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在下面句子中,dead并无“死”的含义: 1.Myfin罗re are dead.我的手指都麻木了。 2·He 15 a dead shot(eye).他是一个神枪手。 3·You are dead right.你完全是对的。 4 .After ad叮of working,I’m dead.工作了一天,我疲劳极了。 5.The bus eame to a dead stop.汽车蓦地刹住了。 6.He stopped me dead.他突然拦住了我。 7.He 15 a man dead to shame.他是一个恬不知耻的人。必 袱娜骼{氛不表示“死”的dead@马战军$正定三中英语组~~…  相似文献   

I,·截粼汇检测护A)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,拼写单词。·rightWhoThe,。that_(妇女)?~。ver there ismy一—(爸爸).rightThatAll]B.That’5 all rightD.You’re welcoroe A.C口U划5.一Whonot here?一sit d0Wn,pl~.一一一(多谢).愁15 Jim.,且,‘内」15;thinkB.D4·I而nkh户15。_(学生).5.That’5 a niee_(画图)·6.n,e w0Inan 15 a teacher.H na幻。e 15 C通0 Hui.7.阮刃,I_know his nalne·8.飞11at刃口an 15 herb9.一Howo一一一一15 the boy? 一He 15 seven.10.Ann 15 not heretB)根据句意,用句子中划线部分单词的对应形…  相似文献   

VOP 《同学》2005,(12)
1·haVe a Whale Of a time·玩得非常痛快:过得非常愉 快。 2·a whale of a viCtory.巨大的胜利。 3·a IIOn of a man.非常勇敢的人。 4·a Iafnb of a temPer.羔羊般的柔顺。 5·a 11川e shrimP of a fellow一个小得像虾米似的人。 6·an Od曲queer fish·古怪的人.难以理解的人。 7.a big fish(In a Iitt!e)Pound.(小地方或小范围内 的)大人物。 8.at a snail‘5 Paee.极慢的。 9.a Snake in the grass.伪装成朋友的人;阴险的人。 10·a(Case Of)dog eat dog,残酷的竞争;自相残杀。 11、dressed like a dog‘5 dinner.穿着十分…  相似文献   

Motto(箴言真谛)“When Gulliver went back to England,he felt strange there.He believed that all people were bad,and that only the horses were good.”(格利佛回到英国时,觉得那里很陌生。格利佛认为所有的人都很坏,只有马才是好的。)Questions(边想边读)·Do you want to travel around the world?·How many trips did Gulliver take?·What kind of strange people did he meet in his journeys?Reading(阅读欣赏)Gulliver was a doctor in England about300years ago.He took atrip on a ship to an island far away.But…  相似文献   

1.词语运用(每小题1分,共巧分) l)根据句意和首字母写出相应的单词 1 .He wasu eXS幻0. 2.Wee _beeause he didn’t pass the ourselves very mueli at the evening Party· 3 .China’5 firsta一Yang Uwei was eonfirmed to remain in good health aftera 21一hour印aee travel· 4.His eo而ng 15 as一to all of us. 5 .He feel。quitel—sometimes beeause he 15 a newcomer to the sehool. 6.What do you usually do in yourl— Ume? 7.He works ha记.He 15 am一studentto his elass们。ates. 8.He 15 a kind man and he oftens一h…  相似文献   

WALTER Elias DISNEY was regarded as one of the most famous business hero in USA.He was the founder of Disney World and Disneyland. He is deeply rooted in American culture. 沃尔特·伊莱亚斯·迪斯尼在  相似文献   

1.单句理解。选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相 近的选项。(5分) 1 .A.Her radio has stopPed working. B .Someone has turned down her radio. C .Someone has turned off her radio. 2 .A.The weather 15 ve叮niee. B .1 had a good holiday· C .1 ean hear you elearly. 3 .A.The old man lives in a house with three big rooms. B .He has a house and in the house there are three big rooms· C .He sold a house with three big rooms. 4.A.He had tea in the garden and then in the house. B .He didn,t have tea in…  相似文献   

