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The State Key Laboratory ofFire Science (SKLFS) underthe University of Scienceand Technology of China (USTC)has been entrusted to host the 8thInternational Symposium on FireSafety Science (ISFSS) scheduledfor 2005. SKLFS Director FanWeicheng, USCT Professor and aCAS member, was made chairmanof the organizing committee.Sponsored by the InternationalAssociation for Fire Safety Science(IAFSS), this premier scientific con-ference will attract the best and mostimportant work of…  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiang recently sent his congratulations to biophysicist Zhuang Xiaowei, 2003 winner of a MacArthur Fellowship.  相似文献   

火灾科学:交叉科学领域的一朵奇葩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一门新兴的交叉学科,火灾科学致力于揭示火灾过程的机理和规律。通过介绍火灾科学的结构体系,分析火灾科学的学科特点和研究方法,指出学科交叉对于发展火灾科学的重要意义。  相似文献   

On February 21, 2012, a new global network using quantum communication technology to transmit financial information was launched at the Xinhua News Agency in Beijing. The network, jointly developed by scientists from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and Xinhua workers, supports confidential audio-visual communication, real-time text transfers and the rapid transmission of data files with a bandwidth of hundreds of megabits, and can guarantee the absolute security and high efficiency of data transmission compared  相似文献   

1997年金秋时节,来自祖国四面八方的情报界老、中、青三代专家学者30多人,怀着促进我国情报科学和信息服务业发展的强烈愿望,聚会在浙江富阳,对新信息环境下情报学科建设这一主题进行了研讨和交流.会议气氛热烈,老一辈专家教授怀着深厚的感情,关注着情报学的发展和动向,为学科建设提出了不少精辟的见解和意见,中、青年后起之秀发言热烈,富有新意,与会者各抒己见,相互切磋,新老两代人交流气氛融洽,体现了对学术问题自由讨论、平等交流的精神.代表们认为此次会议将对我国情报学学科建设产生深远的影响.  相似文献   

The Chinese Chemical Society has successfully won the bid to host the 16^th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC), according to a news release of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese A...  相似文献   

从情报科学到知识科学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王知津  陈芳芳 《情报科学》2007,25(9):1281-1286,1292
本文描述了情报科学向知识科学发展的过程,在此基础上,着重分析了情报科学和知识科学的本质与特征,以及情报科学与知识科学的关系,并对知识科学的发展做了展望,从而揭示了知识科学是情报科学发展的必然结果。  相似文献   

从科学学、技术学到科学技术学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
科学学和技术学有了一定的发展历史,取得了不少理论成果,在实践中也有了广泛的应用,并与科学技术学有直接的理论渊源关系。继承它们的既有成果,克服它们的缺点,学习其成功的经验,吸取其失败的教训,是我们当前建构科学技术学研究纲领,走向科学技术学的必经途径之一。  相似文献   

文章讨论了70年来信息化的发生和发展,以及计算机科学在其中所扮演的核心角色;分析了迄今为止全球信息化所经历的数字化、网络化和智能化3个发展阶段,所形成的计算、网络、数据和软件无处不在的新环境,及其带来的产品创新和系统创新的重大机遇;阐明了智能化是全球信息化竞争新的制高点,人工智能和计算科学成为信息化在新的发展阶段的科学技术基础,各领域的科学家,无论是自然科学家或是社会科学家,均已不能置身信息化之外;2013年诺贝尔化学奖的颁发表明,计算科学是任何一个学科领域翻开新篇章的有力工具,是引领学科发展的前沿,学科数字化和科学的数字化革命势在必行。  相似文献   

面向科学复杂性的科学学方法创新   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
科学是一个复杂系统,科学复杂性是科学学所面对的一个挑战.为此,需要加强科学学方法的创新.借助复杂网络文献的可视化图谱,在阐述科学复杂性特点的基础上,提出了科学学思维方式的变革,探讨了从微观到宏观的科学计量学方法创新思路,并应用蚁群觅食模型对微观到宏观的知识计量方法进行了简要论述,论证了模型的可行性.  相似文献   

跨国公司R&D业务国际化为那些拥有强大技能和技术基础的发展中国家提供了一个促进其创新能力发展的机会。跨国公司的R&D投资能够为东道国带来某些收益,体现在它带来了知识外溢,提升了产业竞争力,促进了人力资源的发展,强化了国家创新体系。  相似文献   

钱学森对情报学十分关注,除了有数篇专门讨论情报学的论文之外,还在许多场合论述过情报学的多方面问题.本文从论信息和情报概念、情报工作和情报事业、情报学的性质和体系结构、情报学方法论等方面探讨和梳理了钱学森的情报学思想,并提出这些宝贵思想对于情报学的持续发展具有十分重要的启示作用.  相似文献   

