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1.seat n.座位、席位、所在地、中心地;take(have)aseat或take one's place(seat)意为“坐下”。例如: (1)The room has seats for thirty。 这房间有三十个座位。 (2)Have(Take)a seat please.=Sit down!请坐! (3)He won(lost)a seat in parliament in an election。 在选举中他赢得(失去)议会中的一个席位。 (4)Beijing is the seat of government in China。  相似文献   

A请根据下面六幅图,以“A Thankful Bird”为题,用英语写一篇短文。要求:1郾短文内容要符合图画情景。2郾语句通顺,情节连贯,书写工整。3字数:80左右。●学生习作:A Thankful BirdLeilei is a very kind boy郾H e often helps the①others郾In one day②,w hen he w ent past a tree,he heard a bird sing③in the tree郾H ethought,“It is autum n now,and the bird m ust feel cold if it w on’t④have a house in w inter郾”So he asked his father to m ake a bird-house郾H e put it in the tree郾S oon the bird went into i…  相似文献   

Jordan Edelstein's moment of clarity(清楚,透明) came 35,000 feet above ground. On a plane from Detroit to Minnesota on Thanksgiving, Mr. Edelstein says, he realized that while he was content in his marketing job, he wanted something more. He wanted to be inspired by it.M r. Edelstein, 33 years old, says that during the flight he becam e intrigued (激 起……的兴趣) by a N ew sw eek cover story aboutSim s O nline, an Internet鄄based gam e from Electronic A rts Inc. and a spin鄄off(分…  相似文献   

Step1.R evision1.Listen to a song“The signs in the park”.设计意图:通过歌曲活跃气氛,并为本课学习作铺垫。(图片)Step2.Teaching1.T:Class,are they pictures?S:N o.T:They are signs.Study“sign.T:A re they in your hom e?S:N o.T:Y es,they are public signs.Study“public sign.2.T:Let's play a gam e,O K?S:G reat。T:I say,you do.Show m e your hands.S:O K.T:D o nottouch it.Touch your desk.S:O K.Study“D o nottouch.设计意图:通过游戏引出,学生喜闻乐见,同时通过“D o nottouch”引出“danger”,学…  相似文献   

This Is My Seat It was a woman's first time on a plane. She boarded the plane and found herself a window seat. After she had settled in, a man came over and insisted that she was in his seat. She ignored him and told him to go away. "Okay," replied the man. "If that's the way you want it, you fly the plane."这是我的位子有位女士第一次坐飞机。她登机后,替自己找了一个靠窗的位子。她就座以后,一个男士走过来,坚持说那女士坐了他的座位。女士不理他,并叫他走开。“好吧,”男士回答。“如果你就要这样想,那你…  相似文献   

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—A re you in a hurry?—N o,in factI’ve gotplenty oftim e.I___wait.A.m ust B.need C.m ay D.should2.—Som eone isknocking atthe door.___itbe Venis?—N o,it___be her;she leftforNew Y ork this m orn鄄ing.A.Can;m ustn’t B.M ight;can’tC.M ay;doesn’t D.Can;can’t3.H e didn’tagree with m e atfirst,butI___persuadehim to sign the agreem entlater.A.could B.m ight C.should D.wasable to4.—Isthere a m ovie on in the cinem a tonight?—…  相似文献   

O utside a m uffler shop:“N O appointm ent necessary,w ehear you com ing.”一家消声器店外:“根本不用预约,我们听到你来了!”O utside a hotel:“help!W e need inn-experienced peo鄄ple.”酒店门外:“帮帮忙!我们缺少常住小酒店的人。”O n a desk in a receptionroo  相似文献   

何苗 《中学生英语》2016,(Z2):40-41
Have you ever paid attention to the English expressions that include words about clothes?Let’s see if I can name a few"off the cuff~1",or without any preparation.你有没有留意过包含和衣服相关的词汇的英语表达?让我们看看我是否可以即兴说出一些,不预先做任何准备。We sometimes say that people who are restless or nervous"have ants in their pants~2".They might also"fly by the seat of their pants~3",or they use their natural sense to do something in-  相似文献   

When discussing othercultures,one mustbe careful to avoid giving off the impression thatevery-one in the culture behaves in one way only.Culture includes a wide range of human behavior,and af-fects the society as a whole.So we can see the cultural differences on individual levels,on larger com-munity levels and larger societal levels.All of these differences are apparent in the philosophy levels.All of these differences are apparent in the philosophy and behavior of the people,in the methods o…  相似文献   

My father, a doctor for nearly 30 years, was working on the seat belt in his car. Using a tube of super-adhensive, he was trying to glue part of the buckle back on. Suddenly, he shouted for my mother: "Lorraine! My fingers are stuck to the seat belt! Go find the package and see what it says I should do."  相似文献   

(A) Pete took his seat this day on his usual bench in Union Square. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years Pete had taken this same seat exactly at one o'clock, and each time the same pleasant thing had happened. But this time Pete had come here more from habit than from hunger. Certainly today Pete was not hungry. Two rich old ladies gave him a Thanksgiving dinner of everything he could eat.  相似文献   

一、当有定语修饰morning,afternoon,evening,day,night时,其前面的介词用on,指具体或不具体的某一日或某些日。例:1郾W ould you like to com e to m y house for dinner on Friday evening?星期五晚上你愿意到我家来吃饭吗?2郾It’s good to do som e reading at hom e on rainy days郾下雨天在家读读书是一件不错的事。3郾That child left hom e on a cold winter night郾那个孩子在一个寒冷的冬夜离开了家。4郾D o you want to have a party on your birthday?你想在你的生日那天举办个晚会吗?5郾All the chlidren in the world are …  相似文献   

