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From the point of view of the development of libraries, technology has made possible the emergence and development of library automation; digital libraries; mobile libraries; and smart libraries. This article briefly describes the impact of technological developments and application in Health Science Libraries in China in relation to collections development, service provision and the role of library associations.  相似文献   

Medical libraries in Sweden are digitised to a large extent, technically advanced and developing rapidly. This paper investigates technological trends among Swedish medical libraries in the near and distant future and their application within different areas of library activities. The authors also present a roadmap to increase technological developments within medical libraries in Sweden. Current technological trends include digital collaboration tools, mobile technologies and visualisation. Artificial intelligence, big data and smart technologies are upcoming trends. Technologies are applied within all areas of library activities, but preconditions for academic and hospital libraries differ. To remain a relevant provider of information services, libraries must be able to monitor, test and adopt new technologies.  相似文献   


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) incursion has brought a lot of changes to libraries activities. ICTs are used to manage libraries more efficiently and in meeting customers’ demands more appropriately at the right time. Despite the contribution of ICTs to library and information work, many libraries are yet to adopt these technologies especially in the acquisitions of library materials. This study was carried out in three selected university libraries in North West Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to: determine the influence of performance expectancy on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition; establish the influence of effort expectancy on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition; find out the extent of social influence and facilitating conditions on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition and lastly to proffer recommendations. This study adopted a positivistic approach and used a questionnaire administered to 224 librarians to collect data in the three selected libraries. The study is guided by the Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) developed by Venkatesh. Findings from the study reveals that academic librarians are supportive on the use of ICT in their work; ICTs are significantly important, trainings were organized mainly for librarians on general use of ICT not only on acquisition, but also on the general issues related to library activities; librarians also have the knowledge necessary to use ICT for acquisition in their libraries. The study recommends among others that the parent universities should increase the funding of their libraries with adequate supervision, so that such funds are well utilized for ICTs application; university libraries should continually sponsor their academic staff on modern computerized ways of using ICTs to source for materials and the acquisition of information resources in academic libraries should be given all the seriousness it deserves by enacting legislation to allocate a reasonable percentage of the university’s budget to it.  相似文献   

This article is the first in the feature to explore personal tracking devices – in this case the Fitbit – and the relationship between their use and people's self‐perceptions and behaviour. Amber Edwards conducted the research for her MA dissertation at the University of Sheffield, graduating with an MA in Librarianship in January 2017. Her study shows that body image plays a large role in Fitbit use and that this is slightly more evident in females than males, although the differences are subtle. She argues that the results have implications for information professionals involved in teaching health information literacy. Amber began working in the library at Bishop Grosseteste University in June 2016, while completing her dissertation. A. M.  相似文献   

澳大利亚大学图书馆观感及对我国大学图书馆的启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章介绍了澳大利亚大学图书馆诸多方面的情况,并对我国大学图书馆的工作提出了建议.  相似文献   

美国图书馆学刊物《图书馆趋势》推出的中国社群信息学专辑是中美学者合作推介CI落地中国的诸多努力的结果,专辑展现了中国的社会信息化研究状况,反映了中国学者开展CI研究的自觉意识,是CI的中国本土化发展的良好开端。在CI的中国本土化建设中,应注意相关术语的中西方对接,关注CI与LIS的连接,还应重视案例保存与分享,践行CI研究伦理,注重国际视野与本土意识相结合。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对澳大利亚政府信息治理框架的提出背景、具体内容和主要特点进行分析与总结,以期为我国政府信息管理提供有益的参考。[方法/过程]以内容分析法和文本分析法为主要研究方法,以从澳大利亚国家档案馆官网获得的公开政策、工作指南等作为主要数据来源,从责任体系、落实机制和价值鉴定等方面分析总结澳大利亚政府信息治理框架的特点。[结果/结论]分析发现:澳大利亚政府构建了较为完善的管理责任体系,而且极为重视风险管控能力、信息资产识别和执行结果核查。对我国而言,在政府信息管理上,应当强化风险管理意识、构建全面的背景框架、制定精细的评估工具和建立明确的责任机制。  相似文献   

文章在理解数字图书馆知识产权的基础上,分析了数字图书馆在资源建设、资源传播和资源服务三个不同阶段所涉及的知识产权问题,从知识产权保护意识、知识产权法规政策、知识产权管理组织、知识产权保护技术和借鉴国外经验五方面提出了数字图书馆知识产权保护的宏观措施,以及数字图书馆在资源建设、传播和服务三个阶段的微观措施。  相似文献   


