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Follow Me     
What are you reading?An English novel.Re a ding A Bookhat’s the ame of it?It’s 〈Jane Eyre〉.Wow, it’s in English, is it hard to read? No reNo, it’s easy reading.双 语 木 屋 Joe: 你在看什么书呢? Kath: 一本英国小说。 Joe: 书名叫什么呀? Kath: 《简·爱》  相似文献   

1.[问]在“Who's that?”一句中,能将that改成he或she吗?这种句型常用于什么场合? [答]Who's that?中的that能否换成he或she需看具体情况。一般来说,在以下场合不可改用: ①当你向第三者打听或询问你不认识的另一个人时,通常要说Who's that?,回答时仍用that。如: ——Who's that?那是谁? ——That's my sister.那是我的姐姐。②当你听到有人敲门,问他是谁时要说Who'sthat?或Who's it?,回答时主语用it。如:  相似文献   

Joe loved golf, but his eyesight had become so bad that he couldn't find his ball once he had hit it. His wife recommended that Joe bring along her uncle Ted.Joe said, "But Ted is 80 years old and halfsenile!"  相似文献   

Joe,Mike,Betty在玩跳绳,他们边玩边聊,还唱着儿歌。我们都来学一学吧。Joe:Hi!What are you guys playing? Mike and Betty:Jumping rope.We swing this rope over our heads and then jump over it when it comes under our feet.  相似文献   

代词it看起来是个很简单的词,但在英语中的用法却有多种。为了便于同学们全面掌握it的用法,现将初中阶段所学it作如下归纳: 1.指代上文说过的事物时,常用it。例如: -What’s that? 那是什么? -It’s a computer 是台电脑。2.指代婴儿,常用it。例如: The baby cried all the time. It made meawake.那个孩子一直在哭,吵得我睡不着。  相似文献   

The Rescue     
Joe Langton worked at the Thorby paint factory,but he did not likehis job as an electrician.His main interest in life was playing and wat-ching football.On several occasions he had gone to watch a matchinstead ofgoing to work~2.He used to tell the manager that he hadbeen ill.The manager suspected that Joe was lying,as it was usuallya Saturday when Joe was ill.He threatened to dismiss him if he everdiscovered that he had been absent without a good reason.  相似文献   

Humor and Jokes     
1.O ne D ay O lder O nlySam:W hen is your birthday,Jim?Jim:O h,tom orrow is m y father’s birthdayand the day after tom orrow is m y birthday.Sam:I can’t believe it.Y our father isonly one day older than you.Tip:only adv.仅仅仅仅大一天萨姆:吉姆,你哪天过生日?吉姆:啊,明天是我爸爸的生日,后天是我的生日。萨姆:我不信你爸爸只大你一天。2.C lever H ensJoe:Jane,blackhens are cleverer thanwhite hens,aren’t they?Jane:H ow do youknow it,Joe?Joe:W ell,blackhens can lay white eggsbut white hens can…  相似文献   

同学们对this,that,it已有了初步了解。this,that既可以作形容词,又可以作指示代词;而it只能作代词。那这三者作代词时的具体区别是什么呢?请随我一同走近它们!指"物"1.this指近物,that指远物,it没有远近之分。如:  相似文献   

1.that way那个方向A:That car ran over the man. B:Where is it?What car? A:It ran that way!It's gone! B:Did you see its number? A:Yeah,the diver can’t get away with it. A:那辆车把那个人撞了。B:在哪儿?什么车? A:向那个方向开走了!它跑了! B:你看到车牌号了吗? A:是的,那司机跑不掉。  相似文献   

Dialogue 1"It is/was…that/who/whom…"这是一个很正式的强调句型,可以用来强调除了谓语外的其它成分。A:Who ate all the cookies? B:I think it was the dog that ate them.A:Are you sure? B:It’s possible.A:I think it was you that ate all the cookies,but you're trying to cover it up[隐瞒真相].  相似文献   