1.词汇。(15分) A)用句中画线部分的同音词填空。 l·里丛些15 my new hat?1 wani to it_. 2.1 want to get_kilos Of meat丛supper· 3·坐,1 don,t_her name. 4.He,5 going to_some food址bike. 5,It isn,t少色.Please_it again. B)根据句意及所给首字母,完成下列单词。 6.T卜ursday comes afterw_. 7 .The eoat 15 not eheap.It,se_· 8 .You eanb叮vegetables in the vegetablem_. 9·Sunday 15 ourh_· 10.There are sevend即5 in aw_. 1 1.There are a lot Of forei,people here.They eome from different竺一一一一. 12.our mo…  相似文献   

1·B.2·D.3·D.4·B.5·B.6·A.7·C.8·B.9·1.10·52.11·3y或6x.12·bb+-aa.13·M=N.14·100,1n.15·2-1x.16·2(x+2),值为22+2.17·由1a+1b=a1+b,知(a+b)2=ab,而ab+ab=a2a+bb2=(a+b)ab2-2ab,所以原式=ab-ab2ab=-1.18·x=0.19·设去年水价为x元/m3,根据题意,得(1+3256%)x-1x8=6,解得x=1.8.20·(1)x1=c,x2=cm.(2)x1=a,x2=aa+-11.原方程可变为x+x2-1=a+a-21.故x-1=a-1,x1=a;或x-1=a-a1,所以x2=aa+-11上期《“分式”测试卷》参考答案…  相似文献   

犷一鹦州,熟|荔骼居 听力部分(20分)19.Mike and Jaek are American—·1.听录音.判断每组两个单词是否含有相同的音20.They,re__now. 素。若含有.在括号内写s,若不含有,在括号内写笔试部分(80分) D。(5分)第一部分(共40分) 1.()2.()3.()4.()1.单项选择。(15分) 5.()1 .one of the girls—eleaning the door·n.听对话,选择可以回答所提问题的正确答案。(5 A.am B.is 分)C .areD·can 6 .A.He 15 near the sehool.2.—Where 15 Mr Wu? B .He,5 at home.—in the elassroom. C .He,5 at sehool.A.He writes B.He write D .He’5 in…  相似文献   

.He〔)玉le,,saw 11 pir、g—(I)lay)I,asketbal]on*11e不)lay-91劝u Ild-lwe一一(1(,、〕k)〔)、,t。》f tlle window—_*卜le Yan只、_一(wat—Ye、,r},ev were.but(SeeSeVerl一1()tlling.last 111装ht了,︸,J4 .W川you l)lea、。—(say)it agai,1了5 .He、aid 11。,—(p:,efe,·)t蚤,ee(》urlrry一、,the eity.6 .W,·_(90)r()loed at nine、一’elo(·kt‘〕〔lay as usual.7.「l,e;、.a,1一..少1 ie)ont}一er,〕a〔1.}le wa*ba、lly hurt.8.从11e;,I、as 11a、ing breakfast一he doorbell一(ring).9 .My})r()thorF)i(Jke(1 up任…  相似文献   

译文擂台James Watt and the Kettle詹姆斯·瓦特James Watt was an English boy.He liked to ask questions and thinking hard.One day,when he was sittng in the kitchen with his grandmother,he saw a kettle on the fire.Soon steam  相似文献   

高等数学初等化问题,已成为高考数学试题发展的新趋势,它给师生带来了新的思维挑战.本文就这方面问题作如下归纳:计算条件初等化例1:若两个向量a!,b"的夹角为θ,则称向量“a!×b"”为“向量积”,其长度|a!×b"|=|a!|·|b"|·sinθ.今已知|a!|=1,|b"|=5,|a!×b"|=|a!|·|b"|·sinθ=3,则a!·b"=_____.解:由“向量积”的定义可知|a!×b"|=|a!|·|b|·sinθ=3,带入条件有sinθ=53,且θ∈[0,π],所以cosθ=±54.所以a!·b"=|a!|·|b"|·cosθ=±4.例2:若定义运算ca bd=ad-bc,则符合条件1-1Z Zi=4+2i的复数Z为().A.3…  相似文献   