The information and knowledge society has resulted in the exponential growth of information and communication technologies (ICTs), thus creating a gap between those who use ICTs and those who do not; hence the emergence of the term “digital divide” in the 1990s. One of the milestones of South Africa’s National Development Plan, a policy that charts the country’s development up until 2030, is to ensure that high-speed broadband internet is universally available at competitive prices. Notwithstanding the importance of ICTs in public libraries, the provision of such is still taking place on a limited scale in South Africa. This article investigates the use of ICTs in public libraries in South Africa as a tool in bridging the digital divide. It also examines the inequalities in access and use and suggests ways in which ICTs may be used to reduce the digital divide. A qualitative research methodology was adopted. In order for public libraries to function as an important tool in bridging the digital divide, there is a need to standardize the provision of public library services with regard to the digital divide.  相似文献   

Background: The relationship between health information seeking, patient engagement and health literacy is not well understood. This is especially true in medically underserved populations, which are often viewed as having limited access to health information. Objective: To improve communication between an urban health centre and the community it serves, a team of library and information science researchers undertook an assessment of patients’ level and methods of access to and use of the Internet. Methods: Data were collected in 53 face‐to‐face anonymous interviews with patients at the centre. Interviews were tape‐recorded for referential accuracy, and data were analysed to identify patterns of access and use. Results: Seventy‐two percentage of study participants reported having access to the Internet through either computers or cell phones. Barriers to Internet access were predominantly lack of equipment or training rather than lack of interest. Only 21% of those with Internet access reported using the Internet to look for health information. Conclusion: The findings suggest that lack of access to the Internet in itself is not the primary barrier to seeking health information in this population and that the digital divide exists not at the level of information access but rather at the level of information use.  相似文献   

数字展示技术提高了博物馆的传播效果,但是其多样化也给技术人员带来了选择的困难。本文对世界知名博物馆、展览馆和设计公司使用的线上线下展示技术进行了调研与归纳,对其传播效果进行了分析,并通过电话访问等方式进行了价格咨询,根据传播效果、应用范围、实施的空间与经济成本等因素,对技术的采用提出了建议,分为推荐使用、根据预算情况使用、谨慎使用三个大类,为博物馆进行技术选择提供参考。  相似文献   

文章调查和分析了柳州市高等院校、市图书馆的数字资源建设现状,分析这些图书馆在资源建设方面存在的不足:数据库数量和种类少、重复引进现象较为普遍、数字资源的整合层次和利用率较低。在此基础上,提出了数字资源建设的建议。  相似文献   

Objective:The purpose of this scoping review is to evaluate the extent of library or librarian involvement in informatics education in the health domain.Methods:We searched eight databases from their inception to 2019 for reports of informatics educational activities for health professionals or health professions students that involved library staff or resources. Two reviewers independently screened all titles/abstracts (n=2,196) and resolved inclusion decisions by consensus. From the full text of the 36 papers that met the inclusion criteria, we extracted data on 41 educational activities.Results:The most frequent coded purposes of activities were “teaching clinical tools” (n=19, 46.3%) and “technology” (n=17; 41.5%). Medical students were the most frequent primary audience (34.1%), though 41.5% of activities had multiple audiences. Evaluation was reported for 24 activities (58.5%), only a few of which assessed short or post-activity impact on attitudes, knowledge, or skills. The most common long-term outcome was applying skills in other courses or clinical experiences. Thematic analysis yielded three areas of outcomes and issues for the library and organizational partners: expanded opportunities, technology and resource issues, and value demonstration.Conclusions:Limited published examples of health informatics educational activities provide models for library roles in informatics education. More librarians should report on their informatics educational activities and provide sufficient details on the interventions and their evaluation. This would strengthen the evidence base about the potential impact of libraries within informatics education.  相似文献   

Over the last 4 years this Regular Feature has looked at trends in health science librarianship in the 21st century. Although there are still a few more regions to be covered in this series, this issue explores general trends in academic and research libraries with a view to discovering whether the trends identified for health science libraries are similar. Are health science libraries unique? Or do their experiences mirror those found in the wider world of academic and research libraries? JM  相似文献   

论复合环境下信息资源共建共享的实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
复合图书馆是现实图书馆的主要形态,本文分析了复合环境下信息资源共建共享的有利条件与主要模式,并就加强与深化复合图书馆信息资源共建共享的相关举措进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In an era when library budgets are being reduced, Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC's) can offer practical and viable alternatives to the delivery of costly face‐to‐face training courses. In this study, guest writers Gil Young from Health Care Libraries Unit ‐ North, Lisa McLaren from Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Liverpool University PhD student Michelle Maden describe the outcomes of a funded project they led to develop a MOOC to deliver literature search training for health librarians. Funded by Health Education England, the MOOC was developed by the Library and Information Health Network North West as a pilot project that ran for six weeks. In particular, the MOOC target audience is discussed, how content was developed for the MOOC, promotion and participation, cost‐effectiveness, evaluation, the impact of the MOOC and recommendations for future development. H. S.  相似文献   

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