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CAS-Samsung Display Forumwas held on August 21 and22 in Beijing. The meetingwas chaired by CAS Assistant Presi-dent Cao Jianlin, and attended bymore than 100 researchers from theCAS Changchun Institute of Optics,Fine Mechanics and Physics(CIOFMP), the CAS Institute ofSemiconductors, the CAS Instituteof Chemistry and the Samsung Ad-vanced Institute of Technology (SAIT).The forum is significant in pro-moting multi-disciplinary and multi-level cooperation between the twosides, …  相似文献   

In light of the concept that scientific knowledge should serve humanity, CAS is open to the whole world and will further cooperate with the European Union in various fields, asserts CAS President Lu Yongxiang.  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiangmet on March 25 in Beijingwith a delegation from theRussian Academy of Sciences(RAS). The delegation, which washeaded by RAS Vice President N.A. Plate, came to participate in theacademic activities dedicated to the10th Anniversary of CAS-RAScooperation. Lu swapped ideas onfurther cooperation and exchangeswith his Russian counterpart.CAS and RAS signed an agree-ment on S&T cooperation on De-cember 18, 1992 in Beijing.Since then encouraging progresshas b…  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiangand Mayor of Shanghai HanZheng attended the signingceremony for the agreement of S&Tcooperation between CAS andShanghai Municipality and thenameplate-unveiling ceremony ofShanghai Engineering Center forSmall Satellites on Sept. 15 inShanghai. The move marked a fur-ther step forward in collaborationbetween the two sides.The document sets new objec-tives for multi-directional, multi-level CAS-Shanghai cooperation.The two sides agreed to join in pro-moting the…  相似文献   

According to a briefing issued by the CAS Bureau of In ternational Cooperation on May 8, 2004, CAS and the Max Planck Society (MPS) in Germany are considering to establish a multidisciplinary institute in Shanghai to conduct research into computational biology. The move is applauded as a fresh step in promoting Sino-German S&T cooperation.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of CAS and the US Department of Energy (DOE), a Workshop on Future PRC-US Cooperation in High Energy Physics was held from June 11 to 16 at the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing.  相似文献   

Since 1998 when the Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) was launched, the rapid development of CAS has offered great opportunities to forge international cooperation. Focusing on capacity building to effectively absorb global innovation resources and through organizing major innovative activities, CAS has increasingly expanded and intensified international partnerships. As a result, a batch of key projects has been developed, CAS scientists have taken posts in international organizations, and important international conferences have convened in China. Meanwhile, CAS has made breakthroughs in terms of international exchanges and collaborations, with significant impacts on the international scientific community.  相似文献   

In the next 20 years, collaboration between the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (MPS) will meet with great strategic opportunities. We should seek the chance to innovatively improve our cooperation. This could include further improvement of the mechanisms,expansion of areas, actively seeking new patterns, and strengthening our research on science and technology foresight.  相似文献   

To enhance the communication and cooperation between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the European Union, a special information seminar themed "Research and Innovate with Europe" was held on March 26 at the CAS Academic Hall in Beijing, bringing together a group of 19 science diplomats from European embassies to China, headed by Science Counselor of EU Delegation to China and Mongolia Dr. Philippe Vialatte, and some 200 officials and researchers from CAS.  相似文献   

院地合作是中国科学院与大学、企业、地方政府等各单元联合合作,共同推进国家创新建设和提高自主创新能力的一项重大举措。本文认为,新时期,中国科学院应该加强院地合作工作四方面的认识,即科技需求的战略性、资源布局的区域性、功能目标的引导性、运行机制的系统性。在这种认识下,提出院地合作当前或未来面临的四项重点工作和四种能力建设,且基于实践工作,建议成立院地合作研究中心与工作网络;建立全方位、多层次和多领域的交流平台;不断完善相关管理制度。  相似文献   

The cooperation between Zhao Jingtai and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids was initiated immediately after the research field Inorganic Chemistry (headed by Rüdiger Kniep) started its work in Dresden. The first contact was established when Zhao Jingtai came from the Xiamen University as a Max Planck fellow. At that time, the chemistry of the intermetallic compounds of rare-earth metals was chosen as a topic of joint investigations with Yuri Grin. Later, the solid state chemistry of the borophosphates was added to the program of concerted research in the group of Zhao Jingtai and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids.  相似文献   

岩本爱吉(Aikichi IWAMOTO)教授,日本籍,自1994年起在东京大学医科学研究所任教授,在内科感染症和微生物学的领域一直从事基础研究和临床研究,取得了一系列以HIV感染症为主的研究成果。岩本教授目前是日本厚生劳动省艾滋病动向委员会委员长以及国际艾滋病学会亚太地区代表.并曾担任日本东京大学医科学研究所附属医院院长及日本艾滋病学会理事长。  相似文献   

On 14 January, 2009, CAS honored three foreign scientists for their lasting and fruitful contributions to the collaboration between CAS and the world: Akito Arima, president of the Japan Science Foundation, Yuen-Ron Shen, professor of physics with the University of California at Berkley, and Michel Che, catalyst expert and chair professor at Universite Pierre et Marie Curie. Their association with the Chinese scientific community can be dated back to some three decades ago.  相似文献   

正The 2017 CAS Award for International Scientific Cooperation went to three scientists based in Europe or the United States:experimental physicist David Neely from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,UK;marine chemist Peter G.Brewer from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute,US;and condensed matter physicist Yimei Zhu from the  相似文献   

With CAS President BAI Chunli’s taking office as the President of the academy of sciences for the developing world (TWAS) on January 1, 2013, CAS is planning a set of new drives to boost its collaboration with developing nations, which include the launch of  相似文献   

Since its establishment more than 50 years ago, the Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASAD) has given much important advice concerning national socioeconomic development, security and S&T progress, by giving full play to China's outstanding scientists and pooling the collective wisdom of CAS Members. These suggestions have laid a solid S&T foundation for government policy-making on major issues.  相似文献   

The year 2002 witnessed thetenth year of S&T coopera-tion between CAS and theRussian Academy of Sciences(RAS).Led by RAS President Prof. Yu.Osipov, on December 18, 1992, adelegation of Russian scientists vis-ited China and concluded a proto-col for S&T cooperation betweenthe two academies. Since then, thesucceeding decade saw a mountingmomentum of diverse and frequentexchanges between the two sides.In 2002, for example, CAS sentmore than 600 scientists to Russia,a record number for …  相似文献   

On 12 April, CAS and BHP-Billiton, a Melbourne-based company of diversified resources, held a special workshop on cooperation in Beijing. CAS Vice President LI  相似文献   

<正>Three foreign scientists received the 2018 International Scientific Cooperation Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on Jan 17 for their contribution to China’s scientific development.The winners are Singaporean fracture mechanics expert Shih Choon Fong, Norwegian ecologist Nils Stenseth and Japanese climatologist Toshio Koike. Their certificates and medals were presented by BAI Chunli, President of the academy, in a ceremony in Beijing.  相似文献   

During a workshop convened on June 7, 2012 in Beijing, CAS President BAI Chunli conferred the first CAS International Cooperation Award for Young Scientists on five visiting young foreign scientists and  相似文献   

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