“等等”的英语说法在英语口语里,常常会在句子的最后加上“等等”“就像……之类的”这样的话。它们在英语口语里面如同调料一样,有使会话气氛更自然的效果。·He works hard——does well on tests and everything. (他做事努力,功课又好.什么都好。) ·I bought a lot of vegetables;onions,carrots,tomatoes and stuff like that. (我买了很多的青菜。洋葱、胡萝卜、番茄等。) ·I slept in,watched TV,took a walk and things like that. (我赖床、看电视、散步等。) ·I want to hear your ideas and all that. (我想要听听你的想法等。)  相似文献   

Walt Disney(沃尔特·迪斯尼) was born in Chicago(芝加哥) in 1901.He enjoyed drawing.He was very poor.He drew pictures in his dad's garage(车库).One day a mouse came into the garage and played on the floor.Disney gave him some bread. Then the mouse came up and sat on his desk.In this way,the mouse and the poor artist became good friends.Later Disney went to Hollywood(好莱坞).He worked very hard,but he was not known(出名) to many people.  相似文献   

1 .CorreCt3 .He Knows the Answer飞aeher:Jlmmy,what are the three words which PuPIIs use most oft6n at SCh0OI?J immy:1 don,t know.〕飞己Cher:Cor阳ct.飞aeher:Can you tell me anything about the great seientists of the 18th Century7PuPil:Yes,51〔Ie日n.They are ail dead.很对他知道答亲教师:吉米,学生在学校里经常用的三个字是什么?吉米:不知道··一教师:很对。教师:你能告诉我一些有关于·八世纪的 伟大科学家的事情吗?学生:我能,先生。他们都死了。2 .Guessing a Riddle4 .Hen,5 Legs飞aeher:Boys,1 have a…  相似文献   

1·D.2·C.3·C.4·D.5·D.6·B.7·D.8·mx(m2+xy).9·42.10·3a-4.11·4、6、812·6.13·5500.14·M=ab2,N=a.15·xy(y-x)(y+x).16·(a-b+1)(a+b-1).17·x-512.18·x+522.19·能.(2n)2-(2n-2)2=(2n-2n+2)(2n+2n-2)=2(4n-2)=4(2n-1).20·9a2-4b2,56cm2.21·98和97岁;22和17岁;34和31岁;14岁和1岁.上期《“因式分解”测试卷》参考答案…  相似文献   

pHCyHKa一注Jlll KaPaH八a刀LIH H cTa刀H yceP八110 pHc0Ba仆·HeKOTOIx祀BpeM只y~nocMOTpeJIHa八仑叮H邓H八eJIIITo TOT HHqer6 He双如aeT. 一Tbl noqeM夕He PHe夕el肠?一cnlxx如yqnTe乃.A只y米色HaPHcoBaJI!一eKa滋卫八n姗H noKa劝卫cBO认pHCyHOK·BoHBec、~6州么rH 6bl卫HaPllc6BaH…段切b山6益c色Pbl白Me山6K!BCe 3aCMe月刀月CbПодáрок@陈红桃~~…  相似文献   

.单项选择。从A、B、C、O四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1 .Can”u tell me the answer_the question? A .of B.to C.about D./2·He hao two danghters.One 15 a soldier,_15 a worker· A .another B.a other C.the other D.others3._fine day it 15! A .How B.How a C.What D.取厂hata4.1’m hungry.1 want_. A.something eating B.something to eat C .eat something D.to eating something5 .There_a new film this evening. A.15 going to have B.15 going to be C.have D.has6.Why not_and have a look at …  相似文献   

二级1.听辨音标和单词A)选出与你听到的单词含有相同元音音素的一项。每小题只读一遍。1 bagZ五m3·睽te 4.dog 5.fish B)选出你听到的单词所代表的图片。每小题只读一遍。6 .train7·donk即8·skiing 9.toy 10.winterU.听辨句子听音,为你听到的答句找到适合的问句。每个句子只读一遍。11.It,5 black and wllite.12.She 15 an Enghsh teaeher玛.It’、windy today.14.1 often get uP ats议。’cloek·15.He 15 in a suPen力arket.111.对话理解根据你听到的对话内容判断图片正误,正确的写“T’’,错误的写‘,F’’。对话只读一遍。凡15…  相似文献   

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