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An international consortium headed by CAS researchers has identified that the Chinese horseshoe bat is healthy carriers of a virus that is very closely related to those causing SARS(severe acute respiratory syndrome). Their work was reported online on Sept. 29 by the Science magazine. The finding supports an independent study with similar results by Hong Kong scientists,which is reported by the Sept. 27issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

On the morni of May 3 2003 Chinese Academy of Militaryng of May 32045.403, Chinese A[(c)0(a)]demy ofM[i0l0i0tary Medical Scienc0esand CAS donated 300 thousand testkits for SARS virus, which is basedonE-136.4L]ISA (Enzyme-Lin-136.4kedImmunosorbant Assay technique,to the Na[tional H[ead)(quarters forPrevention and Control of the Se-vere Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS). These r[eagents will be sentto the front-l)i]ne against SARS in notime and will provide a powerf]ul too]lto dia…  相似文献   

AlthoughsouthwesternChinas Yunnan Provinceis free of SARS, the CASKunming Branch, which is based onthe provinces capital, will join thenational efforts on SARS co45.4ntrol.Each insti45.5tute of the Branch en-joys its own advantage in SARSresearch, notes Hao Xiaojiang, di-rector of CAS Kunming Institute ofBotan-181.8yKIB. The CASXishuangbanna Tropic0al Botani[calGarden, for instance, has a largevariety of plant species, which couldserve as source of medication. TheCAS Kunming …  相似文献   

正Chinese scientists have recently exploited a new strategy to enhance peptides’ activity against Gram-negative bacteria effectively by conjugating the peptides onto a rod-like virus.The work,published online inNano Letters,was directed by Prof.NIU Zhongwei and Associate Prof.TIAN Ye from the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).  相似文献   

In cooperation with collea]gesfrom other labs, researchers ofthe CAS Shanghai Institutes ofMateria MedicaSIMMand theCAS Insti0tute of Biochemistry andCell Biol[(o)(gy\()IBCB) have madeprogress] in gene cloning], proteinexpression, structural analysis, anddrug design in regard to SARS virus.This was announced May by PeiGang, dire0(c)]tor of the CAS Sha[(n)(g)]-hai Insti0t]utes for Biol[(o)(g)]i[(cal Scien[(c)0(e)]s,parent nstit]u[(tion of the twoinstitutes.The scienti]sts have ful…  相似文献   

探讨在软件层面将电子阅览室中每台计算机的IP地址与MAC地址绑定,从根源上防御ARP病毒攻击的方法.  相似文献   

Traditionally regarded as merely padding and supportive, glia, small cells that dramatically outnumber their larger neighbors, neurons, may play an essential role in information processing in the brain.  相似文献   

笔者在《发明与革新》2000年第2期上发表了一篇题为“21世纪的发明方向”的论文,共提出了47项应当超前发明的立项思路。就在预测和抵御自然灾害这一栏中的第10项,提出了发明研制“能够最有效预防治疗死亡率高、比较强烈的传染病的方法和药品”。这从今春流行的“SARS”疫情和我们进行防治的实践证明:以上的超前发明的思路既非杞人忧天,更非痴人说梦,而是极端重要、完全必要的。SARS的出现及危害向人类提出了什么警示和有价值的启示呢?笔者认为SARS给人类最有价值的启示首先是:它以振聋发聩的强烈震撼激发起人们深谋远虑的忧患意识和空…  相似文献   

1.SARS中国传播链祸始广东——广东是SARS病症的原爆点 2003年1月2日,广东医学院第一附属医院接受了一名来自河源市的奇怪的肺炎病人;持续高热、干咳,X光透视呈现阴影占据整个肺部,使用各种抗生素无效。而且,在河源当地医院救治过该病人的8名医务人员,全部被感染发病,病症与病人相同。  相似文献   

A group of Chinese and American dinosaur experts has recently found the most basal known neoceratopsians, a major branch of horned dinosaur, from China's northeastern province of Liaoning, thus revealing some inter esting scenario of this attractive lineage' s misty early evolution.  相似文献   

中国信息主管(CIO)组织构架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宗凯  刘可 《情报杂志》2001,20(3):63-64
勾画了成立我国CIO组织的必要性、组织的宗旨、组织结构、面临的任务等,主要目的是为了推动CIO在我国企业和政府机构里尽快成熟起来,以此来促进生产力的发展,并导致生产关系为适应生产力的发展得到进一步的改善。  相似文献   

中国古代经典著作《墨经》记载了我国著名的思想家墨子讲述的8条光学原理,其中有一条是针孔投影成像原理,这就是发明照相机的原理。墨子研究光学原理,比外国人公认的光学鼻祖欧几里德早了100多年。我国另一部经典名著《史记》,记载了墨子如何进行针孔投影成像的故事:齐国国王由于最心爱的王妃病故而忧心如焚、相思成疾,终日茶饭不思,昏昏欲睡,不理朝政。墨子便在一间黑暗的屋子里挂起一幅宽大的黑色幕布,在幕布的中间穿了一个小孔,仿照王妃生前的形象,剪了一个纸人,利用光线的反射作用,通过针孔,将纸人形象送进帷幕后面的…  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金投入与论著产出的初步分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高体玙 《科研管理》1999,20(6):67-70
本对国家自然科学基金委员会1991年-1996年面上项目成果统计内容里的项目完成论情况进行的统计分析,得出了国家自然科学基金1991-1996年度的投入和项目论攻数目的增长趋势;并根据一元线性回归方法对国家自然科学基金的投入分别与各种类型论的情况进行了分析,初步探讨了国家自然科学基金投入的才长与项目论产出的关系。  相似文献   

<正>Prunus persica(peach)is an economically important deciduous tree in the Rosaceae family that produces20 million tons of fruit per year.China has a long history of peach cultivation known from both historical and archaeological evidences.So far.the oldest evidence for the  相似文献   

Through a comprehensive analysis, researchers from the CAS Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) discovered an ozone minihole, a large area with the lowest total ozone column (TOC, see figure), over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from Dec. 14 to 17, 2003.  相似文献   

"SARS事件"对科技管理的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“SARS事件”是一场战争,是人类与病毒进行的一场战争;“SARS事件”又是一座学校,人们可以从中获得无比丰富、深刻的教育。本文从科技管理这个侧面,看看“SARS事件”对我们的启示。  相似文献   

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