This Special Topic section is a compilation of several original contributions covering both fundamental and practical aspects of electrokinetic microfluidic phenomena that were presented during the Electrokinetics and Microfluidics sessions held at the conference.Electrokinetics is currently the mechanism of choice for the manipulation of fluids as well as colloidal and biological particles at microscale and nanoscale dimensions.1 The popularity of electrokinetics is perhaps not so surprising as electrodes are easy to fabricate and embed into microfluidic chips, thus allowing the entire fluid and particle actuation mechanism to be completely integrated into the device. In addition, driving microfluidics with electric fields is relatively straightforward and allows for precise actuation. Nevertheless, considerable challenges remain in understanding the complex mechanisms associated with the hydrodynamics of conducting and dielectric fluids and particles under the influence of electric fields. Concomitantly, there has been an exponential increase in research and development in this field along both fundamental and applied themes in the past five years.This sustained growth in the microfluidics community of electrokinetics research has led to a sequel to the first Electrokinetic Phenomena and Microfluidics session at the 82nd ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium in Raleigh, NC, in 2008, and which we hope will now be a regular feature at successive ACS Colloid and Surface Science meetings. This year at the combined 2009 13th International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science (ICSCS) and the 83rd ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium in New York, the Electrokinetics and Microfluidics symposium proved to be extremely popular, with three keynote lectures presented by Professor Howard Stone, Professor Hsueh-Chia Chang, and Professor Thomas Healy, and 44 oral presentations. In both 2008 and 2009, Biomicrofluidics has organized a special issue to cover some of the contributions reported at these meetings.2The growing interest in using electric fields to manipulate biological entities such as cells, DNA, and even single molecules is reflected in this year’s collection of papers with dielectrophoretic (DEP) phenomena comprising the bulk of the contributions. In Ref. 3, a new theory to describe Stern layer conductance along the surface of nanocolloids is proposed, forming the basis for the derivation of a more accurate prediction of the DEP crossover frequency. This theory is then employed to determine the conformation and, hence, optimum coverage of oligonucleotides on the surface of nanocolloid functionalized molecular probes during DNA hybridization under the influence of DEP, which can be exploited for biomolecular sensing. Other fundamental DEP papers include the investigation of particle motion under DEP induced optically via a photoconductor, in which Zhu et al.4 characterized the frequency dependence of the motion through the synchronous velocity spectra of the particles, and a numerical study of particle trapping at the throat of converging-diverging microchannels under the influence of negative DEP using a transient arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian finite element method.5 A more practical implementation is, on the other hand, reported by Yang et al.6 in which the negative DEP is exploited to separate colorectal cancer cells from other cells in a microfluidic device as a demonstration of a portable cancer detection tool.Continuing along the separation theme, but with regard to DNA separation using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis aided by sparse but regularly ordered microfabricated arrays of nanoposts, is a Brownian dynamics simulation model reported by Ou et al.7 in which DNA channeling, which predicts that the motion of DNA is undisturbed by the presence of arrays for large spacing to DNA equilibrium size ratios and when the field lines are straight, is predicted, consistent with experimental observations. In another fundamental paper, a direct numerical simulation model is presented to predict the current-voltage relationship across conducting pores along cell membranes, which is of fundamental importance in the electroporation process.8We hope that you will enjoy reading the contributions in this special topic and that it encourages you to participate in future Electrokinetics and Microfluidics meetings at the ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposia, which we definitely hope will continue on a regular basis.  相似文献   

田玉敏  蔡晶菁 《科技通报》2009,25(6):860-865
依据商住楼建筑以及火灾的特点,在借鉴了国内外建筑火灾风险评估指标体系的相关研究基础上,建立了层次分析评价指标体系,并通过专家评分法分别确定了各指标权重和各风险因素的赋值,得出了综合风险分值,并由此划分火灾风险等级。最后,以具体实例进行了应用分析,并确定了保险费基本费率的大小。  相似文献   

陈玥 《科教文汇》2013,(11):128-129
节目主持人要想使用灵活、机智和幽默的即兴主持,使自己的节目引人入胜,就必须把握住即兴主持语言的发挥特点和原则,培养即兴语言发挥应具备的素质,掌握即兴主持的技巧,进行有针对性的练习,只有这样才能在当前传媒事业迅速发展的时代不被淘汰。  相似文献   

费耶阿本德认为,民主判定高于专家的意见,因为“科学的优势威胁了民主”,还因为从事科学研究的专家既有限,也无知.民主让多数公民参与,有助于克服少数专家的局限性.  相似文献   

自社会建构主义诞生以来,它就以激进的姿态挑战科学哲学,与科学实在论处于尖锐的对抗与冲突之中。然而,社会建构主义者并没有意识到的是,他们在本质上承袭了科学实在论的现代主义的思维模式,这种承袭使它无法摆脱传统科学哲学的困境,其批判的结果是用社会实在论取代了自然/科学实在论,造成了批判者与批判对象的"两极相通"。  相似文献   

认为《研究生英语教学大纲》对英语写作的要求应在一定程度上高于《大学英语教学大纲》,并增强明确度,同时从教、学和测试角度讨论了写作中存在的主要问题,提出一些改进措施。  相似文献   

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