institution building, and international partnerships. Our analyses of initiatives in these areas demonstrate that Brazil does not follow global trends such as the creation of world-class universities or the pursuit of “excellence initiatives” to help universities reach higher positions in global rankings. Instead, recent strategies for international collaboration in higher education follow variegated domestic goals that encompass the logics of foreign policy and the internal priorities of federal research and education agencies. The nature and limitations of these strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

大学教育国际化虽然不是一个新的话题,但是在经济全球化背景中,却出现了一些新的现象。这些现象表明目前的大学教育国际化与传统的大学教育国际化非常不同。比如,目前大学教育的跨国性已经超出了传统大学教育国际化的范畴。传统大学教育国际化是以学生和教师的流动为主,而目前的大学教育国际化体现为大学与大学之间的交流与合作。环太平洋大学联盟成员大学如何看待国际化问题,如何实施国际化,国际化的新趋势是什么是本文论述的焦点。  相似文献   

高校国际多元文化是高校参与国际化进程的直接产物。文章扼要分析了当前高校国际多元文化特征以及高校国际多元文化发展中存在的突出问题,并对实现高校国际多元文化的和谐发展提出相关措施建议:立足科学知识视角,树立国际多元文化理念,尊重与理解国际其他文化体系;坚持开放的原则,树立文化和合的世界文化观,建立和谐的国际多元文化环境,建设科学的高校国际多元文化课程,从而促进高校国际多元文化的和谐发展。  相似文献   

吴薇  邱雯婕 《江苏高教》2020,(4):110-117
为提升日本高校国际竞争力,日本文部科学省在2014年推出了"顶级全球性大学计划",并遴选出A类、B类共37所高校进行资助。研究以冲击世界百强为目标的13所A类高校为对象,基于注意力配置理论,采用文本分析的方法对13所高校提交审核的《改革构想书》中的国际化水平、治理改革、大学教育改革这三大维度的注意力配置情况进行分析。根据分析可知这13所高校在国际化发展中虽然聚焦维度比例各不相同,但大多集中关注国际化水平维度的多样性、语言教学能力、国际开放度,治理改革维度的管理机制,大学教育改革维度的教育质量这5个二级发展目标。高校结合自身特色,在注意力配置的方向、强度上做出不同的选择,规划绘制出一张共性与个性相结合的清晰的国际化发展蓝图,强弱结合保障国际化战略的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

“二战”后日本大学国际化发展战略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本大学国际化发展战略的支柱是由日本政府推动的两大留学生计划,即"10万留学生计划"和"30万留学生计划"。为应对经济衰退、老龄化社会、留学生生源竞争以及信息与通信技术对教学方式的挑战等问题,日本大学从语言、师资、结构和专业方面,通过课程与师资多元化改革、质量发展、国际化合作等战略,实施从传统向现代的战略转型。  相似文献   

随着高等教育进入大众化阶段,我国高校亟需进行国际化专业建设,以推动自身发展,增强国际教育服务与贸易的竞争力。通过对高校国际化专业建设现状的介绍与分析,从政府部门和高校在国际化专业建设中的角色定位两个方面阐述如何构建高校国际化专业,从而为高校国际化提供可行性的建议。  相似文献   

日本国立大学通识教育改革动向与争议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,为了提高国际竞争力,日本国立大学尝试以改革通识教育为核心的本科教育改革.这次通识教育改革浪潮主要包括:四年一贯制的大学通识教育模式、通识教育国际化的再重视、人文社会学科政策性削减.其中,四年一贯制的大学通识教育模式代表了日本大学通识教育和专业教育从对立割裂的状态走向了相互统一;通识教育国际化的背后体现了日本国家和学校层面重视国际化发展与学生个体本土化发展需求之间的矛盾;人文社会学科的削减体现了日本行政当局的功利主义和人文主义之间的矛盾.  相似文献   

The global knowledge economy has turned higher education into a key player in societal development. Internationalization benefits higher education institutions in several aspects, such as improvement and visibility in international rankings, revenue generation via tuition fees and external funding, improvement of research and teaching quality, integration with academic communities and familiarization with scholarly attitudes. In this study, we provide insights into the challenges of internationalization faced by higher education institutions in Iran as a developing country. Several policies and practices have been adopted in Iran to improve internationalization efforts; however, these activities have had little impact on the quality of research and educational programs at Iran's universities. Understanding the challenges they face in a systematic way can help identify different factors and develop a set of suggestions to increase the quality and quantity of international cooperation. We formulate our suggestions based on the opportunities provided by the digitalization solutions in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing importance of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals in both global and national environments. We interviewed 15 faculty members in Iranian higher education institutions and 14 managers in charge of international affairs at universities in Iran. In addition, data extracted from three forums on Iranian higher education internationalization are analysed. Using a grounded theory approach, we group the challenges into macro-, institutional and individual levels and then suggest a number of practices and policies to increase the quantity and quality of internationalization efforts.  相似文献   