N am e押X ing H uina姓名:邢慧娜D ate of birth押Feb.25熏1984生日:1984,2,25Birth place押Shandong Province出生地:山东省H eight押166cm身高:166厘米W eight押50kg体重:50公斤Item押Long-distance running项目:长跑X ing H uina was born on February25熏1984in Shandong Province.She is now a senior stu鄄dent in Shandong U niversity.X ing H uina w as the cham pion of W om an10000鄄m eter race in the28th O lym pic G am es.H aving failed in the5000鄄m eter race熏shedidn’t give up.She went torunw ay穴跑…  相似文献   

Something Left     
1One night,Tom wasaboutto go to bed when he heard the doorbellrang He opened the doorand saw Mike stood there Tom was frightened because he owed([藜u]欠)M ike a lotofm oney,and he didn’twantto return m oney to M ike郾2郾M ike went into the flat and said angrily,“ I have looked for you for a long tim e郾Now you have lived in such a big and beautiful flat郾W hy haven’t you returned the m oney to m e so far?”3郾“ I will return the m oney to you tom orrow郾Don’t be angry,” said Tom 郾 …  相似文献   

1 A rtis long,butlife is short.人生有限,学无止境。 郾 2 O ne doesn’t work hard in youth,will be sorry in vain w hen 郾old.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 3 K now ledge is pow er.知识就是力量。 郾 4 Pen and ink is wit’s plough.笔墨是才智之犁。 郾 5 Tom orrow never com es.我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。 郾 6 D oubt is the key to know ledge.怀疑是知识的钥匙。 郾 7 Seldom seen,soon forgotten.少见易忘。 郾 8 N o pains,no gains.无劳则无获。 郾 9 E very second counts. 一寸光阴一寸金。 郾 10 Learn young,…  相似文献   

Jokes and Humor     
I C aught E very Step M r Brown was reading his evening paperw hen there cam e a trem endous banging down thestairs.H e jum ped up熏ran to the hall熏and dis鄄covered his schoolboy son sprawled on the floor. “ ” Did you m iss a step芽 asked his dad. “ ” N o熏I caught every blessed one选 cam e thebitter answer. 我一级也没漏 布朗先生在看晚报,忽然传来一阵什么东西从楼上摔下来的响声。他跳了起来,跑到厅里,发现自己上了学的儿子四脚朝天地躺在地上。 “你是不是踩漏…  相似文献   

在美国“打的”,如果你坐副座,司机会一路与你谈笑风生;你若坐 在了后面,司机便板着脸一言不发。要知究竟 何故,这位先生将告诉你其中的奥秘。 W hen you take a taxi in the U nited States,ifyou sit up in the front seat,the driv- er will be pleased and talk with you all the way;if you sit in the back seat,though,the driver m ay be unhappy and reluctant to speak,he is unlikely to say m uch. A t first, I thought this was ow ing to differences in the characters of the drivers.Later,after Id had som e m ore e…  相似文献   

1.A pain in the neck如果有个美国人对你说:H e’s a pain in the neck.你会不会把它解释为:H e hasa pain in the neck——他脖子痛?看起来倒是挺像的,对不对?现在来设想一下另一个场景——当你在电影院里聚精会神地欣赏电影时,有一个坐在中间的人不断地进进出出,你就不得不一次次地站起来为他让路,电影都没办法正常看了。这个时候你就可以一点也不夸张地说:H e’sreally a pain in the neck.X iao:A lice asked usifw e w anted to go to the cinem a w ith herand herfriends?Rossm an:N o,Idon’t.Y ou m ightnotknow thatshe’sa …  相似文献   

游戏目的:1郾发展爬、跳、跑、持物走的身体协调能力。2郾学习抱球、拉球、拍球的动作。3郾初步认识“老鼠”,知道猫吃老鼠的常识。游戏准备:塑料袋桥一条,长4米;拱门两个、老鼠头饰一个;彩球每人一个、整理箱四个。拉车多于幼儿人数一半;呼啦圈每人一个、小猫头饰一个;录音机、录音带。游戏玩法:幼儿扮演小老鼠和老鼠妈妈(老师扮演)一起做准备运动(徒手操)。游戏一老鼠搬鸡蛋1郾爬过两个拱门到小猫家中(整理箱)搬鸡蛋(彩球);2郾小老鼠抱鸡蛋跳过障碍物(呼啦圈)回家(放回整理箱中;(如图A)2郾将拖回的鸡蛋放在整理箱或拉车中来回推、拉;3郾…  相似文献   

1郾a wise guy骄傲自大的人。这里的wise并不表示“聪明”,相反它含有讽刺的意味。有时候本词组还用于朋友之间的调侃。“who's the wise guy that took m ylunch box?”(是哪位机灵的大爷拿走了我的饭盒。)2郾a shrinking violet畏首畏尾的人。原意为“正在发蔫的紫罗兰”。紫罗兰在背阴的地方悄悄地开花,所以vi鄄olet是谦虚的象征,代表“腼腆的人”,但加上shrinking意思就有了变化。3郾a backseatdriver不在权限范围内而指手划脚的人。在美国开车出门是许多人生活的一部分。开车的技术当然每个人都不一样,一般来说,开车的人都不太愿意被别…  相似文献   

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