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A panel of CAS Academic Di-visions (CASAD) hasdrafted a report on the mid-and long-term S&T strategy plan forenergy development in China. OnSept. 4 a meeting was held to solicitcomments.Along with the rapid increase inenergy demand in China, says thedraft report, the energy shortage andenvironment problems have becomebottlenecks for social and economicdevelopment. To overcome the dif-ficulties and provide secure supportfor the drive to build a well-offsociety, scientists suggest, the gov…  相似文献   

A panel of CAS Academic Di-visions (CASAD) held itsfirst conference May 7 todiscuss the overall consultation onthe mid- and long-term national planof S&T development in China.Present at the meeting were adozen of CAS members, includingZhao Zhongxian, chairman of thepanel and director of the CASADWorking Committee on Consultationand Evaluation (WCCE), and SunHonglie, vice chairman of the paneland vice director of WCCE. CASVice Secretary-general Shen Baogenalso attended the meet…  相似文献   

The Executive Committee of the CAS Presidiumsets the consultative work on the State long- andmedium-term S&T development plan the top pri-ority for the CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD) in thecoming two years. This was announced at the secondsession of the fourth CAS presidium executive commit-tee convened on June 10 in Beijing.Chinas national long- and medium-term S&T de-velopment plan is an all-inclusive deployment documentfor S&T activities in the next 15 20 years in China.It addr…  相似文献   

The CAS Academic Divisions(DASAD)is established on June 1.1955, At present.it has six divisions of mathematies&physics, chemistry. lif sciences&medical sciences.earth sciences, information sciences and technical sciences.In 1984, the State council defined its principal function in clear terms.i.e.  相似文献   

Thanks to their decades of painstaking efforts, Chinese S&T historians recently saw two book series on ancient Chinese history of science and technology and astronomy in print.  相似文献   

Strategic planning for national and CAS mid- and long-term S&T development should avoid giving equal attention to every aspect of an issue, which can only lead to incremental progress. Instead, importance should be attached to priorities that will result in scientific, technical and engineering breakthroughs, said CAS President Lu Yongxiang, who is also vice-chairman of the national legislature, NPC. Lu told a senior forum on CAS  相似文献   

Under the sponsorship of CAS,a travelling exhibition themed"Innovation Driving Development and S&T Leading the Future—the 2013 Chinese Academy of Sciences Exhibition on Science and Technology Innovation"was inaugurated at the China S&T Museum on July 23.Aiming at promote scientific outreach across China,the exhibition is a demonstration of the Academy’s latest and most remarkable achievements in fundamental research,national scientific missions and technology transfer.It includes the discovery of a third neutrino oscillation mode at Daya Bay,the observation of the quantum anomalous  相似文献   

The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) recently issued rules for standardizing appraisals for government-sponsored S&T projects.MOST spokesman Shi Dinghuan said that the rules were  相似文献   

On March 20 and 21, the CAS Conference on Hu- man Resources Develop-mentwas held inBeijing. This is thefirst such meeting ever convened inthe 50 year history of CAS. With the major objective ofcomprehensivelyreviewinghistori-cal experienceandarrangingforthefuture in terms of the developmentof talented people, the conferenceis a follow-up to a national confer-ence on human resources develop-ment hosted by the State Council. Itwas preceded by the CAS 2004annualworkconfe…  相似文献   

To upgrade the registrationsystem in the management ofthe findings and results de-rived from national S&T programsand to streamline the public an-nouncement system for S&Tfindings, the Chinese Ministry ofScience and Technology (MOST)recently published the Interim Regu-lations on Strengthening the Man-agement of the Results of NationalS&T Programs.The Regulations clearly definethe responsibilities and obligations ofdifferent parties in managing S&Tresults produced by the nationalS&T p…  相似文献   

The new modern library of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), situated in the central area of Science Town in Zhongguancun, Beijing, has just been put into operation. As the largest specialized library in China, the library has become one of paradises for China' s avid readers,offering a central repository and global gateway for the collection and dissemination of scientific and technical information.  相似文献   

1. Basic Research Basic research has always been one of the major tasks of CAS. Over the more than 50 years since its founding, CAS has gradually branched out to cover many fundamental fields of the natural sciences, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics,astronomy, space science, life science, geoscience and environmental science - with nearly 10,000 research professionals and 117 open laboratories (including 50 key State laboratories). At present, there are 29 research institutes (including observatories) covering such fields as physical science, mathematics, mechanics and astronomy; with 31 open laboratories (nine key State laboratories, four State laboratories and 18 CAS open laboratories).  相似文献   

This article gives an introductory account on the development of research facilities at the CAS over the past six years since the initiation of the Knowledge Innovation Program in 1998 and during the period of the national 10th Five-year Plan in particular. In addition, it expounds the key points for the future work at the CAS in this regard.  相似文献   

Prof. YANG Xueming with the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences was granted the Humboldt Research Award by the Humboldt Foundation of Germany in May 2011 for his outstanding achievements in the study of chemical kinetics. For more than twenty years, YANG has used self-designed facilities to conduct a systemic experimental  相似文献   

A new comprehensive re- search ship of CAS was launched on Feb. 2 at the Wuchuan Shipyard in Wuhan, capi- tal of central China’s Hubei Province. CAS Vice President LI Jiayang and Vice President of the National Natural Science Founda- tion of China ZHU Zu…  相似文献   

The massive anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have caused rapid global warming, frequent extreme events and sea level rise, exerting severe impacts on the global ecological system, human life and social development.  相似文献   

A report entitled"Vision 2020:The Emerging Trends in Science and Technology and Strategic Options in China"published by CAS in June anticipated a total of 22 major scientific events to happen in the world and 19 in China in the next five to ten years.By analyzing ten fields most likely to see milestone achievements in the near future,the report predicted that quantum information technology will soon lead the revolution  相似文献   

<正>A Memorandum of Understanding(Mo U)was signed between the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and the Thailand Research Fund(TRF)in Bangkok early this year to boost partnership on communication satellites,alternative energy,railroad development and biodiversity between the two nations.According to the Mo U,cooperation will be carried out through joint research and personnel exchange,both short  相似文献   

Facing the outbreak of severeacute respiratory syndrome(SARS) in some regions ofChina, the Chinese governmentlooks to science and technology forcombating the killer virus. CAS,which is eager to meet the emergentneeds of the country, has placed sci-entific research for SARS control asits priority. A CAS leading group forSARS control was established inmid-April with President Lu Yongxiangas its head and vice presidents ChenZhu and Yang Bailing as its vice leaders.During an inspection …  相似文献   

After nearly two decades ofarduous work, CAS scien-tists have achieved remark-able progress in probing debris flowsin Jiuzhaigou, a well-known touristattraction in northwest SichuanProvince.At an appraisal meeting held re-cently in Chengdu, a project entitledA Comprehensive Research of De-bris Flow Hazards in Jiuzhaigou,was spoken highly of by a panel ofexperts for the fresh findings fromthe projects long-time exploration.The progress is the result of ex-plorative efforts for 18 consecuti…  相似文献   

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