面对高等教育国际化的挑战,地方大学在国际化发展的道路上已经迈出了可喜的一步,但与目前高等教育国际化发展的速度还有一定的差距。究其原因,有客观条件方面的因素,也有主观方法方面的因素。为加快国际化的进程,地方大学在今后的发展中应注意:制定明确具体的国际化发展目标和行动计划;在校园文化建设中培育强烈的国际化意识;充分调动院(系)组织国际化活动的潜力;充分利用所在地区的社会资源发展大学国际化;进一步拓宽国际合作对象的选择范围。  相似文献   

This paper discusses two important concepts—internationalization and the international marketing of higher education—and how they influence international students' choice of Canadian universities. The paper is based on two studies: one on 140 East Asian international graduate students who enrolled at two large Ontario universities in the academic year 2003–2004, and the other on 95 international undergraduate students who enrolled at an Ontario university in academic year 2005–2006. The research findings show that market segmentation determines the applicability of internationalization and/or marketing of higher education. Activities related to the internationalization of education play a critical role in influencing the research-oriented students' choice of a Canadian graduate school. Marketing activities have a direct impact on graduate students' choice in professional programs. “Twinning” or “incountry” programs—a blend of internationalization and international marketing approach—have a strong influence on undergraduate students' choice to come to Canada.  相似文献   

基于核心竞争力的大学排行榜研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学排行榜的研究能帮助和推进高等教育与市场对接,促动高校信息向公众敞开.分析和研究高校核心竞争力,指出大学排行榜存在排名指标相对单一,排名标准比较随意,排名方法不够规范等缺陷,提出基本核心竞争力的大学排行榜应以学术生产力、人才培养力、组织管理力和文化向心力为评价指标.  相似文献   

高等教育国际化是发展中国家建设高水平大学的必然路径,而中国高等教育国际化须以现状的分析与掌握为前提.基于此,本文以高等教育管理和国际商务理论为基础,构建了一个中国高等教育国际化的类型框架,然后利用该框架对中国高等教育国际化现状进行了较为全面的评价.研究结论为:中国高等教育国际化类型划分须结合方式和方向两个维度;中国高等教育内向国际化质量有待提高,外向国际化有待大力发展;学生流动是中国高等教育外向国际化的主要形式;中国高等教育的内向与外向国际化互相影响,促使中国高等教育国际化水平不断提升.  相似文献   

大连大学日语专业在学生的国际化、师资、课程、科学研究的国际化及国际拓展五方面开启了国际化合作办学的人才培养模式,并取得了一定的成效。对国际化合作办学人才培养模式改革的研究,能为高校日语专业国际化合作办学的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

高等教育的国际化是高校的新理念和发展趋势。要使学校的国际化成为推动学校总体发展的有利因素,应构建起一个学校国际合作与交流的体系。构建学校国际合作与交流体系对于提升学校整体国际意识、推动学校国际合作与交流工作实现良性发展、提高员工参与国际合作与交流工作的综合素质和能力等方面具有重要意义。体系的构建主要从健全参与行政机构层次、国际合作交流主体多元化、合作交流方式的多样性、以及校内国际合作与交流体系信息系统的建设等四个方面进行。  相似文献   

对辽宁17所具有博士授权资格高校的国际化办学水平及影响因素分析发现:国际化办学水平总体上呈标准正态分布,一些院校办学理念与具体教学工作的融入程度存在差异、师资结构国际化水平有待提高、教学与科研国际化程度相对较低、国际化办学经费保障不足。进一步提升高校国际化办学水平,应以高校重点学科、科技平台为依托,吸引、集聚海内外高端人才;加强与国际一流院校合作,全面提升高校教学和科研水平;大力发展留学生教育,着力打造国际高等教育交流中心和留学服务中心;健全高等教育国际化战略保障机制,推动高等教育跨境性活动健康发展。  相似文献   

国际化已经成为高等教育转型的重要标志。农林院校旅游管理专业教育国际化发展受所处地域环境、国际化氛围、办学水平、学生认知等因素的制约,存在办学理念淡薄、定位不明确和体制建设不完善等问题。必须采取树立国际化办学理念、开设国际化课程、营造国际化教育氛围、加强国际化体制建设等应对措施。  相似文献   

This study aims to understand equity issues of international students’ learning in Korean higher education institutions by engaging with the issue of racism and identifies how international students in Korea reshape their learning trajectory and how we could provide equitable and quality education for international students. Espousing a qualitative case study design, six students from different background were interviewed to examine features of perceived institutional racism based on their learning experience in Korea. Major findings showed that internationalization has not been fulfilled in terms of engaging with international students although Korean government and higher education institutions have developed relevant policy to attract international students. This study indicates that Korean universities need to reconstruct their social, cultural, and institutional systems to embrace equity, diversity and inclusiveness to empower international students’ capacity.  相似文献   

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