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Under the joint auspices ofthe International Union ofPure and Applied Chemis-try (IUPAC), China Association forScience and Technology, CAS, Na-tional Natural Science Foundation ofChina, Ministry of the Science andTechnology, Ministry of Education,and China Petroleum & ChemicalCorporation, the Chinese ChemicalSociety (CCS) will organize the 40thIUPAC Congress from August 14 19, 2005, in Beijing. The meetingwill be held in conjunction with the43rd IUPAC General Assembly fromA…  相似文献   

A large metallogenic belt ofwitherite deposits has beendiscovered in centralChinas South Qinling Range. Thiswas released by Lu Zhicheng, apostdoctoral scholar at the CAS In-stitute of Geochemistry (IOG) inGuiyang, the capital of southwestChinas Guizhou Province.For the first time in China, Dr.Lu discovered bio-barite, which isdirect evidence for the genesis of re-gional mineral deposits. The discov-ery has been confirmed by a panelof experts, and scientists believe thedeposit could be …  相似文献   

<正>Researchers from the Kunming Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences and their collaborators have recently discovered a new species of rain-pool frog from specimens collected from Ban Tha Khanun,Thong Pha Phum District,Kanchanaburi Province,Thailand,and named it as Fejervarya muangkanensis sp.nov.According to the American Museum of Natural  相似文献   

A research project to probeclose binary stars was ac-cepted on May 8 by anevaluation panel under the sponsor-ship of the CAS Kunming Branch insouthwest Chinas Yunnan Province.A sky-watching project, underthe title of An Observational Studyon Special Physical Processes Tak-ing Place in Close Binary Stars, wasinitiated and completed by a re-search team with Prof. QianShengbang as its head at YunnanObservatory, a research affiliate ofthe National Astronomical Observa-tories of CAS.Bin…  相似文献   

An international team has found the first in situ evidence for the existance of a null point in the central area of magnetic reconnection. The discovery was reported in the July issue of Nature Physics.  相似文献   

正Chronic hepatitis B virus infection plays a central role in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).It is of great scientific significance and application value to prevent HCC transforming from chronic hepatitis B.Prof.MENG Songdong's research group at the Institute of Microbiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

After nearly two decades ofarduous work, CAS scien-tists have achieved remark-able progress in probing debris flowsin Jiuzhaigou, a well-known touristattraction in northwest SichuanProvince.At an appraisal meeting held re-cently in Chengdu, a project entitledA Comprehensive Research of De-bris Flow Hazards in Jiuzhaigou,was spoken highly of by a panel ofexperts for the fresh findings fromthe projects long-time exploration.The progress is the result of ex-plorative efforts for 18 consecuti…  相似文献   

With the support of the National Program on Key Basic Research Projects (dubbed the "973Program"), researchers from the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) have developed the first high-power Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator in China.  相似文献   

<正>Two physicists from CAS have received the 2015 Bernd T.Matthias Prize for Superconducting Materials,one of the highest international prizes awarded for innovative contributions to the field.CHEN Xianhui from the University of Science and Technology of China and ZHAO Zhongxian from the Institute of Physics received their certificates of honor  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiangmet on March 25 in Beijingwith a delegation from theRussian Academy of Sciences(RAS). The delegation, which washeaded by RAS Vice President N.A. Plate, came to participate in theacademic activities dedicated to the10th Anniversary of CAS-RAScooperation. Lu swapped ideas onfurther cooperation and exchangeswith his Russian counterpart.CAS and RAS signed an agree-ment on S&T cooperation on De-cember 18, 1992 in Beijing.Since then encouraging progresshas b…  相似文献   

<正>Using high-quality Hα observations from the New Vacuum Solar Telescope(NVST), Dr. LI Ting from the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(NAOC) and partners first report apparent fan-shaped jets generated during the interaction between primary fan-shaped jets and nearby facula magnetic structure.  相似文献   

Rice Genome Project for Oryza sativa L. Ssp. Indica After 17-month hard work, the scientists of the CAS Beijing Genomics Institute accomplished the draft sequence of the rice genome for Oryza sativa L. Ssp. Indica in October, 2001, and the data were unconditionally shared by the whole world. About 270,000 people had visited Chinese rice genome website by May 2003.  相似文献   

Arecent study conducted by researchers from Hong Kong and CAS scientists has uncovered the secret of sperm maturation.  相似文献   

Article I These regulations are made in accordance with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) "Package Program for Talent Training & Recruitment" and "Guidelines of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the Implementation of the Program for Attracting Overseas Scientists and Experts and Cultivating Talent through International Exchange", to guide the implementation of the "CAS Visiting Professorships for Senior International Scientists" (hereinafter referred to as the "Visiting Professorships Program").  相似文献   

As a sub-component of Re-versing Environmental Deg-radation Trends in the SouthChina Sea and Gulf of Thailand, aproject commissioned by theUNEP and Global EnvironmentalFacility (GEF), CAS researchershave been conducting fruitful re-search on seagrass in the coastalareas of south China.Starting from January 2002, aresearch team, headed by Prof.Huang Xiaoping with the CAS SouthChina Institute of Oceanography,has made efforts to map and studyseagrass meadows in the coastal ar-eas in …  相似文献   

A Precursory Study on Hydrocarbon Re-exploration The flagship oilfields in east China used to play a role of main forces in sustaining the development of the national economy. By now,however, they have entered their waning period after more than four decades of intensive exploitation.  相似文献   

Atomistic Study of Surface Kinetics in Growth of Nanostructures and Thin Films With further functionality diversity and size miniaturization of optoelectronic devices, surface-based nanostructures and thin films with reduced dimensionalities have attracted much attention, by which some new-concept devices with novel functionality may be developed. Atomic-level understanding of surface dynamics at the initial stage of growthis of vital importance for controlling the formation and properties of these structures and thus the functionality of the devices made from them.  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese Academy of Sciences announced on January 19 that three scientists and four research groups had won its Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize for 2014.Archeologist XU Xing from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,materials scientist JIANG Lei from the Institute of Chemistry,and virologist  相似文献   

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