请看下列高考题: NMET2003第24题: -sorry,Joe,I didn’t mean to... -Don’t call me"Joe".I'm Mr.Parker to you,and___you forget it! A.do B.didn’t C.did D.don’t NMET1999第10题: -Alice,you feed the bird today____? But I fed it yesterday. A.do you B.will you C.didn’t you D.don't you 上述两题的答案是D、B。从形式上看,前者易误解为  相似文献   

高中英语(人教版)第一册(上)第8页的Warmup中出现了强调结构的句子:"What is it that Joe can 't find in the bathroom?"近年的高考题非常重视对强调结构的考查,因此,考生必须准确地掌握这个知识点。  相似文献   

1.Boys will be boys!理应如此!A:Do you know Robin failed in the final exam?B:Boys will be boys.He often played truant.2. Come off it!别胡诌了!A:Joe. Let me tell you something bad.B:What is it?A:There'll be an earthquake tonight.B:Come off it!3.Don't make a mess! 不要弄得一团糟!A:Mum, happy Mother's Day. You don't need to go  相似文献   

Emery: Tell me what? 告诉我什么?Princess Electra: About the magic inside you. About your ability to make your wheel chair be whatever you want it to be. As long as it has wheels, that is. 你内在的魔法。你能任意变化轮椅的法力,变成任意一种有轮子的的东西。Emery: Really? It did turn into a train a while back, but I thought that was Snowden's magic, not mine. 真的吗?刚刚它就变成了一辆火车,可是我以为是登变的, 不是我。  相似文献   

问答对What’s this/that?为什么要用It is…来回答?而回答Who‘s this/that?却用This is…/That is…呢? 一般来说,如果特殊疑问句中的this/that指的是物,那么答语中用it代替this/that;但是当问句中的this/that指人时,答语中则用this/that,而不用it。书中What’s this/that?中的this/that指的是物,所以答语用It is…;而Who’s this/that?中的this/that指的是人,因此用This is…或That is…回答。  相似文献   

A Fashion Show     
Story: The yearly fashion show day.The children take turns to walk on the stage and show the class their favorite clothes.Now it’s Joe’s and Phoebe’s turn.Joe walks on the stage and says,“My shorts are blue.Do you like my blue shorts?”On the other side of the stage, Phoebe is wearing her favorite pink skirt.“My skirt is pink.Do you like my pink skirt?”asks  相似文献   

Chemistry teacher: What is water?Dirty-looking child: A col-orless liquid that turns black as soon as I put my hands in it!化学老师:什么是水?一个脏孩子:水是一种无色的、当我把手一放进去就马上变黑的液体。什么是水@小刀  相似文献   

Chip:I don't have a shirt to wear!Where's Mom?Joe:She's making our lunches.Chip:What about Dad?Joe:He's fixing breakfast.Chip:Well,what about Trevor?He knows how to inron!Joe:He's taking a shower.Chip:Where's Patrick?  相似文献   

1 .If you droP a yellow hat in the Red Sea,what does it beeome?如果你不小心把黄帽子丢到红海单,会变成什么样? 2.What ean you Put in a wood box that will make it lighter?往木箱子上加入什么东西能使它变轻? 3 .The more you feed it,the more it grows high.But if you give itwater it .shal!quiekly die .What 15 it?什么东西你越不管它长得就越快,下,,你浇水时它立刻就消失r? 4.What goes uP but never goes down?了f么东一街只增加不减少? ’e6它JnoA’夕’eJ!」.C’。IoHV‘己’laMa山ooa日’‘:孝最IQ急转弯@林胜…  相似文献   

学生:The good news is that my math teacher said that I was hard working.这句话中news是复 数形式,为什么be动词要用is? E老师:这个问题的关键是news这个词是以s结尾的名词,意义上是一个不可数名词。所以 不能有a news,two news的说法,正确的表达方式是a piece of news,two pieces of news。本句的主语是the good news,由于中心词news不可数,所以谓语动词要用is。 学生:Tom borrowed my book and did not return it back.这句话的错误出在什么地方?  相似文献   

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